
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Milk bread and fresh herbal Jelly

canx believe i stayed up till 3.30am to chat with yee tze:) i didnt get to sleep till abt 5.30am. Got awoken earlier than expected (okie 12pm is not early but at least its anot 2.30pm) but i guess it was okie since had wanted to run out to buy myself some new stuff and get those gorgeous Japan Milk bread from Times SQuare.

Did i happen to mention hoooow I am so addicted to those glorious bread. This is heavenly sent bread i tell u..) Nothing in Singapore can Match it. NOTHING.

Anycase, i didnt get to leave the house till 4pm. Finally step outin the first sunshine i have seen for days.

Its amazing how times fly when u are so not working? Or maybe coz i was just so busy talking to different people. Everytime i look at the clock, 2-3 hrs passes by so quickly.

Anycase, tried the Shanghai crystal jade at Times Square today. Errrr... something abt the flavour just made it different from home. Its not bad, its just slightly different. Maybe they have less meat and more chilli oil? I dunno. Still it was an alrite meal, nothing to rave nor complain abt.

On way home, i finally found the Herbal Jelly store that Lanny's counsin told me abt from last dinner. Its call 海天堂. Not sure if its the one they referred to but its bloody good anyway. Though abit steep for HK$50 to go. The lady was very nice, she keep reminding me it wont keep for more than 3 days and she looked so worried that i might forget. Think she's the most decent store person i have ever met since i was here.

So here i am, gobbling down the most delicious herbal jelly that i canx get back home, and having the Hokkaido Milk bread as snack. Its not like some dream combination for most granted but its mine for the day! Heh

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