
Friday, September 23, 2005

SNAG my arse

Friday, September 23rd, 2005
Today, a number of people made me v. v. v. unhappy. :(

In return (without losing my cool), I like to tell those losers these:

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."

- Galileo Galilei

I wonder to myself, are they Childish? Naive?

I have no answer.

At least i know for certainty, they wont go far in life. Then again, i doubt these people even have any thing worth calling "life".

I use to think it was only women who were "San3 Ba4". They exists still for sure. But as our society evolves to some shit nonsense of "sensitive new age men", for some, male bitches are infinitely worse than women. Being fathers doesnt change a single bad gene in them.

SNAG my bloody arse.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Dinner at Au Petit Salut (Singapore)

Decide to give it a try since there wasnt anything in particular i wanted to eat last nite.

Since i wasnt very hungry, so i went for the lightest dish. So i opted for lobster bisque and pan seared foie gras. The soup was pretty tasty but the ravoli within the soup was rather disappointing. Really. I expected something fancier if i was being charged abt $18 for a soup.

Typically like a French restaurant, i had to wait for what is seemingly a long wait. The service team seemed somewhat friendly but definitely not well trained like what i would expect from a restaurant (Like Les Amis). Still, at least they bother to notice my glass was running low and 2 seperate waitress asked if i had wanted a refill. Attention is a good thing. At least i dun feel like i was being snobbed.

Then my Main came and i was suspiciously wondering at the portion. It doesnt look any larger than the entree portion that my neighbor next table had. So being typical me, unfazed by curious stares and speculations by other diners, i called for a waitress and asked "Is this really a Main's portion coz it really looked like the entree size that he had.", pointing to my neighbor.

The waitress paused, asked for another waitress, i had to repeat my question before she took my whole plate back to the kitchen to check. 1 min later, she returned with the same plate and politely informed that the chef will add another portion to my course. I suppose they had some miscomm somewhat and hmmm.. the restaurant wasnt even full house.

Anycase, tender as it was, i was abit miffed that the main was not as i hot as i wanted. I assume it had been sitting somewhere on the kitchen top for some time. Too tired to make a fuss, i finished it and waited for another 10 min before the final "addition" to my main arrived. Voila, finally a piece of hot dinner. Thank you. That is what i would have expected without demanding it.

Well at least patting my belly, i had parted my money with more satisfaction than the meal i had at the latest Gourmet Cellar, where they couldnt differentiate between well done and medium done (and giving me the reason that it was the cooker).

In a flash, my dinner was over, leaving behind a somewhat pretendious table of women trying to look like food snobs in a victorian looking decor, where both subjects sorely look like they need a serious make over.