
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Risk of Posion..again

Everyday when i watch the news on HK TV, depressingly i wonder when i will be poisoned to death by those heartless unscruptulous business man in China who supplies live stock to HK.

3 more common fishes have been identified to be filled with Malachite Green - Bream, Torbot and Gouropa. And the eggs from China also are filled with Sudan Red Dye that is cancerous causing. Fking lack of ethics business men. So deprived are they in communist days that now at every chance of making a quick buck, even registered fisheries are sending poison fishes across with no remorse. And more and more are jumping the wagon. What the hell is wrong with these people?? 丧心病狂.

Hong Kong News Articles

New 1 - Nov 27 ( click to redirect to original link)

Mainland freshwater fish imports suspended
Mainland freshwater fish exporters will stop supplying Hong Kong from November 28, Deputy Secretary for Health, Welfare & Food Cheuk Wing-hing says, adding that it is a commercial decision.

Speaking to the media tonight, Mr Cheuk said Mainland authorities were not involved in the decision.

Food Safety Centre Consultant Dr Ho Yuk-yin said the latest test result on fish showed a trace amount of malachite green in two freshwater grouper samples. Tests on four duck eggs found no Sudan dye.

Meanwhile, Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare & Food Carrie Yau has left for Beijing to discuss food-safety issues. She said Mainland authorities have attached great importance to recent food safety incidents.

Although Hong Kong's freshwater fish tracking system has been improving, it is important to ensure sources do not use prohibited chemicals in food products, she added.

She will ask her Mainland counterparts to conduct follow-up action to prevent food suppliers using harmful chemicals in their products.

New 2 - Nov 26 ( click to redirect to original link)

Another fish sample tainted

The latest test result on freshwater fish samples showed a trace amount of malachite green in one of 18 samples taken, Food Safety Centre Consultant Dr Ho Yuk-yin says.

The sample tested positive for malachite green was taken from a mud carp at the Cheung Sha Wan Wholesale Food Market, he said.

The fish in question was believed to be imported from a registered fish farm in Foshan, Guangdong. The centre has contacted the Mainland for follow-up actions and the concerned fish farm has stopped supplying fish to Hong Kong.

Turning to results for tests on other drug residues, Dr Ho said four freshwater grouper samples and another freshwater fish sample which have been recently tested positive for malachite green contain a trace amount of Nitrofuran. He urged the trade not to use prohibited chemical to raise fish.

Dr Ho said among the results for 22 egg samples available today, none were found to contain Sudan dyes.

He reminded egg traders to be cautious about the origin of their products and to stop selling 'red-yolk eggs'.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Holy Cow! COW!

The last thing i expected to see in HK was a cow on the middle of the road. Yup, u heard me right. And of course it isnt in the middle of central or causeway bay.

We went to Sai Kung for walks in the mountain area or high hills whatever you call it. The weather is cooling down here but not really cool yet. So have been spending time in aberdeen and saikung exploring the hiking trails.

So as we were driving to the destination, i thought i caught a glimpse of a picture sign of a cow - impling beware cows ahead. I thought I must have misinterpreted the sign or it was an old sign. Next thing i knew round the bend, a HUGE brown cow was lesiurely crossing the road to graze on the leaves along the road. I laughed so hard. I mean seriously, who on earth is gonna believe me when i say "hey i saw a cow wandering on the roads in the modern streets of HK?"!

Anycase, much later as we were walking back to the car from end of the hike, i saw a HERD of cows on way back. Some black, some brown. The black ones looks vicious with horns on them. I guess i better stay clear by a mile before it decides to charge at me! Just kidding.

I dun know the purpose of thw cows really. For meat? For milk? They sure dun look like those milking cows grazing in the freen in europe or australia that's for sure.! I just wish i had my camera there and then. Drats.

Along Saikong water front, i saw tons of small boats parked near the pier and people on the waterfront overlooking down at the boats. I took a peek and whoa! It was water market of fresh seafood. U have got cuttlefish, clams, fishes etc. So cool! Never imagine I would see that in a City!! Only imagine that in Thailand. Goes to show how much i havent seen in HK!

All in all a great day! Should really get around more to have a wider perception of HK than just central, TST, Mongkok and causeway bay.

PS: I think Saikung reminds me of JB somehow. Think of JB with low rise houses and odd shops here and there. U get the picture

"Multi-use" of mascara

While taking water and waiting for the water to be heated up, we chatted abit on Dyeing hair and Josephine was saying that her brother in law uses coarse salt and wet it into paste and massage into his hair. Afterwhich, he didnt have white hair anymore. Then Alice shared in her previous job in Clarins, there was a day when her colleague walked into the conference room and came out looking different. So it happens (absolutely no idea why), that he had decided to use the waterproof black mascara to "dye" the sides of his side burn from white to black!!! It was so funny! But what was really funny was that the guy even forgot that he did the mascara thing and he woke up with 2 black patch on his pillow and his face! It was hilarious!!!!!!! Can u imagine the sight?!!!!

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Flying Home..but never again on american flights

Just came back from SG. Like i told Cynthia, you dunno what u are missing till u leave it behind.

Came back like a whirlwind and gone in a flash last weekend. Was a long weekend for HK and so i booked a flight back on Friday nite and came back on Tues morn. Never again will I takeAmerican Flights if possible as the inspection was crazy and the line was really long. While waiting, i came across 2 other singaporeans like myself rushing back for the short hols. So we chatted abit and exchange numbers since there was nothing else to do in line.

What was funny was i asked the checkin counter if i could bring my small tube of Ettusais concealer (length of your index finger and 1/4 filled) and lip balm on board, she said yes. Yet at the gate where they did manual inspection, the HK officials took it out of my transparent pouch and said i cannot bring it on. I argued that the checkin saw it and said yes. The inspectors said i could only bring it on if they were contained in a transparent zipper bag (i see no difference from my transparent pouch really).

So i had to grab a zipper bag from the staff at the boarding gate 100m away and in the end, when i was boarding, i still was holding on in my left hand the empty ziplock bag, and right hand my concealer and lip balm. Do you see the fallacy of this idiotic meaningless excercise?

1) My stuff was already in a transparent pouch which they took out and said it was cream and hence i cannot bring it on board.
2) when i argue with the HK inspectors, they then said i could bring it on if it was in a zipper bag. Suddenly the point abt it being cream doesnt seem to matter anymore.
3) when i board, i was holding the items in one hand and zipper bag in the other and no one said a thiing. So what is the point of zipper bag???!!!

So am i picky here, or are some officials just literally following instructions blindly without logc?.

In singapore, the custom back was a breeze. They did physical inspection as well and they left my lip balm alone but ensuring my camera and hp was turn on for checks. And they did interviews and body pat down. Everything took less than 30mins. In Hk, it took close to 2 hrs trying to get to the boarding gate for the same airline. U go judge yourself. In anycase, if i am departing from HK, stick best to SQ and Cathay to avoid all these hassles.