
Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Was just chatting with fren Bin about his youngest son going to school (PAP kindi') for the first tomorrow. He said that the little boy was so excited..running around the house with his bag. I laughed.

I shared that I remembered being very excited about school as well when i was little. I too had my share of carrying my new bag and paraded around the house. I would lovelingly packed my new sharpened pencils, colour pencils, new excercise books with that "newness smell", that cheap looking jotterbook...I would arrange my books, my water bottle. I still rem my Primary One days vividly.

Bin laughed and said yah, but he couldnt rem what he was excited about. I said "Excited about the unknown, new school,learning new stuff, new friends, and being away from home (mum) for a few hours seem so exciting.."

Then we started talking about good old days when we were really little, and the things we did. He asked me if I had ever "ran away" from home. I told him never, because I wasnt that "stupid" to throw away the comfort of my bed, shelter and food for spite. I was a practical kid and I did my sums. Haa haa.

However, I told him once when I was really young, while accompanying my mum to the market for groceries shopping, I got fed up of waiting for my mum chatting with a neighbor and wandered home by myself. That caused a stir and my mum panicked naturally. Unfortunately for her, I went off to play with my neighbors and so she couldnt find me instantly...and...

I couldnt rem if I was reprimanded for that incident...
However I do recall telling my mum the reason on my straying away....
"Because you talk so long what! My legs were aching from standing!"


  1. I rem I was dumb dumb blur blur when I was a little kid, quite timid. I have also waited very long at the market place when my mum talked to... almost everyone there, from STALL TO STALL!!! Even worse, I was mistaken as a boy once being called 'ah di' by the fish stall uncle.

    Also experienced going to neighbor's house, played till forgot to go home and get scored by my mum later.

    Different from you, I have also experienced "running away" from home when I was a teenager, but only for a day cos' no money and no place to stay.

  2. WAH!!! I laughed so hard when you say your mum went stall to stall!!!! And u AH BOY!!!!! haaa haaa . I honestly cannot imagine how they could have think you are ah di?!!
