
Friday, February 3, 2006

Last Nite in Japan

Friday, my last walking day in Japan.... there wasnt really much for me to see and walk any more except heading back to akihabara to get my bleach figurine and more soundtracks.

So i woke up at 11am instead, the latest ever since i have reached Japan! Had my fav strawberries and jersey milk pancake and headed out to akihabara. Have to be back by 6pm for my massage tonite.

The most embarassing confession is that i am generally directionless and blind to map. I canx read maps. A japanese map make things worse. I thot i knew my way now to the anime buildings but everything looked soooo different at nite and day! While i could locate a building by the lited advertisement and signs the other nite, the noon time made everything look so alien and me so disoriented. So it took me 30mins of walking ard aimlessly to get my bearing back. Finally i saw one building i recognise and realise i was on the opposite side! Arrrggghh!

I found my Bleach figures, the whole set at least 20% cheaper! its ridiculous!!! So despite knowing my bag is full, i had to get it!!!!! Didnt help my injured aching fingers of coz but it was worth it!

Anyway, if you are going to Japan to look for Anime Figurines or dvds or vcds, here's the street directions. Take the Tokyo subway, stop at Akihabara station (Hibiya grey line). Exit at exit 2. Head towards Crossfield building where alot of construction is going on. You should see cross field on your left and the station mall on your left. Keep walking as you walk under some road bridge or watever is that. As you emerge past the overhead, you will see AniMATE building on your right and you are there. Canx miss it with all the buildings covered with anime pixs. I find it by sheer luck i think... so i hope someone will find my instrcutions useful at least.

Was pretty tired after combing thru the street again and headed back to hotel. I couldnt resist having a go at the Pintokona sushi (url link) again at roppongi. I only intended to have 3 plates and ended up with 10 plates of sushi! so much for my light lunch!

Didnt have much chance to sleep. So ended up early for my very expensive spa massage ( ~$200) and used the hot steam room and bath soak to relax my muscles first etc. I DUN normally spend that much just on a massage but my tight riveted shoulders sorely needs some gentle touch.....

Okie guys prob canx appreciate this but gals would. The Nagomi spa had every detail attended to down from usual cosmestic stuff to even providing individually wrapped new hair bands, stopping short of perfume of coz. (Ha!) I eyed at the hair band for the longest time... i know i shouldnt but but but.......I felt I am paying for it afterall so i took an extra hair band. haaa haaa. Confession of my little "theft" online, how "stupid". I swear I truly did feel alittle guilty and keep looking ard sheepishly if anyone spot me! Esp in Japan when honesty is a valued virtue... Ashamed but still wanted to keep that extra hairband anycase coz its pink and neat and good quality and "free" heee heeee. Cheap singapore trait at work here ;p

Anycase, wont talk too much abt the massage except it was really good and the therapist knows WHAT SHE IS DOING. In singapore, many times i felt short changed coz the therapist treated me like a piece of meat and just knead me like a dough, without actually attending to my tight muscles. They just are concern abt time and doing their job. What i had in Japan was glorious. I had been skeptical at first coz she looked so sweet and gentle. But when she started her trade, she was really good and her strength was more than adequate. And she got all my knots out. Of coz miracles are impossible in a 60min session but she certainly did my back much good. I think training and attitude made a lot of difference in this profession....

Anycase, after massage, i changed and headed out to Dadaiya at Ginza-1 building, level 2. Almost got lost coz the taxi driver did not turn in and drop me off at the main road infront of Ginza-2 building. What was cute was the GPS system that actually had a voice enabled system that guide the driver to destination with ARROWs on the display screen before any traffic light. Its like those PS2 games display. haa haadamn cool. No wonder it is so expensive but at least you will never get lost!

Back to my hopeless search, hate to do it but once again relied on my poorly spoken japanese and asked for directions. Luckily for me, the security guard was able to give directions in "bullet" form like how i use to learn directions in my jap course! Walk straight, cross traffic light, on the left side, 2nd floor.. He even asked me if i knew what "Shingo" was. I was so relieved I understood him. Nodded furiously like a stupid nodding toy. ahaa.

Food was alrite. It was a local hangout and so no partitions to block out the smoke that was threatening to choke me to death. Luckily the Indian waiter gave me a back seat and it was less smoky. Mainly finger food but still tasty and cheaper than the previous dinners. What was funny was i was sitting opposite these 2 couples at a table. I think it was a double date. Funny how each guy only focus and talk to their female partner ignoring the rest. Even when one of tne guys went to loo, the gal was left completely alone. I was thinking, then why the hell are you 4 sitting together???!!!!

Then my macho looking male waiter spotting a beard, and who looks like a cross between manly model wannabe or a smartly dressed gigolo decide to serve me with the sort of look that says "I'm too good for you". Granted he does have some X factor but i do wanted to spill water on him and fluster him a little just to destablise him. haa haa. okie evil thots...

Left the dinner rather quickly and went back to pack. My luggage was threatening to burst at the seam. I had to sit and sit on it so the zippers would shut. I crossed my fingers it wont burst half way! At that moment, how i wished i had brought an additional bag!!!! Too late for regrets.. arrrghhhhhhhh....

Time for bed. I so dread to wake at 6am tmw! wahhhhhaaaah

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