
Thursday, November 27, 2008

wandering in tokyo

Half way through my Tokyo trip now...:P
Life is good.

I'm in a land of fish and fresh milk cream....I simply cannot stop seein a cafe selling all sort of cream desserts... I am gonna get sooo fat from all these milk/ dairy cream induglence...

Just got back from the Picasso exhibition at Suntory Art Museum. Lucky that I'm in tokyo now to catch the collection of work. I love going through the halls of the museum in Japan, everyone is SOOOO QUIET and Polite, not to mention considerate about not blocking the view or monopolising the viewing area. There are hardly any caucasians or foreigners today, and I had a great time strolling peacefully in the midst of pure quietness. Somehow in western galleries, there are always some idiotic teens who feel oblige to talk louder than necessary. So today is a treat. I rem at some point of the museum, some foreigner idiot decide to take a picture without asking if it was ok. The flash went off and everyone including myself turn to stare at this offender. It was funny how everyone just turn our head simultaneouly with a mild disapproval on our face..Of course, a security person explained the prohibition to the person, who didnt look at all apologetic...

Back to quietness, In fact it isnt just the galleries. Even when i was walking by myself along the streets whether in Shibuya or Ginza, it was refreshing not to have crowds of people talking loudly around me. In the train, it was relatively quiet too since it is AGAINST the law to TALK ON THE MOBILE in the train. Unlike in HK and Singapore and even some western countries where people are not shy (inconsiderate i shld say) and like people around them to hear their conversations at the top of their voice, Japanese people are more subdued in their volume. I like it. For once, I didnt feel a need to bring my ipod to block out noise from other people. Cool....

The only strange thing is people keep coming to me, asking for directions. And I mean Japanese people, not foreigners. Kinda strange if u ask me considerin I do not look anything like a Japanese. So I had to reply back in Japanese that I have no idea (I thought it is only polite to at least tell them I cannot be of help in a language they cna understand) ,and my god, it opened a floodgate / string of further conversations that completely overwhelm me... So now, I merely reply I am not Japanese and that put me in the clear. This Japanese guy in the hotel lift who started to ask me some directions, however didnt seem quite know how to react, quite funny seeing his confused expression. The only people I did manage to help was foreigners who got lost staring blankly at the Metro subway... now, at least that I could do. I felt like some metro station volunteer...

Well... its gonna be a rainy day tmw, there goes my Yokohama plan. Sigh...

Maybe i'll head to Venus fort instead and do some shopping. I mean rain, what else can i do.

I love the fashion in Tokyo... so many pretty and sophisticated stuff, They are GORGEOUS....but I am a poor woman, so i cannot afford to biuy but only stare and gawk at the lovely dresses, coats and leather boots.... Japanese women are prob one of the nicest dressed asian ladies. They dressed weirdly when they are young, but they certainly bloomed into beautiful fashion wear as they get older... I need more money to afford all these understated and splendid fashion in levels and levels within all these malls......

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