
Sunday, November 20, 2005

Asian Kitchen @Suntec

went strolling with jasmine on sunday after my pedicure at suntec. I canx believe the number of times i have been to this location for the past week!

I simply had to buy the choc chunk muffin ($1.30) from the baking boys at B1- suntec (near the escalator after you come down from the one opp giodarno) . They were really soft and good! I use to hate muffins. I guess i had been a guinea pig for the home-ed gals for too many sessions, so when it comes to confectionary as such, it was avoidance at all cost! Then i tried one muffin in UK once and i realise it wasnt all that bad. But its so hard to find good muffins locally in singapore!

I know there is a store at shunfu market that sells freshly baked muffins. The smell alone was suffice to make me drool! but the Q was always too long and i couldnt be bothered. I think its crazy to spend hour Q'ing for food, any food.

So i gave Baking Boyz a try and i was not disappointed. The crust was lighted toasted and slightly cruchy. The inner was warm and soft and i could taste the oozing choc moist in my mouth. But when i tried to get a second one with jas, the batch was sold out and i had to wait 10mins for teh new batch. I wanted to get some for breakfast for mon morn and so we decided to head to city link TCC to wait.

Then i got hungry. I wasnt very impressed by TCC's main menu and jas chided me for putting the poor waitress at a tight spot when i asked "is your main any good? how would u rate it" The poor waitress couldnt answer me at all and jas dragged me away. Jas's theory was that all waitress should sell their product but i beg to differ. Every store shld have their speciality for the waitress to recommend it heartily without guilt. However if there isnt, then perhaps the place should never sell food to begin with.

The problem with our local service industry esp food is that the waiters and waitress are not trained to know their food. They are unable to describe or even "share" their personal taste experience. I have been to place in australia where waitress is able to tell me candidly what they liked and what most customers would have liked to order. When they are willing to share such info, it gives a causual shopper/eater like me the courage to order. Even the waitress at Bakerz Inn (at Paragon) had once shared with me what she liked and so i tried and was happy with her recommendation. So if the waitress chooses to mutely stand there and waiting for the coin to flipped in their favor, then i wont patronise a store where their own staff are not properly trained or even know what the kicthen is churning out.

So i hoped over to Asia kitchen next to the crappy attitude Jap store at citylink. The menu look decent enuff and i decided to give the mushroom duck soup noodle a try. Before i handed my order over, I asked the waiter (i think floor manager since he was the only one in black) the same question, "do u think your food is anygood or if he had anything to recommed" He smiled and strongly recommend the minced prok noodle but if i like soup and dun mind beef, i could try the beef bisket. However, i didnt like beef and so he quickly pointed out the duck noodle. I smiled and gave him my order and told him "U passed":)

The noodle came out shortly and yes, much to my surprise, it smelled good. I took a sip of the soup and it was rightly fragranced and tasted rite. I dunno if there are any msg but if there was , i certainly didnt feel thirsty after the food and considering i didnt have much water after was a good sign. The duck pieces was meaty and visible and wasnt shred of stuff trying to pass off as meat. The mushroom was soft and the long stem vege was cooked just right. For a place i had expected average or even below average food, the outcome was surpringly good, except for the super diluted barley water which tasted like melted ice with lotsa solid barley within.

As i was paying, the very polite waitress asked me if i was satisfed with my meal. I told her it was good and i was happy that they gave proper chunky meat that i could identify as duck. She laughed. I took the card and decide that i have found another new fuss free eating place :)

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