
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Counting down to Japan

Looking forward and counting down to my upcoming trip to Tokyo in late Nov. Since I have already been to all the major sights in the recent last trip, I guess this would be a relative "relaxing" idle one week holiday.

One major thing to look forward to is catching up with my "ex-Jap language classmate" whom I havent seen for a while since she left for Japan to work. Has it been 4 or 6 years? I lost count....

Funny how times flies and yet, your memory of someone stays put at where you last saw them. I'm pretty sure my girlfriend has all grown up to a pretty lady by now, but in my head, images of her remains as the little sweet girl I first knew...

The last trip was in Feb. It was pretty cold. This time its Nov...I wonder if it will be better weather. Well at least the weather in Hk has cooled down significantly (and suddenly), so I dun have to swop between hot and cold attire at least

Still have plan what to do the whole long week by myself yet. Have to start sitting down to do some internet research work soon....

Quote of the Day
"While we are postponing, life speeds by."
- Seneca (3BC - 65AD)


  1. Hey, I don't remember when was the last time we met while we were still in Sg, but I've only left for 3 years. So definitely not as long as u think! :p

    May I gently remind you that I'm on my way to turning 30 in 2.5 years time so the title "sweet gentle girl" may not suit me anymore. haha...nonetheless flattered though! keke.

  2. Has it been only 3 years??? it felt much much much longer than that!!!!!!! I must be getting real old........memory lapse liao....

    please....anything that starts with 2x is still young from my point of view!!! haa haa

    Trust me... u still LOOK the part of sweet young thing! haaa
