
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bday Treat to Hunter Valley

Gwen decide to treat me and Yun to a day trip to Hunter valley Roberts (halls Road) for a birthday lunch treat!

It was a long day, partly coz we were caught in a nasty traffic jam before we hit the freeway due to a accident and road closure. So we kinda wasted 2 hours on the roads in sydney. But it was a worthwhile day! It's kinda funny thinking about it. we drove for 5 hours to get to hunter valley (should be only a 2.5 journey without the jam) just for LUNCH, and then we drove back another 3 hours+ back to Sydney city. Still, I think it was absolutely worthwhile when u are with your girlfrens having a good time.

I packed a couple of sappy roadtrip cd since gwen likes it. Driver always get to choose. Had a compliation that contains most of out "childhood" songs like Fixing a broken heart, was it nothing at all, Heaven knows etc.... Yun wasnt from singapore so she couldnt really relate to it and i think she could almost died in the mushiness at the back seat. haaa haaa. I was laughing coz it brought to mind the movie "Heartbreak kid" with the nutty woman singing all the sappy love songs away... which was practically what me and gwen was doing! *ROFL*

We arrived at about 2pm instead of 1.30pm...but luckily being a weekday, it wasnt crowded and so the lunch anticipation begins...

Anycase, the food at Roberts wasnt as good as i rem the last trip last year. But prob coz i didnt have the pork belly i was craving for but the duck confit was still good. The meal was rounded off with dessert and icecream sparklers for the birthday girls!

Sydney traffic known to be horrendous and it lived up to its name... check out the LONG jammed Q........

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