
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Back in old office

This was a most eventful trip back to sg. It kept me so busy that I didnt have much time to rest. On average, it was only like 3-4hrs sleep per day but absolutely nothing to complain about. There were too many wonderful friends i had missed in my last trips and I had promised i would catch up with them this time round.

Landed in sg about 1am and eileen stayed up to wait for me. She was telling me how much flashbacks she had of the funny times we had when we use to stay together. And how we were chasing VCDs while i was mugging for my exams at the same time. Funny how sight and smells reminds you of the old times which sometimes lay dormant in your mind. So we chatted till 7.30am, bright and early. While i drifted off to sleep with her HP alarm snoozing and ringing till 9.30am, she went off to work while i crawled out of bed at 11am for my lunch appointment.

Went back to my excompany for lunch as the purchasing and admin gals organised a group lunch together. It was really nice and nostalgic to see all the girls. Was there at abt 11.30am but luckily lunch was delayed to 1pm instead. So i had some time to visit my ex-colleagues and boss.

It was quite funny when i went in and stood infront susan. How i miss susan! I could always depend on her to do all my time consuming admin and paper work for me, and the nitty gritty project things when i got too busy. She was the singularly dependable person u can have in the dept. Initially she looked up unsimiling and she started screaming in excitement. It was funny seeing the expression changing. We chatted for a while and we went off to prank on Bee. Bee hd the same reaction and she was jokingly saying "I was wondering why that laughter and voice is sooo familiar! Was thinking so hrd which customer but cannot be leh!" So we chatted more on Hk and life etc, not to mention no more music from my old cubi and snacks. Susan was so cute. She pouted and said "i want to complain to you! KF bully me!!!" I laughed when i heard what happen and promised to bully kf for her. Before it hit lunch time, I went off to look for my big boss. Susan was so sweet. She went ahead of me to announce the "mystery" visitor and making my boss guess who it was. Being blocked off by the cubicle, he was probably squinting his eyes at susan. I popped my head in and he laughed.

"i was just about to text you or email this morning when i was driving" he said. "Really? Why?" i asked. He smiled knowingly and said "What else happy girl?" heh heh heh. I was very touched. I told my boss he was so niccccccceeee! After 8 years he still rems. So we bantered and chatted and kinda updated him on HK and stuff. He asked me when i was going to come back and i laughed how much he wanted to recruit me back. he tapped my head and said i was too expensive. I guess he must have been under alot of stress with new projects after i left. he lost so much weight. I couldnt resist joking that "Boss! U went to Marie France!" Everyone laughed. Boss hit my head as usual with his airticket.

One of the software team colleague had a face sunburnt and he was begging me to stop making him laugh coz his face was hurting from pain. I told to "stop blushing" first. It only made us laugh harder at his self inflicted "agony". Next thing i knew it was 1pm and was running late. So we had to cut short the chatting session, not before i commented my boss and colleagues, the place is now strangely quiet like an the exam hall. Susan told me it has been so since myself and a few others have left. Sad. I guess change is the only constant factor.

Lunch was so so but the company was good. of coz yusheng was splattered more over the table than eaten. It was raining and i had to rush off to the next appointment for the noon and nite, but not before promising my boss i will come back on friday for lunch with him. It was really nice and warm in seeing everyone again. I canx wait to see them again on friday!

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