
Saturday, August 20, 2005

Do u really understand smart causal?

Monday, August 22nd, 2005
How do you define "Smart Causal"?
Hot weather aside, honestly guys, what do u classify smart?
I asked the question becoz i think Singaporean guys are generally terrible in their choice of attire not befitting the occassion. I am not judging whether the buys have any fashion sense. I’m faulting people who have no sense of judgement in what they choose to wear for events that specifically indicate smart causal or formal attire. These inconsiderate folks would often choose to think their presense should suffice and compensate anything they wear. These groups of people are often classified into
a) Arrogant SOB: People who thinks they are "rich enuff" such that basic courtesy and common sense eludes them. These lot think rules doesnt apply to them at all times and the world should revolve ard the way they think should be. Turning up in Gucci Sandals and Hugo T-shirts with Prada pouch becomes "smart causal" doesnt make things rite.

HELLO! Restaurants ask for code of dressing, not BRAND of dressing.
b) Lazy SLOBS: Guys who canx make any decent effort in wearing the right attire becoz they figure who will notice what they wear. Plus they think it doesnt make any difference. Well for your info, it does. Your frens who go thru the effort to organise something nice or restaurants who hopes to achieve an image hopes for your due respect as well. Its not about what YOU THINK or FEEL. Its about respecting others and the efforts they put in.
In many nice restaurants i have been to in sg, guys, always the guys, who would be in the crappiest faded T-shirt and jeans with joggers (track shoes) or worst, offending sandals would be dining there as if they were in a food court.
I have seen when managers turn these people away or offer to loan a pair of pants, these people kick up such a huge stink as if their life’s saving has been cheated. I have frens who tell me these people will even write in to complain abt the "sort of arrogant service or attitude".

These selfish, self indulging, self centered people honestly upset me and i honestly think they dun deserve to be dining in nice restaurants. Managers should kick them out for they ruin the efforts of other patrons who made a nice effort to blend in with the the nice ambience created for us, but in return, many sg guys fail to reciprocate the niceness in return.

I’m not saying caucasian man dress better. In fact i see many caucasian man in t-shirts and berms along the street, but the difference is, when the occasion calls for it, they are dressed decently in a nice crisp shirt and SHOES. Not flip flops, not fancy sandals or joggers. The shirt doesnt have to be branded or frivolous looking, a plain stripped or coloured shirt will do. Tie isnt even required. Is it that difficult?

When i was in Les Amis, Blue, or even grand wedding dinners, its terrible to see our local blokes in t-shirts and jeans. Jeans i can accept, but T-shirt is never never smart in any definition. Even collar polo is a stretch for me. What happen to "dressing decently" in singapore?

I was at Shiro at the other day. Attire was smart causal. When u make a reservation, they tell you that attire is smart causal. When we turn up for dinner, there was a big sign that says "Smart Causal". After we were seated, i noticed with disgust that the guy on the next table, facing me was in a faded grey, stretched t-shirt, tucked out, with jeans and joggers.  I looked around and out of the 8 tables, 6 were non chinese which dressed approperiately, my table and the crap table next to us. So i said to my fren, "So much for smart casual ruling for some". I dun know if he was pricked by what i said but i hope it jolt him a little.

After the couple next to us left, we asked the manager what exactly is smart causal. According to the floor manager, they were forced to concede by irate customers that t-shirt and jean is smart causal. Some hurl verbal abuse, some threaten to eventually only berms is not acceptable. I told her T-shirt and joggers are under no circumstances is ever smart, and causal only refers to jeans. She explained she had been complained alot when she used to turn customers away and she canx turn "business" away. Well she isnt the boss, i understand her dilema.

So it takes 2 hands to clap. Customers who understand and play by the rule, and restaurants who should stick to their principles. While you may lose a couple of "indignant" customers, there will be many more back to support you if your food is truly value for money.

Should we all be losing ourselves and principles in the hope of not "offending" customers or turning away paying customers ? Shouldnt we be doing the right thing and when enuff is truly enuff, we should put our feet down to stand up in what we believe in. If a restaurant aims to target the middle and upper cliente, then STICK to it and be daring to enforce your rules. Chatter box goes all out to rent you pants, i respect that.  In other countries such as Australia, States, there is a cloaks room or some spare room with spare pants/ jackets where "unknowing" guests gets to borrow and change into something more approperiate. I think its a nice culture to have and hold on to.

In Singapore, we want alot of things. We want to be first in everything we have and do. Good and fine. But in the pursuit of such achievements, its terribly sad if we continue to fail to enrich ourselves in areas that doesnt have a scorecard.

What is music to the deaf and what is art to the blind?
If one cannot even appreciate the simple act of dressing for the right occassion, one canx help but ask, what hope can we have for instilling "art and culture" into these group of people?

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