
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lack of movie choices

Being accustomed to seeing a variety of movie films from different countries of different languages back in Singapore, it strike me as strange that Sydney doesnt even make an attempt to screen any foreign flick, unless of course if its half blend with bad english conversations made from Hollywood. All other asian countries which are chinese dominated, we seemingly had no issue to screen BOTH foreign and local movies. There is such a technology called "subtitles" for foreign flicks...

So why doesnt Sydney cinemas screen any other movies apart from English movies? I do not recall ever having seen anything that is from Japan, Thailand or Hong Kong Flicks. They certainly have French Festival that screened French flicks for a limited period so something else must be an issue.

There is a whole chinese/Korean community living in Sydney alone, so I do not reckon revenue profits will be the issue... Hence it is hard to comprehend why there isnt greater effort to bring in at least popular foreign flicks with English Subs into this country and screen it on the big screen.

I am not sure if Japan screen Mandarin flicks but even if they do not, it is understandable since they produce their own Japanese movies anyway (which i wont mind watching! haaa haaa). Plus I think they do screen hollywood movies as well so at least they are not how should i say "insensitive".

If I am lucky, I get occassional HK treat on SBS on TV, and having it screen on TV means that they know chinese people exists, so why not the big screens?

I wonder when will any of Kevin Rudd's Chinese/HK son in law's friends start to suggest some changes about the boring movie scene ...hmmm..Afterall, it would do the australians some good too to be exposed to movie making by other talented directors out of the hollywood formula.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Hate being sick here

Not sure about other people living away from Singapore in Sydney, but I especially missed my hometown when I am sick.

I missed the convenience of hawker food centre. I missed the simple local healthy foodfare such as pure soups... like fish soup, seafood soup, mixed vege soup, lotusroot rib soup, winter melon soup, watercress soup, black chicken soup, dumpling that actually help to nurse your appetite and health back without clogging your system with unnecessary oil or grease.

In western countries like Sydney, its like hell being sick and your body feeling like shit. I craved for my mummy homecook minced pork porridge and her seafood porride made with pure unadultered pork rib soup stock without MSG or sugar or processed mixture. I havent had my mum's seafood porridge for over 10 years, since I last had my food poisoning episode...christ, was it that long ago?

The last week or so, all i could muster was chicken soup mixed with carrots and mushrooms. When i went to bed, I dreamt about my hawker food. How pathetic was that?

Few days ago when i woke at 6pm, went to the kitchen and I couldnt cook since my tastebuds and sense of smell were non functioning. Yet suddenly I craved a taste of mum. What would she cook when I am sick and be ready to eat in 15mins? Porridge, felt like porridge since no one sells proper chinese clear soup in this god forsaken city. 在这西洋城市,要喝到一碗清汤,比登天还难!

I cannot even get proper fish for steaming. All they know is snapper. Bloody fresh fish stall canx even bring in other varieties because i am not living in a chinese community district like chatswood or kingsford, and so all i am stuck with are snapper, salmon or tuna, take your pick. I am so sick of bloody snapper. They don't even taste that great steamed.

Then i rem...Lucky! I had earlier stocked up on can sardines for "critical" moment like this. So i threw in my slices of chilli, onions, garlics and tomato paste with my sardines and stired fry them. My porridge was also ready in 10mins. Not that its the best option but it felt good to have a taste of home, even for a while. For that minute, I have never disliked being in Sydney more than anything, for the fact that I missed my Chinese food, and of course, the fact that if I am back in Singapore, I wont have to be standing in the kitchen cooking my own meal but be ordering from a stall and packing it home.

As I was munching my quick dinner, I thought of mum's minced pork mixed with preserved Cai Xin, steam custard egg with minced pork... sigh... I hate being a grown up. Independence is overrated. It would be nice to be sick in bed and wait for mum to knock on the door and say dinner is ready, or wake up to the sound of something frying in the oil, followed by the fragrance of food...ahh.. memories....

Music, Past and Present

Some songs are meant to last eternity. Those who grew up listening to Danny Chen Bai Qiang's (陈百强)cantonese ballads will remember how his songs and the lyrics have touched our hearts about.

While nursing my stubborn cold and cough the past few days, I dug up some of my old collections of Danny's popular songs in the 90s (偏偏喜欢你,等,涟漪). So nostalgic...It's enough to remind me what many modern songs are lacking, a good well versed lyrics with tunes that can cross decades and perhaps centuries. Danny's songs are good, no, they are great! Its a pity he had to die at 35years....

A good tune is just not enough. I cannot relate to some mass produced lame nitwit tunes and genres like hiphops that are just a bunch of words strung together so that the singer can sound cool. A good example, whatever is so great about Britney's new album? Is that even a proper song? The lyrics are crap. She was trying to sound horny saying "you want a piece of me?" in the tune and i was like "what utter rubbish"! Its no wonder my friends and I often switch radio station in frustration for a proper song to come on...

I miss good old proper music where it really can withstand the test of time. Alot of music nowadays are all screeches, screaming or idiots trying to rap with a half baked tune. Many are so forgettable... No wonder we are still listening to good old jazz and ballads of the 60s and 70s. Even the 80s had great hits. Thank god for BeeGees, Ella Fitzgerald, Tony Bennett etc...

In the last few years, thank goodness we still have soft rock bands producing decent songs... (thank you lifehouse, U2 and many more!)

The African Americans have great voices but often overused with the dragging of vocals in attempt to impress (think the likes of Fantasia, Mariah carrey, and many more), but unfortunately, there is only so much "vocal stretching" one can take...

Plus if they are not trying to break a window with their voice, they are mumbling some words that is grammatically wrong or spelt wrongly. Like one of the Pussycat's hit, what the hell is "Don't-cha". When has the word "You" been globally accepted and pronounced as "CHA" and worse, spelt as one? Modern funky word huh...

When I was listening to the lastest Maroon 5 album, I was shaking my head thinking "how could they sing "You" as "Chu-U"? Sigh....I think I expect too much....its just music afterall huh....

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My first hand experience of Australia Police service

I need to "Applaud" the service of the Australia Police force. It is only up to this day which I can finally understand all the crap jokes from radio stations and papers etc about how they never really do much...

You see, this is my first hand encounter.

I had to get some finger printing done and be mailed overseas. After being well immersed into the "australian" service culture, I am smart enough not to assume anything now, especially if it has anything to improve my quality of time. So before I hoped on a train, I googled and call the downtown station and asked if they indeed provide such a service.

To my "surprise", I was politely informed that I need to get the service from the police station that served my suburban. The fact that I do not drive makes it hassle to go to the "designated" office and so i tried my luck, asking if i could just go to the one in townhall (city area). The response was "No. Otherwise everyone will come to city station and we will have to do the job for other stations." THAT honesty surprises me. So much for "PUBLIC SERVICE" at THEIR convenience. Knowing how "calculative" and clear the line was, I didnt push it and asked for the service charges and other procedures.

Afterall, one must now know, nothing is free in Australia. NO PUBLIC SERVICE is free. I was informed, its costs A$42 for some guy to take my print.

WTF right? $42 for fingerprints? Ok, so i asked if i needed 2 sets, is it $42 for whole process or $42 x2sets. I was told $42 for the whole set. Not willing to believe, i called the station at Rosebay that serves my district and I was informed the same. I was told to bring cash.

The next day, I went to the bus terminal, waited for 40mins for a bus, that brings me to my Rosebay police station. Bus ride = 7mins.

When I went in, the police constable now tell me it cost $42 EACH set, so i have to pay a whopping A$64 for my fingerprints done. All this, just to prove I have no criminal records in singapore and Hong Kong for my visa application.

Great, the story doesnt end there. Being prepared for such australian surprises, i took out A$65. The police guy looked at me and said, "Sorry, we do not have change. It has to be exact." Now, no one told me that when i called the 2 stations.

I dug my wallet and no luck, i didnt have $4 coins. So I asked him "Do you have $5 on u that I can break for change?" The guy didnt even bother to check his wallet and said "No can't do." My annoyance was rising as u can tell. So i asked him if he could check with this non uniformed idling woman behind the table, seeming his boss or colleague. He paused with strained look and said "Its her call." I said "can you check at least?"

The constable asked and without even looking through her bag, she said no without looking up from whatever she was reading. I was pissed. So the constable said "Well you have to come back another day" What the fk right? To him, I have a choice, either i forgo the extra $1, or come back another day. There were no shops nearby. I said tersely " You are not giving me any options are you?" The police guy shrugged his shoulder as if to tell me its really not his job to help me at all.

I walked out, crossed the road and asked the lady waiting for a bus to change my $5 into coins. I absoluetly refuse to be ripped by the police anymore than necessary. In 30 secs, I walked back into the Rosebay Police station. The guy looked almost weary that he finally had to do some work instead of idling under the fan. His stupidity didnt end there by the way.

After taking my fingertip prints, THEN he told me he need to take my palm, the whole fingers print. I was pissed because I had my ring band on and I wasnt going to dirty it. Thanks for advance notice cop! I said, could u help me take off the ring. He went "oops. i didnt realise u had a ring." Great, after holding my hand for the last 5 mins, you didnt even notice such detail even after i told u i was married. What a great sleuth you are. So i said impatiently to him, just use the tape and cover the inked fingers. He didnt get it. I had to DEMONSTRATE to the police guy, on using the tape to tape over my printed finger tip before sliding the ring out. The guy actually went "OOOOOHHHH..that is a SMART IDEA" I rolled my eyes and snapped "Well that was what i was paid to do in my old jobs, solve problems."

As we progressed to the palm, he obviously had problem trying to get the table-taped black ink paper to coverd my palm. Pretty obvious isnt it why. My palm is fleshy and there is a vaccum in the middle part and no matter how hard he tried to press my palm down, the ink wont catch.

I got fed up and without even bothering to explain the solution, i started removing the taped black ink paper off the table. The police guy started protesting and said "no No no...." until i stared at him in the eye, slapped the ink paper onto my palm and PRessed the paper ONTO my palm. Presto. My palm is black with ink. He went "OH" and went quiet. I think I have demonstrated my point pretty clearly. And what pisses me off, I am paying A$64 for a bunch of morons to WATCH me take my prints. Afterthat, it was another 30mins wait for the bus to take me home.

Thanks Australia Police. You really know how to brighten my day. By the way, I google their website and there was absolutely no information on finger print service nor the actual correct cost. I could have been cheated by the police for all i know.

I am not being smug. I am just being disappointed at the service provided, not forgetting the ridiculous charge. When i relate this story to my Oz friends, my guy friend told me. "Day to day, you probably have been lucky to be in contact with the population which is representive of 10% of the ice berg above the water, welcome to the 90% of stupid people below the water."

overdue massage

Had such a tense back that I finally stop procrastinating and had my therapist over to give me an over due massage. It was baaaaaaad..... i never knew i could get knots on the neck area and it absolutely "killed" me when she was pressing on those pressure points....

My back definitely feels loose, but also tender. Cannot watch anymore internet TV tonight or all the good work will go to waste....

Mandarin Music: "我可以"

I liked this song but I have never heard from this singer before. The song is familiar but I cannot remember where I had heard of it. No matter, a nice song to share.

我可以 - 蔡旻佑

寄没有地址的信 这样的情绪有种距离
你放着谁的歌曲 是怎样的心情
能不能说给我听 雨下得好安静
是不是你 偷偷在哭泣
不用再多说明 我就要和你在一起
我多么想每一次的美丽 是因为你

寄没有地址的信 这样的情绪有种距离
你放着谁的歌曲 是怎样的心情
能不能说给我听 雨下得好安静
是不是你 偷偷在哭泣
不用再多说明 我就要和你在一起
我多么想每一次的美丽 是因为你

不用再多说明 我就要和你在一起
我多么想每一次的美丽 是因为你

Mandarin Music: 罗志祥

Never have a habit of buying many mandarin albums or tracking the releases. It's only recently that I discovered how outdated I am with many good songs out there... Yeah, being in a foreign land where mandarin is hardly heard, I am feeling deprived.

By chance, I got hold of this tune that my girlfren shared with me. After googling for the singer using the lyrics alone, I was surprised that it was actually from 罗志祥 - Showtime album. I have always enjoyed his entertainment programs, but had never heard a song from him previously. Hence I must say I am pleasantly surprised by this (old)song 没有你 that I liked.


我把回忆关进房间 眼前不断浮现
有你陪我所有画面 朋友说我变的沉默
变的有些难过 邻居都听见了寂寞
也许时间给的太少 没有珍惜你的好
城市太喧闹 你没有听到

没有了你 没有爱情
这些没有你的日子 没有了自己

没有了你 没有力气
请给我 互相拥抱的机会

你离开后我才明了 幸福已经溜掉
也许时间给的太少 没有珍惜你的好
城市太喧闹 你没有听到

没有了你 没有爱情
这些没有你的日子 没有了自己

没有了你 没有力气
请给我 互相拥抱的机会

爱情如果都是微笑 那多美好
天亮的太早 在偷一秒
想你的笑 想听你吵

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

TV Drama: Hotaru no Hikari

Just Finished another older Japanese Drama (ホタルノヒカリ) : Hotaru no Hikari

Synopsis/ review

Hotaru works for a famous interior design company and the show goes on to reflect how Hotaru's private life is totally the opposite of what she displayed in office - a modern able professional who is in control and meticulous of her work.

In reality, she rented an apartment and lived alone. When she isn't working she's mostly lazing in training wear and absolutely not interested in housekeeping (which is an utter mess!). The story started off with her showing no interest in men or having a relationship. In fact, she isn't interested in anything. "I'd rather lay around than fool around," is her motto.

Her landlord is a bar owner, and one day his son, who has just separated from his wife, decides to move back to his parents place to "clear his mind" and think things through by himself, not knowing that someone is already living there. As he entered the apartment, he was shocked at the mess, and most of all stunned that his employee Hotaru is the tenant! As Hotaru had a "forever contract" with his father, he had no choice but to stay in one of the spare room instead as a temporarily solution as he had no place else to go.

The whole 11 episode shows the interesting and humorous composition of the 2 completely opposite personalities living under one roof. It slowly developed into a mentor relationship as the story developed and explored the roller coastal ride of Hotaru when she fell in love with her colleague, or was she falling in love with love?

While some scenes of her in her jerseys are overly exploited and "stale", yet the series is light hearted and captivating in its humour. The nicknames that the manager gave her had me laughing quite a bit ( such as when he called her a "Kame-onna"- tortoise woman and "Aho-miya" )! The plot carried through mainly through the eyes of very innocent Hotaru has sucessfully made the characters more endearing than annoying.

All in all a good drama and I had good laughs throughout! Worth your time to watch!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Zettai Kareshi

On another note, been following Japanese Drama and I am amused that the production station has adopted "Zettai Kareshi" (Absolute boyfriend - 絶対彼氏) from Manga to TV series!

The manga's theme is only suited for mature audience but one can safetly assume that the script writers would have tone it down and make it viewable by all audience. Anycase for starters, they have already made subtle changes to the story from a high school student to a working professional.

"Night Tenjo" (the Absolute boyfriend) is kinda cute in manga, so its hard to imagine a real person playing that role. Oh well, looking forward to it being sub and uploaded soon!

After watching all the Japanese drama, I am constantly amazed at how Japanese guys seem to be able to get away looking cool with slight permed hair locks. Chinese guys just look plain weird. Even the most fashionable Taiwanese guy still looks biazzare with permed hair. Of course my husband being typical old school male thinks the Japanese boys look sissy and spend way too much time on their appearance (esp those who pluck their eye brows) but I am straying here...

I am just intriged at how some (even guys on the streets) can look so good in those dyed wavy curls. Is it their features or just the stylist? Has to be the features i think...

Anycase, to watch the first episode of Zettai Kareshi with english subtitles here. Thank you its finally out!! Yahhoooo!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New music recommendation - Joanna Wang

Taking a short break from updating the final chapters of my hol trip. Instead, I turn to sharing a lovely music i chanced upon when I was watching the Taiwan Drama "Sweet relationship."

While the drama wasnt anything memorable nor worth critic, yet I found a gem within. I was completely blown away by the song 迷宫 (Maze) (dwnload) by Joanna Wang (王若琳), a Taiwanese artist. The rich timbre of her soulful voice completely took my breath away. She also did an english version of the same song under the title "Let's start from here".


So for those who wont mind sharing this new find, take a min and enjoy my imeem music rotation pick for this month. Have included both the English and Mandarin version of my current fav, and 2 other tracks from her album release.
(*Thanks to Carol whom I have never met, and has kindly shared the song to me and the rest.)

Lyrics of: "Maze" (Mandarin Song) (Lyrics Translation)

看著你 看窗外 悄悄變紅的夜
輕輕的 你的手 又握緊了一些

let's start from here
無所謂 慢慢來 迷宮一樣的未來
轉一個圈 會到哪裡
I don't care where we go
let's start from here

陪著我 喝咖啡 愛在空氣裡
暖暖的是你的笑 趕走心情的灰

Let's start from here
無所謂 就算愛 像空沙發在等待
擁抱著 是不確定
I don't care where we go
let's start from here

轉一個彎 預見美好

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Saying goodbye to Uluru

It was time to leave the city today and in the morning, i went out to the lookout point get a last look of the view. There were bits of clouds threatening the sky and so it wasnt a good view of Uluru, but it was certainly a beautiful grey sky with the clouds spreading across. It was weird because the sky was clearly divided into two before me, with a blue sunny half, and a grey thunderstorm looking half.

It was pretty windy up there but the fact i had the whole vastness to myself, I felt serenity and tranquility. It was so nice that I lost track of time and before i knew I it, an hour has lapsed and I had to rush for my shuttle to the airport!

Steps leading up to the lookout point.
A distanced view of Uluru from the lookout point.

When the plane took off, I couldnt resist snapping an aerial view of the landscape and the cute fluffy clouds covering bits and pieces of the sky.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Climbing Valley of the Wind

Today is another power walk pack day. We are going to walk the Valley of the Wind at Kata Tjuta area. Its a moderate 7.4km walk that is estimated to take 3 hours.

On the way there, we saw clouds over shadowing Uluru and it was really pretty. The sky is extremely blue today and I reckon it will be another hot day.

Karu (1st) Lookout is 1.1 km from the carpark. The track to Karingana (2nd) Lookout is challenging but worthwhile. Honestly, if one isnt fit or used to trekking, I really wont recommend this walk due to the at times steep slopes and you are really out there without safety nets or ropes to hold on to. You have to navigate and make sure you step on solid rocks and avoid the loose gravels as much as possible to avoid accidental fall. People have injured themselves before, and some were dehydrated from forgetting to drink water. But when you made it to the stop, it was absolutely worthwhile for me.

Our guide for the day was a really small built girl named Leah, leading the way.

My poor camera dropped off my bag while i was making my way up the slope to the 2nd lookout! Luckily I was in front of the pack and so the people at the back managed to grab hold of it and pass it to me as we reached the top. And phew, the camera was still working after the minor tumble down.....well, better the camera than me down the steep slope! As we made our return trip, i took a pix to rem the spot where my camera fell off this more than 45 degree steep slope...

The walk to 2nd lookout is much tougher than the first. However, the view is much nicer too!

This is the last stretch climb of steps to the 2nd lookout point.

The view from 2nd lookout point

After tacking in all the beauty, it was time to make our way down. We had to rush down and beat the clock. We need to get onto the bus by 6pm so that we wont miss our sunset of Kata Tjuta.

View on way down.

Wanted to rem the sun that shone on us the whole day
Noticed the change in colour of the same spot between 2 different time. First was taken at 3.30pm and the other at 6pm. See how red the sand looked.... amazing

Sunset of Kata Tjuta

After the tiring but statisfying climb up to Valley of the winds, it was time to view the sunset of Kata Tjuta before heading out for our Aussie BBQ for dinner. To be honest, I thought the sunset of K.T has more character than to Uluru. Perhaps it is the differing shapes and sizes of the domes and the shadow plays that gives it the edge..

Our lovely guides of the day Leah and Meagan and preparing our cold drinks and munchies while waiting for the sunset.

The sunset view opposite of K.T. I love the golden orange spread in the sky with tinge of pink hues that envelopes the skyline. While I was taking the shot below, I was thinking of the old Fuji Film TV Advertisement "Wonderful world" and if I have a giffare in the shot, that would complete the ourback wilderness look:) Haa haa.