
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Music: Bubbly by Colbie Caillat

This beautiful song "Bubbly" (Dwnld)by Colbie Caillat, an American Writer-Singer has been gaining alot of airtime in Australia ever since it was being used for their soap drama Home and Away.

It's always a delight when you find a beautiful warm voice to match a dreamy soothing tune.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Impatiently waiting for Episode 7...

I am so impatient for someone to load episode 7 soon even though I have already (struggled like hell) read the synopsis. I cannot wait to see the new pretty girl is in episode 7! (picture from official website)

I just saw who they are casting as Zero 2. Oh dear, couldnt they pick someone cuter? In the manga, Zero 2 was supposed to very cute as well, in fact mirroring Rikko' s high school crush. Then again, I have to keep reminding myself that this is a stand alone drama.

Come to think of it, If they are going to make Night so dumb witted, how on earth is he an "absolute boyfriend" and be charged millions of dollars? Rip off I would say!

I Love "Komachi Japanese" Dine in!!!

On Sun night back from Canberra, being lazy to cook, we headed back to my favorite Japanese restaurant Komachi @Surry Hills. This time round, I brought my camera! The second time round, the nice Japanese Obasan recognised me from my last patronage 2 weeks back.

We had almost the same orders as per last trip, with my fav Agedashi Tofu (fried Beancurd), Salmon Sashimi, Miso paste Eggplant and refillable (no extra charge) of green tea. This time however, we opted to try another udon bowl and to share it between us since 2 noodle orders would be too much for us. Once again, the consistent good food is worthy of my praise.
Instead of seafood and Tempura udon, I chose the minced pork with mushroom and picked vege (sichuan vege actually) in chicken stock. This time, the noodles variation gave it a milder plainer taste which is good for me. It is still equally tasty, just different from the previous orders that is more tantalising to the tastebuds.

However the highlight tonight was the icecream. The sesame icecream is absolutely divine and to die for. If you are living in Sydney, I strongly urge you to try this place and not to be missed creamy sesame icecream, that is served in a delightful kawaii hatched egg bowl, served with a spoonful of red bean paste that blended so well with the icecream. Love it, love it and just love it. Everything came up to about A$48 for the 2 of us. If that is not a steal in Sydney, I'm not sure what else is.

Heading back to Sydney

We passed the "Captain Cook memorial jet" on our way out of the city.

Other than that, it was another uneventful drive back home to Sydney. The drive took slightly longer than 3 hours because of traffic heading inwards. After 3 hours, I left the remaining 45mins drive to my husband. My back was aching because I didnt adjust the back seat properly and my left leg was cramped from being in the same posture (as I was driving dreamily due to rarity of such speed and didnt budge an inch). I literally stumbled out of the driving seat when we were at the service station.

I have to admit it was an easy drive. The scenery was dreadry though with all the dried up landscape due to drought. Plus I hated the setting sun going in and out. I am hoping there isnt any speed camera on the federal highway when i was easily clocking 120- 140km. If I didnt, I probably would be road hogging because everyone else was passing me at an even faster speed.
With that said, I love my Volkswagon Golf GTI, which is deserving of every rave review and being voted best performer car. It responded so well with its grip, cornering, and especially more telling when I happily zipped up upward slope when many cars are obviously struggling at a greater degree. When I was climbing uowards, my speedometer speed didnt even flicker as my auto gear switches seamlessly and effortlessly through the gears. The pick up speed is so fast that you can hardly register the change and no engine drag, absolutely handy for overtaking.
People and even my brother once asked me why do we like volkswagon so , having bought one in Hk and Sydney, much rather than going for BMW or the likes of others. Well, simple reason, its a bloody good sturdy and safe car! :)

Off to see the New Parliamentary House.

I liked this quirky structure as I drove out of the lane.

I thought it would be a waste to skip the new Parliament House in Canberra, so we detoured to the building before hitting the road back to Sydney. Alot of Chinese (and I mean China) tourists. I couldnt understand why are they so excited about what they saw.I was keeping my distance. Didnt want them coming up talking loudly or spitting in my face which is one thing that positively annoys me and probably rest of the world (thus giving most other chinese race a bad name).

Honestly, do not see the fuss nor cause of excitement... it isnt a country of rich cultural history with kings, queens and intervening popes. Then again, I wasnt born in a communist censorship prone state. (Amen!)

Speaking of which, I need to find out what is the difference between calling Australia 澳大利亚 vs 澳洲? Suddenly, I see Kevin Rudd addressing Australia on the news as 澳大利亚 while for past 30years, most of us have known known Australia as 澳洲. Are they being afraid of being confused with Europe chinese prounciation(欧洲)?

Anycase, while the building looked pretty "futuristic" on the outer facade, the inner rooms were typical governmental design, so totally boring and uninspiring imagination. I guess its still a conventional notion that "officials" must work in the most sterile looking interior because that would give some sense of false importance and non cluttering of visual sense. Oh well. some of the furniture are looking old and ratty with its faded colouring. There was however, 2 lovely paintings of Queen Elisabeth. How lovely she looked when she was young.

(House of Senate)

(Magna Carta, a symbol of liberty: something my husband knew and I didnt...)

Lunch at : JusQytly (Canberra)

Before we hit the road, we visited the museum for the 2nd time to view the rest of the permanent collection from 19th -20th century works to Asean sculptures mainly from Thailand, India and few from Angkor.

We headed to Manuka for lunch. This time round, rather than relying on crappy SMH's food guide, I took a gamble based on recommendation by a restuarant guide book "Beyond the Hills" that was in the hotel room. I decided on "Jusqytly" (pronounciation is "Just Quietly" ) dinning place for lunch since I really like the description and pictures shown.

Breakfast is served till 12pm, while Lunch starts at 11.30am -2pm. We ordered fresh fruit juices ($7 for large) while patiently waited for additional 10mins before lunch. I like this place. It's like a family breakfast gathering place, both bright and cheery with friendly serving staff to boot.

I was starving. So we decidedly on having a shared calamari, to go with our Bay scallop spaghatti and Thai Curry Crispy Duck with rice.

The food came without excessive waiting, pipping hot and in fantastic presentation. My husband thought his could do less with cream sauce, though we both loved the taste and the scallops were positively fatter and juicer than what we paid for last night.

I thought my lunch orders were excellent. There is diversity and depth to the cooking and selection.

I have to say their calamari sweet chilli is a blast. It tasted exactly like our Nasi Lemak (Coconut infused rice wrapped in banana leaf) Chilli! My GOD! I havent had chilli like that since I came to Australia. It was FANTASTIC.

My duck was cooked perfectly even though the skin isnt crispy but I wont quibble on that for a curry dish. The red curry itself didnt quite cut it for me, nice but because I already had a taste of their calamari chilli sauce, what i did is more like what normal eaters would do back in Sg.

I scooped a huge serving of chilli and mixed it with my coconut rice (that came with the duck), and started peeling the duck meat to eat with my rice. This is my "nasi lemak" in australia. I love every bite because the flavours go so well together. I couldnt stop eating.

The calamari not to be forgotten, was just as good. it was done with crisp batter and good serving too.

When the meal was done, we both concluded that Jusqytly is definitely a thumbs up place, worthy of any good reviews (except dessert which I didnt taste). For half the price at $70 compared to what I paid last night, and double the serving, this couldnt be a happier meal.

Incidentally, the one chef hat restaurant Artespresso didnt even make it into the book.
Address: "JusQytly"
Unit 9 M Centre, Flinders Way Manuka 2603
Phone: (02) 6232 6200

Dinner at Artespresso (Canberra)

We were about 13mins behind our 7pm dinner appointment at Artesand I realised that they had given our table away. I was alittle pissed because it was not informed of the "holding" policy, and the fact that I had proactively called them TWICE at 6pm and 6.45pm to reconfirm our attendance really made it unacceptable. Parking is also a bitch in Canberra city by the way, especially with the weekend crowd down for the art exhibition.

The manager seated us reasonably fast to another table at the back. I wont dwell too much on it. Service was mediocre and the place was bustling with endless stream of customers.

For entrees, we had seared scallop and spiced pumpkin soup. My scallops were supremely average and in fact, they were sliced pretty thinly. It was adequately seared and while tasty, a little too much oil. The pumpkin with yabbie was a complete disappointment. It was bland and somehow the spice made it weird. Wont recommend it to anyone.For main, we chosed roasted pork belly (speciality dish) and the beef. I opt out on the Lentil and got green beans instead. The meat was cooked to prefection but it was extremely salty. Somehow, the meat was salty and they still drizzle sea salt on it, overkill.

The beef was however better. It was very very tender and fantastic, but only to be spoilt by the weird Yorkshire pudding with horseraddish.

To end the night, I had my chocolate pudding dessert which was finally something good out of this place. I was contented. My husband's panna cotta wasnt at all impressive and we could easily think of many places in Sydney that win hands down with this dish, such as Fish Face and Jonahs.

The remaining night was a horror for me. The salt in the pork belly main dish took its toll on me and I was downing water non stop to stop my thirst. I was so bloated but I couldnt stop. I have never been so thirsty after a meal. My fussy body just isnt accustomed to overdose in salt and msg so the reaction is acute.

So verdict, give this place a miss unless you really do not care what you chomp down your throat to your belly. Rating, 5.5/10.

Trip to Turner to Monet: Triumph of Landscape

Headed straight out to the National Gallert of Art after unloading our stuff at the hotel. I was pretty eager about whole Monet exhibition and so we skipped lunch, not before leaving instructions with the hotel in booking an early dinner with Artespresso, a one chef hat restaurant.

Underground sheltered parking at the museum is free for 3 hours limit. There isnt a time stamp or anything to keep watch but I think most drivers had some sort of courtesy with one another in not abusing that trust. When we drove past the museum, I was enthralled by the ball being balancd at the entrance, casting a beautiful shadow on the wall.

When we walked through the revolving doors, our immediate vision were assualted with a HUGE crowd and Q. It was like a crowded sunday flea market before me. Thankfully, I had the brillance to buy the tickets in advance! I couldnt be more pleased with myself in that instant.

Then we headed towards the exhibit area, we were faced with another Q, just to gain entry to the Monet exhibition area. My husband as ever impatient, couldnt fathom the Q. It didnt matter to me though (despite I hate crowds generally). I figured the Q is good if it has intention to slow down the building traffic into the exhibition area so that people within can have more space to view the artwork. Afterall, who can appreciate anything when packed like a can of sardines?

No photography was allowed. So nothing to show folks, though u can see most of the works in the produced book. However, it was a worthy 2 hours well spent for an education in landscape art of a lifetime. Some of works are so painstaking painted that they actually come across looking like a coloured photo, which I am sure astound many others with me that day. The gravels, stones and trees were absolutely absolutely life like! Of course, no one could miss all the master artwork of the french masters, but the exhibit also showcased many (unknown to me) works from American and British artists who did landscape pieces in the same era as the masters.

As we move along from room to room, my husband showed me an artwork by a famous artist, neglecting to inform me of the artist's origin. I told him I wasnt impressed. My husband looked positively indignant. I told him I couldnt feel a theme for the big piece. There was lack of emotion, and it didnt evoke any emotion in me. Then I pointed out a smaller piece next to it, depicting a snow covered ocean in moon light and explained concisely how the artist made me feel the cold, solitude and desolation of a lonely freezing night out in the open. Whereas the earlier piece was technically good, but lacked the core essence of drawing emotions and thoughts, guessworks (subjective interpretations) out of its viewers. My husband stood a long time staring at the first artwork and finally conceded with where I was coming from. Then he informed me that the work was actually from a famous Australian Artist which many locals are proud of. I shrugged. Maybe that's why he is not a master after all and why Australia has never been part of the focal point in art history movement comparing to America, UK, France and Russia. Sometimes in art, skills isnt the main ingredient to success.

NGA in Canberra is amazing. They have stocked up in so many master work from Chagall, Cezanne, Claes Oldenburg, Duchamp, Mantis and Warhol. I wished I knew of this when I was studying art history back then. I love Oldenburg. he was my favorite subject in the course of studying history of POP art, more than Andy warhol.

The museum even bought the Blue work from Jackson Pollack and paid a shitload of money for it. Now, Pollack is one whose works that I never liked nor appreciated. Abstract work it may be but I still think its the most insulting definition to art work throwing cans of paint as a form of expression. Even my baby nephews can do a better job and colour coordination than he did. Then again, he was the pioneer doing something never been done and art evaluation has always been subjective.

We couldnt cover the grounds within the 3 hours and so we decided to return the next day. All in all, a totally satisfying day and I couldnt be happier that we made this trip. We overheard a woman saying that she drove over 10hrs all the way from Melbourne purely for the exhibit. Talk about dedication! I went browsing in the shop and decided to buy the book home as a momento.

We wanted to take a break at the cafe but it was jam packed! Can u imagine being told to wait for 30mins for hot beverages alone? No freaking way. So I would suggest get out of there and head to Manuka for cafe treats.
As we stepped out, I just wanted to capture the casted shadown of this Indonesian artist's artwork known as "Angels", more than freaking nightmare waiting to attack if you asked me. The robots made of old parts were scary to look at.

Hotel Realm in Canberra

The 3hr drive to Canberra was relatively uneventful. Not many cars would head to Canberra since my partner told me it has got to be the most boring city around Sydney. He wondered aloud why it was chosen as the capital city puzzled him. I on the otherhand, figured it was a strategic decision to appease the Melbourne and Sydney population (whom I found out after moving here that they are always competing against each other...which no offence, Melb wins hands down for me.)

At the edge of Canberra city, we stopped by the visitor centre to grab a map, or rather being asked to pay $2 for one. I was slightly appalled. Honestly, $2 for a pocket map of a god forsaken city? It's point blank robbery in my opinion. While we were here, I decided to grab the Turner to Monet art exhibition rather than getting to the museum since it cost the same (A$20 each).

We arrived at Hotel Realm at National Circuit after a slight confusion with all the "circles" and ring road. What exactly is it about the road planner? What is this obession with circular roadS?! It looked really easy on map but when u are actually on the road, its a different matter all the together for first time visitor.

The hotel looked contemporary and really new. Check in was without a hitch although one should check in first before looking for a park as you will need the hotel room keys to enter the carpark, which is located round the side of the building. Saturday parking was complimentary thankfully. They had a really nice elongated waiting area.

We got ourselves into room on the third floor, which is the highest possible just below the executive level. The room is clean, relatively spacious by Australia standard with a nice comfortable bed and soft pillows. There was a relatively big section near the window which is supposed to be the working area with the desk and all. Everything that should be there was there, except I noticed later one of the lights in the bathroom was dead. It took alittle meddling before we figured out how the reading light worked but otherwise, all was good. Towel was big and fluffy except I didnt like their toiletries which is really the cheap stuff (skin unfriendly mositure stripping sort).

I didnt understand what one of the reviewer in Trip Advisor was complaining about. He obviously was expecting some royal treatment fit for the queen or seriously anal about things. The only "negative" thing he should comment on which he didnt was that I could hear my neighbours if they talked (in a louder than usual manner) or laughed. I think my neighbors didnt realised they had people next door till they heard us.

You see, my husband didnt realise the wall wasnt exactly soundproof. So he accidentally let off the loudest fart ever while standing next to the connecting wall. At that exact moment that followed, I let off an equally loud fart and he did another one (became sort of competition). Okay, its embarrassing and prob disgusting but it was funny. We laughed till we teared. Honestly, we didnt know how it happened but the farts wont stop coming for us that day (which by the way has never happened before in such a manner)! When we stopped, I realised my neighbour has gone dead silent (and for the rest of the night). I think I can imagine their "horror" ! haaa haaa