
Monday, January 30, 2006

Tokyo Day 2 -Asakusa, Ueno, Akibahara & Ninja Dinner!

woke up late again. Am so tired that i turn off the alarm. For some reason, its hard to wake here! So i woke at 9am and rush out of the hotel skipping breakfast and all. I grabbed a banana muffin from starbucks and it was good!

Obviously i am late for Tsujuki Fish market. (Pictures)Walked around and saw lotsa small local stalls with sushi for breakfats or closer to lunch. Tried a local stall of hot noodle like those u have to bend over stand and eat. Pretty alrite but salty and that cost US $6 bucks!

went off to asakusa to sensoji temple (Pictures)by noon and the huge red lantern was of coz a sure canx miss sign. Walked along the street selling lotsa food and touristy things and the stalls were selling lotsa key chains too. I didnt buy anything as usual but i bought a red bean paste cake and it was delicious! It just taste so much better here warm and freshly baked! For a person who dun like red bean to say its good, u can imagine:) The sweetness is just rite and the bread was soft. ...Mmmmm....

I didnt find the temple or the pagoda very attractive honestly, Somehow temples in Tokyo isnt very attractive to me. Perhaps i have seen better ones elsewhere (eg: cambodia)...still, i like the serene, peace and quietness of the whole place. No one talks loudly for sure!

Speaking of which, i find that its generally quiet in Japan even in the train! There is even a sign that says to turn your hp to silent mode and i havent heard a single phone ring during my times in the train! Plus, they say no talking with mobile and i only see people sms. Its such a controlled environment! When i first landed at the immigration, what struck out as unusual was the quietness at the immigration counter! Usually you hear lot of background sound but at narita, all i hear is the guy directing people to the respective counter. The silence is like in library minus the shuffling of people in the Q. Amazing really.

Anyway back to my trip. I went off to Ueno and i verve of to this cypress wood built temple. (forgot name now). I was lucky coz i caught a budding cheery blossom tree! .

Got tired and sat in the park near Ueno park for a while... looking at the wilted lotus filled pond or lake.. Quite, peaceful and the weather was perfect. i didnt even need the warm gear. just my top and a jumper and scarf!

Headed off to akihabara to hunt for my manga stuff. Almost got myself off the wrong track coz i was getting tried and didnt read the map proerply and bought the wrong line. Of coz i could change back to hibiya line from ginaza but it was still a pain to walk. 2 hours of walking non stop for anime stuff! Plus i promise manwin i would hunt bleach figurine for him and so the whole stretch was left uncovered. What was really funny was i got lost coz i didnt have my map and i didnt know where to go. So i was walking aimlessly till i gave up. at 5pm, it was dark like 8pm in singapore. So i took a chance and went into this travel place and asked for directions.

The gal couldnt speak english and so i had to manage with my halting jap. Asking was easy, it was trying to understand what she said that was tough. Afterall, my biggest obstacle when i took JLPT 3 was listening. Luckily for me, i was pretty near the managa street and all i had to do was walk straight. Now walking straight and turning right (migi) was something i could understd n japanese.

When i saw the whole buildings row after row coverd with FMA anime characters, it was like BINGO! Then i went in to Animate and it was 7 storeys high, except that i didnt know the highest level was P0-rn, and i mean anime hentai gals P0-rn! I was wondering why all the gals stopped at 6th floor and the men looked a me weirdly being the only gal in the section.. all the naked b00bs and chained women in covers was too much for me....

I didnt find anything i like in the first few places, so i cross the road and went to yamagiwa soft ( and i found some bleach figurines! But they were in boxes and i had to randomly picked. I pray to god that i get ichigo please please please. Not the gal all the way from japan! Manwin, PRAY! Its ur present!

Then i went dwn and got myself the trinity blood cd soundtrack! its GOOD! (manwin, BEG ME! haa haa) Of ocz its bloody expensive. The anime soundtrack are very cute here, its not compiled. for every chapter of the anime, like epi 1-4, they will release a soundtrack. So u can imagine how much money they earn! I saw the tsubasa chronicles soundtrack and it cost me over 50 if i get it which is NO WAY. i like it but not in love.

By 7pm, i was dead tired not to mention hot! I had to take out all my sweaters and walking in my T-shirt. I am the ONLY one on the street doing that trust me. It was prob 10degrees but i was sweating like a roasted pig. The scarf was just nice coz no wind. cool but no wind.

I had to run off back to hotel and rush out again for my next dinner appointment at Ninjatv at asakasa ( . The meal was fantastic!! What was reall great was that the whole place was designed like a ninja clan underground and it was like a maze to get in and all the waiter and waitress are dressed like ninjas! The food menu is written in a scroll and the desseert is on a secret paper list that the ninja will burn it before u like a secret recipe. I ordered a bonsai ice cream and it turn out just like bonsai tree!!! I was truly impressed:) hee heee. It was definitely an experience worth going for! Plus we even had mid way entertainment by a shinobi! haa haaa. excellent recommendation by fenton again! It was a worth while trip not to mention food!
By the time dinner is over i was happy and satisfied. The ninja led us out and did a ninja stunt with a scroll saying thanke and come again

Back in hotel, i need my hot bath again to take away the fatigue. Tmw a long and rush day to Nikko. Forecast said it will rain but i pray it wont. wish me luck!

signing out frm tokyo, day2

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