
Friday, February 2, 2007

Annual Dinner @ Disney Land

So tired after back from Taiwan. Hardly had any winks during whole trip. Forgot it was annual dinner on wed! And worse, it was at disney land.. sigh no choice, had to abandon work hafway and follow the office people to catch the coach to destination.

Overall was ok. Wasnt that impressed with HK disneyland after been to all the rest and universal studio. But seeing how happy and excited Joanne was kinda make it more interesting! ha ha ha!The gals moved from site to site and we started with space mountain. After the ride, the gals were all agreeing that it wasnt terribly exciting as it wasnt dark enough, so we could see all the rails and expect what to come. And there was wasnt enough drops! Boooooorrring! After space mountain, we realise the rest were really kiddy rides. OMG, and we have a few hours to kill! We went off to play buzz light years and winne rides. Oh well, buzz light year was pretty alright and i had pretty high scores, considering i was half texting vendor about quotes at the same time! haaa haaa!! Dun piss me off or i will blow your head off! haa haa

Headed off to the hotel and the dinner night was pretty alright. We had pictures taken with Mickey but honesty, I didnt quite know what to do with Mickey. Didnt have that "attachment" to cartoon character, only took one for memory! haa haa. Won myself a dinner for 4. Josephine got herself a gucci pouch. Food was pretty decent actually. And i love the choc fondue! Yuummmmy!

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