
Sunday, March 26, 2006

Sunday brunch

Met up with Songyi again after her mass at Time Square. Decide to go for Jap even though she wasnt big on it since she didnt know what else to eat there.

Massage didnt materialise coz we couldnt get a slot and plus she didnt feel too well. So we cancelled shopping and i ended up getting my Long awaited authentic Jap green tea at Citi Super. I know the locals laughed alot at the expats who buy things there coz they call us silly fools. But i rather be labelled a dumb arse buying authentic foreign products here than to eat poetntially unsafe stuff manufactured from some hinterland. Plus "Park and Shop Supermarket" doesnt carry jap tea from japan, its from Guangzhou! Thanks but no THANKS! I will take jap stuff anytime!!! At least quality is assured!

I finally got my Kiehl at HK too! I finally realise that the mango store 许留山 is a franchise!! I dunno who started what. Did the singapore started first or HK. I think its HK coz i see so many of them everywhere! I love their mango aloe jelly drink....soooo nice! HK$25, so be it!

Btw, I think the gals who can speak English with accent in HK are snobs. They think just becoz they speak with some American English they are so damn good. Piss off!

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