
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Its so hard to find..

It's actually pretty embarrassing (in my opinion) to say that its so darn difficult to find a decent fine dining restaurant in Singapore. Yeah yeah, I know we have tons of fantastic hawker centre and coffee shops to hawk yummy delicious food. However sometimes in life, we do need a little sweet quiet ambience for a simple night out.

While it has always been relatively easy to find and book a good fancy restaurant in any cosmopolitan city may it be NY, London, Hong Kong and Sydney, it is rather near impossible to locate one in Singapore in my best effort after scourging through the internet last few days. Am trying to locate a nice restaurant to celebrate my husband's birthday while we are back in town and never expect this to become a painful chore.

Forget the Les Ami group. Tried everything they had and not only has food quality gone from ok to not so great, they couldnt even really upkeep the standard of a decently dressed clientele.

I had tried Rochester one previously and disappointedly, its more like a causal place than a nice dining place. Granted place was done up nicely, but really, being squashed nearly elbow to elbow with the next table is not my idea of romantic. Not to mention surrounded by tables of locals in sandals and berms before me absolutely ruin the atmosphere.

Then by chance I located this place. I decided to give it a try. I honestly cannot remember if I had been there before. Vague memory seemed to indicate I had been there due to the black and white structure but we will see. At least I must credit the "booking" service. The girl who received my email booking has been nothing but an absolute delight. She was all cheery and assuring, and full of zest and I could almost see her smile. Talk about RARITY of service with a smile and taking the extra mile in Singapore industry. In fact, out of 3 places I booked, the other two couldnt care or give a shit if I had said it was birthday or whatsoever. To them, I am simply another table to be served, another ticket order to pass through the busy day. They are not rude, they just couldnt care less because it seemed "business is toooooo good". And one the offenders is Graze @Rochester who is supposedly to be famed for "good service"... We shall see...

Rather than talking about them now, I shall reserve my judgement until I have finally sample the food and experienced the actual service on the designated day with all the reserved dining spots. (Restaurant Reviews followup)

Still, I really have to shake my head in utter sadness that Singapore is THAT PATHETIC when it comes to providing a nice eve out for meals. I guess our pool of locals are overly practical that they really do not know how to live life, than just living. Or maybe its just me being demanding...


  1. Tell us about the restaurant once you've tried it.

    Our countrymen are just so fiscally-prudent when it comes to forking out their own money for a nice dining experience.

    I have a list of restaurants (noted down from the Sunday/Business Times reviews) that I'd like to try out whenever I return for a visit but I'd never dare ask my friends to meet up at any place where the damage can be more than S$50 per head. (Sort of like the people we all know who drive expensive cars but bitch about $1.50 ERP)

    In my case, I'd really like to take the Wife to Saint Julien which is at the Fullerton Waterboat House.

  2. HAAA HAA i have to laugh about your example on the ERP. i share the same sentiment. but then again, that ERP gantries are really too much and ridiculous. There are so many of them now everywhere that they might as well incorprate the charges into standard fees for car owners. Why bother to pretend that its there to regulate traffic. BULL shit.

    hey should have asked you for list of restauarnts to try!

    Saint Julien? I think I have tried that before but it wasnt memorable. Then again, please do try and let me know what u think of it.
