
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

IQ Test

karen sent me this test and did it at 2am yesteray while waiting for my hair to dry.

To be honest, I was quite impatient to finish the test because I didnt realise there were so many questions (didnt read instructions in detail) and i wanted to sleep!!!

Skipped 2 answers because one i was too lazy to think, and the other, i didnt know how i should interpret the question.

If u did the test, let me know coz i wanted to know how you interpret about the question on shaking hands. Depending on how you "rationalise" it, I thought both available answers work for me.

I have no idea what is the max range. I am assuming anything above 115 is at least average :)


  1. Hey girl, this is the range of IQ test scores which I got from the website.
    Intelligence Interval
    40 - 54 Severely challenged (Less than 1% of test takers)
    55 - 69 Challenged (2.3% of test takers)
    70 - 84 Below average
    85 - 114 Average (68% of test takers)
    115 - 129 Above average
    130 - 144 Gifted (2.3% of test takers)
    145 - 159 Genius (Less than 1% of test takers)
    160 - 175 Extraordinary genius

  2. Of course, I got 160-175 Extraordinary genius ..... bwa ha ha

  3. But seriously, I found the math questions difficult. Not the adding and number series - those were ok. But seriously...I found the math questions difficult. Rather, it was visualizing hexagons and octagons, and the shapes that fit in them, and the doughnut shaped house question that stumped me. Oh, and the handshakes too.

    And, on a side note, how come the more comments I post, the no. of letters in the recognition thingy seems to grow longer and longer? :-~

  4. Ok, the above comment was supposed to read:
    But seriously, I found the math questions difficult. Not the adding and number series - those were ok. Rather, it was the visualizing of hexagons and octagons, and the shapes that fit in them, and the doughnut shaped house question that stumped me. Oh, and the handshakes too.

    And maybe they're trying to discourage spamming, which is why, with every subsequent comment I make, the no. of letters I have to type below gets longer and longer.

  5. bwhaaa haaa, at least i know i am hanging around people smarter than me an that's good!!! I have only got a score of 140. Damn@! Haa haa. My competitve streak is eating me up now. haaa haaaaaaaaa! KiddingYah!!! The damn doughnut house stumped me too!! For the 7 vs 6 handshakes, I didnt know if the question wanted me to calculate use both hands or one hand to arrive at the final figure. The hexagon question was ok, but the octagon question i had to take a double take too!
