
Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Getting the pronunciation rite

Friday, July 29th, 2005
Finally finished "The Fourth Queen" (Debbie Taylor). In essence, it was a rather forgettable read but i suppose the first chap was good enuff to make me pick it up in NZ and paid NZ$23 for it.
Again based on a true story, abt a gal named Helen Gloag who ran away, abucted by pirates and become Queen of Morocco. Something abt the book left me unsatisfied. Maybe it was just a bad timing and the book didnt blend into my current reading mood.

But another novel was a grab. "the Mystic Masseur" by V.S Napiaul. Its sly and funny and a postive recommendation for those seeking a light read.
Perhaps that why i couldnt concentrate on the Indian speaker for the seminar yesterday. While he droned on and on abt his company’s achievements, i started to chuckle as his presence reminded me strongly of the book i read.

He could have been funny but Unfortunately,the poor chap chose to focus on hardselling his company and its services, which prob backfired (judging by the empty booth later). It was a little disconcerting and a cheap shot with a captive audience that had signed up for another agenda in mind. The  chap deliberately paused at every 3 words he had to say, in futile attempt to create a "punch" in everything he had to say. Someone should tell the poor chap there is only so much "punch" one can deliver in a 30mins presentation, esp with a very rich native accent.

And this director from the MNC kept on saying"Sack-cure-ri-ti". I was just abt to crack a joke to my boss, only to see him nodding his head off. He wasnt even listening!
Incidentally to share….
"Patent" should sound like "Pair-tern" and not "Pay-tern" as many would say it. and "Abalone"… its should be as "Air-ber-lo-ni" instead of "Air-ber-lone".
Well in case u are wondering, i got "patent" wrong for the last 10 years too. but hey! at least i never once said "vomit" as "wo-mit" I am off to listen to my "Lay-dio" now.Ha ha ha!

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