
Friday, August 29, 2008

Problem with PCCW mobile SIM card

If the PCCW cable TV wasn't enough to aggravate me, the PCCW mobile phone service also decided to have a go at me.

They gave me this free mobile SIM card with a really nice easy number due to my land line subscription. I knew nothing for free would turn out easy for me. My hunch was right, even though the root cause is not entirely PCCW fault to be fair. Still, it caused me a stomach full of anger.

The sim card was suppose to be activated on 25th august according to the letter. Expecting things to go wrong as they always will, I didnt bother to try it till 26th august. As expected, the hp displayed "SIM card rejected" message. Great.

Spend an hour on the phone for customer service. In the end, I was told to go to the PCCW shop to change a SIM card. I went to the one near Times Square. This is when my grief started.

The shop had these 2 guys. One with relatively white hair and the other with a asking to be smacked face. Previously I already had a bad service attitude from them when I dropped by to activate my international service for my landline. The customer service asked me to register with the shop and these two fucking idiots was trying to tell me i must call the customer service to activate it. I have to explain like fucking 5 times that i was TOLD to come to the shop before they decided to check their fking computer.

This time for my SImcard problem, they changed my SIM card and asked me to sign the replacement form. Before I signed, I queried what happened if the sim card is still rejected. Either they are blatantly STUPID or just plain lazy, they said to check 2 hours later and "HOPE" it work. I told them that wasnt my question. I said what happened if it didnt work, the 2 idiots said alot of irrelevant things and just wanted me to sign the form so they can chased me away since i was not "revenue" contributing to them. The gist of their words were "not my problem, do not look for me." Finally they even implied it would be a phone problem and to bring to Nokia. One of the idiot was giving me the high and mighty attitude when I just mentioned what a pain to have to wait for 2 hours to know if the SIM card work. He started to berate me and condemn every country that is worse than HK and proudly stated he lived in Australia and that it would take 4-6 hours to get mobile to work in Australia. I rolled my eyes and asked him how ancient ago was that?! He didnt reply. Instead, he insisted HE KNEW BEST.
I was really pissed with his attitude. I told him it was rubbish. My husband Vodaphone card in Sydney worked immediately once we purchased it. The PCCW staff insisted he is right. WHATEVER. Didnt want to argue publicly with a bloody loser like him. I have better class than that. However that doesnt mean I cannot bitch about him in my blog.

If he had been that great in Australia and so super knowledgable, his English wont be that "fantastically and impressively" hideous, nor would he be back in HK being a sales guy in PCCW in a shop. Don't get me wrong. It is not the job nature, it is HIM that I despise. With that sort of arrogance, you expect it from some senior management which obviously he had no material to be of for the REST of his life with that fking attitude of his.

Of course when i went back, the replacement SIm card didnt work. I called the customer service and they suggested for me to try another shop and the guy AGREED that it is unlikely my phone.

So the next day, before I went to any PCCW shop, I dropped by Nokia care to ensure it wasnt my phone problem. Well technically my ph0ne was fine but it appeared the newer SIM cards version may eventually not matched my cellphone software if it has too many functions. So I run a risk of having to buy a new phone even if my current one is in good condition after 3 years.

Well, went to another PCCW shop diagionally opposite Sogo. The service is soooo much better by the 2 ladies and the guy manager there. At least they were helpful to give some advice and that they wont be able to help if the next alternate version of SIM card doesnt work. Just then, their Computer systems went down and she couldnt enter my data into the system. Means I have to wait more than 2 hours.

I asked if she could call me when she gotten round to it and she thankfully she did. Most luckily of all, this replacement SIM card worked! After much hassle, my free SIM card finally worked.

THANK GOD! I think PCCW really dun like me.... giving me so much trouble... Hopefully he is the first and the last jackasss I will encounter in HK.

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