
Friday, August 31, 2007

My welcoming "call"

On the very day I was back, received a few calls and sms from my friends. Most of all, I had a surprise call from C while i was shopping with my mum. The minute i answered his call, it was bantering and questions non stop. Bloody hell he had to poke fun of me shopping at Tampines! Hmmpf! Always "suan" me that fellow!!! Yet I have to admit it was nice to hear the first familiar voice and cracking jokes. As he was going away for the weekend for his golf (as usual!) and so i told him to call later when he is back then. We will see if Mr Forgetful will actually call later or it will be my turn to "suan" him back!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Super Funny!

Ada sent me this joke and I havent had such a good laugh for a long time!


A co-worker got a pen stuck inside our printer. He started to try andremove the pen, but I told him we don't have time for that now, justput a note on the printer telling folks not to use it and then reportit to the Help Desk. So he grabbed a piece of paper and scrawled on it.
I left before he finished the note.

About 20 minutes later, one of my techs comes in laughing and says he wasjust in the lobby, saw a piece of paper on a printer and went to investigate.

Attached is what he found. Sometimes things don't always come out the wayyou want them to...

Lunar Eclipse

It was total lunar full eclipse last night, where the earth, the sun and the moon fall into perfect alignment. I didnt even realise there was suppose to be one. The sky was clear, and the moon looked red and black. Supposedly, when there is enough dust in the earth's atmosphere the surface will appear blood red.I thought it looked alittle eerie, invoking a loneliness of the moon. Somehow it reminded me of all those anime that i watched about vampires and wolves.

I'm not a person who particularly am enthralled by astronomical events. Really it has no bearing on me and whether I had seen an eclipse, a star showers or not. All these have little impact on me. I couldnt understand those lips curling up in joy of those people admiring the night sky and the red moon. I couldnt understand what is this fascination about eclipse that have star gazers around the world trying to take a picture. Simply because its a "rare" moment i suppose.

i would much rather look at the sky full of everchanging clouds and of different hues that is close to me everyday, than to spend my time watching a somethins that is once in a blue moon.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Another case of bad cust9omer service

I called yesterday Monday to Sky net worldwide express, to arrange for delivery of my consigment. I was told it would be arranged today.

I waited from 9am till 2pm and i didnt hear a word. So suspecting something is screwed up and losing faith in sydney's service and their "word of worthless gold", i rang up the company.

Bingo! To my (expected) dismay, i was informed by the customer service that no arrangement was made for my parcel to be delivered today. Bitch. The bitch I spoke to yesterday forgot to do it. So i effectively wasted the whole day in the morn waiting for a parcel that never came.

I contained my displeasure and told them i expect it tomorrow, and They have better give me a time. I am not going to wait around again the whole day. Ridiculous.

See what I mean by incompetence? if it wasnt for tourism and their natural minerals, Sydney will be a dump if the city continued to be run by such attitude of neligence and carelessness...Such a pity... U would think sydney's businesses attitude would surpass but sadly and ironically, ended up much worse than developing countries in terms of customer service service and credibility.

Gripes of the day

Am extremely annoyed today. I have no idea what happened to customer service nowadays, an invisible concept that is either history and eradicated, or it just basically does not exists in Sydney.

After much hassling and chasing, with my calls unreturned to the local moving company (partner of santa fe), my patience and tolerance ran out after a month. I wrote a polite but definitely with a classic tone of dissatisfaction about this neligence of customer service and held santa fe responsible for my undelivered stuff, and most of all, unresponsive service here in sydney. That finally work. one complaint email to HK was more powerful than multiple calls to local office everyday. Within the day, the manager from local moving company called back. Finally things get moving.

An important lesson learnt in sydney. Being nice doesnt work in australia. Nice gets you nowwhere. Nice leaves you hanging at the end of the thread and gets yourself bullied. I do not know if ethnic race is of any role to play here (i hope not), but certainly, I learnt unlike asia, being reasonable and understanding doesnt work here in western culture.

Firstly my stuff packed in santa fe wooden crate was held back by quarantine, because they didnt have any papers to certify its bug free. So they have to undergo quarantine.

First big fight, i was asked to pay for fumingation. I refused. My grounds are perfectly clear. You are responsible for packing, and ensuring its hassle free. So the company's oversight is not my responsibility as a client. No contract, no payment.

Second fight, if i refuse fumingation, there was a disposal fee of wooden crate. Again, i stood firm on my ground and refuse. It is not my fault so I am not paying a cent. I wrote to santa fe in HK and message gotten through.

Third fight, they wanted me to sign some sort of disclaimer if my stuff gets damage during fumingation. No deal. That is not my problem and I paid insurance, why should i sign any disclaimer freeing them of responsibility

Fourth fight, the person who finally sent my stuff told me they aint fixing up the stuff. That really struck a very very bad chord with me. They kept whinging and say its not their job. I broke my silence and said to him tersely. "If you have an issue about your job, either you quit, or you take it up with santa fe in HK about the coverage of services I sign up for. I am your customer. I pay you to assemble my stuff, not listening to you telling me what you do not do. I specifically asked santa fe about this service and they said yes. So if you are unhappy, you take it up with them but i expect you to fix this up before you leave." The other 2 guys kept quiet and the guy who had been complaining kept quiet for a minute before saying "of course we will definitely help you fix up the stuff this time. I have to tell our boss not to cover this next time." I said Fine, that is your internal issue, I am not interested except in ensuring I get the service i paid for." That shut him up proper.

With that, I stare at him and make sure he fixed up everything properly before he left.

I have always try to be understanding to service people because I know they aint paid much and I am not the nasty sort. However, i drew the line today and from now on, I refuse to be pushed over by a minority of white people who thinks they are more superior and asian are some sort of poor illiterate immigrants.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Manga vs Ikemen and Hana Kimi

Also read the Hana Kimi Manga after watching Ikemen Paradise series. The drama ended with a cliff hanger sort of thing with sano coming to i am wondering if they will be expecting part 2 to be produced later....

The manga is certainly MUCH funnier and better than both the Taiwan and Japan TV drama combined.

I realised that the Taiwan version followed pretty much faithfully to the manga until the ending few epi which is crap. If Taiwan had followed thru to the actual ending, it would be way fantastic. I guess they just wanted to save for part 2...which is really POINTLESS because whatever scenes they didnt adapt, Japan took most of the remaining/other manga scenes and acted on it. Japan's Hana Kimi version certainly tried to adapt the manga ending but not close enough as they left it hanging.

if u want to know the true manga ending, -Sano confessed his love to Ashiya before her real identity was discovered, and they affirmed their true feelings for each other after all the turmoils and incidents. Well, Ashiya left Japan as the Japan series portrayed when her true identity was accidentally discovered when the Hall one head saw her changing. In the end, Sano completed the remaining term alone and went to states to further his uni education to be with Ashiya. Happily ever after!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Dun wanna talk.
Dun wanna listen.
Dun wanna answer.
Dun wanna write.
Dun wanna hang out.
Dun wanna socialise.
Dun wanna be nice
Dun wanna think.

Just wanna lie in bed all day
Just wanna listen to ipod all day
Just wanna read all day
Just wanna be left alone all day
Just wanna watch dvd all day
Just wanna eat nothing but bread & nutella all day
Just wanna be mean
Just wanna sulk all day
Just wanna scream all day

I just want peace and quiet and shut off.

I miss those days where i can just pass a 3 whole days not having to talk to anyone, not at work, not at home, not anywhere. Just me and my ipod music. No one bugging me what is wrong. No one trying to talk to me. No effort of keeping up a facial expression that assures everyone else but me.

Nothing is wrong.
I havent gone off the edge.
I just need my own space.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Maybe Tomorrow

Been down and Im wondering why
These little black clouds keep walking around with me, with me
Waste time and Id rather be high
Think Ill walk me outside and buy a rainbow smile but be free, be all free
So maybe tomorrow Ill find my way home
So maybe tomorrow Ill find my way home

I look around at a beautifiul life
I been the upper side of down; been the inside of out but we breathe, we breathe

I wanna a breeze and an open mind
I wanna swim in the ocean, wanna take my time for me, its all free

So maybe tomorrow Ill find my way home
So maybe tomorrow Ill find my way home

So maybe tomorrow Ill find my way home
So maybe tomorrow Ill find my way home

Friday, August 17, 2007

BBQ pork ribs

Tried a new recipe last nite - Barbeque Hoisin Sauce Pork ribs. Was simple and easy and turned out quite well on first attempt.

Recipe Ingredients
1. 1/2 cup of hoisin sauce (abt 125ml)
2. 3 tablespoon of light soysauce
3. 3 tablespoon of shaoxing rice wine
4. 3 tablespoon of tomato sauce (ketchup)
5. 4 garlic clove, finely chopped
6. 3 tablespoon of ginger, finely chopped
7. 1-2 teaspoon of sugar (optional depending on your taste bud, i only put 1 teaspoon)
8. about 1.5kg of pork spareribs

1. Put the ribs into a box and bring the water to boil. Simmer for about 20mins and turn off flame (add a pinch of salt if u like)
2. Drain water and leave ribs to cool
3. Cut the ribs individually or in parts, your preference
4. Marinate the ribs with the rest of the ingredients combined in a pot or bowl.
5. Leave in fridge for at least 3 hours or overnight.
6. Preheat oven to 180degrees (350 F.Dg)
7. Put the ribs and marinade on a baking tray lined with alumin foil.
8. Bake for 45mins, turning in between when brown.
9. Or bake for 20mins, change to fan grill and leave for 5-10mins, turning when brown. (watch the meat sizzle in the juice! yummy)


My experience and ratings of express couriers here

I have come to realise from past experience in the month.

1. DHL couriers here aint very smart. Do not recognise a unit intercom buzzer is bad enough, what is worse? Because they couldnt get into the block, theyy didnt have sense to leave " Sorry we cannot get you" delivery note. It happened thrice for the same delivery parcel, despite leaving instructions with the hotline for them to press the buzzer.

2. Fedex couriers fared slightly better. Do not recognise a unit intercom buzzer either. However, they have enough sense to leave a delivery note with tracking bill number outside at the main entrance door on its first attempt. So that at least i could call back and arrange next delivery. Left instruction for them tobuzz the intercom next time.

3. TNT couriers. Smartest of the express delivery lot! Could actually know to locate the buzzer and got my delivery on its first attempt with absolute no instructions!

PS: Unlike asia, none of the couriers here carry a mobile. So they couldnt phone you. Man, i miss asia service!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The lack of efficiency

am good now, so no worries there. Kinda came out of the dark dimension I was from and just shook the layer of dust of me. To those concerned, thank you and I am fine. Its one of those moments that grip u so hard and rattle at your soul. Take time, take peace and all is good, well almost good again.

I have learn the way in sydney is never to really trust what service people tell u. Take the initiative, unless you are happy to wait and wait.

My boxes of stuff arrived sydney customs on 20th and was cleared on 30th (mon). Yet, the Sydney delivery people kept telling me i cannot have my stuff because it has to undergo clearance for the first week of August. I trusted them being reputable company and i was told to expect it the early following week. So the second week of august arrived, and no calls nor emails. I rang up the company and was told the lady incharges of my boxes shipment was on sick leave and she promised to have her colleague call me back end of the week.

End of the 2nd week arrived and no call. I range and still couldnt reach the person in charge. I asked for updates and was told my stuff was still in quarantine. In fact, now the other girl told me it is normal to wait up to 3 weeks for quarantine in sydney due to the backlog at the customs side.

On monday of the 3rd week, my instincts told me to ring the delivery people. To me, 3 weeks is a ridiculous wait for boxes without firearms, animals, furs, foodstuff etc. Luckily I rang because I am told now that the person in charge has actually resigned LAST WEEK. So now they bumped me to another new person.
This new person again gave me the usual "oh quarantine has not cleared it" excuse. I asked her are u sure it takes that long, have u actually called to check? Then she profess "I have a stack of papers on my table and i havent gone through them. I will do it later this eve when i have the time." When she has the time? I am fucking living without my stuff and she is taking her sweet time? I curtly told her i needed a time estimate she will get back to me. She wise up and promised the next day.

After i hung up, i wasnt convinced by the typical "efficiency" of the australian service level. So i went through the whole australian website and search under quarantine section. I decide that I have nothing to lose to ask if the shipment really has to take that freaking long to clear.

On the second number i dial to the approved quarantine premises, this very nice lady took my call. I explained my situation and told her politely that while i respect and have no questions on why there is a need for quarantine period, however i just needed to be SURE that it is indeed that my stuff are still at the customs, and not because not some dumb floosie here is too damn lazy to clear ger paper work since her colleagues resigned.

The very nice lady asked a few questions and when she heard that my shipment arrival and custom clearance dates, she actually asked me AGAIN"are you absolutely sure of the customs clearance date?" I said yes i am definite because i have in my hands the official letter from delivery guys indicating those dates. She promised to call and ask around for me and let me know later in the day.

You know what? I am fucking glad i made that call. because in less than an hour, a staff from the delivery guys called me and said "OH your stuff has been cleared quarantine!"

So people, is it just me or suspiciously coincidental? U be the judge. As far as i am concerned, i believed my call to the quarantine department has triggered some actions.. FINALLY.

Yet, I still have to wait for another FULL week before they can deliver my stuff, so its next week. And i only just receive an email notifying me that the quarantine has been cleared, 4 days after she called me. If i am not personally experiencing this, i will find it hard to believe all these.

Its just annoying, the speed and the attitude of some people woking here. I think instead of complaining about inflood of immigrants, some of these people ought to crawl out of their deep well, and step into asia and truly understand what "efficiency" and "right business attitude" is all about....

Friday, August 10, 2007

One of those blue blue days

Have you ever been so over cluttered with thoughts and reflections that you wonder how you are ever going to tear those thoughts apart and come out feeling ok and certain? Yesterday was not a good day. Basically just a day that make me think long and hard about alot of things.

Have you ever have those moments when you question yourself what you are doing NOW, and the path you have chosen to take? How do u know? How do you know its a mistake before you make one? Or how do you avoid one if everyone else doesnt seem to think its one?

Many questions have been swirling in my head for the past month or so. I have many questions but no answers. And no one has the answers to them, not even myself. Or is the answer staring back in my face without me even realising it? Or am i refusing to see it and running away from it?

In life, we have to make decisions all the time. Some easy, some tough.
I have made many decisions in my life, and strangely, many of them now which i think back, I am not so sure if its the right ones now. I am not sure if I had chosen the other path, would I be happier than now, or less? I will never know but a part of me for now will always question myself for decisions and moments I have walked away from and given up.

Yesterday was a bad day. I went to Cure concert last night and honestly, I didnt enjoy it one bit. It was loud and blaring into my ears but it was a good way to spend 3.5hrs if you have nothing on your plate, nothing else better to do. 

Today a dak cloud remained lingering over my head. I woke up still feeling uncertain about many things which obviously by now if u are reading this, you will know I am not going to tell you what it is that is bugging me.

Sms a fren last nite that I wasnt happy. She asked me what happen? I didnt know how or where to start. Then again she should know part of the cause, because I have been asking her the question for some time now. How is it possible that I am dreading something so much with no logical answer? She told me to face my demons, better sooner than late. For once, I am reluctant to agree with her. In fact I am reluctant to do anything, until I know what the hell I am doing now. Chicken and egg huh.

On top of everything else, I have always felt like I havent done what I am suppose to do to be happy. I feel like I am not living the way I should be, not taking the path I should be, not doing the things I should be. Its crazy I know. people look at me and tell me I should be happy. I seem to have everything going for me but yet its a strangely empty feeling. Maybe happiness is the worst possible emotions in life. Because its so fleeting and far from often that you often miss it the most. Memories are worse, they show you an insight of happy times and leave you craving for more. Perhaps the best emotion is just not to feel anything.

Am i babbling. Quite sure I am.

I think its about time my break is over.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Ikemen Paradise HanaKimi!

Ok after the Taiwan version (花樣少年少女), now i am totally addicted to the japanese drama series ( 花ざかりの君たちへ ) which is currently airing on Fuji TV on every Tuesday (Broadcast period: 2007-Jul-03 to 2007-Sept-18 ): Ikemen Paradise (イケメン♂パラダイス )!

Thank god for internet!! I simply cannot wait for the official DVD to be out so that I can lay my hands on them... but meanwhile, you tube is good enough to satisfy my TV addiction.

Both drama is based on the popular manga by Nakajo Hisaya.

After watching the first 4 episodes, I thought the Japanese storyline was more believable than the Taiwanese version, not to mention the lead actress is so much cuter and less annoying character. Ella was kinda weird for the role as she is too tomboyish which the manga was drawn for the girl to still be a bit girly. Unfortunately, I didnt know why they couldnt have pick a better looking or cooler dude for the lead actor role. Wu Zun in the taiwan drama positively looks better though his character is more "shy" than the Jap guy. Maybe the Jap guy will become better later after more episode.. who knows?
The Jap certainly goes for more meat in plot while taiwan series is cashing in more on the pure idolisation on young teenage girls infatuated with the handsome lead male actor. But in exchange, i had more laughs from the Taiwan series in the first 4 epi. Hard to compare but let's see how the japanese plot goes later.

No matter, I have derived much laughs in both series as far though i wish they will cut down on the silly acts of the dorm 1,3 and 2 groups. I mean come on, even if its in the manga, in reality, i doubt there are really guys weirdos like this, even on an entertainment value is hard to digest.

Anycase, for those who are wondering what Jap drama i am referin to, here's ep 1 for your preview.
Ep 1 (part 1/6):

ep 1 (part 2/6)

ep 1 (part 3/6):

ep 1 (part 4/6):

ep 1 (part 5/6)

ep 1 (part 6/6)

Saturday, August 4, 2007

A quick drive through Kings Cross

After dinner, headed out to Kings Cross to check out what possible late night cafes we might unearthed.

Well, i didnt get any sweet desserts, but I sure got plenty of eye candies for the late night at Kings Cross. The place has clean up alot over the last decade and not as seedy as below. So you will spot couple of good shops like Pie face etc. However considering it is afterall a saturday nite out, you still see plenty of lips kissing, interlock hips of all gender, bright neo lights and wicked nottie display (though significantly much, much lesser than what I saw in Bangkok and Paris).

So here's my short trail of bustling "excitement" and not so raunchy pixtures for you.

My review on Sat Dinner at Oceania Thai

Felt like a little spice for dinner tonight. So I settled for Thai food as my preferred choice of cusine for the night.

After pouring through my Sydney good food guide, I decided on Oceania@ Clovelly which is about 10-15mins drive away. Dinner was booked for 8.30pm while I busied away at the usual chores and laundry first.

When I arrived at the destination, I missed the place the first time because the signage wasnt prominent. Had to detour backthe road again before it was finally spotted. Luckily I am having dinner late so free parking by the side wasnt an issue.

Oceania Thai is a kinda small set up kitchen with a typical street side cafe size. Mind you, the dinner place was jam pack with customers, though ALL caucasians. I am about the only chinese there that night even if i include the chefs and the serving staff. The tables were packed close together but everyone seem to be relaxed and having a good time with their wine, while the kitchen is humming with steady activity and confidence.

Even though I was on time with a reservations, my table wasnt ready and so I just waited for another 10mins for the couple to clear their bill. Tonight was REALLY cold at about 10degrees with wind blowing so i stayed indoor at the narrow door corridor, awaiting for my seat.

My initial impression was an "O-oh". No Thai or chinese in sight. Not a good start for a thai place. I looked through the menu and well, it was relatively interesting. Definitely not an authentic local thai feed.

When it was time to place my order, I quickly settled on 2 entrees and 3 mains
- Mahor (caramelised pork, prawn & chicken on pineapple) = $8
- Fresh Oysters with some thai sauce, 4 pc = $14
- Jungle curry (pork belly, thai eggplants, beans and pachi ferang) = $25
- Lon of prawns (fresh prawns simmered in coconut cream, served with sweet porks & greens) = $26
- Asian stir fry veg = $15

In about 15mins wait, my first entree Mahor was served. Ok, it was tiny portions. I had expected something more substantial and i didnt know what to make out of the "pile". When i pop it into my mouth, it was abit crunchy and sticky kind of texture. Thankfully the pineapple was sweet and leaves the mouth refreshed after the bite. It was a strange mix but it worked and I like it. Except you wont want too many of it or your jaw will be left tired from chewing.

My oysters came next swifty. Oysters are good which is nothing new in Australia the land of freshness. However, I was unimpressed because the sauce did nothing to ehance the flavour. Really. The Thai sauce or whatever it was in green was redundant and I might as well have it plain. So no credit to the cook really for this.

The first main took a while to arrive. i think it was a good 20mins interval. When my pork belly arrive, I was a little disappointed, of no fault of the chef. I was expecting curry but it ended up in tumeric kinda watery sauce. And the pork belly looks fatty which is to be expected in all honesty. I had a taste of it and it was alright. Canx say i am "wow". The next main which is my prawn came in the next 3 mins and now that definitely look more promising.

The prawn had a creamy tantalising look though the prawns are cut up into small pieces which wasnt expected. I was kinda expected full or at least half size prawn (for the price). The way to eat it was to scoop the prawn and sauce into the greens, line it with the big strip of cucumber and top it with the caramelised pork bits. First bite was goodness. I like it alot. The prawn was fresh and the sauce was good and light. Yummy.

Dinner took about 1.5hours (without wine consumption) and there wasnt much dessert to choose from. It simply said "a platter of thai dessert" with no further descriptions, and hence i passed. I think I would like something more "ordinary" for my dessert and more sinful. ha. That is if i can still find it at 10pm onwards in the land of early close shops.

Enough of "Made in China"

Even if you want to boycourt things "made in china" which I have been deliberately been out to do so, companies are making it hard for me as a consumer to have that choice.

Everywhere i turn, Everything i flipped over, it is 99% "made in china", which probably explains the "couldnt give a damn or care less" attitude by those irresponsible manufacturers out to make big money in such good times.

I had a choice to pay $200 for a warm blanket made in Australia with products sourced from australia, or pay $138 for a similar one made in China. No rocket science to know i would rather fork out more for a safe one which I know i can sleep with ease without worrying some chemicals are in there trying to kill me with every breathe that i take. But what is worrying is that in the wide shelves spanning of 50metres with 5 brands, of 3 rows, I could only find 1 brand with 1 small row slot that carries blanket that isnt made in china. How sad is that? What happen to consumer choice? I cannot even seem to pay for my own "peace of mind" anymore.

I went to coles yesterday looking for spices. I refuse to buy anything that even said "Made in Australia with ingredients sourced from other countries." if it isnt clear where it's from, I'm not taking a risk.

Then I move to Harris Fresh supermarket that stores the freshest vegetables and perishiables. I had a choice of Garlic from China or Mexico. China obviously being cheaper but being place side by side, those from china looks suspiciously TOO WHITE and CLEAN. was it bleached? I have no idea and i do not want to speculate. In comparison, the mexico ones had a bit of brown and purplish natural colour that you expect vegetations to have. Again, no winners for guessing which ones i Pick.

The thing is, as consumers if we continue to buy things from china and not protest about the shit the country is dishing out at us, we will forever keep suffering and be under their mercy. I am taking a stand, for myself and for the next generation to come. It might be a wasted effort, and might be a battle that I do not win. Hell, at least I know I am doing something I believe strongly in and in the process, not getting poison by "made in china".

No countries can be free from making mistakes in exports. I accept that. However the worrying increased in frequency and the fact the scene is NOT seemingly improving says alot. I would rather support made in vietnam, made in thailand, made in cambodia, made in malaysia, made in timbatoo for all i care, not no longer "made in china" as much as i can avoid it. And if you have any better sense and value your life, i urge you to do the same. If you are living in china, well, I can only pray for your good health.

Here's another blogger stand of things made in china.
"Do NOT put anything
"Made in China" in any bodily orifice.That would include ear, eye, nose and throat as well as any of the unmentionable orifices. I would also caution against applying anything "Made in China (Hecho in China) to the skin, scalp or nails or your vehicle's rims as well as avoiding feeding any of it to your pets."

Product Recall.. From China, Again...

Guess what? China manufacturers did it AGAIN.

Everything unsafe and dangerous you cannot think of is sprouting from the land of many irresponsible China businessman. I use to just avoid edible things source or made from china. Looks like i have to avoid ALL products MADE IN CHINA. It is utterly disgraceful.

Latest sin, toxic paint with dangerous lead content in CHILDREN's toys.

According to Reuters report, Mattel has been forced to recall its toys from the shelves in US and in Australia. Apparently Retailers were pulling Elmo, Big Bird and other Mattel Inc. toys from shelves last week because of a potential lead-paint hazard, these toys manufactured in China.

Mattel said Wednesday it was recalling 1.5 million Chinese-made toys worldwide because their paint might contain too much lead. Of those, 967,000 were recalled in the United States. It was not immediately clear how many of the toys were already in children's hands.

And while that is bad news enough, what rubs me off the wrong way is the reported way of China government holding its stance. Unless the "media" has some hand in fabricating words into the chinese gov's mouths (which i doubt it), abc news stated : "China has leapt to the defence of its manufacturing industry after Mattel Inc announced it was recalling 1.5 million Chinese-made toys worldwide because their paint may contain too much lead"

China's Vice Commerce Minister, Gao Hucheng, has repeated the government line that Chinese products are overwhelmingly safe, and has called on foreign media not to hype the problems of a small minority of goods or companies. "When problems occur, we never shirk, have always sought truth from the facts and responsibly deal with them," he said in a statement.

China has fought back against consumer concern by promising tough quality controls but also accusing foreign media of "alarmist" reporting that could stoke a protectionist backlash. "Over 99 per cent of China's export products are good and safe," Commerce Minister Bo Xilai said."

Dear People, tell me, how do you gauge that 99% are safe? How confident can we be of China's quality control and checks when over and over again every other month, some "accidental or honest mistake" happens? While saying "most" of the products manufactured in china is safe (or at least havent been caught out to be UNSAFE), so we should be considering ourselves lucky that it is ONLY the remaining 1% is allow to do its damages and harm other lives.

To protect your budding economy from backlash, you rather think its a one off incident. Well as far as I have been reading the news, it doesnt appear so. And even if i do believe the government strong stand in punishing the errant and despicable merchants, how sucessful can the officials implement and ENFORCE the legislation without worrying about bribery and officials in cahoots? I simply have no faith, not in this generation at least.

Now to all sensible consumers who VALUE your life, let us just have a quick review of the tip of the so call 1% shall we?

The voluntary recall comes almost three weeks after the Herald revealed that blankets containing formaldehyde at levels almost 10 times the international upper safety limit were being imported from China by the Australian company Sheridan.

On March 15, FDA learned that certain pet foods were sickening and killing cats and dogs. FDA found contaminants in vegetable proteins imported into the United States from China and used as ingredients in pet food.

China’s former top drug regulator was sentenced to death Tuesday for taking bribes to approve untested medicines, as the country’s main quality control agency announced its first recall system targeting unsafe food products. an antibiotic approved by Zheng’s agency killed at least 10 patients last year before it was taken off the market. Current regulations on product inspection, issued in 2002, mention the need for a food recall system, the China Daily said, but the issue has not been systematically addressed.

June 28: Tainted ToothPaste made from China

The U.S. government has stopped all Chinese toothpaste imports after reports that some products sold in Australia, the Dominican Republic and Panama were tainted with diethylene glycol, a chemical commonly used in antifreeze and brake fluid. About 900,000 poisonous tubes have been found in hospitals for the mentally ill, prisons, juvenile detention centers, and some hospitals serving the general public.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration also warned consumers not to buy or eat imported fish from China labeled as monkfish because it might actually be pufferfish, which contains a potentially deadly toxin called tetrodotoxin. The problem was discovered after two people in the Chicago, IL area fell ill after consuming soup made with the "monkfish". The monkfish are individually packaged in clear plastic sleeves and placed in a plastic liner which is inside a cardboard box. There are no lot numbers on the box. The boxes are packed l that reads "MONK FISH GUTTED AND HEAD-OFF PRODUCT OF CHINA". A second box panel bears nutritional facts and the following, "Ingredients: Monk fish; Imported by: Hong Chang Corp, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670; Product of China (P.R.C.)."

California Department of Public Health warned consumers not to eat fresh ginger imported from China after the California Department of Pesticide Regulation’s residue monitoring program detected the presence of aldicarb sulfoxide in some batches of imported ginger. Aldicarb sulfoxide is a pesticide that is not approved for use on ginger.

DEADLY fake medicines, including tablets made with yellow road paint and unhygienic pregnancy testing kits, are part of a tide of counterfeit goods from China posing a danger to health, consumers were warned yesterday.

The FDA has announced that they have independently confirmed that the seasoning used in "veggie booty" is contaminated with salmonella. The outbreak, which has now sickened 61 children from 19 states, continues to grow. The source of the contamination is thought to be spices imported from China by Atlantic Quality Spice & Seasonings of New Jersey

Some of the vegetables sold in Hong Kong's leading supermarket chains are dangerously high in pesticide residues, revealed Greenpeace last week, confirming that much still needs to be done to improve the way pesticides are used and tested in China.The organisation that campaigns for protection of the environment tested a small selection of vegetables, mostly green leafy vegetables and others like tomatoes that tend to absorb pesticides, sold in the Parknshop and Wellcome supermarkets between November 2005 and March 2006. More than 70 per cent of the 55 samples contained pesticide residues, and 30 per cent (17 samples) of these exceeded 'international standards', it said in a statement last week.

Greenpeace indicts that no improvement has been made since the group first reported pesticide found in vegetables a year ago. They have been closely monitoring the regulation effort of Government on vegetables, and conducted another round of testing by collecting 20 samples from various districts across Hong Kong early this year

Several Shanghai supermarkets are giving customers refunds on eggs that city health officials warn may contain a chemical linked to cancer. Food and drug regulators in other provinces have banned some brands of duck and chicken eggs after finding traces of the potentially carcinogenic dye Sudan-IV in the poultry products

Off to Sydney Fish Market

Went to Sydney Fish Market today for lunch since i couldnt really think of what else to have since I am still relatively new to Sydney.

Parking is $2 for the first hour and then gets progressively more expensive of about $5 for 1/2hr but i cannot rem when that starts (i think after the initial 1-2hrs).

As usual, the place is buzzing with people and activites and noise. From locals to Tourists, from Caucasians to Chinese, from adults to children. Its like a cosmopolitan city of its own.

I got there about 2.30pm and that is already off the peak lunch hour and the place is still crowded and overspilling with people. Once you get into the entrance, wide arrays of seafood awaits and greets you, tempting you, seducing you. Your eyes start losing focus not knowing where to rest your gaze in the myraid of red lobsters, pink prawns, fresh oysters. The benches are full and packed to the brim with people of all races, licking their finger from the sauces and the trays of half devoured "gems from the oceans" stare back at you, beckoning you to make your choice quickly.

The Q to all the different stalls are long and kinda messy. People are yelling over the counters and servers are yelling numbers for customers to collect their order. Its kind of like a "Food" wall street atmosphere really, and it pumps adrenaline into you spurring you into action.

So without further ado, I jump into the ordering Q and got myself half dozen oysters kilpatrick, a beer battered fish fillet, lobsters thermido, fresh squid. I wanted to try the steam scallops too but change my mind. I didnt want to over order and feel sick.

I manage to find a bench seat (communal table/ canteen table), sandwich between 2 different group. To my left was a family of 3 generation from china, and to my right was a Japanese couple (i think the guy fancys the girl but not a couple yet). It felt kinda strange sitting between them and listening, left ear overhearing the mandarin conversations and right ear listening to bits and pieces of Japanese and myself in English. I didnt know why but the image of "World World II" flash in my head and i found myself giggling in amusement. A singaporean stuck in between 2 nationalities that is kind of at loggerheads.

The China chinese son had a huge plate of steam crab with claws as big as half my palm. He and his wife kept insisting the dad (who looks 90yrs) to eat the sashimi. The son was saying "Eat eat! Its fresh! Today we are just focusing on fresh fish." I could see the old man nodding in agreement about the freshness but not really touching the sashimi either. His eyes lit up more when the crab was served. I wondered to myself, doesnt the son knows that in general, old people (from china) generally are not that big on raw food? So the son gorges away while the old man just look on. Still, I cannot say the son is not fillial. He seems like a nice bloke but I just think he just wanted his dad to try what he likes, not what his dad likes.

I finish my seafood platter in a flash and absolutely contented once again. Its a good lunch choice, feeling
absolutely happy. This is how weekend should feel like! Yummy!

Friday, August 3, 2007

My first yoga and Pilates

My arms have this numb aching pain but i am extremely pleased. Simply because I have been to a yoga and pilates class last eve! Yup, you got me right!

After my failure with Fitness First which didnt motivate me at all, i cancel the gym subscription within my "cooling period'. It was a failure attempt. No matter how, gym and I just dont cut it.

So while strolling around on wed looking for location of Ramen Kan@ Bondi Junction, i stumbled upon Elixr Yoga Pilates place along the stretch. I just wanted to check out the price but after talking to Peter the "consultant", he stir this interest in me. When i asked him if there was a trial period, he invited me down on Thurs eve to try the "Intro Yoga" and "Pilates Reformer" class where you get to use to roller machine. When Thursday arrive, I was kinda surprised that I was actually looking forward to the classes.

The intro Yoga was quite easy and relaxing and mainly gentle stretching, which is good for a lazy bone like me. I havent been moving my joints much and so this was a good start to get me moving - slowly that is. My upper torso and arms stretch are easy, but my legs hamstrring are hard. Sometimes i think I have longer legs than arms, thus the difficulty to reach my wriggly toes. Its amazing to see the instructor about to lift his legs into the air and his hands grabbing his toes with such ease. My legs and arms were flinging in the air with a HUGE gap between them. haaa haaa

Then i went on to try the pilates and my god, it was fun! Of course it was hard work too and every part of my legs, arms and abs had a good workout! Now i know why they say pilates will tone you right up! U just have to go try it! I regret that i didnt start earlier.

I felt so good after the 2 hours that I swear there was a healthy glow on my cheeks gone amissed since i lived in HK and not working out. I am happy too! That's it, i will so positively make a renewed effort to try out the various classes. And oh, did i mention they have a small 25m lap pool too? Yippee!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Ramen Kan Jap food

Ate at Ramen Kan @ Bondi Junction today for dinner. I think i didnt make the best choice of Ramen Chicken Karrage. It was a bit too oily for me and the ramen tasted more like the yellow noodles than the actual japanese ramen. And the chicken was overfried and oily, super oily that has not happen to any of my orders in tokyo.

Was a bit disappointed since it is suppose to be a decent joint, rated value for money japanese food and was suppose to be good. Granted it was cheaper below $10 but not an authentic place for me. I tried ramen as that is what they are suppose to be well known for. I wont really recommend to someone who like real japanese food. So unless i am desperate for quick fix, dun think I will go back. I might go back again to try other things just to give it benefit of doubt but for now, it is not my favourite.

Cannot imagine who on earth would rate it "best jap food" outside japan..this person must be quite deprived of real Jap food)

Shop 3, Bronte Rd (cnr Bronte & Ebley Sts) Bondi Junction NSW 2022Phone (02) 9387 5691

Differing Reviews by Local Australians

A day to pamper myself

Crawled out of bed at 2pm today and decide to go to the mall and see if i can find the stroller that Anna was eyeing on. Unfortunately Myers didnt have a nursery section and so i have to look elsewhere for the pram.

While window shopping, stumbled upon a manicure place (Pearl nail) and guess what, it's $20 for manicure and looking at my stubbly unkept nails, i decide to pamper myself for today. Would have gone for pedicure too if i wasnt wearing the wrong shoes...

Anycase, starting chatting with the therapist. I thought they were from Thailand but they were from Vietnam. The lady asked me where i was from and I told her singapore. They went "oh that's a lovely and pretty city." I thanked her and told her i thought vietnam was lovely too. She was surprised I have been to vietnam and i guess she got warmer.

She told me that they thought I was vietnamese. I laughed and told her that even when i was in Vietnam, the immigration officer and the locals thought i was vietnamese too. The custom guy actually squirted his eyes and asked me "You are not vietnamese?" I firmly shake my head. She commented that I can easily pass off as one because my features are like one except my skin colour.

I told her that when i was in Ben tham market in Ho Chi Ming previously, the local woman at the shoe stall actually slap my leg and shoo me away and told me in viet' "not to block her business". I didnt know what she was saying until the young girl opposite maning the bag store looked at my expression and asked me "You are not local?" I shook my head and said no. They spoke to each other and when the shoe lady realised her mistake, she warmly welcome me back.

When i finish recounting my experience, my nail therapist laughed and laughed loudly. She was sooo amused and she told my story to my colleagues in local language and they laughed. She said "You poor girl. She so bad." I laughed and told her its ok, I thought it was quite funny actually. My therapist asked me if i was wearing long sleeves and the pointed hat and i nodded my head. Then she asked me "But you are too fair." I told her I was coming from cambodia back then and was in the sun the whole week so i was really tan. So i was much darker than now. She went "Oh oh! Yes yes, that is why! You darker, even more vietnamese."

We went on the chat more about food and her life in sydney. I thought she did a really nice job on my nails and I am happy.

It is a good day. next week i shall do my pedicure. Happy.