
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Talk about SNAIL MAIL!

I am pretty shocked.

I had sent my Taiwan friend something in mid August. And last friday, I received the returned package because the printed address sticker got smudged and so it became unreadable.

What had been shocking was that between mid August 2007 till mid Jan 2008, where the hell has my package been sitting in? Taiwan? Australia? Round the whole in a plane to Timbatu? It has gone away for 5 months totally unknown to me! My goodness!

If it had been a matter of life and death, I think the recipient might as well have been dead and decomposed to dust by now.... Why on earth it takes so long is something I cannot fathom.

Normal mail alone between Singapore and Sydney takes average 9 days... You wonder why.. I know it definitely isnt Singapore postal delay....

Another wonderful XMas present!

Met Stan for yum cha today at Bondi and we did abit of shopping for him to bring home for CNY.

We didnt get to meet each other for Xmas being busy wth out own things and so we finally get to pass each other our Xmas presents.

It came as a complete surprise when I opened my present. Stan had gotten me this really lovely Georg Jenson Home Living Limited collection "Spin Box" (which has a pink velvet lining inside).
It was an utterly wonderful present, especially when unknown to him, I was just drooling over the G.J home collections during Xmas and apart from the water container, that was one of the items i was looking at! Of coz I felt abit bad too for the expensive present, but that's not stopping me from loving it :P
hee hee...
I think this year is honestly one of those rare years that I get really really great presents from my friends (esp when they didnt even know I was looking at)! I must have been a really good girl this year! :P
And Thanks again stan!

Dinner @ Fish Face (Sydney)

Had dinner at Fish Face (132 darlinghurst) last nite since I was having a fish craving.

The outlet is kinda like cafe bistrol style but its really small seating area and tall bar tables are really close to each other.

We had the special of the day which was pan grilled grouper fish with swiss mushrooms, steamed prawns starters and 2 steamed scallops with tomatoes. For dessert, we shared this buttermilk pudding with mango sorbet.

While the dessert was really excellent, the meal was relatively expensive at about $75 per head just for the above without wine. I personally didnt think it was worth it even though i have to admit the fish was really fresh and cooked to perfection. I read a review somewhere that the chef sources fresh fish from top places in sydney and NZ and that is part of the high pricing, but hey, I still dun think it warrants that price for the rest of the entrees.
Service was also mediocre and the male waiter had a deadpan face which isnt gushing with friendliness or a warmth that indicates much willingness to serve. He wasnt rude, but just didnt exactly puts me at ease.

So unless I am having another bout of fish craving, I dun think I will be in a hurry to be back.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Tabloid news...

Was just reading one of those free Sydney Papers (MX) and under section on the death of actor H.L, there was a small column indicated "Gay-Hate activists aims to picket the funeral of the actor. It was said that the actor is paying for his "sin" in his role in the gay movie Brokeback mountain".

To quote from the paper:
"Ledger thought it was great fun defying God Almighty. Ledger is now in Hell. and has begun serving his eternal sentence there."

What an utter bigot!!! I read in horror at the harsh words from these religious fanatics, and at the idiotic remarks for an actor for his movie role! There was a time when i thought harsh words as above are reserved strictly for "Rapists, Child abusers, Cold blood Murderers..." How has the world descended to a stage where a dead man received abused for exceling in his profession as an artist.

How many stupid people are there out there?!!! Couldnt they distinguish between reality and imaginery world? What has our intolerant world become? I assume the scriptwriters, the directors, the support cast, the paying audience are being deem to hell from these activists as well.
It is not only an insensitive, inaccurate and inapproperiate statement if H.L had been gay, but to be blamed for his work as an actor is beyond comprehension!! I personally find these people callous, disrespectful and "socially and uneducated" in every possible ways.

This is one of few reasons why I never subscribed to any religions. Religion has not better our lives, it has neither educated us nor enlighten us to a better world. Look at the role of religions who had interwinned itself with politics since the early days of Kings and queens. Look further into history at the persecution of many in the quest to spread one religion over another, how one reign overthrows another in support of different fractions/ denominations of one religion... (Eg: Note 1, Note 2)

In current times, religion has as far only served to band people of all walks together to find solace and comfort in each other in the same belief that there is a salvation in afterlife, yet religions with its many forms, too have brought endless conflicts, destructions, bloodshed and countless wars through its subscribers.

Reiligous books are written by mankind, censored by mankind, translated by mankind, accounts and stories told by mankind, and interpreted by mankind. The messengers are mankind, the preachers are mankind, the instituitions are run by mankind.
What good is salvation in an afterlife if you fail to do any good in this living life? People who doesnt want to be saved cannot be saved. People who has done no wrong to others in this lifetime, will not have his goodness taken away from his life after death. It doesnt matter what and who you believe in. Well, that's, is at least what I believe in.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"Arrests of foreign prostitutes increase by 25% in 2007

"Arrests of foreign prostitutes increase by 25% in 2007
(By Lynda Hong, Channel NewsAsia Posted: 22 January 2008 2203 hrs )

SINGAPORE: The number of foreign prostitutes arrested in 2007 increased by 25 per cent to 5,400 from 2006. Police have stepped up their vice-related operations island-wide, from 950 in 2007, up from 890 operations in 2006. Minister of Home Affairs, Mr Wong Kang Seng, revealed this in a written reply to Nominated Member of Parliament Associate Professor Kalyani K. Mehta about the Home Affairs Ministry's plans for curbing prostitution in the Geylang area.

Associate Professor Kalyani had earlier said that efforts so far do not seem effective. Mr Wong added that Police have regularly mounted enforcement operations against vice in Geylang, where many foreign sex workers congregate"

Like it takes a brillant citizen to notice that the foreign prositutes in Singapore has gone up in recent years. It's so easy to spot them and see them brazenly shopping in orchard towers, malls, spilling cash like there's no tomorrow.

I was in Tiffany one day to fix my ear stud, and the whole place was crawling with Chinese nationals. I overheard these 3 girls snapping up all the expensive accessories and proudly declaring how they are contributing to our country's GDP and economy... They were supposedly to be on student visa, but nothing in their dressing, mannerisms nor conversations indicate that they are some innocent students. They dun even look that young...I am not implying I know what other "professions" they might be in, but one wonders....

Like what AP Kalyani had said, current operations doesnt seem to stem out the surge in vice activities... perhaps the relevant department who issue visas such as "student" or "social" visa applicants, should be more stringent and cautious about who comes into Singapore...

Food talk....

It is when I read articles like this that makes me drool for my hometown food (even though I have never tried the store described)... damn...
Article Extract: (Source: Newpaper online)
" Her food has evolved over time.
The items she offers today are the ones many regulars can never have enough of.

They tell her just how salty, sweet or spicy it should be as she 'does not think about how I want it as it is they who will eat it'.

One quick scan around and it is still the sambal fish that constantly flies out of her kitchen onto many tables around.

It goes very well with a bowl of rice as the fish is crispy, fresh yet nicely dry.
It is buried under a layer of rich sambal done the way 'my customers tell me they like it to be'.

A humble plate of tofu prawns with seafood usually sits beside the fish.
It looks bland but as I wolfed it down, it has just one sensation - comfort.

The soft silky Japanese tofu, sitting in a pool of thick and savoury egg sauce, topped with fresh crunchy prawns with sotong rings, is a no-brainer choice.

The smell, the sight and the memory of it alone, is enough to prep the body for the entire sensation.

I downed a spoonful of it with rice and my makan system said 'this is what the feeling of home tastes like, relax'.

Her sambal sotong rings are unusually thick and very soft, spiced with just enough of that same sambal she uses for the fish.

The Hokkien mee, although fried and sauced well with seafood and pork toppings, lacks just a few ingredients like mussels and gizzards, to complete the score. Ironically, these are the same few ingredients that her regulars shun and she happily accommodates.

The other favourites here are the pai kuat wong (fried sweet and sour pork ribs), the prawn paste chicken and the sambal kangkong.

But definitely, a feast here, at prices not many will fear. Food I'll drop by for before heading home. "

Blk 22A, Havelock Rd,#01-07, Havelock Road Food Centre,10.30am to 5pm,Monday to Friday,Closed on weekends and public holidays

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Weird weather...

I wonder how long before the whole world will agree, concede that our world's weather is going to pieces because of a whole lot of damages we are doing to it.

This whole summer in Sydney has been bizzare. It simply doesnt feel like summer. In fact, the weather was so cool last night, and today, that I felt like I was still in late Autumn or early spring. Otherwise, it has been raining, ALOT every day.

It has often been a joke at home that in the last few years, I have been bestowed a new title known as "Ice Queen" and my room is infamously known as the "Winter Palace". Being that I loved to have my room down really cold at night so that I can snuggle under my warm covers before sleeping. I think many Singaporeans (girls esp) can identify with this "nice but really warm in bed" sydnrome, which unfortunately for me, my husband could never understand nor be "accepting" of this "weird" habit of mine and of coz never failed to taunt me about it with my snowy title....

Until recently, he started to realised that no matter where we lived or travel to, the summer weather too has never been hot whereever I was. The last summer we had in HK was so mild, it didnt feel likea typical summer and I could walk around all day in cardigan and layers and I wont break into sweat. While we live away from sydney, Summer has always been scorching hot. This year when we return to live in Sydney, the summer has been so mild, that it felt like endless spring... well rainy cool spring. While we took a week off to singapore and HK, the weather in singapore was also nice and cool. HK was supposed to be in midst of winter, but it felt so mild that I only needed T-shirts and jeans. Yet while we were away, sydney suddenly experienced a week of surging HOT HEAT wave soaring as high as 38 degrees at some places.

Just when i dreaded the heat on my return to Sydney, the weather amazingly cooled down again with showers and mild 20-22 degrees. It has only gone cooler since...

I hope this blog doesnt "jinx" my steadystead of good fortune of mild weather for I have a few weeks more to go before I take leave back home to Singapore. If I am lucky, by the time I am back from my hols, summer will be over and I will be welcoming autumn soon.

Last nite, my husband eyed at me" suspiciously" and jokingly "pondered aloud" if my "winter prowess" has been that great that I bring rain and cool weather to everywhere I lived in. I rolled my eyes and told him to "Shut up and enjoy his summer palace" before it transforms into winter palace in another hour... :P

Overpriced Ginger????

How can Ginger costs so much in Sydney?!!! Its bordering on ridiculous!!!

The peak price for the whole week has been A$25/kg. Can u imagine shelving out so much for ginger? I had thought it was already very expensive at A$17/kg when I had first arrived!

When i stood infront of the produce, shellshock beyond words, 2 local Ozzie ladies commented on the price as well. Even THEY were astounded. I overheard them saying that it was going for A$13/kg at woolworths, which immediately my ear pricked up and my brain went whirling into motion.

I couldnt resist stopping one of the staff to query about the expensive price. His reply "Its demand and supply and everyone just wants Australian produce." I told him that its crazy, ginger isnt luxury good, its a staple food produce. Demand do not suddenly drop because people cook everyday, we have chef demanding it everyday. So if there is a constant flow of demand, how could there be such bad planning of crops that there wont be enough supply? I told him I reckon it will be cheaper if i had gone out and import crates of ginger from overseas like malaysia to Australia. He shrugged his shoulders and I dont him responsible since he wasnt in charge of pricing. I just thought someone should shed some light on A$25/kg for goddarn ginger!

I made the effort, took a train to bondi and check out woolworth and indeed, it was $12/kg. I didnt stop to look at the sign if its from china. I figure a few week plus of china ginger should not kill me even if it has toxic chemicals in them.

At the rate this goes, its no wonder china's price is wiping out the world's farming prices. A packet of 12 garlic from China cost A$2, but ONE GARLIC ALONE from Mexico cost me A$1.70.

It is without wonder that Stan and I said to each other and agreed, "Its a wonder how people can live in here (sydney) when everything is so expensive..."

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Dinner Review @ Rochestor One

I made dinner reservations with "One Rochester" ( looking forward to a nice al-fresco dinner and praying it wont rain.

Dinner was at 7pm and we got a cab without a hitch. It would have been alittle too much to avoid a cab from town to buena vista, no matter how much i wont want to suppose the 35% peak hour surcharge. The taxi driver was happy, delightful company, and bubbly. The fare came up to $19 after the surcharge which is a shocker since the usual price would prob amount to only $10-11 from town.

It didnt rain when we were there but it was showering and sprinkling abit and so the compound was wet. A pity because they do have a nice setup really. A couple was having a wedding reception indoors and they even had a pavillion set up for their vows.

The staff politely brought us to our sheltered tables, though I was alittle taken back at how small and cram the sitting area was. Tables were really packed close and near and luckily for me, I had a far corner seat. However, I still like the setting and it has a nice ambience to it.

However, what still saddenss me is how undiscerning some locals like to dress even when they go out for a nice dinner (as evidently shown in pix below). They come to a nice setting, a nice meal, and yet they just couldnt be bothered to make a little effort to dress the part. Instead they stuck rigidly to their ugly berms, worn out looking T-shirts and sandals for the nite. Whereas a typical expat would bother to dress in a nice shirt, pants and toes covering shoes.

I think its quite sad really, when customers do not make a deal to appreciate the effort on the sort of mood the establishment tries to invoke. Its not about being pretendious or "upmarket" which i read alot of comments in some forums. I think its is a wrong deliberate "cannot be bothered i wear what I want because i can pay" attitude in singapore. Its not "trying to be posh", and yes we indeed can get better food in hawker at fraction the price but that is NOT the point is it? Otherwise, why do we even bother to invent or buy anything different?

People forget going to restaurants are liken to being invited to someone's house for an special occassion with an approperiate dress code. Its simply a respect to the chef, to the place, and to other patrons who makes the effort and not ruin the ambience. Wearing the right clothes for the occassion is an etiquette, common sense, just like wearing the right shoes to suit different activities. I have witnessed more than once idiotic singaporeans who were told sandals was not allowed in a premise. A guy kicked up a stink with the waiter about "Its PRADA sandals" He has more cents than sense that bloke. People forget... "BRAND of footwear does not EQUATE to TYPE of footwear." I was glad the establishment held its grounds and the nitwit stormed off citing other restaurants....

Yeah, eating in a toilet loo would have suited him just rite too by all accounts.

Back to my dinner. We decided on ala carte menu as I thought the descriptions looks more appetitising than the degustation menu (Many establisments doesnt call them degustation but tasting menu.. i guess they didnt want to come off sounded too posh or french...)

My starter of stuffed squid with homemade chilli jam was ok but i feedback that the rocket salad was kinda overwhelmingly much. Plus a variety of greens with tomato or light cruchy cucumber would have enhance the flavour and enrich the dish, otherwise, its pretty boring as it is and i feel like part of a cow herd or bunny squad.

The other mushroom soup starter was pretty fantastic, full of flavour and hint of truffle oil which really went well with the overall taste. The waitress was pretty observant and offered to split the soup into 2 bowls for sharing without being asked to. A brownie point for that! While waiting for the main, the waitress came back with a refreshing sorbet (typicall reserved for those on degustation menu) as she said the chef said the main is taking slightly longer than expected. I liked the service. The staff seemed pretty well trained and know when to update the customer without prompting.

Just shortly after the sorbet, the lamb shank main i had was pretty tasty and I could see that the Australian chef and stuck to simple guideline of not being overly experimental, but stick to good solid recipe. I liked my gravy and soft melting meat alot.

However while everything matched up relatively to my expectations, my favorite and great compliments to the chef was their bread. Typically, restaurants served you sticks, dough, whites etc, but what i had tonite was sort of herb bread, totally soft and served warm. I never loved a starter bread as much as this and it was with pleasure i found it in Singapore. I couldnt stop and only had to because i didnt want to ruin my main.

An under appreciated Botonical Gardens

There wasnt much to do on early sat noon. So I choose to head to Singapore Botantical Garden, only because I missed the Les Amis Cafe there.

We took a (green) cab there and the driver told us he was a new driver and he wasnt too sure the route. We took him its ok and we will guide him as we knew where we were going. I like his honesty, and i took him we will be ok.

As we turn into the small lane, we noticed the new drop off on the left with a new building structure. We told him that wasnt it and we needed to head to the OLD entrance where the cafe was suituated. The lane seemed so long when you aint exactly sure if the OLD entrance was still there or replaced by the new entrance we left behind. The driver was quite nervous and we assured its ok as it was our call.

After a few mins, we saw the signage to the old drop off entrance and the taxi driver face lit up. He confessed that "he hasnt been to the park for over 10 years". When we dropped off, my husband told him to turn right instead of left (though i suspected it was wrong i kept quiet), and we ended up slightly further away. The taxi driver wanted to stop the meter and U turn back and we told him its ok we can walk and get off there. What was a nice gesture was that the driver wanted to shave off the 40cents and round down to the nearest dollar. We explained he didnt need to as he did nothing wrong and he only followed our instructions, and so we paid him in full and declined the change he returned. He was a nice driver and i hope he stays that way....

it was nice dining in the midst of greens. So ever comforting and the serenity is ever welcoming. It was a cool noon and i totally polished off my burger. After which, we went for a nice long walk.

The park hasnt change much, except for the new towering structure which I personally find it a bloody EYESORE. I guess its for some carparks, nursery etc but still, the glaringly new beige building was soooooo OUT OF PLACE in the greens and i HATED ITS exterior. Absolutely No thoughts was put into designing the structure to blend with the greenery. Only the interior was, but what was the use? "Nature" has already been besiged with the concrete wall spoiling my horizons and wish of uninterrupted greens.

I spotted more expats than locals. Pity. A waste. I guess locals prefer the airconditioned and comfort of the mall than sweat it out a little in the park. Pity....

Friday, January 11, 2008

A horrible RUDE ARROGANT Singapore Taxi driver

Reached Changi airport without a hitch in the afternoon but had the most infrutriating taxi ride ever from changi airport.

Boarded a comfort cab (SHC2311D - Trip No: 011113033) and told him to get us to city Hyatt hotel before heading to another location.

After some distance, I noticed the taxi driver was going via the old route to city and so i asked the driver politely why didnt he take the new route via the new tunnel (supposedly connecting to new KPE) that will join up quickly to CTE as it is much shorter route.

Sidetrack: I had knew that new route thanks to the first (trans' red cab) taxi driver who had picked us up on our first arrival from sydney few days earlier. The new route had significantly cut the travel time from airport to city. Perhaps to many locals, what is a few 10mins time save, but for someone with tight schedule, every minute counts. However the 70km speed limit in that tunnel was to chargrin of many drivers there. I rem that new route very clearly because I had asked the taxi driver then what is this new way and he had so excitedly telling me all about it, and all the new connections to paya lebar and all the different split off.

Back to the Comfort taxi driver, what appalls and sickens me the most was his arrogant attitude, his fking stuck up "I know it all do not question me" response.

He challenged me and said "There is NO SUCH ROUTE." I didnt like his attitude and so i challenged him back. I told him that I knew the route because i had just taken it a few days back as a taxi driver used that route. So DONT TELL ME THERE IS NO SUCH ROUTE.

Instead of apologising, he insisted i was wrong again (many times in the conversation) in his callous challenging attitude. I told him not to tell me I am wrong because i had taken that route just few days back, and do not treat me as an unknowing tourists. He then said "he didnt know such a route i was talking about" without any apology and in a "fk you attitude. My partner all this while silent and listening told him politely, "As a professional taxi driver, how can YOU NOT KNOW esp if you ply the airport route? And even if you do not know, just admit it and you should not argue with us."

The taxi driver rised his voice significantly and argued back and telling us that he knows KPE that goes to fort canning but doesnt go to city, stopping short at his tongue of calling me an idiot judging from his tone. I told him i KNOW it doesnt go directly to city but the tunnel connects to the CTE quickly and if he doesnt know it is fine, but I told him he has no right to raise his voice nor give me the attitude as a driver. I repeated 3 times in the car "DONT YOU DARE RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME." But he did anyway.

He retorted "Go COMPLAIN LAH! Think i scare of you?! GO COMPLAIN!!!"

I replied clamly: "Do not worry, i WILL COMPLAIN about you." Stopping short that I will expect an apology from him and his company for his unforgivable attitude, giving all taxi drivers a bad name. I have every right as a passenger to question his route and in politeness, i expected a polite reply.

In the car, i called the booking line and asked for the number of the feedback number because i have a complaint. What PISSES ME OFF even more was that there was NO ONE manning the feedback line because after good 7mins, no one pick up my call and i was subjected to listening to adverts and music that grates my nerves EVEN MORE. So either we have SO MUCH COMPLAINTS about taxi that no one could come to the line, or simply COMFORT company simply doesnt GIVE SHIT about who calls in to complain. To them, we are just suckers.

I hung up after a while of waiting as i could feel my blood vessels near bursting. This is ridiculous.

After checking from his rear mirror that I was on the line, the driver kept his mouth shut and the rest of journey was in silence. We got off the cab instead of getting us to ferry to next desitination.

My motto is, "Why suffer for the sake of saving a few dollars when i rather give the money to another honest driver without the attitude"

The cab driver has the CHEEK to ask my husband mildly when he requested a receipt (for my subsequent complaint) "Oh you stopping here and not going to the other place?" My partner replied "No." I was thinking in my head "You shameless driver, u expect to earn more money from me???" I slammed the door shut and for once in my life, I did not say "Thank you and have a good day" to a taxi driver and I honestly did not regret it because he doesnt deserve it. I boarded another green cab and gave the polite cab driver a fat tip for helping me with my luggage.

The issue at hand is not why the Comfort taxi driver has not taken the new route.Honestly, the route isnt any cheaper and it didnt matter, but i couldnt let his insulting attitude slide me pass. I would have been perfectly ok if he apologised for not knowing the new route, or even explained that I may have been confused which I would be happy to concede even though I had believe otherwise.

However, instead, he raised his voice, challenged me, telling me there is no such route when i had explained i HAD tried the new route, and he tried to make me feel small and stupid which i will not take laying down. WRONG PERSON TO MESS WITH BUDDY.

The incident has passed a week, and now that I have my spare time again, I am now composing a nice long detailed letter to Comfort seeking an explanation for

well to those who are still boycotting the taxis, I hope it lasts and teaches comfort a lesson because the service level is not equatable to the price hike we are paying. Unless our taxi drivers know every road at the back of their hand like London cab drivers who undergoes strenuous training, we should not pay for "overpriced premium price" for a "less than satisfactory nor desired service".

If we are to count on drivers like him as Singapore unofficial ambassadors, well our country Brand image might as well go to hell.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Elements, the new mall @ Kowloon

Once again, HK has unveiled another a new mall few months earlier at Kowloon station, named "Elements" (, over one million sqaure foot, with different shopping arena named after the 5 chinese elements "Fire, water, Air, Wood, Metal"

After dinner, having some time to spare, we headed off to the new mall to check it out. The space is amazing! Its huge!!!!!!. I love the space even though i didnt have time to check out the stores at 8.45pm.

However, alot of the retail stores looked really cool not to mention the store directory is mind boggling... (

I stumbled upon "BALS TOKYO" a homeware store. I truly liked what i saw, its pricey but honestly stylish. Its a designer home's heaven and haven. Even the brochere looked so cool...

HK Egg Tart.....

I was dead tired by Thursday. The whole trip has been wearing me down and I felt really exhausted from all the rushing around and waking up at 6am to catch flights. I think being my body has gotten use to the "relaxed" state that suddenly it couldnt handle being thrust back into the hectic schedule!

I didnt have any plans on thurs and i declined lunch with my HK country director as I was really tired. So instead, I booked myself for any massage instead.. and plan for dinner date with david and his wife before flying out the next early morning bak to sg.

I didnt feel like lunch before massage so i went to the hotel's dessert cafe and my god, the assortment of cakes and desserts were overwhelmingly good! I had one takeaway (HK$30) and suddenly, I was struck by egg tart craving and i thought my partner would like one too since he had been busy the whole 2 days with meetings. I havent had a good one since i left HK and Sydney average cafe dessert is quite horrible by my standard.

The hotel cafe didnt sell any eggtart and so i causally asked them if they know any good one nearby which the LOCALS really like. The lady who served me was very helpful and she actually asked around a few colleagues and found out that there was one near LKF. As she didnt know I could speak and understand cantonese, I was quite absorbed by their conversations about worrying the store too far and I would get lost etc. At that moment, I didnt know if I should conclude the HK staff working in this mandarin hotel happen to be a very warm and helpful bunch, or does it have to do with their training. Perhaps its a little bit of both.

I didnt know the English road name 摆花街 in cantonese until she mentioned Yung Kee (the famous chinese restaurant for its roasted BBQ meats and packaway goose for tourists). I know where that is! I told her i knew Yung Kee and she excitedly knew me this map and marked down 泰昌(Tai Chang). I asked her if its really good and she said alot of locals will Q up in the morning for bread and tarts. That was good assurance enough for me. HK people know their bread and food.

I didnt realise it was going to be a 15mins walk and it was warm. Even though it should be winter, we were experiencing a warm spell during my stay in HK. It felt more like mild summer here while sydney was undergoing a major heat wave of 38 degrees during my absence! Lucky me!
I walked to the place and realise the street was Lynhurst Street she was refering to in cantonese. It was the first left turn into the new lane after Yung Kee. ("It was once said if you have never tasted Yung Kee's BBQ meat, then you have never been to HK...")The egg tart store was located pretty down the lane and fr a min i was wondering if the store could have been closed at 6.30pm. Just as I was wondering to myself, i pass the overhead bridge and saw a couple of girls standing outside munching stuff. I found the place!

The tarts were kept warm and honestly, it didnt look very appetitising. I was a little disappointed and so only bought 2. I rushed back to the hotel as i was running late for dinner. I was annoyed when opened my bag and saw one of my tart was half smashed. I decide to eat it while it was still warm.

the first mouthful was a shocker. the egg tart was REALLY REALLY GOOD! In fact it was the best eggtart i had had since i lived in HK! damn! I immediately regretted not buying more and tonight was my last night in HK. I was wrong to "judge the tart by its humble look" The taste was superb and the crust was just the right crisp without being overly flaky or hard. The egg custard melts in your mouth leaving a nice smooth sweet taste. At that moment, I really was so pleased with my decision to make an effort to walk there and buy the tarts! I really had the hotel staff to thank for!

HK, What I Miss & What I Don't...

It's a little nostalgic really, to be back in a country that had hosted me for over a year. I had good memories, friends here. It feels funny because you know you can never fully feel like a tourists again.

The thing i REALLY miss was my HK identity card, only because it gets me thru custom immigration in a breeze in complete ease with that little micro chip card, cutting the Q, saving me waiting Q over the counter.

However as i rushed through the busy streets of vibrant HK, I sensed another wave of other things i missed and ..not.

1. Endless Crowds...
I never knew if I liked the crowd or not. I hated it when i was trying to walk through the throng of almost impassable crowd in causeway bay after work. Yet when I am not tired from work, the crowd didnt really bother me that much now. It's just part of what makes HK alive and humming with life...

2. Smog, Air Pollution, Low visibility and unending grey skies...
I knew the greatest driving force to leave has always been the grey skies and smog. I dread every moment of inhaling the makes me sick.. it does...when will HK ever see its fair share of bright blue skies, and bursting sunshine again?

3. Taxis...

Ahhhh...what Singaporean will give to have the same efficiency, quantity and cheap rate as HK cabs...

4. Enterprising

One finds alot of unique stuff in HK. Maybe limited in someways, but still never fails to amaze me what I can find. In this instant, a can of "Peppermint Engergising Oxygen" found in my hotel minibar...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Funny moments taking shots....

Taking photos after the dinner had its funny moments...

While taking a shot with Jo and her hubby, they decided that i should sit in the middle. However, Kev was so "stiff" that we laughed at him so hard! In the first shot, we joked that he looked like some "Ah Ye" (cantonese for grandfather) with his stiff hands on the thighs, then the second one made him looks like he was "extra character" in the shot liken to HK culture of strangers sharing same dining tables. Kev couldnt bear us laughing (even though he was also quite bemused" and so he insisted on a new pose in a new corner and finally he perfected in making the shot looking "natural".. It was so funny!

Shot 1: Kev looking like "Ah Ye"

Shot 2: Kev looked like "Extra character"

Shot 3: Kev finally perfecting the "natural" look :P

With Ivan

With Emily and her bf

Side view of Jo and her baby girl:P

While walking back to Time Squares to grab a cab, I saw they had put up the BJ Olympics mascots near the train escalators. So cute!

Gathering of the old HK gang

I was too tired to go shopping, so instead, I booked myself a massage session with the hotel spa and I wasnt disappointed!

The Deep Tissue massage was especially good and it comes with hot stone therapy that eases the tension in the msucles. Heavenly! I havent had such a good massage for such a long while!!!

After that by 6pm, i rushed down to Causeway bay to my old office and it was nice to be greeted so warmly by my old colleagues. My Belgium boss was especially surprised to see me and he was glad that I looked so well rested and good. Haa haaa, the compliments flowed in and I was getting alittle shy from it.

Dinner with th gang was just as amazing as before I had left. Jo's husband and Emily's bf joined us as well and Ivan managed to rush thru his forecast to join us just as our appetitsers were starting. Jokes and stories flowed in strong and fast and we laughed so much that once again, we triumphed in being the noisiest group in the restaurant (as usual).

I missed my frens and catching up again certainly brought back old times. They decided to treat me despite my refusal and it was a really warm gestures. Luckily I had brought gifts for them or I would have felt really bad...

Jo's tummy is huge now and she is about half month away from delivery! I was wondering if I should give her the ang pao money for the baby first or after the baby is born, then i decided that i shall wait till the baby is born...

After dinner, some of the girls have to leave first, leaving behind the few of us to take more pictures. By 11.30pm, we called it a nite and knowing that it will be some time before I see them again, I had started to miss their company already...

The distinct difference between service in SG and HK hotels

Before my plane even landed, I could see the layer of smog in the air and it only reaffirms my wise decision to leave the land of horid air pollution. Yet despite my misforgivings about HK's bad air quality, I look forward to meeting up with my ex colleagues for dinner tonight. It has been a while since i left, and certainly been hard to maintain contact since they are not very fluent in English for most. So i guess emailing in English would have been quite tedious for them.

Anycase, checked into HK Mandarin Oriental and my observations fairly states that hotel staff in HK are MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE WELL TRAINED than Singapore counterparts. Its not the first time I have observed the SIGNIFICANT difference but this trip has once again sealed HK as a top service industry to tourists (situation can be different at times when u actually live there)

To give a comparison. When we checked into Hyatt Singapore, we were given the wrong room type upon check in. We didnt realise till we were in the room. My partner called reception to query why we were chucked into a small standard room when he had obviously spoken to the reservations about the junior suite he wanted under corporate rate. He had gotten an email confirmation but we didnt print it being in a rush and assuming that Hyatt Singapore wont screw up such a simple reservation.

However, instead of a 5min conversation, the ordeal became half an hour heated arguement where the hotel manager refuses to honor the reservations for the room we booked (because they thought we didnt have any black and white confirmation letter to back our claims), for the rate we book for. They tried to quote us a price which was higher than what we saw in the internet, which they couldnt deny when we challenge them. My partner was so angry and despite him telling them not to make further excuses and that they are making him really angry, they proceeded to ignore what he said and repeated a bunch of stupid "policies" and the whole check in process quickly deterioted to a horrible and unpleasant affair. Finally, my partner yelled and said to just give us the fking room we wanted and he dun care about the price, and only at that point did the manager gave us the room we had requested for. Is this the sort of "Disaster Recovery" training?

After we settled down, we had to PAY for room internet to locate the email confirmation and printed it out. We brought it to the manager the next night who then said she has no choice but to honor the confirmation. I didnt know how their reservation systems could have lost our booking, and worse, the staff didnt believe us, didnt apologise nor know how to placate an irate customer and only made us more upset throughout the whole incident.

In HK, when we arrived at HK Mandarin Oriental, we too discovered with dismay that the staff from UBS who was suppose to do our booking screwed up and booked it under a wrong date! We didnt know as the staff had not sent us a confirmation email. Just when we were feeling horrified, the hotel reception Gloria sensing our horror (at the possibility of no rooms being a crowded week and occupancy rate was high), immediately tried to reassure us by saying she will check for us if there are any rooms available, and the room type and request that met our needs.

She cheerfully informed us after a min search that she found the room and because she handled the whole issue so efficiently that there was no need for us to feel upset. After check in, the porter took our bags, and another female hotel staff led the way and brought us to our room. It wasnt the porter who showed us the room details, it was this very pretty, well English spoken with american accent Hk staff who guided us through. The room was smalle than singapore Hyatt, but its nicer and more recently refurbished. She made us felt welcomed and gave the warm feeling that we are guests, unlike in Singapore where we felt that Hyatt was sending a message that said "U are welcome to take your money elsewhere."

The disparity is so obvious. Singapore hotel staff needs to be better trained to leave our guests feeling satisfied. We are lacking so far behind...
Anycase, I really like the refurbished HK Oriental Mandarin Hotel. The only 2 down sides was the sink area didnt have a door and so its quite disturbing to the person trying to sleep when you can hear the tap running and splashing sound, and the main corridor was very warm and lck of air ventilation. However, overall it was a great stay there and I loved the fact of checking my bill, phone voice messages from the plasma TV. Almost Everything in the room was very well thought out and modern. I especially like the Hermes shampoo smell and their small soap case...

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Dinner with ex colleague

Had a really nice dinner with my ex HK colleague Kev who happened to be in Singapore for training. It was good fortune that we manage to catch each other and have dnner together in town. Kev as sweet as usual, gave me a big box of pineapple tarts he bought from taiwan.

We chatted quite a bit and while he hasnt changed, my old workplace certainly has which wasnt very surprising.

Time passes in a flash and before i knew it, was close to 11pm and i had to take leave as i needed to pack for my early morning flight to HK the next day.

When will singaporeans learn to stand on ONE side of the escalators?

As i walked out of Hyatt heading towards the train station, I really like the public art gallery where scotts shopping centre used to be. I thought it was really nice and it seemed like a pity that not many Singaporeans stopped to look at it.

The mall underpass advertisements are certainly more creative in Singapore than I can say for Sydney.

When I took the train from Orchard to Cityhall, I didnt understand why Singapore remain singularly the only developed country I have travelled to, where commuters does not have the courtesy (brains?) to stand on one side of the escalator, leaving the other side free for people in a hurry choosing to walk up the steps. In many occasions, I had to voice "Excuse me" repeatedly as i walked up. Sometimes I received dagger looks as if i wasnt suppose to inconvenience them to move to one side, sometimes I get politeness from them in stepping to one side.

So today at 3.30pm at cityhall, a HUGE crowd of passengers got off the train and dashed towards the escalators, ONLY to STAND stationary on both left and right sides without any room for anyone to pass thru. I wondered to myself, WHEN WILL SINGAPOREANS LEARN TO STAND ON ONE SIDE OF THE ESCALATORS? I am sure many of our people are well travelled to have gone to HK or UK or Sydney where it is almost like 2nd nature for commuters or malls shoppers to stand on side of the escalators.

No wonder MM LEE says it will takes another 10-15 years before we will learn to be a gracious society. It only takes so little effort and yet not many are willing to take that step.

My proud latest cd purchases

Didnt get to do any shopping apart from major cds and books purchases (again)
CDS are really cheap in Singapore. Alot of the titles were going for "3 for $50" promotion in "That CD shop", thus it would be stupid to pass up such offer esp when it costs double the price in sydney for alot of new album releases.

Acquired 2 favorite cd albums which is "Hotel Costes X-2008 collection" and "Private Beach Club".

They are really good esp the former album. The first 3 tracks ( "Paper Aeroplane", "Psycho Girls and Psycow Boys", "My society") and track 13 ("Orsten Fleur Blanche") are absolutely divine!! Track 13 is especially haunting esp when its late at night, it has the right soothing beats and doesnt clutter your head trying to clamour for attention, esp it quietly seeps into you relaxing your mind and soul.

Has been a long while since I found a really good chilling out music album without having to select only a few songs. Highly recommended!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

La Strada (Singapore-Italian Food)

Was too tired to venture out and so we ended up dinner at a place i chosed, "La Strada" at scotts center which was opposite to where we were staying.

La Strada is another Les Amis group outlet and supposedly taken over where Canteen used to be. I hated food served from Canteen as they were often pricey, and worse, the food was horrible! However, After checking out a few reviews, I decided to restore my faith in Les Amis and gave La strada a chance. With that, I must say I was not disappointed.

It was a late dinner at 9pm and last order was 9.30pm. Hence, they ran out of "Linguini Marinara" (seafood pasta with tomato base). So instead, I went for "Tagliolini al granchio" (fresh hand cut pasta with mud crab pieces mixed with chilli flakes, white wine and extra virgin olive oil as base). For appetitisers, I couldnt pass up on the foie gras.

Service I must say was attentive and friendly and the decor was modern without being pushy or overdone. It was a vast improvement from canteen days and at that moment, jet lag and all, I could only hope the food would come quickly and of value.

For my main, My Tagliolini was done with perfection and it was neither too greasy with the oil and well mixed. (Although I think the serving could do with a little MORE crab meat). The other main we had was the "U.S Kurobuta pork with sauteed spinach" and it was nicely executed! The pork remained tender and much of the juice was retained in the meat. This was certainly a far cry from the last pork meal we had at its predecessor Canteen where it was dry, tough and inedible.

Halfway thru the dinner, the waiter wanted to refill our water glasses which i stopped him as ours was stillwater. He didnt come back and I was wondering why he left our glasses almost empty. When i waved again and queried, he told us that we had finished our water. I was surprised and told him that I am pretty certain that my bottle is 3/4 full and he went to the kitch immediately, only to realise his colleague had accidentally placed our bottle in the freezer instead of the chiller container! The waiter didnt return to explain actually nor apologised for the mixed up. I only found out what happened when i asked him again when we were leaving. I guess this is one area where service could be further improved, updating the customer and apologised when false assumption had been made and told to its customers. Overall the service would have been rated a 7/10, but it certainly has rooms for improvement.

The dessert tiramisu is excellent and anyone who loves it should have a go at it at La Strada. I promise you wont be disappointed, esp when its coming from a non tiramisu lover like myself.

All in all a good meal and the Chef Leondro deserves compliments for doing justice to his food and dishing out food worth returning for.

Shopping and more shopping...

Busy day today.. did banking and so much shopping... contributing to all the singapore economy to the country.

Last stop was at Tiffany coz i wanted to fix up my earstud. The backing dropped off. 

The service staff are sooo discriminating. Initially they presume I was a local and they literally SNUB me. When i finally got someone's attention after 10mins wait, the guy initially gave me a haughty assholic look and attitude. Before I could say anything about my request, he saw 2 caucasian men walked in and he fucking gave thema 100watts smile and hello. I was royally PISSED at the discrimination. So Chinese cannot spend as much as westerners?

Luckily for him, I was pretty "zen" today and i just looked past his pathetic-ness. I didnt know what he has to be snotty about when he is JUST a SALESMEN, its NOT like he owned Tiffany...Another urban idiot.

During the course of "conversation", when he realise I was going back to overseas and , his whole persona CHANGED for the better. He actually bothered to smile now, which i had thought he was incapable of when he first greeted me.

Finally, I had to go back to hotel in the bloody crowded train. I dun understand, why SMRT cannot lessen the train interval to 2mins, instead of 5mins. At 5pm which the train was PACKED to the brim and i was SHOVED into the cabin from the people CRUSHING into the cabin. I was horrified! If the wait was lesser, the passenger crowd situation would improve significantly as more people are being cart off by 2 trains within 5 mins, instead of loading everyone in 1 train every 5 mins. Here is another classifical exmaple of "FUCK THE HERD OF MRT CUSTOMERS, MAXIMUM PROFIT for the SMRT SHARE HOLDERS by having less train operating and in turn less expenses..."

Thanks Singapore, your 21st century PUBLIC TRANSPORT is a bloody SHAME for a developed city.

And apparently no one in the SMRT backoffice have any brains either to be more customer minded....because the ticket dispenser doesnt even have the option to select a 2way return ticket! So instead of having to Q one time and pay for a return ticket, the customer have to Q TWICE and return the deposit TWICE being the originating and destination leg. ISNT our TRAIn station crowded and the lines long enough?? Why add on to more human congestion and not ways to shorten the Q?? This is where Australia ticket dispenser makes more sense. It allows us to buy either a one way or a return ticket so long it is travelled before 4am, and a return ticket would also be cheaper by a few cents compared to 2 single tickets.