
Sunday, October 14, 2007

After thoughts of Trip to Budapest

Budapest has been most fantastic!!! There are so many things and I prob took over 500 over pictures for the over week trip!

Hungary is not often the place that come to mind for travelling, which is a GOOD thing for me because it means less tourists, and less hassles, plus less Qs.

I have very vague and dim knowledge of Budapest before I left for it. In fact, I didnt even know the town was split into 2 sides namely "Buda" and "Pest". I have gone on an unplanned trip, totally relying in good faith, my 2 guide books "Frommers" & "Lonely Planet".. hoping they will sort out the days for me while I am there. To be honest, I hate planning trips. That to me, is truly the MOST pain in the arse part. Walking, walking I can handle. Planning and circ ling out places of "interest" is sorely a thing I hate to do most. I hope for the best, while expecting the worse from my lack of initatives this time... Yet, strangely despite my inate flaws, I love travelling. Ironical isnt it?

Anycase, it will take a while to write up my trip, plus insertion of pictures. However in summary, I had fun. Tons of relaxation, good walks, intoxication of galleries after galleries and museums, but my favorite of them all, FOOD. Great food! Fabulous desserts and pastries. Sweets to die for! It was unexpected, truly orgasmic. I never expect to have such a whale of a time eating but Budapest and Vienna is one great place to indulge. Even if you aint a person with sweet tooth, You will be an arse to miss out. It truly was a "Death by Choc" destination, with no regrets....

So tune in to this space for more upcoming on Budapest trip!

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