
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I Miss my HK Starbucks desserts!

I love being back indulging in Starbucks dessert.... their choc cakes and cheese cakes are divine even for just a franchise coffee cafe.

Unlike the stale, crappy, lack of variety options in their Sydney branches, those in HK constantly whet my appetite... Just looking at them sitting neatly at the shelves would entice me, and stir up my cravings which had gone deadly dormant in the one year i was in Sydney. The only one which I had liked in Sydney was Lindtt cafe but that got sickly sweet after a while too.
I just bought their souffle cheescecake today. so soft, so good.....yummy......


  1. As far as my wife is concerned, a mandarin orange muffin from Starbucks is my Get-Out-Of-Jail card ... ...

  2. You wife had good taste!!!!

    OH YES Starbucks has fantastic muffins!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE their choc and banana muffins to bits! That use to be my daily breakfast before work! Its soooo good!

    However do not, i repeat, do NOT bother with S.B muffin in sydney. It sucks, not to mention lacking in variety. One would have thought worldwide franchise, more variety when it is in western country for "western" confectionary....I had a stale one from bondi sydney twice and neveragain....
