
Monday, July 17, 2006

First Autumn Press Conference & ...

Ever since i came to HK, there is no end to my hectic work life.

Finally had a proper product training with Rosa today (all the tea rose, pearl, ginseng and shimmery ingredients was overwhelming me!!) . Had a go at the suncare range and the sunshield for the face is really good! It was non greasy light weight and spf30++ cooll! (I finally know what PA++ stands for!!) Rosa was really nice, she gave me this huge collection to bring home to try. I am so gonna bring this conditioning mist for my shanghai trip tomorrow!

As a result of the training we were late for the press conference at Ocean Terminal today. Was scheduled from 3-5pm but we didnt leave office till about 4pm. We ran. Ran like hell so that we can make it in time!!! Rosa had really want to make it so that she can take the door press gift for Sunny as it was the new autumn accent range. For me, I just want to KPO and see how the press conference was like.

Despite all the 500m dash, the press conference was tailing to an end. Rosa almost didnt want to turn up and i told her no way, since i am here, i intend to check it out! Deborah was out at the entrance of stage cafe and she waved to me. We wriggled in past all the press people who were walking out and i grab the first orange juice. I told Rosa "This door gift for sunny is bloody earned back through sweat and 100 calories burning!!!" She laughed and laughed and couldnt agree more!

So i missed the makeup demo but i saw a few local celebrity whom i totally have no idea who they were, though one of them do look kinda sweet.

So we sat there for a while, miggle and chat and ate the dessert finger food. I have got the really nice gift which adds up to about SG$100 worth of products. I doubt i will use some of the colours so will prob pass to mum instead! All in all, my first not so sucessful press conference attendance but hey, who care, i got my first press gift! haa haa haa!

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