
Friday, February 29, 2008

Good trip to Msia, JB

Boy was I stuffed with good food while staying with my uncle in Msia.
My uncle brought us to this seafood place by the sea which as the best view of singapore sembawang shipyard lit up like a xmas ship!

The following day, he brought me to have this fantastic Bak Ku Teh. The otak was so meaty and full of flavour, and spice too!!! It was all so yummy-licious good! As usual my uncle refused to let me buy him and my cousins any meal. He always insist on paying. I felt bad really but I didnt want to make a fuss either. So we promised it will be my treat the next time he is out in sg.In between, my cousin who is a certifed beautician even gave me and my mum a deep facial massage. It felt heavenly to be pampered! My other cousin and her husband who specialised and has their own herbal plants plot had us soaking our feet in herbal hot soak to relieve tiredness and supposedly draw out toxins from our feet. Apparently they are pretty popular locally and even has singapore tour bus shuttling people to visit them. Its especially good for people who cannot handle western medications and for those recovering from chemo for long term conditioning back of their bodies. I saw all the newspaper cutting and all. Impressive. They even have a master called lily wong or something.

My mum swears she felt better but i didnt feel any much more different except relaxed! Then again, I have always been radically a non believer in miracles of western and eastern remedies that can make u feel instantly) refreshed. It's not that I dun believe in them working, I'm just a natureal skeptic. Maybe I aint that old yet that's why. Ha!

All in all a fabulous trip, considering there was so much catching up to do. We screeched and laughed so hard behind closed doors that my mum came in to check and we shooed her out. Girls talk mum! (esp when we are swopping dirty sexy stories about others! haa haa)

These are my best and closest cousins, my childhoos playmates and partners in crimes. Ben even remembered one of our childhood cartoon TMNT and went "Kawabanga" in one of his promise to visit us next year. I would have loved to stay another day but i couldnt with my dinner appointment with a uni old fren. No matter, it was certainly a well worth trip to JB!

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