
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Never saw this coming...

I swear i never saw this day coming....

I was having late lunch with Stan, and being that I didnt want a big meal spoiling my dinner... we agree to head to the foodcourt area and share some bites.

Stan left it to me to pick my choice, being that I am the fussier one.. I told him I felt like fastfood. I havent had fastfood for ages. Its not a craving, it was a simple solution which I thought then would be a quick and done deal.

I "hunted" for Macs. To my dismay, it was a small takeaway counter with some pathetic seats nearby. That I can do. So two of us, stood before counter and look up. A min silence, then I "screamed" my indigance!

"This is fucking rip off!" I said as i stared at the board menu.
Silence from Stan.
"Are they fucking crazy?!!! $7 for nuggests??" I said again.
We looked at each other, and our feet naturally gravitated away and Stan pointed to KFC next door.

Again, we stood side by side and stared at the menu board.

"Ok, this looks more decently priced!" I said.
"Same lah" Stan said.
"But its freaking $7 for nuggets for macs! This is at least a choice of $2 plus" I said
"That one meal mah" stan said
"Still I am not shelving good A$7 for MACS! That's like what? $10 bucks in sg!"
Stan said "ya lor"
"So how" I said
Silence from Stan

"3 chicken wings, not enough to share" Stan viewed when he continued to stare at the board.
"Ya. 3 chickens each too much" I said, also staring at the board
A min silence ensued...
Let's go check out Hungry Jacks"
It sounded like a brillant idea to both (or at least i thot so)

So we detoured to the other end round the escalator and stared at the menu board.
"Why on earth
will they have 7 piece nuggets?" I said.
"Yah lor. So weird" Stan laughed.
"But at least the price is more decent here" I said.
"So how to share like that? How? What do u think? " I added
"Onion rings?" Stan ventured.
"Yah and a coke. Sounds good" I replied.
"Ok. DOne deal. the most, we have 3.5 nuggets each. Better than $7 for macs nuggets" I commented again.
Stan laughed and we Q.

Minutes later, as we were munching on the rings at the table, a thought crossed my head and i told him...

"Stan... (*Silent Pause. Only chewing sound*).... you know....I cannot believe what we just did. Did we actually just had to choose between fast food chains?"


"I never thought I will live a day to think, that we will be fucking comparing fast food prices!!" I groaned in sudden realisation.

*Laughters followed... *

I have descended to the lowest depth of my Singaporean "cheapo-ness".
Oh how I have fallen!!!

PS: Stan had
the 4th nugget! 3.5 was wishful thinking on my part....

Unwanted attention freaks me out..

There's 2 things I do not handle very well, "over flattery" and "over familiarity" from people I do not know very well.

My landlord got a new dishwasher because the one in my unit broke down. So he got his building caretaker and plumber to come over and disconnect the old one. When I open the door, the plumber started saying things like "Oh u are even prettier than I expected even when the caretaker had told me". Initially I just smiled and said thanks but he went on and on about it till I didnt know what else to say or react. That is "over flattery" for me.

I was kinda alittle taken back I guess. Ok, probably that is how their western culture is like but I just found it really weird. To be honest, I wasnt really comfortable alone with 2 blokes in my unit, telling how attractive i look, and trying to be familiar with me, and worse, trying to put his hands on my shoulder like as if I know them very well. That is "over familiarity" for me.

I squirmed off as quickly as I can. The caretaker lingered around to fix the windows, placing a new latch lock. I was hoping he would leave quickly and stop meddling it for so long. He keep talking and talking and I wasnt even responding much. I think what creeps me out was that he said he remembered me from my first visit when checking out for places to rent. I didnt even see him! I was kinda speechless and gave a really weak smile when he told me he rem me. I was thinking to myself "ok, i really dun want to be rem by u lor.." Finally he left, after like 30mins for a 10mins (max) job. Thank god.

Today he dropped by again to check on the new dish washer. What really annoyed me the most was that even though I left a small gap in the main entrance for my landlord, the caretaker came in uninvited and didnt even knock or yell "Hello"!! So u can imagine my fright and shock when i turn around from my computer screen (chatting on msn) and found him standing behind me!!!! I freaked out big time. He still laughed and said he had been there for 10 mins. WHAT THE FUCK?!!! If that is not creepy, I am not sure what is. I send him off to the door in split seconds. I think I watched too many crime investigations shows and so I am highly paranoid.

Shortly later, I picked up and stayed on the phone immediately till the blokes were done fixing up my dishwasher. I didnt want to be anywhere near those guys or let them have a chance to talk or come near me. While I was taking confort on the phone, my other poor fren on msn whom i told about the "home invasion" was getting worried with his imaginations when I didnt response to his messages that he got really panicky and started calling our common fren. Luckily I replied quickly enough before he loses his head! Still, I was really appreciative.

Stan was jokingly asking me if i was dressing too sexy. I told him, short of wearing a bloody face veil like the Abrabians to cover my face, I was in a bloody long sleeve jersey top and long pants. So i am positively not looking my best, and I asked him, "Why must it always be something the woman wear that becomes the top question? Why canx it be that men are just arseholes?" Then I berated him for next few mins... poor chap.. haa haaa

I think the next time, I am not going to stick around and just ask the landlord to be around when he needs to fix things in my apartment... Yicks!!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Rare Day out with Stan

Met Stan to see the aborigine art exhibition at the Art Gallery of New South wales today. Its a lovely week as the temp has dropped again. Its about 18-23degrees this week, nice and breezy. I wanted to catch the One Sun One Moon collection so stan obliged me. (quote abt the exhibition: In the ever-shifting cultural landscape of Indigenous Australia, One Sun One Moon catalogues a key moment of transition over the decades at the turn of the century to reveal the view from within a kaleidoscopic contemporary art movement.).

The good thing about museum exhibitions, they are educational, free, and a good use of time seeing all the different art pieces. We spent about 2 hours in the museum after going thru all the free perm collections and current exhibitions this month.

I was feeling a little peckish and we headed towards hyde park as stan said he saw some event going on there. When we got there, there was a live band playing and LOTSA people gathering and sitting on the open grass area, not surprisingly surrounded by beer and wine. It was a wine tasting event. Technically wine and food, but we only saw alco and no food. No surprise there... ha!

We headed back to stan's place and cooked dinner ( as i didnt "approve" of his "rabbit" meals) while he is the designated "washer". I was also trying to convince him how easy it was to cook this dish.
My oyster sauce chicken was warmly received *phew* and he said he will leave the cheesecake for breakfast! Instead for dessert, I introduce him to my version of " Vanilla icecream with chopped banana, sprinkled with generous spoons of milo powder" Apparently, Stan has never had icecream this way before. I laughed at him and quite frankly remarked "U ought to hang out with me more!!!"

The day quickly came to an end and halfway thru watching anime, i had to leave before it gets too late. It was a nice day. It's always nice to have an old fren to hang out with!

Daylight saving starts!

daylight saving starts tonight... thank god stan told me or i will be late by an hour for everything next week!!! Have to turn all my clocks to one hour advance now... its 3 hours difference now from here and singapore..

Friday, October 26, 2007

Fabulous dinner at Becasse (Sydney)

I have been so lazy to blog but I felt this restaurant really deserve some mention and so I am sparing 5 mins to jot this down in a hurry.

After much internet "research" for 2 hours, I have finally settled on booking Becasse @ clarence street for a saturday nite out for four. Considering it was Thurs, it was a pretty late booking for a good restaurant (with chef hats). Upon my first call, I was told that they were fully book and I was pretty disappointed. I have read so much about it and by the time i called, my mind was already conjuring all sort of dishes in my head (I went to read their online menu). Knowing how Aussie work now, I was not afraid to let on that it was intended to be a special birthday dinner and if there was really no way to squeeze me in. The lady was very kind. She promised to take my number and call me if there was a cancellation.

Lucky me, I got a table 2 hours later. There was a cancellation for four. Hence begin my gastronomy journey on sat.

Firstly, parking came as a pleasant breeze for a 7pm dinner. Sydney parking is horrid on weeknds in the city and so I was pretty happy with the spot rite outside. The interior was larger than expected and definitely nice contempory settings with a hint of class due to the crystal lightings. We were promptly seated at a pretty "central" table with no one behind us, and near the stairs at the lower ground, plus with a view of the open kitchen for some cooking action entertainment.
There were like 7-8 chefs in one narrow kitchen! Amazing!

The waitress was prompt, polite and definitely chirpy and easy going. Plus points. She was pretty knowledgable about the food and able to give some pointers when we were stuck on entrees "variety" (everyone was clambering after the crispy pork belly dish). So we decide to go for 2 crispy pork belly with scallops, a rabbit and prawn+scallop tortellini entrees, as well as fresh oysters with champagne sorbet.

The pork belly starter was to die for (pix 1 below). It was done to perfection in sight and taste. OMG. The crispiness was just just right and scallop unfailingly sweet. The rabbit dish (pix 3 below)was also amazingly good and polish off in a flash among 4 hungry adults. The seafood tortelini (pix 2 below) was alright but kinda let down next to the other 2 dishes. It was a bit flat in taste but if u want a "cleaner" less rich start, this is good.

After the entree, we were certainly left hanging for more. The wagyu beef main did not disapppoint, and the john dory fish with scallop was also good. However, it was the lamb cutlet that stole the show (my personal favourite!!!).

The original lamb dish came with peas and broadbeans and potato. However, since i am an self anti starchy food person, I had requested all the 3 ingredients to be replaced with carrots, cabbage and mushrooms instead.

There was a little incident with my main order. Firstly, the meat came alittle too rare for me (even though i had requested medium, it was more like medium rare). They took it back in few minutes, i still thought my main looks queer. I realised it was missing the cut on lamb shoulder. Also, there was a HUGE scooop of potato mash which i had requested to opt out. The waitress was very attentive and she spotted in a second at my dismayal look and pop to kitchen to check. Just as I was about to raise concern, she was back just in time to tell me that she will get it change as she didnt know how the kitchen could have gotten it wrong. As the whole nite has been fantastic and great till then, i was happy to wait without any fuss. (while my dinner
companions chomp on with theirs..only made me hungerier)

My main returned in 5 mins to perfection and was served by the chef's wife. She apologised profusely again stating it was inexcusable mistake. I honestly wasnt bothered by the error but i accepted in good grace. I have to say, the meal was EXCELLENT. The meat was cook just pink to perfection and the mushroom was FANTASTIC. i felt this should be the proper mix than the original with broadbeans (tasteless). The mushroom really brought out the taste of the meat sauce...

For dessert, I wanted something light and so I opted for the strawberry sandwich, with strawberry sorbet and white choc icecream. Another excellent output from the kitchen. I wish i could describe it better. The cream was light and not too sweet, the sorbet brought a refreshing taste and the icecream gave it a creamy texture. Although it still doesnt measure up to the dessert I had in pellos, this is just as good on its own.

We were all so full by the end of 3 hr+ dinner, with no regrets. This is indeed a very good and deserving restuarant and I will be sure be back with the next change in menu!

What was surprising was that they even took off the lamb main from our bill as a form of good gesture on the mix up! In view of the good service and wonderful nite, we top up the service tip to 25% to include the main cost. They really deserve it, from food to service! I would highly recommend it to anyone popping by sydney. Though beware, book early because they are often fully books weeks ahead!!! (I only knew after my dinner that nite! Lucky me again!)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

My very good oreo cheesecake

Decided to bake my oreo cheesecake today. (My Oreo Cheesecake recipe)

Firstly bored, secondly there isnt any good dessert near my place. Thirdly, having dinner with Jamie and Amy on Monday and so I thought I will bring something since Jamie is cooking.

I fiddled with the recipe slightly and instead of using oreo chocolate biscuit, I used the original white cream ones. It turned out just as perfect and closer to the New york cheesecake taste as u do not get the melted chocolate now. And because of the oreo, I cut back on the 1 cup sugar to balance the taste. Secondly, I discovered by chance that a 9inch round pan works better than 8 inch one. Thirdly, I learned that I should whip the cheese mix really soft before i throw in the eggs --> Gives the final product a softer filling.

Final verdict, everyone loves my cheesecake. I was truly happy!! All I need is to finish
the topping with fresh cream whipped and strawberries on top (and icecream by the side)!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

3 places i wanna go

There are 3 beach resort places i really want to try in this lifetime.

1. Boracay - Philippines

THE Right Brain vs Left Brain test

THE Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?,21985,22556281-661,00.html

My results:
It was quite weird for me. It started with the dancer turning clockwise, then suddenly, the dancer was only doing pendulum left and right leg swing (swinging left and right only) as i was reading the article. And I can literally "will" it to dance/turn clockwise or anticloackwise anytime! This is fun!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Songs that is in my head now

Some songs that I am really into now in sydney

1. Hook me up

2. Hey there Delilah

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Japanese Music: Tane no Maku Hibi

Really like the new Bleach Ending theme song... (epi 144)

Friday, October 19, 2007

My first attempt on pineapple upside down cake

Tried to bake pineapple upside cake today...hmm.. didnt turn out as well as I like. It was a little too sweet

For one, I used caster sugar instead of sugar, so it turn out abit too sweet for my taste. Plus I always forget that recipes always tend to over exaggerate on sugar bit. However the brown carmel really sweeten the sour pineapple, so that top part was really good. When done, it tasted and smelled extactly like the CNY pineapple tarts! Yummy! (and goes really well with vanilla icecream!)

Secondly, i FORGOT the baking powder. Drats.

Thirdly, I cannot locate "cake flour" in the mall so i have to add mroe plain flour which ended up my cake tasted alittle too "floury"

Fourthly, I think I need to have a more accurate measurment and conversion table next time before i start... all the portions were out of whack!

Oh well, better luck next time when I am not so rushed! I hate it when I have to share kitchen. However, final verdict was that it was still pretty alrite!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Day 2 Budapest: Strolling around "Pest"

Strolled into the Post Office Museum located at the start of Andrassy Ut. It was like a building like a house, similar to how the rich people use to live it. Its a rectangle building with a courtyard right in the middle size of a basketball court where everyunit on each level can look down from their door. Each stairway has painted ceiling and this one has a pretty nice stainglass at the end.

As the random walk continues, I chanced upon this whole street related to Opera (its a side road off andrassy that leads to the formal Opera House) . I couldnt resist doing a little happy skip infront of the Moulin rouge (a dance house).
This picture below doesnt do the building justice but it has the best beautiful exterior facade. The design was intricate and amazingly elegant. U should see it yourself.

I decide to venture off to one of the local markets where the locals do their daily grocery shopping.

Parliment house up close

Anna Cafe is just a few steps away from the last station of the yellow metro. Took a rest here because it has so many varieties of cakes and desserts and shakes. I couldnt resist and so I plonk my butt down the seats and people watch. Only thing that bug me was the consistent cig smoke from all the people ard me.

Still, the choc shake was fabulous and so was the hazelnut slice!
My very nice and friendly Hungarian waiter at "Anna Cafe"

Day 1 + 2 Budapest: St Pete Basilica

As I was coming back from Buda castle and walking on the chain bridge, I caught a glimpse of the Budapest Parliment House and it certainly looked majestic and imposing like a basilica!

While looking for dinner, Stumble to St Peter Basilica (catholic church)..
Day view of the dome

Nite view of the dome

Just the lane in front of St Pete, passed by this restaurant named TG. Had to laugh aloud because the person who agree to this slogan advert of Johnie walker obviously wasnt thinking clearly. Just Right under the TG restuarant logo, the other liquor advert says "Keep Walking"

It definitely is NOT a way to win patronage if u ask me! (Incidentally I did try the food there and it was not nice. So trust their signage - KEEP WALKING away!) ha!

DAY 2: Exploring St Pete Basilica:

Reached the church about 10am and to my amazement, there wasnt a crowd. No tour bus, no tourist. Just the ususal day to day passing pedestrian and church goers. Only a group of Japnese tourists arrived about 10.30am. This is truly paradise and I am still rubbing my hands in glee at mu unexpected good fortune:)

Main Doorway to enter the holy premise

The "Holy Right Hand of King Henry" enshrined...

The other side of St Pete at the back, facing Andrassy Ut Road

(The road is now one of UNESCO World Heritage.

This street was constructed as part of the nation's millennium celebrations in 1896, along with the M1 metro, which runs beneath it. It was started in 1872 and took twelve years to complete. Since then, it has been renamed several times: first after Prime Minister Andrassy, then it changed to Sztalin (i.e. Stalin) ut and after Stalin was denounced it was changed again to 'Avenue of the People's Republic'. Finally, in 1990 it changed back to Andrassy ut.)

A glimpse of St Pete Interior