
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Flight back

Dear Norm came to pick me up and send me to airport this time round. He was quite funny, offering me his "Porter service".

I love his van! It was like those Japanese cute little cube box type. And he had all these fasinating soft toys all over!!! Absolutely adorable! I told him if i didnt know better, I would have mistaken it for a girl's car!

After I have checked in (my super heavy 28KG lugguage packed with bottles of Aseop, books etc!), we moved to a cafe and chatted about his new job amongst other updates. It was good talking to him again since I left over a year ago.

Time passed quickly and it was time to go. After waving him goodbye, I stopped by Charles and Keith and faithfully contributed to Singapore economy in buying 2 pairs of shoes. I am not kidding when I say I have too much of a cupboard full of much so that I even forgot some of the shoes I still own in singapore!!!

It was an uneventful flight back and i mainly slept through. Yet, I'm missing the people I'm leaving behind already.

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