
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Dinner @ Armani Bar

Decide to end work early today since I have to fly off tomorrow and i forsee a long working week whole time in shanghai.

Ended up having dinner at Armani Bar. Yup, you got that right. Armani as in Emporio Armani. Anycase, the HK service staff should really really brush up on their English. I specifically said for dinner, and she still brought me to the bar where the whole load of expats are. I had asked twice if she was sure this was the dining area since my instincts are pretty good at catching people out. She nod like a stupid china doll and went off. Another guy waiter passed me the drinks menu and i asked for main meal and he told me we are seated at the wrong area. Talked about banging your head.

So we swopped away from the expats bunch to a quieter corner. Had rack of lamb and it was okie. But the price aint cheap. For 2 set of lambs, 1 mocktail and 1 still, the bill came up to about $HK600. You would expect a place that charge so much to have decent english speaking service staff serving the expats!!!

Anycase, its a nice place and i do like the place so i am not gonna bitch too much about it.

In case i havent said it, Armani Bar is located in Prince's Building just next to Central station , exit K. In fact the whole Chartered Building is all about ARMANI! There is Armani bar, armanai cosmetics, E. Armani clothes, even Armani Florist!! Talked about being exaggerative! The only person I can imagine having a whale of a time here is probably chris! He and his Armani.

Oh well, off to pack my luggage. ANother long remaining week ahead!

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