
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A little nice french dinner with my best gf

Weather's been acting up again in HK. It was 26degree the day i landed and Monday it dropped to 15. Today, it prob is hovering between 10-11 degrees.

Had a wonderful dinner with Jo last night. We decided to venture out of causeway bay for a change and went to LKF for dinner instead. I told her i vaguely rem a French restaurant and we kinda poke around abit before I finally locate the not so secret hideout. Haa haaa. We didnt go Soho coz it was too bloody cold and we were underdressed that night.

Cafe Artiste was pretty quiet that night considering it was a Tuesday night. There were prob only 3 table filled inclusive of our patronage. So i was kinda skeptical about the "serving" and "quality". I mean seriously, if u are gonna have crap French cusine, u might as well spare your cash for better stuff.

Jo and I decide to share our mains and so she went for this blazing beef with Foie Gras (HK285) while I went after the duck breast (HK190) since we both werent keen on fish that night. The lobster bisque as starters was pretty mild and average. I wasnt overly crazy since it lack the wholesome rich seafood flavour.

However the main came as an utter surprise. The portion are HUGE! Well at least, it justified the cost of the main. First they cook the beef before you but both of us were so engross in chatting that we hardly minded his presence or whatever he was dishing out. Actually we talked so much that we realise we overorder due to lack of hunger. Still, we liked what we came for and had lemon sherbet to clear the buds as dessert.

What kinda surprised me was Jo insisting on footing the bill. She said it would be a belated birthday treat and nothing i said could sway her otherwise. So it was like an expensive "date" except it is with your good fren for 4 solid hours. There was so much to share about - views, experiences, takes in life. I mean how much can u talk during lunch. By the time we left, we discovered the common grounds and similarities we had are simply stupefying!!! I mean one in a million chance for 2 people from different country, env to share such common traits and experiences is just unbelievable!

The whole restaurant was completely empty and we bet the sole waiter was aching for us to leave so that he could slam the door behind us! haaa haaa. The kitchen was already closed and lights were off.

The night was really cold and we kinda huddle together walking to the cab Q at Landmark. Then the topic got interesting and we decided to hide in Harvey and chat abit more, away from the fearless wind. Haa haaa. It's hard to describe but its like those moments that time passes like a wink. I felt like I was still on my ride of joy.

Its moments like this that is really great, to be able to find a match and talk to an equal, without great theatrics I might add. Just simple points and message that drives home without any need for elaboration. Now that's real communication for you. I will truly miss her when I leave HK.

A great nite out back in sg

Fell asleep during my Bio-Body massage. It was Gooooood. I was so pleased with the session.

I looked at my hp and went "shit". 2 missed calls. My fren's partner session apparently ended earlier than expected. I called him and he was at the hotel lobby waiting. 10mins earlier than planned.

We were suppose to try the Japanese restaurant at Dempsey road but he couldnt find it since stan and jas had the idea it was under a name Yen or Zen. We drove round and finally located it with a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT name by Oosh. And anycase, it didnt even come across as Jap (
It looks absolutely lovely at night but unfortunately it was full. I was willing to bend for other options but he said "Nope, you will get what you came for. Though unfortunately u are with a not very enlightened chap on Jap food." Ha ha so we ended up driving round the block for other Jap in shenton! haa haa

After dinner, in his ardent quest to feed me thoroughly with my local cravings, he proceeded to go to Selegie for beancurd. So imagine at 10.30pm, i was still eating. I am so gonna burst. OMG. But i have to admit, it was really good.

It was quite funny coz we were sitting under the spotlight in the back alley. I asked "Do you know what this feels like?" He was so quick and answered "A flim set." I laughed and nodded. It was nice, sitting there in the back alley and the gentle breeze coming thru. Its moments like this that really pushes noisy polluted HK out in the far remote part of my head.

We talked about all the things i had seen and experience including the trip to Vatican. He snorted in utter amusement when i gave him the look of "death" when he made a crap joke about my favourite sculpture of Apollo and Daphne @Borghese House ( .
Then he shared his conversation with this gal about sistine chapel and the girl replied "Yah yah, I love the chapels there! there are really alot chapels. I think there are more than 16 chapels" I chortled at the really dumb statement. Is that gal really for real?? We cracked up laughing when he saw my look of disbelief. He said he stopped the conversation with the gal immediately since there wasnt any point in pursuing a non intellectual conversation.

By midnite, we decided we had enough spot light shining on us and headed back.

We stopped by Holland 7-11and it was like a dead town. He said it was like that ever since they stop people parking by the road side. As we were drowning ourselves with icy cold water, we stood opposite the coffee shop and he pointed out the yellow box for smokers. I stared incredulously at it. "Does it actually help? I mean the wind blows and you still get the stinky smell dun u? ". Well that's the law he said. You have to be in the yellow zone to smoke. Sometimes smokers felt like they are being persecuted. I laughed and replied, "Its not a fantastic habit to cling on to anycase."

I thought for a sec and asked. "If say your butt is seated away and out the yellow box, but your hands with the cig within the yellow box. And when you bend over to smoke within the line, technically you are not flauting the law are you even though your arse is out of the box?" He laughed and asked me if i was trying to challenge the law? I grinned. Who cares, i dun smoke. It was just the fun for thought kinda thing.

We moved on and he showed me the new pockets like Rochester Park with the new restaurants and all.
( Ooo so nice!

Since sunrise watching wasnt really the agenda, we started to head back to town. Dead tired but satisfied by the time i hit the sack. I probably seen more of singapore in a night than i was staying here. And i was thankful for the very nice gesture, keeping me entertained while I have my usual bouts of insomnia, not to mention the really cool cd he gave me to keep me occupied for the rest of the waking hours. Happy!

A little chill on friday


Finally cleared the email backlog from last week. Friday was kinda eff-up and so i abandon my laptop for the weekend just to chill out.

I made a trip down to Trac's place to visit her and little Jerlene (the one of the 2 times to admiralty!) Since god had give me this unexpected opportunity to be back in town, i better fulfill my promise to visit them!

I laughed and told Trac that i couldnt decide who the bb took after! But she has such lovely locks that it's no wonder why her daddy absolutely would not bear to cut it for whatever chinese traditions. Had a go at carrying the little one and went on chatting with her mummy. To a point, i made a joke to trac, "Your daughter lying on my lap feels just like another pillow warming my legs and she looks damn comfy lor! Tempting me to sleep!"

Along the way, was suppose to meet CW for quick tea break as he had to head to town for his meeting. Before we met, i bumped into the office cleaner who worked on my floor. I was extremely surprised when she called my name and came to talk to me. I use to chat with her in the mornings when she clean my cubi but didnt know she knew my name! I was delighted to see her but she has aged. Suddenly I thought of my mum and felt a wave of attachment.

CW came shortly and we drove off to Junction 8 for quick tea. I told him he positively looked better without the dark golf tan and his recent marriage has done alot of good for him! He was glowing and he laughed his usual laugh.

I ended up with retail therapy @ Future state and Phuture London and grabbed everything nice in sight since i was so deprived in HK with shopping for the type of clothes i like, at a decent price. Ended up walking back to my hotel with 2 bags and over 15 tops and skirts in less than 15mins. I hate long shopping session. That will settle my new wardrobe for the next few months to come when the weather warms up. I just couldnt find any decent pair of shoes.Sigh.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The Great Spy Experiment

I am still gaping and wheeling from utter overtones of feelings. I guess "WOW" would best described my current reaction. When Stan told me that Song is in a band and was playing at Zouk out, I had this notion there are really good and I was floored. Little did i know it is to be this mind blowing! Awesome!

The Great Spy Experiment actually got selected to SxSW event in Austin! Oh God, canx believe what I'm missing!

more reads:

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Lovely Monday

What was surprising today was the presents on my table. When i opened the card, it was from Taiwan! I was floored! I didnt even know she knew it was my bday since i never told her. It was such a sweet gesture! I called her immediately to express my thanks and first thing she asked was when i was going to shanghai and Taiwan to visit her. I laughed and told her not so soon since i prob had blown my travel budget! Guess she has to come down to Hk instead!

Then i checked my horribly flooded mailbox. So much so that it overwhelm my mail folder and it become corrupted and so i had to send it off for fixing. But there was one mail i copied out to read as it was from Taehwan. He never failed to rem my birthday regardless if he was still in Korea or in states.

He told me he is finally finishing up his PhD in Stanford and that he married his sweetheart. She finished cambridge and moved to states with him. He told me about how Hyunhee and himself are now eating mostly organic food after hearing all the horrible story. He said its a trend up in california anycase. I laughed heartily when he said how it was always a massive project to write to me seeing how much we always have to update each other! I was reading his letter and grinning away like a Cheshire cat as i progress down the mail. I still think its unbelievable that after nearing 2 decades, we would still be in touch without having to meetup!

Had too much work to clear and i didnt have a chance to reply to all the good wishes. Today, today is just absolutely a lovely day :)

Friday, March 2, 2007

Lunch with my exboss

Friday was a good day. Big Boss brought me out to Bishan Park and this "new" restaurant Acacia. It was another long 3 lunch but since he is the boss, ha ha, i didnt have to worry for him to rush back:) And he even gave me an angpao for CNY which i felt abit bad since i didnt prepare any oranges for him. Luckily i brought back some taiwan goodies from my last trip for him and the team.

We chatted abit and he asked about work. I openly discussed the difference between him and my current big french boss. I was totally in agreement with him when he said that given the same situation in singapore, the opportunity that i had been bestowed would not have happened in Singapore. The recruiters in sg are just too fixated about domain knowledge and "relevant" experience that they will never consider anyone from a different vertical. He asked me if I felt it was wasted giving up all the experience and my auditor certification since that would have been really good career for me too. I shared with him that this current job gave me unimaginable exposure that in sg, i would never have had. I am happy with what i have and i dun think looking back, wistfully thinking about "what if" serves any purpose. Life is a journey, you just move on. I dun worry about what i am giving up, i just look forward to the new challenges and deal with it as it comes.

What i didnt tell him was that all my close frens whom i caught up with told me they have never seen me happier. The change in landscape has instilled this difference. The passion i live with in my life is rubbing off them and i suppose that is how it is in life. Ups and Downs but you canx stay down forever. At some point in time, you have to get up like a Ferris Wheel and feel like you are at the top of the pedestal.

But i told my boss he is the greatest mentor i ever had and i am truly blessed. Chris told me once: "Being a coach and mentor is different. Being a coach is easy, being a mentor is hard." I agreed. Mentor has really life changing effect in moulding you. The questions my big boss used to challenge my thinking alot and the fact he never put on airs allowed my "debates". He never spoon fed us, it is always a thought provoking session. Not many people has the ability to do that. I rem when i use to write corporate newsletter and how i flooded his inbox for his opinions and inputs. He would come walking with a cup of coffee, and dangling the article and tapped my head and joked about him being my "slave". It had been fun years.

My current success is much attributed to his lessons and advices in work and personal level . We still joke about the curt and clinical emails i use to blast really "stupid" users. He always agreed with my points but sometimes, phone is a better medium to be used he used to tell me. I think it was easier to keep my sacarsm from my voice than from my writing. Which is why my current HK phone is perpetually warm to touch. When you leave a job, you should take away good experiences, lessons and leaving behind a good legacy.

Before i left, my ex-teammate was asking some questions about some report from my old portfolio in which he wasnt sure about the process. It felt good to know that somethings that you learn, no one can take it away from you and its valuable enough to still be able to share.

In life, unless u put your heart and soul into every you do, you will walk away in life like an empty corpse. Rather than mocking people about being stupid not to delegate, just do whatever that is assign to you as it is a sign of faith in your capability. No one is indispensible but different people have different forte. I use to advice my staff, if you have so much time to complain about problems or push it away to others, save the energy instead and spend it trying to work on the issue at hand. It will be a better time well spent and you will learn from something from the experience. And once u start working on it, answers will come to you before u realise it.

After he dropped me off to the MRT, i message him abig thank you and it came to and fro abit. The last bit, he joked "Be good". I told him "I always am:)" He laughed.

It was a memorable and nostalgic afternoon in the cool rainy afternoon amid the theraputic greens...

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Thursday. A great birthday

Second night had late chitchat again and didnt crawl to bed till it was about 5am. Felt abit strange sleeping in a new environment in the dark and was afraid to wake E. Just as i was about to fall into deep slumber, the hp alarm went off and it was like ground hog day. E rushed off and i crawled out. We had agreed to meet up for lunch at Brewerks. I was craving for the fish fillet for ages before i even touch down!

Thanks to the lousy cab transportation, i was delayed by lack of cabs in singapore on a rainy afternoon. This would never happen in HK. Cabs are in utter abundance there and i forgot the pain in sg. So lunch was delayed till closer to 12.30pm of no fault of mine. It was nice catching up with E and Leo again. We took pictures and E sweetly got me the cd i really liked and Leo got me something which they brought back from australia open. Time flies when u are having a good time and next thing i knew it was like 3.30pm and i needed to rush to visit Anna, before i have to meet jen at 6.30pm. OMG.

Of coz being at Anna's place was like being at home and time became fluid. We caught up abit, joked abit and its amazing how far all of us in the group has come along. It didnt feel like 7 years but indeed it is since I was introduced to them. I am happy for her. She deserves every good thing in her life now and her son is absolutely gorgeous..i loved his hazel eyes.

i ended up late, not grossly late thankfully... Manwin and his new gf was there and i liked her. She's candid and I could see the twinkle in manwin's eyes. Jen was refreshingly changed physically after she left our excompany. It was like the "exs" reunion. haa haa. Again i was pretty touched when Jen took the trouble to get me something unexpected. i told her she really didnt have to but she insisted. She was worried i would like her present and I assured her i love it and i do. I realised now i have to seriously squeezed some space for all the things i am bringing back!

We moved to Clarke Quay and OMG, how the place has changed! The last time when i was there was when eve was still working with Maple and we had free access to alot of places but those are gone now. We went to my fav music place and chatted even more. 3 hours plus passed in a blink when u are having a good time. Chris joined us towards later part of the night. I was so shocked when i saw him losing so much weight but i liked him better this way- skinner!! ha ha. Apparently he had dengue and was recovering still. Bless him! He joined me in the most expensive coke for the night going for bloody $6 bucks per cup and since the place was so empty, the $6 lasted us from ten to wee morning and no one hassled us in ordering anything else. So if you divide by the hours, it kinda makes it less of a rip off.

Anycase, we call it a day by 4.30am. So much to catch up since we havent see each other for more than a year. My goodness but he was always good with his train of thoughts. He constantly amazes me at his reasoning and such grace & poise. Bloody hell!!! He prob could convince a cow to come home on its own!!! haa haaaa. He gave me a quick tour of the city, pointing out what i had missed out over the year and the ongoing "singapore-eye" being built (ps: utter waste of money. London eye is kinda boring even with a grander scale and landscape view than ours..). He drove through the carpark to show me the latest haunt near sentosa and i felt bad about him going through the lot since we werent gonna step out anycase.

I couldnt believe so much changes had taken place before your eyes in a year but its good. Such progress and development is good for the city though.

By the time i hit the sack, the room was so silent that i missed the humming of the fan at home. Swissotel always has good bed and pillow and that lured me to sleep pretty much without much of a fight. Dawn was breaking. Tomorrow will be another early day. Yeah, boss is treating later on! heh heh heh.

Friday nite with college mates

Friday dinner was spent with another friend. After the meeting, i felt kinda sad for her when i knew the tribulations she is facing. I didnt want to advise her not because i couldnt, but i just felt she needed a professional for her set of problems. She needed someone who could be impartial which i told her i will not be as she is my friend. All i could do was to hang in there for her, to let her say her peace since she told me she couldnt bring herself to confide in anyone else. When she started crying, i could only empathise with her. I told her to think but act on it. Sitting on the problem wont make it go away, it will only snowball and the angst building up will only make things worse.

After dinner, she had to rush back to work while i went off to meet my college mates@ kandi bar. The guys had put on so much weight!!! haaa haaa. We were bitching abt this guy who was such an ar*sehole and still cracking jokes when TC needed to cancel the CNY gathering as his relative passed away. when E told him off in the mass email, he remains stoically unapologetic for his callous and insensitive remarks.
The night was spent joking and remembering the old times. We went through the council list and was just catching up on everyone that we could remember. I think everyone we knew did pretty well.
KM was sharing bumped into Ivan while getting consultation and now his card says "Ivan's fren". Ivan had his own clinic now we last heard. DY returned from his Boston stint and now relocate back to sg, and now this big director is busy feeding baby and changing diapers. Someone become GRL and we gagged at the thought of such an idiot representing his community. Thank god we aint in his ward!

We reminisce about old college days, the feuds, the scandals, the ridiculous puppy love and all. We talked about who kissed who, who hated who, who was gay, who was beauty queen and who went for sex change - looking more womanly than any of the gals combined! TC remarked "where was I!" We laughed and said that was his price of being the "president". We realised, out of the 30 of us, more than 3/4 joined are civil servants. Who would have thought but then again i aint surprised, most of them took the scholarship and their future is mapped.

The link bridge which all councillors traditionally used to climb up and leave their name has been torn down in the name of campus expansion. While the physical aspect was gone, the memories stayed with us. We counted and omg, its the 26th council now! We have long stopped gg back to the gatherings since u are looking at a bunch of teeny bopping kids and you really have nothing much to share with them. We have come too far to be in sync.

KM complained about Raffles hotel for his wedding last year and the whole escapade which lead to him complaining and the banquet manager got sacked. Seriously, paying a premium cost and they couldnt even get matching cutlery, a sound technician who couldnt operate the sound system and PPT, some rotting moulding things in the room. That was abit too much to bear.

TC refuse to share how much bonus he got but the drinks and beverages were on him anycase. *chuckles*. Then again, pineapple and orange juice doesnt really chalk up alot lor. But we didnt want him to dig into diaper money or no more permission from wife to let him out of the cave! haa haa.