
Friday, August 22, 2008

Typhoon 8 Nuri

My 2nd welcome by Typhoon 8 within a month since I have arrived in HK. While this is a typical typhoon season, it has never been so frequent and short interval apart from what I last remembered. Had to run to supermarket twice to stock up food since home is refuge in itself. I'm just glad that we are in the comfort of our own home this time. The security guards were very nice to remind me to shut all the windows tight before I sleep.

While it was dead calm last night with exceptional humidity, I woke up this morning to the relentless "rushing" wind sound forcing its way through the smallest gaps.

The last time I was staying by the waters, and so it was "eerie" listening to the wind howl and seeing the waves lashing away against the coast. This time it didnt look as bad with the mountain behind but the wind howling still reminds you that nature is not a force to be reckon with. However the fact that I am up on higher grounds also meant that we get the first taste of the wind effect. Luckily, my tower is "shielded" by another tower that gets the full frontal assualt of the gale.

Here is the latest Tropical Cyclone Bulletin issued by the Hong Kong Observatory.

The No. 8 Northwest Gale or Storm Signal is in force.
This means that winds with mean speeds of 63 kilometres per hour or more are expected from the northwest quarter.

At 1 p.m., Typhoon Nuri was centred about 60 kilometres east-southeast of Hong Kong Observatory (near 22.0 degrees north 114.7 degrees east) and is forecast to move northwest at about 14 kilometres per hour in the general direction of Hong Kong.

Gales are already affecting many places in the territory. Local winds are expected to increase further. Higher signals will be issued shortly. (Precautionary Announcements with No. 8 Signal)

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