
Monday, May 30, 2005

Galfren's big fat wedding day!

Monday, May 30th, 2005
woke up in major panic at 6.30am. I am sooooo late. fk. No time to do makeup and shit. guess i ‘ll ve to do it within the 20mins ride. its soooo gonna streak and the freaking brushes are all falling apart.
am suppose to hit pam’s place by 7.30am before the groom reaches her place. I’ll be damn if i’m stuck outside the gate with the guys! I will be the loser bridesmaid in history to be bargaining outside the gate!!!No way!!!!

Phew! Made it in time though half an hour later than intended!! The other 2 gals had allready come up with some tekan plans but we thot it wasnt good enuff.

Forgot to bring the wax strips and the boys are soooo lucky esp CK. He shld be thankful that i woke up late or this will be the most painful best man job he ever volunteered for!! heh.

The boys looked really good in their suit and all. Yummy! haaa haaaa. However, It wasnt much fun since they had an old grouchy witch with them to nag us gals abt auspicious time blah blah. the gals just ignored her till she was almost spattin in our face. basically the old witch was a kill joy with her bunch of nagging and blah blah blah. though try as we might to pretend we couldnt understd her bunch of dialect and we could almost see the steam and smoke out of her flaring nostrils. The bridesmaids didnt wanna play anymore and just let the grooom thru. I dun understd, if the guys wanna play the crash the gate thingie, then why hide behind the old foggies and make it so difficult. I mean who wants to sttart swearing rite?

While waiting for the old witch to settle her mei po shit, the gals sat ard and bitch abt Shan the Tantrum Boy in Eyes for a Guy2. Everyone there absolutely hated that piece of shit and gearing for Bad Wolf! Yeah!

Ck asked me how come we were so mild and i asked him if he would have any mood to play on in our shoes. He agreed that it was pretty much a cold bucket of water with the old lady ard. If she wasnt that old, i prob would have told her to fk off and leave us to have fun on this happy day but being nice ms sweetie with an image to maintain in front of all the big wise old folks…. Plus the couple dun even care abt time! Then again, it aint my wedding to tell her off. So be it lor but it sure was the lowest price i ever had in history!!! felt like smacking the guys when they arrogantly gloat sooooo easy! bastard ;p

After all the mumbo jumbo, we move on to the groom’s place and then to pierce reservoirfor group pixs. Ck was sweet enuff to get us bridemaids drinks from the house and obviously that created major hell from the rest of the best man.

The weather didnt really hold and it started to drizzle. So we moved back earlier to their new love nest. The bridal car driver is completely clueless abt roads man!! Imagine 5 cars trailing behind like idiots and frustrated. At one point, Mag was like screaming "Come on woman! My petrol not cheap k!" all the gals burst out laughing and looked arrd for traces of the best men cars.

At some point, Mag asked me," is there a rule that says we cannot overtake the bridal car?" "I dun think so. The last time i sped offf ahead the bridal car as well. but i dun think the boys esp Mr BMW gonna be pleased. ha!"  Mag gave me an evil smile and step on the accelarator and overtook the cars. Next thing we knew, all the best men overtook the bridal cars as well and Mr BMW was next to us in a flash. ha! MAN! Things got more interesting coz the bridal car driver apparently sped up as well. It was hilarious.

We reach the house earlier than scheduled. the buffet was late and so we gals had to hide in the room with the bride while the rest of the old folks miggle loudly in the living room. It was good chance for us to catch up abt the last 12 years and silly things we did in school back then.

Ck barged into the gals talk and we started hounding him for grooms deeep dark secret that Pam shld know abt it. And just when i was getting thru to CK and Lewis, the groom walked in distributing the thank you red packets to seal their lips!! arrgghhh!!! Still, I was relentless with ck and pestered him till he finally concede with one secret. haa haa.

the couple left shortly to the bride’s home while the rest of us stayed behind and stuffed our face silly. it was catch up catch up time! Afterall it has been like 10 years since we last saw one another.
i dunno how i could have completely forgotten abt some part of those years or how we even lost touch! Guess the only good thing was that the years didnt leave a dent in our frendship and banter and that, is truly what real frenship is all about.

Anycase, the rest of the best man had a field day teasing abt Ck on his preferential treatment and so we happily played along with the fake "ex-couple" routine and had everyone laughing. What’s wedding without laughs?!

The wedding dinner ended uneventfully, well almost…Ha!
When we were in the lift heading for the second walked in, i stood opp the groom and then …..i realise that he forgotten to zip up his pants! haa haaa. i whispered into his ears and he blushed a deep red and everyone in the lift had a good laugh!! I guess its pretty hard to be subtle in a lift of 6 people. But heh, at least better the 6 of us than a ballrooom of over 500 people, esp when he was scheduled to be on stage to raise a toast! haa haaaaaaa
well, let’s hope groom aint gonna find this blog and skin me alive!

Friday, May 27, 2005

Bintan Experience

such a pity that the weather wasnt that great in Bintan. unfortunately too that angsana resort was such a letdown. had hope for a good spa massage but alas, too much hype and no substance.

I shld know everything was a bad omen from the minute i lost my hp and missing my ferry. First ever to be stranded at a port and with little else to do, i switched on the laptop and watched my anime.
Upon arrival, heart sinks when i saw the resort, suspiciously looking like my ex-hostel, down to the green railings. The room was alrite but i was stuck with a toilet that couldnt flush very well and green fungus making a humble abode out of the white tiles surrounding the tub.

The bed was alrite but i had suspicions abt the pillows, which wasnt even soft. I suppose the trip was dooomed from the start. But the saving grace was that it was really quiet , so much so that i could hear my elephant neighbors from upstairs everynite and day, stomping ard as if there were mice on the floor. Best of all, i didnt know if someone in that family had perpetual tummy ache coz the flushing seems to be almost always.
Didnt sleep well the first nite since i really truly miss my nice clean fluffy feather pillows back home. Toss and turn the whole nite, feeeling like there’s some smalll insects crawling under the sheets. Thankfully, i lost out to Mr Dreamy and drifted into deep slumber from sheer fatigue and lousy day.

Morn came quickly thankfully and the sun stream thru the gaps of the curtains. Got to the pool and the sun was really warming me up nice and good. Just as i thot i could drift off to a nice snooze, who else but a whole bunch of loud, noisy arrogant singaporeans plunged into the pool, splashed like elephants and screamed their heart out with mouthful of singlish as iif they have been muffled to silence their entire existence back home here in sg that they have to run amok in our neighbor’s soil.

Speaking of singaporeans, Its disgusting. Everytime i go abroad, it absolutely makes me CRINGE when i see a fellow singaporean behaving crudely and rudely, and most of all, their impeccable trait of thinking they are Kings in a land they step their feet on. Just becoz they think they can afford to throw a couple of hundred bucks, they think its justifable for bad behaviour, Its just so characteristic that sometimes i wished i had a different passport.

Dun get me wrong. I love my soil, and wat it represents. There are alot of things i love abt my ctry, but there too are dozens of things i am gradually hating, such as rude arrogant people for one. I dun hate children in general, but i’m begining to extremely dislike the local kids that grates my nerves. They are loud, screaming brats, insensitive with absolutely no manners. Who to blame? Parents. I dread to imagine sg’s future depended on these few running rats.

I was hoping for a quiet dinner in the indoor cafe. The staff were naturallly polite and friendly though apparently struggling to keep up with the surge of visitors over the long weekend. Then we have these bunch of singapore children who absolutely ruin the serenity by screaming and laughing and runing up and down the stairs non stop with no regards to anyone around them, including the staff who were trying to serve food. The Japanese and western families looked on at the uncharming children, while their own children of similar age, sat quietly by the table joking with their siblings like any well mannered kids would.

The waitresses had to watch their way as the children run amok with no parents in sight. I couldnt take it and hence i told the waitress if they could so kindly asked the kids or the parents to put a stop to the running and screaming. It was obviously ruining everyone’s dinner. The waitress was more than happy to oblige and went off the kids. The brats had the gall to push her and run off. She came back and told us how they have been putting up with those brats for the last 3 days and when spoken to, their parents were defensive and all indignant. They were so glad that we gave them an opportunity to stop the kids.

I felt sorry for the staff, i truly do. As visitors to their lands, i felt apologetic whenever i witness such unruly behavior. I couldnt apologise enuff for their behaviour despite that fact that i didnt even know who they are or care to. I could only hope that the gesture would imply to our neighbors that not every sgporean is an ar*sehole. It brought back to memory abt the recent batam toxic waste dispute when they called "singapore being stubborn". While the flow of incidents clearly cite that we werent at fault, and the minister’s behavior was slightly unprofessional, but i certainly think we commoners, have been grating our neighbors’ nerves for a long while…

I asked my fren, "Why is it that the Japanese children that we see are always soo seemingly well behaved? In comparisons, our local kids are so borish and unrefined" The only conclusion we could derive was possibly the Japanese wives mostly do not work and stay home mums. As such, they were able to monitor the behavior and instil the right cultural and society values into their children. Whereas by comparison, we are leaving too much in the hands of the maids, the household, the kids, the cooking. Would the maids care how your kids behave? More imptly, would the kids even listen to the maid who is not seen as a figure of authority?
Anycase back to the trip. It rained and rained and by the time i was ready to head home, the clouds cleared. I had 2 unsatisfying spa but I didnt have an isssue. I even had 3 insect bites while having an outdoor massage. However, I was just happy to head home honestly. I can always head back to amrita once i’m back in town.
As the ferry bobs up and down on the rough waves, I certainly look fwd to my soft fluffy pillows and nice clean sheets for a good nite sleep:)

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

SWimming with the Whales

Tuesday, May 24th, 2005
Alot of people has been writing to me about the whale pixs i had taken and how they reallly like it. So i thought what the hell, since i’m writing on my bintan trip, might as well write a post on Tonga so it spares me some repeated messages i have to reply. Not that i mind, its just an excuse for me to pen down my experience i suppose, before i grow old and senile and forgets everything:)

To be honest, i wasnt much of a whale lover when i first embarked on the trip. I’m not a diver as well as many perceived wrongly. I snorkel as i canx dived becoz i canx equalise my ears. I have had all sort of advices as to how to go abt dooing it but i just canx. (Take my words for it. I’m the sort who will take a plane, and dreads landing coz my ears will hurt like hell, no matter if i suck a sweet, drink water, blow my nose or hold my ears and try to blow thru my ears. It hurts ever since i was a kid and still does. A flying job would have no doubt popped my drums and kill me:))

Anycase, Kingdom of Tonga isnt a country from book of Fantasy. It exists and its near the polynesian islands, about couple of hours off new zealand. Take a flight to New Zealand or Syndey and do a plan transfer to island of Va`vu in Tonga. Tonga comprises of many islands which is up to you to explore but i had my sights set on the humpback whales.

I must warn u that being accustomed to the efficient ways of life in sg, Tonga is completely different as things are still ruled by the family of king and princes. I had to wait for hours and hours at the domestic airport to reach the isl i need to go since the plane was full and the timing was changed without warning. The whale people (the organisaors) had someone picked us up and we went on a tour of the town to visit some of the local sites and the most beautiful blowholes i have ever seen in my life.

The sea looked icy green and the waves smashes against the coastal rocks, it is something u wont wish on any of your frends. The blowhole sprays like musical notes along the whole stretch. It was awesome! i could stand there for hours honestly just admiring nature at one of its best.

Then the plane came and we gathered at the resort and meet the team you will be spending the next 7 days with to swim with the whales. Out of the 7 days, 2 r really free days where u can chose to dive at the llocal spots or canoe or just chill out by the beach.
Someone ask me if its a guaranteed trip that you will see a whale. My answer is there is no warranty with wild life, but yes as its the migration season, its a very very high chance you will almost definitly see a whale and hopefully swim with one.

Tonga is one of the migration route from north and the mothers breed their calves here. As the water is warmer here, the mother waits till enuff blubber grows before they head back the icy north. Much to most dismay, humpback whales actually do not eat humans nor attack any, unless there is perceived notion tat you are trying to harm the calf.

There are simple instructions before the people let u into the water. Firstly the movements. No, big splash is not allowed in the wide open sea. That will almost scare off the whales who prefers their serene lifestyles without boars like us intruding their peacefulness. So no diving is allowed near the whales and we will only enter the water in team of 4 with one guide. This is to minimise disturbances and to control any variance behaviour by excited visitors. So we learned to snorkel the "bicycle"way in water and till we are sufficiently prepared, the second of set of instructions.

In water, never ever try to chase after a whale esp a calf. Becoz we are clumsy. Yes, even the most expert of alll swimmers are clumsy next to a whale. Most of the whales we have see are mothers and calves. Being big protective mummy, graceful and agile in the water which is their HOME, they dun like strangers running after their children and they would do anything to just get you off their back. When a whale moves, U dun move. The theory is that if you move, the whales cannot lock you in position and will be unable to avoid smashing into u.
Third instruction, do not touch the whales unless they decides to brush you instead. Simple theory but hard to follow by many. we are all such touchy feely creatures. Mummy Whales, big as they may are easily spooked by the unknown like us and we do not want to scare them away from their migration route. In the water, just float and observe. Look down, look ahead and admire. Keep your hands to yourself.

With all that in mind, the speed boat sets off and we are off to "hunt" down the trail of whales. I saw lotsa breaching. I saw the whales roll like how puppies would to gather your atttention. The whales will playfully dive under the boat and emerge on the other side and proudly flip their tail at you. For a person who has at most seen whales on tv, seeing the life performance was absolutely heart stopping. It was pure amazing grace.
While spotting whales was easy in the season, getting close to one is another issue. There are couple of operators, some are monetary, some are just pure whale lovers, i was lucky, i got the latter. The guide is Libby, a whale specialist and doing her whale studies and their songs. We had Mark who had written to be an "intern" for the semester for his marine course. My group was mainly senior strong women, and I am definitely the youngest there.

When a whale decides to have us around, they would float at the surface and linger around. That’s when the first spotter would bring the boat about 10-15km away and the team would take turns to jump into the water. There isnt time to think or ponder. When a whale is sighted, military style or order takes place, the first team would line up at the back of the boat with tube and googles in place. When Libby says jump, we just jump and swim as fast as you can towards te whale. No one is gonna hang ard to check if you are hesitating, for there is always another eager person to take your spot if you chicken out. (trust me, you wont)
People asked me if i was afriad, or didnt really believe me when i said i wasnt. Water isnt my best fren, a long time ago i nearly drown in the pool coz my brother thot it would be fun to teach me to swim by throwin me into the deeep end. He figured i would paddle like a dog and learn how to swim in the moment of danger. It didnt happen and i dun blame him. Anycase, i dun fear water but the urge of seeing the whale live far supercede the dark bottomless open sea. So i just jumped. When u are in the cold water, the next natural thing will kick in, you just swim. Surprisingly, the sea water wasnt as salty as some other sea water like Lombok, but it was definitely dark and gloomy and rough coz it was raining. Oh yes, rain or shine, the whale trip is never cancelled unless there is a storm.
The next thing i knew, everyone stopped and so did i. At first, i didnt know where to focus. The lighting wasnt that good coz of the cloudy sky. Next thing i knew, i saw a big white patch before my eyes. The mother whale was rolling! and the calf was just swiming next to its mama. Then i realise as my head and ears were submerge inthe water, i couldnt hear the rain. It was like watching a silent movie. i swear i could have frozen in awe. It was pure magic. The calf swam above its mum and try to mimick its mother in rolling its belly. U wont know time has passes you by till the guide tapp and motion time for the next time. Anyone in that sea would love to be selfish and stay in the water forever but we turn back and let our teammatees share the magical moment.

When the whales have enuff of us, they will dive down and swim away. I canx tell but Libby could spot the difference between one whale from another by identifying the marks on the flippers. All i could tell was how one mother had more cuts and scratches on its skin than the other. We dunno why but it coould be fights or attacks but u could definitely tell the years they had by the skin and length.
In one dive, i rem i could only see the calf. It swam right at me and brushes past me. was i scared that it would bump me off my path. honestly, the thot didnt cross my mind. I just want to take in as much of the breathetaking sight before me. The baby stared at me with full curiosity  and moved on to my team mates. The next thing we knew, the mummy whale sufaced quickly from the bottom, skillfullly avoiding all of us and nudge the playful whale away from us beings. All i saw in the whale’s eyes was peacefulness, with no malice or harm. All i felt was serene peace next to the gentle giant. I was lured into wanting to just swim next to them
While my teammate surfacees up the water, they cried. Of coz the men kept their macho facade but the ladies cried. Not of fear but of the most beautiful scene that took place before us. I didnt cry maybe becoz i am lesser of a whale lover as they were but the experience certainly touched me. During the trip, i was marked the lucky angel as i was the only one which had a brush with a whale. It was rare as often the whale prefer to keep their distance. I truly have been blessed.

In one of their dives, we heard the whales sang. I have heard that if the whale sang near you, you can feel it in your bones as the waves are so strong. But i suppose the singing whales were too far away such that we could hear but not feel it. next thing we knew, we spotted a threesome. It was a mother and calf with a male escort. Apparently, the male (not the father) would patiently follow the mum and wait on her till she is willing to consort with him. If you think mum was big, this guy could swipe u to the moon in one flip.
So for 5 full days from 7am-6pm, i was out "chasing" whales, rain or shine. At times i was hot like hell unde rthe sun, and at tiimes shivering from the cold as the wind and rain hail upon us. I had tan marks where my wet suit couldnt reach, but it was all worthwhile.

During the trip, we had someone film our experience and made it into a dvd to bring our experiences home with us. We had to pay but it was rather cheap if u think abt the whole trip cost.
There are many part of the trips i didnt write coz i dun have the time and space. Like the local family who had us to have delicious dinner with them. Juicy suckling piglets , with all other food buried in the ground cooked by hot stones. Then we are also treated to local dance by local boys and gals who are dressed up just for us.
Nothing i pen down could adequately share with you my unique experience with the whales. All i could say was this trip has made me a better person with what i had seen and felt. I have always love wild lives esp the marine ones, but this trips has realised how inadequate my love for them is. The ongoing killing of whales had sqaurely set them back by more than 50% of their population. Their figures are dwindling through no fault of theirs and its really sad and it should upset us if we really think abt it.
So i realise, the only thing that i could do was to spread the word, on my experiences and how i am back in one piece and nothing but admiration for the whales parental love and affection . No i wasnt chased by whales, or being hit by one. No they wouldnt come after you even if you see you, we just dun look like food to them.
Well, for anyof you who are now keeener than ever to experience what i had, check out the website which i had registered my trip with. I dun work for them to advertise but just a redirection on my part for your benefit if you wanna know more trip schedule, cost and locations, and pictures!

Dun take my word for it, go experience it yourself. Come back and share with us how it has been. For those who isnt keen to swim with a whale, i heard there are whale watching off Costal Australia. but trust me, nothing beats getting into the water with them. Watching them from land and in the water is completely different. Its a whole new different world down there, and you will only fall in love.

Saturday, May 21, 2005


the movie "closer" is damn good.

Fast paced, good script, visually good looking leads. The emotions were raw, intense and real. I guess there is never real good reasons why people stray, no good reasons why and when u can stop loving someone in an instant, no good reasons why people do the stupidest things in the world.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Being matchmake by a cab? Well almost...

ts amazing. the roads are absolutely clear this morning!!! No serious. No jams, no honks. Fantastic! Cab driver said i was lucky, but i suspect it has more to do with the Jedi knights last nite….

didnt have a chance to doze off on the ride. chatty driver but i was fine. wasnt that tired anycase. certainly has been a long while since i chat with anyone with proficient mandarin. Its almost like conversing with my old mandarin teacher back in school, so nostalgic. No one speaks proper mandarin anymore these days…*guilty*
As with many cab drivers, no uncle, u thot wrong. i’m not heading to airport for work. And no uncle, neither did i graduated from overseas. I never figured out why the questions. Alamak, thot i’m pretty sgporean what! I can spew singlish anytime i want okie! Just a matter of time and place for it. heh:)

Anycase, by end of the triip, i now know my dear cab driver has 3 sons from the same uni as i did. The eldest is a fighter pilot, the second with NOL, a rising star now holidaying in states, and the youngest son in UK doing his degree. yes yes, they are all single. No no, i’m really not interested in them… as i politely declined his goood fatherly intentions…

As my boss just tried to peek over my laptop while i was furiously typing away, i shielded my screen and yelped "PAY PER VIEW!" Silly fool challenged me with his concealed hairy legs… bet he hasnt come across wax strip in his life…Luckily for him, phone rang to save the day.
Heh heh… wait he just wait.. Hoo Hoo.. he will soooo pay for it. Am sure allen wont mind my few nice sabos on her new hubby..haaa haa. Plus its pay back for all the horrid coffee stench he has been intoxicating my lungs and polluting my nice cubi with despite my severe notices… Hmmmpf >:( 

Old Bat

Thursday, May 19th, 2005
think my thick pouty lips is having an effect on my slurring speech or Stan must be getting deaf and blind!!!!
asked him how he wannna celebrate his old and thirty, and he went huh,old and dirty?! Old Bat!! *haa haa*
wanted to screeched in laughter but i think 10’s abit early to share my chirpiness with my neighbor boss and director at the end of the corridor. Plus i havent had my sandwich yet, not to guitly mention that I still owe them 3 policies documentation…but its soooo dry..sigh.. *defeated*

anycase, asked stan if he wanted a chill out session or a hot and steammy BBQ with butterfly and Jazzy.. and like all men would say, "pluuuzzz, he rather have hot and steamy something else". Hot and Steamy BUNS of a fist more likely!! Sensing my possible "frosty hands of death" reaching over the cyberway, smartly he conceded chilling out is cool by him and drinks on him. *as i cracked my knuckles* heh. Just when i was being "appeased" and telling him i’ll firm up again for next sat, that terrible cheeky boy has the balls…
"haa haa. firm up smething? Nip tuck?"

I’m soooo gonna skin U next week!!!

Water feature is never a cool idea around drinkers...

Thursday, May 19th, 2005

thank goodness heaven was kind to me, the thunderstorm stopped in the nick of time for my drinking session! yahhhhhooooo:)

running late! tooo absorb in messaging abt "ugly" singaporeans on the road and sharing of "road experiences" of coz… its terrible our people…. too much too much bad experiences. gotto be another post..
anycase, its 6.45pm and as i was grabbing my brolly to leave, my boss turned ard and mumbled.. "leaving so early already". Now, i considered my options. Shld i stab him to death with the point of my brolly, or beat him to a pulp? Hmmm… neither seeemed worthwhile to hold me back from meeting the guys @7. He’ll so get it from me tmw. hheh.

reach town slightly late and AS usual, the guys were late again. Bill’s still stuck at work. Didnt have Oli’s number. Hmmpf. Decide to walk ard the mall aimlessly than sit by myself amongst the shirt & ties. Didnt feel very sociable today. Finally , 30mins later, SL called and seeked my royal presence. how nice. :) Rach didnt turn up. She’s prob still reeling sore from her last case of "Death of Hp in the pool of vomit".. chuckles. now THAT’s funny…Bill and I couldnt get over it. haa.

anycase, was good ole tame drinking session last nite. Def wasnt as "wild" as last one at wallas.

No shots, no bottoms up, no endless flow of beer, and def no peeking "cheeks" to snap. Bill thinks its utter waste that Vinc didnt keep the last pix of the gal wiith loose low waist jeans, flaunting the gully of her fair butt cheeks. Nah.. vince’s too much of a good boy…or rather his wife will ban him from hanging out with us ever again:)

Pouring and with premier of Star Wars, so there reallly wasnt much people to oogle or crowd with us. No Sweet crooming Joe either.. Alas. Poor me and Oli… still reminiscing abt Joe and his nice sweet apologetic smile. The Guys just dun get it..

Bill had to rem my "lost" wallet annd narrate the whole ridiculous espi to alex. then again, canx deny my hero his heroism deed for recovering "my precious" that was sittting on the floor that 6 other guys couldnt find…i still canx believe it. How could all of us miss my wallet on the floor??? To think i had to cancel alll the cards for nothing…Hmmm.. Bill swore he didnt play a trick on me but opinions differ.. haaa haa
Then Bill went on to share the management circular on "No G Strings allowed" by the pool as its an offence under the law of singappore. I gawked. Wait till they have my pissed drunk expat neighbors. So i told them abt how i saw them b0nking N*KED IN the POOL the other nite… imagine live p0-rno under my nose literally. perhaps…the 60yr old french grannie didnt like wat she saw outside her window that nite and prob alerted the guards… But of coz that fact didnt deter the guys from chancing on a replay.. Now, why doesnt that surprise me??!!! :) FAT CHANCE PEOPLE!!

then the imposssible happened! Billy boy stepped into the deco pool of water as he was gona go take a leak!!!! Stunned! We started laughing our heads off. Impecabble tiiming considering. Without saying, Bill was teased relentlessly abt how excited he must have been near any body of water. *Strip boy! Strip!* haa haa.
Poor champ had to walk with one soggy sock for the rest of the nite! Eeeeeeeewwweeee!
Sock roasting by the candle flame, anyone?! ;p

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Perfect Score?

Tuesday, May 17th, 2005

Normally, wont have paid much attention to the mothers’ chatters… but it was pretty hard to pretend to be deaf with a bunch of crackling behind me.

Apparently, one of the super mum was so elated that her son managed to "argue" for the half mark to attain that glorious 100% for his Chinese test. She was gleefully sharing her pride and beaming with joy while all the mothers went "Woooow" and nodding in furious approval. “Such a smart boy with GREAT potential” they said…


Potential of what?

To celebrate another potential overly self-importantbrat in the making?

For a Primary one child to gallantly demand the teacher to "return" that 1/2 points (with full parental support) just didnt seem right to me. Admittedly, 100% is definitely an admirable goal, but going all out to prove that one is always right (for a non worthy cause) isn’t a mentality that is befitting of a kid who is learning the ways of the world. It is with little wonder that being a teacher is such an uphill task nowadays.

Anycase, I couldn’t resist butting in with my query. “Shouldn’t it be more important for him to understand the teacher’s rationale for the penalty, and learn from his mistake than to just fight for perfect score?” The mums looked at me incredulously. “100 marks you know! Plus it’s a top school!!” I swore I could almost have rolled my eyes.

What’s the deal about 100 marks and perfection? Its not gonna make one a millionaire, its not essentially an indication of his IQ or EQ, and least of all, he’s not even going to remember this day, this paper that he scored a perfect score for, at least I know I didn’t.

Some people absolutely just shouldn’t have kids.

Perfection is flawed in theory.

In my opinion, these people are just raising Cain.

Monday, May 16, 2005

One of those days

despair…absolutely bored to tears and munching guavas to keep myself occupied. Dun get me wrong, i’m not free (no no no boss, i’m not writing this for ur sake!! I swear), just bored with all the articles i have to write.. sigh. the two bacardi bottles definitely look more and more tempting with each passing minute..  maybe i shld chill it and then *hic*.. heh:)

2 freshies join the dept today. Another 2 female, tender, innocent fresh meat. The boys will be happi:)
Geezs, has it been that long? was i imagining that drift of school scent from them?!! Eeeeweee.. hope i dun have that bright eye gal kinda look when i first started work..Nnnnnah. i seriously doubt it.  Sooooo not me.

Good. Rain has stop. i shld so go jogging soon or i’m so gonna get those thunder thighs soon at the rate i’m idling around. Who was it who said it.. arh now i rem, there was this person who used to whine to me all the time that he rather die than grow fat. perhaps, its abt time i dangle that liner back at him… i dun think he’s gonna like that very very much, no no, i dun think he will like that very much at all. hee.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Stop asking me for my number!

Ooo… another volunteered number. Oh, another one asking for my number.

I dun get it really, i dun. I mean, can someone tell me what its going thru those minds.. wait wait, dun tell me. Nnooooo, u canx be serious.. they actually think they are being initative!! Or maybe this is some code game. Ooooo.. shld i be sooo excited and call back? Now let me think about it… Hmmm… okie… there’s nothing much to read from the email.. wait let me see "care to be frens?" No intro, no witty comments. nothing. okie, shld i read between the lines? Oh wait, there must be a hidden secret or a code word somehow… I’m really Smart, i can definitely figure wat what these boys want by leaving a number trail..if only i can manage to decipher it. It will take time, too much effort, Skip. But..There must be something INTERESTING in this email or he wont have bothered to leave a number. is it a contest? Will i win a prize if i call? Hmm.. let me seee….

Christ! I just wish people will quit leaving their number and expecting me to be dishing out mine like some freebies…  If one can plaster dough on my forehead each time i groan in despair, i would have been able to serve a nation of pratas in one month with all these incoming spam. All the boring subject and strings of "hi", and one wonders why we need to instil creativity into our education module… sigh..

anycase, off to better things…rob and amber lost the race… damn.. so close…i wish they won. I dunno why everyone’s giving rob such a hard time.  Its reality TV, everything is spiced up to make it interesting. People shld stop being so naive and think everyone shld be nice in a race. In comparison, some one shld so shoot the balls out of that POW schmuck.

And if u people out there havent come across this site, check it on. Unofficial reviews on the amazing race. Absolutely Hilarious!
Longing for the coming long weekend! Yahhhooooo!! Sun, Sand, Sea! Freaking turning like some sick fair chicken after missing out on the sun for so long.. i can almost see the pores on my back! Nah, just kidding. heh. Still, this fairness thingie is so unbecoming.. gotto rid it soon.
okie okie… i better give it a rest or my eyes gonna pop again. 25 more epi to go for FMA! Yipppeee. Now.. whereever is my nightie cap…

Sunday, May 8, 2005

Dinner after @Cliff

Tired! *Yawn* Been watching too much anime. Damn, canx wait to lay my hands on the next volume of Naruto!! Is it possible to sprain my eyeballs from watching too much TV?? Hmmm.. possibly.. bloody eye is hurting for a while.

still feeling the remains from last nite’s dinner @Cliff. Wasnt that fantastic. Definitely not worth the 9 grade from the best restaurant.. had to bloody wait for an hour before my entree was served and not without some hassling. Canx believe that waiter gave me a dumb line that i have to wait coz its "fresh seafood" restaurant. Like hell i shld be sooooooo impressed. Give me a break, i prob have dine at more "FRESH sea food" restaurant than he has worked in. I hate it when people tries to sound pompous and more impt than they really are. This dude really need some service training and they could learn a thing or 2 from Stillwater@Tas or Est @sydney in food and service… Ironically, the seafood didnt even taste that fresh and i spotted a dead marron on its bank in the display tank!! I could have died of laughing…if only i had my camera…fresh seafood huh….

Anycase, i prob wont head back there again. Alvin is such a better chef and serves better atlanta cod and i canx wait for his new relocated restaurant to be ready. Who says our local hardworking chef canx be better than these overseas trained chef? At least i know of one!

there, enuff bittaching for the day.. time to pamper mummy!