
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Innocent Love Episode 10 Summary

Innocent Love Episode 10 Review

On the day of wedding, Kano's brother was working and the prison guy went to visit him. He asked why wasnt the brother at the wedding and he replied he is not suitable to attend such formal event. Just then Kano called.

Over the phone, Kano said she had something she had to say. "Thank you for taking care of me all this while." Caught by surprise, the brother apologised instead for his absence due to work as he was unable to take leave. Kano said she understood...

[Read More]

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Innocent Love 09 Review

I have finally finished updating innocent love episode 9 summary. This is a super good episode! Finally a build up though we all already guess what had happened. The exciting part is Kiyoka next week in final episode.....


Innocent Love Episode 9 Summary

The story starts with recap with Kanon returning to Nagono (her childhood place i think) and rented a place.

She went to prison and her bro asked what was she doing there since he had written to her to sever all ties. Kanon asked why is he lying all these while? "Lie?" The brother asked. Kanon said "That incident was not done by brother right?" Both the brother and the police looked at her....

[Read More]

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Japan: Tiny cute doggies!

I saw quite a few pet shops in Tokyo and they are sooo TINY and CUTE (though the store is abit smelly unless those in Sydney malls which are relatively stank free). All the Japanese girls, including moi, were like going goo-goo gaa-gaa over the tiny ones and saying Kawaii everytime the little doggies turn around to face us. They are damn expensive too!!!

They are so tiny that it makes us wonder if they are seperated from their mummies too early..

licking its nose? hee

wat a cute bun bun!

he's heading out to play!

Japan: Arty Farty day

The Picasson exhibition was split into 2 places. It was a very very good and complete work exhibit, and after the first one in Santory art gallery, we went to national art gallery exhibition on sat.

While the place was crowded and busy, yet everyone was very orderly and we kinda like snaking along the wall in a Q taking turns to view the artwork lined up on the wall on in the center island.

What was intriguing and unknown to me, was this thing that many many Japanese were doing. There was a stack of free A4 paper list with neatly printed artwork names, placed on the table at the entrance. So each visitor can take it so u know if u have seen all the pieces and the Japanese people did. In fact, I saw them actually studying the work, and jotting notes on the paper!! Some even drew sketches of the painting next to the title on the paper. I was amazed actually. I dont think there is a competition, but these people actually jot notes?! And they are not like students. These are like grandma, daddies or gf/bf.

After the exhibition, i took a picture of the art museum which I quite like the futuristic architecture.

After dinner...

I am curious about one thing though... is it common to get souvenirs after dining at Japanese restaurants? For a few dinner places I had gone to, I had a few things to bring home with like a hankie, head scarf. Its a nice touch really.

Dinner@ Inakaya (Tokyo)

This is one of the fun dinner I had in Tokyo on our last night, at Inakaya in Roppongi. ( the link with address

I had so much fun mainly because it was a new experience, and also because everyone there was very nice to me.

As you can see, we have 2 chef kneeled before the guests seated before them, divided by the array of fresh seafood and vegetables. So the guest get to pick anything you want from there and the chef will cook it freshly before you, and served hot straight to you via a long wood flat spoon kinda thing. I tell u, the food i so oh my god fresh and yummy that apart from salt, it doesnt need other sauces and the food turn out beautifully sweet and tender!!!

The chubbier chef on the right looked stern at first when when he saw my wide eye grin, he gave a chuckle at me. Everytime when I go すごい (sugoi)!!! He kept grinning at me. I prob look idiotic to him or he just prefer someone appreciating the food he served, compared to the poker face
locals and looking overwhelmed caucausians.

In between, the staff also pounded rice to make sticky rice for us. We have a choice of red bean or raddish, I choose raddish. It was fun to see them pound the cake and after I had taken pictures of them with permission, they jokingly offered the pounding rod to me and asked if I want to have a go! If there were less people, I might, but I declined politely.

When we ordered the fish, the guy was very nice. He noticed we didnt eat the fish correctly with the sauce and sides, so he came over to show us. When we were done with the body, he even came to me and started talking in Japanese. I didnt quite get him and so he asked for permission for him to use our chopstick to demonstrate his meaning. So he flipped the fish head inside out and there were flesh under the jaw. he took that and gave it to me, saying its for lady and he managed to dug out more meat from the head for my husband. It was amazing on the hidden meat! I would never know! In between, he even said we should suck at the fish head and he had that sucking sound which had me laughing quite happily. He grinned. (we noticed he didnt do half of what he did for us for the caucasians guys seated a corner away from us.. so i guess its not a standard practice

Ok, one of the fun side was I get to order it in my smattering basic Japanese. Those I have no idea (which are many!!) , I just point, and the waiter would state the name for me. It wasnt until 2 hours later when we were leaving, I realise that they have an english menu because they passed it to this indian-french girl next to me. I was like "Hey!! how come I wasnt offered one?!" Oh well... I guess they assumed I wanted to learn or overestimated my Japanese....

Towards the end of our meal, the 2 chefs changed shift with another 2 chef and we had this clapping hand ceremony. I had a video but yet to load it. Before I left, I thank them for a very interesting and fun night. The guys laughed when I said interesting. Maybe interesting wasnt a word they were expecting? Hmmm...

Haagen Dazs new flavor and Tully cafe

Did I ever mention I love icecream and trying new flavours? Spotted this new combination in Tokyo so I had a go. It was alright...nothing spectacular. It lacks the richness of Belgium chocolate and doesnt have the sweet cream lightness you would expect. Maybe it didnt match what I was expecting so I wasnt overly impressed.

Not sure if it will stay (sold) in Japan only. I have yet to see it in HK. Maybe they have it somewhere else in states? Dunno. In Japan, its amazing to see the range of new flavors....

Oh, I love the hot cocoa from this coffee place. One would describe it as smooth, rich but not overly, and sweet to the right degree. Coming from a person who drinks hot chocolate for pretty much over 2o years of her life. This Tully Coffee place is always pack with people and mainly locals. So i guess the coffee must be good too.

Japan Trip : Dinner out with an old friend

I am so lazy... so here is the 2nd half of my Japan trip update.

Met one of my "old" dear friend for dinner. We decided to try somewhere her friend had suggested in Ginza and it was good! Both dinner and company was great. Of course I was too engrossed in catching up with her latest development and experience living in Japan these few years by far, and stuffing my face silly with food that I forgot to snap some pictures at some point....
Dinner was fun because we were looking at the Japanese Menu and I had her in charge of ordering since she could obviously read more of it than me!! Hee hee..I believe we did well! Of course we chat till we HAD to leave when the shop closed.
Thanks Cyn for such a wonderful night!!!

Zuma Restaurant (HK) Pictures

(Previous Brief Review)
Some parts of the interior. The spiral stairs lead to the bar on level 6.
Oh this thinly sliced beef with seawood is excellent!!!!
Oh this is one of my fav sushi dish. There were a few more but i didnt snap a shot.
(Too busy eating)

The sashimi is fantastic!

I dun quite like this dish. Wasnt done too well.

Our dessert (part of the course set meal)

The singaporean look?

I'm pretty amused recently. As I had mentioned somewhere before, when I was travelling through Vietnam, the locals (including the immigration custom guy who eye at my passport with suspicions) thought I was Vietnamese. When I was in Sydney, some thought I was Vietnamese, some thought I was Thai.

When I was chatting with my part time help the other day, she was shocked when she realised I was chinese. She didnt think I look like 100% chinese (HUH??How did that happen?). She thought I could have been from Philippines or maybe Malaysia, like partial Malay. She insisted I didnt look Singaporean. (I was like really? Does Singaporean have a specific look? haaa haaa.)

Today was even more hilarious. The management got some 3rd party contractor to fix the fuse box. For some unknown reason which is so unexpected, the HK contractor assumed I was Japanese??? He addressed me as 日本人 and I was stunned and wanted to laugh so badly but i didnt bother to correct him. Just last week on the phone with the landcrawford woman, I was labelled as Gweipo, and now visually I am something else??? The management guy saw my bemused look, corrected the guy that I wasnt Japanese.

Honestly speaking, I have never gave much thoughts to how one look but its strange to constantly have my descent being mistaken... Well at least I have never once been mistaken to China. Come to think of it, no one ever said I was from Taiwan or HK either. Guess I'm not fair enough to qualify.. heh heh heh

I'm curious though. To other people, what is a singapore look? I mean if we just shut our mouth and not let our accent betray us, how does one distinguish a Singaporean? Hmmm... Do u look singaporean, or not? :)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Bloody Monday 10 Review

Finally.... this Bloody Monday series is reaching the height of excitement and last episode soon!

Just finished summary for episode 10... Gooooood epi!!!! We finally know who K is!!!

Alright, for those waiting to read on, here's Bloody Monday 10 Summary

New Japanese Drama: AKAI ITO

This new Japanese drama "Akai Ito" (赤い糸 ) - (Thread of Destiny) (official Jap website), got its first airing on 6th Dec 2008 (sat).

Akai Ito" is one of the best-selling books of last year, is being adapted into a drama series and a film. Like "Koizora," it started out as a mobile phone novel and quickly gained in popularity, pushing it into the top 20 of Tohan's 2007 rankings.

I have finished watching the first episode and quite like it as far. I hope it will be nice sweet romance and wont be too tragic like Koizora....though we already know from first episode that Nishino's mum may have poisoned him via drugs or maybe some accidental drug overdose? Hmmm.. anyway, the male lead is super cute and love his smile!!!!
(Akai Ito Episode 1 summary)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Over-indulgence parents

Buyers drawn by sea view (read original article here)

This would seem like another those boring overhyped HDB flat prices. The only line that caught my eyes was the seller's sharing that he sold the flat because :

'We were not in a hurry to sell the flat. But I wanted to move so that my son would be closer to his secondary school in Tampines. It takes him about an hour to get to school, and I've received complaints from his teacher about his being late. So I thought we should move closer to his school instead.'

(Pictures from Newpaper Article link)



Is this another shining example of our parents possibly overly spoiling our kids in the name of misguided parental love. If he had said "oh the price is good and we like to keep the profit." Its fine by me. However, to uproot and move the whole family for a super lame excuse for a seemingly boy who could not even learnt to time manage, is way way way way overly way indulgent.

Rather than giving the boy a good talking to, the parents are encouraging such wayward behaviour. So why couldnt the son get up? What have been done to correct that with the techer's complaint, apart from resorting to moving house? Before the word MRT is in existence in Singapore, I used to have to wake up at 5am to take a bus from Bedok to Toa Payoh for school that starts at 7.20am. Dont see my parents selling the flat for me.

Singapore is fking small. 1 hour travel is no big deal either. From Marine Parade to Tampine, big freaking deal. Other children in other poorer nations are either dying to receive a proper education, and some even walk for more than half hour ON FOOT to get to school.

Hence to read about such questionable parental decision, to minimise all sort of inconvenience for their children is truly disheartening. (I hope it really just boil down to money... and the son was just a shield) Why on earth are we spoiling our kids so much? I am sure if the son had a party to head to, he wont be complaing about that 1hr journey. If the son has to Q for 1hr for some lame concert or tickets for something he like, he wont complain about the 1 hr. If the son had to ever travel the 1hr distance to send his future gf home or pick her up in the morn, he wont complain.

I can only hope and pray that people I know do not develop such unhealthy indulgence towards their kids. Sometimes, like caterpillar morphing into butterfly, a little hardwork and suffering is necessary for character building. Sometimes, good intention does more damage than good.

Sure, breaking through the chrysalis may prove to be frustrating or difficult, but what do butterflies know? It's just something that HAS to be done isnt it?

I believe people are made the same way. Like the butterfly, we each have a chrysalis. If we always remain comfortable and unwilling to "rough" it, we will die without getting to dry our wings in the sun, much less spread our wings and fly to the sky.

Leave these S'porean habits behind?

I put a question mark in the title because I do not necessarily agree with the news article.

It's one of those days when you click to read the online Newpaper, and some articles just leave you snorting away, just like this one did. I wont go as far to say this article is overdramatic, but it certainly doesnt carry a powerful voice. Of course we must remember, we are all entitled to our own opinions.


Going on holiday? (Read original news article here)
Leave these S'porean habits behind


When we are in Singapore, everything is bad. When we are overseas, everything in Singapore is better. Weird, huh?

>> Actually, from my experience of living away from Singapore, i DO THINK Singapore is better in many ways. Of course we have our failings for sure, and despite whatever issues one may have with the govt, like it or not, many things in our country is run better and smoother. So i do not think its weird or a nasty habit to think so. In some ways, its national pride perhaps that shouldnt be doused with one sweeping statement. the only thing that should be said as a bad habit is Singaporeans should STOP saying CHEAP CHEAP in another country. That is rude.

No one knows why we pat seats.

>> Is this column writer close to grandparents or this person must be very young? For the fallacy that NO ONE KNOWS WHY, I hate to contradict but there are people out here familiar with the old folks tales - enlightening WHY people pat seats.

For one, there was a misconception that one can get piles in your arse if you sit on a super warm seat immediately after the previous occupant leaves. So the pat was an alleviation to cool the heat from the surface to "reduce" the heat. The hand is kinda acting like a thermomter to gauge when it is "safe" to sit, while some thinks that patting will "clear" piles contamination. (false of course) .

We love inhaling clouds of dust from dirty seats, but we draw the line at nicotine

>> I think it is NO rocket science to clearly distinct that dust differs from nicotine smoke. While inhaling a short bust of dust doesnt exactly kills you or irritate your organs, cig smoke does. I have yet to hear of any reports that says a puff of dust will warrant bronchitits and damage your lungs( there are contant pollutant in the air anyway), but 2nd hand cig smoke has been told specifically harmful to non smokers. So we do NOT LOVE inhaling clouds, but we definitely SHOULD draw the line at nicotine.

Fanning away the smoke is not necessarily a true act of getting rid of smoke but rather, previously was an indicator to an unware smoker that his smoke is getting to someone. So he might want to put the distance. Of course overtime, the non smoker gets ruder with added commentaries, and smokers just got tired of rude non smokers that this fanning business seemed rude.

There are lots of smokers in HK and it is terrible standing in Q for mini-bus and have a smoker before you. However, I dont fan, I keep a wider distance and that normally does the trick and the smoker either move away more or he quickly puff more and butt it out. See, its not the act itself, its how u interpret the act. Then again, this is a personal opinion.

Another Uniquely Singapore trait, it is an honour code forged in the war zones of lunchtime Raffles Place.

>> While it seem annoying at first glance esp for hungry lunch people, step back and look at it in new light. It means that our society is CIVILISED enough to understand this hidden code. Its our own culture so why take such a bad light of it. A pack of tissue vs another colleague sitting there to book the table. What is the difference? End result, the table is still taken, except that with tissues, everyone can head out and buy their lunch quickly, eat quickly and leave, vs the one guardian being slower and the whole table has to wait for him/ her, hence resulting in longer waiting Q for others.

I honestly do not see the vice of this tissue culture to book seat. It only means that we are polite enough to understand the table is taken, since there isnt a paper and a pen for us to write reserved and person gone to line up for food. It sure is handy when you are alone and you know you have a seat to return to after a long line up for your food order. Surely, it only means our society has evolved enough not to fight over tables?

What is annoying however for potential table hunters, is not tissue to "chop" (reserve) seats. From past experience, the TRUE culprits are those who have finished eating but decided to linger on and hog the table to chat, despite knowing its busy lunch time and there are people waiting for empty tables. THOSE are inconsiderate behaviours that should be highlighted, not the tissue paper culture. These people didnt place tissues there for fun to prevent people from having tables, its for people who need to get their food since we are not table served by the stalls.

Incidentally, I am not a tissue culture groupie. I dont ever carry tissue. The other alternative is to get stranger next to me to hold the seat for me. Tried it, it worked. And honestly, except for the added "excuse me" and "thank you", I fail to see the difference between that and a tissue "stamp".

Then again back to topic at hand, I have NEVER seen any singaporeans doing that out of Singapore. So it really isnt a big deal. Singaporeans are NOT that stupid to assume other nations know our habit. Give our people some credit.


>> I like to point out, this is NOT only peculiar to Singapore. I have seen long Qs, overnight or not, in HK, Tokyo, London. Have u seen a crazy Q during sale in HK? So Singaporeans are rather placid by comparison. And how does joining or forming a Q ever do any harm to anyone? What's the big fuss? Kiasu is not a trait only Sg have, everywhere in the world, there are. Its just we dont live there, we dont see it. Period.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Bloody Monday 08 Summary

Phew... finally caught up and finished...

Bloody Monday Episode 06 Summary
Bloody Monday Episode 07 Summary
Bloody Monday Episode 08 Summary.

Read Here

The thing about "FAT"

This happened in Sydney. I wont reveal who it is but this truly happened and the case kinda wont go away in my head after I was told this story.

A very very young boy (younger than 5) is hauled to the pre-school principal office for bad conduct, so his mum is also sent to face the music from the "authorities" and "counselling board". So what did this little guy do to warrant such a major cry of attention?

He called this girl in his class "Fat".

Before you start thinking he is a bad boy, here is a some further insight. I know this kid and he is a very sweet, well behaved child, more happy to be absorbed playing with his own toys than be running around to mess up things or annoy people. He has a younger sister and he isnt spoilt. His mum is bigger than average woman size and his dad is a very outspoken person.

We questioned his outburst and apparently this girl was annoying him when he just wanted to be alone to play his games. So he told her "Go away you fat girl".

With that, the girl burst out crying, kicking up a stint as if she had been kicked and booted. The teachers were naturally appalled by the "taboo" word being cried out so openly by a little boy's frustration that all hell broke loose. So of course his mum was "invited" to have a chat, and being implied that such callous terms should not be used before the kid and instilled into his head that such sensitive words shouldnt be used on people. In the end, the mum had to apologise profusely to all parties and assured such an incident would not happen again.

Back home, the boy wasnt exactly reprimanded (but had a serious serious "talk" with his parents that night) since he had no understanding of the gravity of the incident. To him, he had merely spoken out innocently what he saw, to rid himself of someone deemed pesky to him. It seemed he had often heard his dad teased his "fat mum" with the word and he didnt see what was so bad about what he did that he had to apologise and be told he had not been good.

The moral of the story, you have to watch what you say before your kids.
The underlining moral of the story, the world has gone nuts when it comes to re-definition of what is right and wrong.

FAT is a taboo word. So under the guise of sensitivity and political correctness, we should just call them HORIZONTALLY CHALLENGED people, GENETICALLY CHALLENGED people, BIG SIZE, OVERWEIGHT, OBESE, or Greedy Guts? However, underneath all those "better sounding" name, it still boil down to one thing. The person isnt slim.

Surely, while inappropriate, it is not a real crime isnt it between spat of 2 young child? Are we overworrying about morals and upbringing here? Parents used to be hauled into office for worse "crimes" little angels did, such as stealing, destructive, distracting, physical bullying and of course taunting and verbal/ mental / emotional bullying. What happened to simple squabbles that is just plain squabbles?

I know its a scary world out there for both adults and kids nowadays, stemming mainly from the lack of attention at home and weak family ties and bond which I still believed as the direct root cause. Parents are too busy working, depending too much on nannies, maids and schools to do the communication of values (if any at all), and yet lacking the delegation of the real power of disciplinary... so many kids get away scot free from young thinking they can bully people into submission ( starting with talking back at maids or demanding them to do their beck and call) , or just self centeredly talk down to other people.

I digress and back to this little boy. He had no bad intention. He wasnt bullying anyone. He was just calling it what he sees it. A fat girl who was annoying him. In his world where it is still BLACK AND WHITE with no grey areas, his words are just a mirror of his childlike simplicity and innocence, something adults pretty much have lost as we deal and maneuver in a world which we complicated ourselves.

Sometimes I wonder. If calling someone fat is a taboo, why isnt calling someone wafer skinny a taboo? Black is a taboo word, white doesnt seemed to be. When have we gotten to used to only wanting to hear disguised pretty words that we no longer can face the truth and starts to scream blue murder when it comes to unpleasant things, and so indignant that neutral words are insulting? Words are not conjure out of air. And words are just words, its the tone and intention that is behind it that matter. Just like if I describe someone as black or sounding black, it doesnt mean I am being racist. It is just a matter of describing what I see or hear. A characteristic. A DNA.

Some people and activist out there should just so get over themselves and stop creating unrest with the unnecessary political correctness game.

I havent been called FAT, though my brother prob had. I have been called names like scrawny, skinny, monkey, walking sticks my whole life by nottie primary school boys and well meaning aunties who keep thinking that I do not eat enough. They would grab my hands, hold my wrists, to demonstrate I am too thin by their definition, as if I am visually challenged and cannot see for myself.
So I have 2 options here. Either to throw tantrums and attack people who used those terms on me and supposedly eroding my self confidence about my appearance in the process, or I had another choice of doing something about it to shut them up and improve what I had. I choose to ignore those critical comments, take part in all my fav sports to look more sun kissed than scrawny. Over years, science informed me I am just genetically blessed,with a higher metabolism rate. The thing is, if you do not like what u are being called, do something constructive about it. Dont bitch about it and BLAME other people for your condition.

The end of the story. This little boy is now tainted. His world is no longer black and white. The first spot of grey has appeared. He now knows but not understand yet, that FAT is a BAD WORD. Lumped together with many other "BAD WORDS" like stupid, dumb, arsehole. He still doesnt quite get what is wrong with FAT as he thinks the girl is round and chubby like marsh mellow anycase. However, he now understand that word is a weapon. He also learnt sensitivity. He learnt the taboo word can hurt someone even though he hadnt intended it that way, and the same word can be said in jest. He learnt some people are ok with it, some people are not. To him, its just a very simple word, but the magnitude of events that comes with it is crushing.

In years to come, the little boy probably wont rem which of this "FAT" incident and I am sure the little girl wont be traumatised by it either. However, I hope that girl does. Not only do I hope someone will start watching her diet, I hope she will learn that in future, there are worse things in life to cry about, something more than just being called Fat, because she had been annoying someone else who didnt want her around.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Innocent Love 08 Review and Summary

Innocent Love Episode 08 Summary

Skipping past all the "recap"till the reporter talking to the doctor...Kano hugged a crying Jun, saying "Brother, Kyouka san did not return that night, nor the following day."

The next day, Subaru called Jun to say: "I'm with Kyouka now. From now on, I will take care of her." "Do u love her?" Jun asked. "Subaru paused before acknowledging, to which Jun added, "Then she will be Happy, Thank you". Before Subaru could say anything more, Jun hung the phone up on him.

(Read more)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What is it with rude HK people and hanging up without apology?

Anti-HK bashing that comes with living in this country has significantly reduced ever since I moved back from Sydney. If one has lived in that kind of "swamp" and moved back to Asia, one would realise by comparison, HK is a haven in many ways. Hence, I have been relatively been much happier and obliging (forgiving) of the HK ways.

However, today I snapped. It really isnt a big deal really but still it grinds and grates my nerves. What the hell is wrong with those rude HK people, hanging up the line without a word when they are faced with someone speaking English on the other line. I am getting increasingly fed up with this rude behaviour. In the middle of talking, or asked to hold, or a wrong phone call, I would only find myself stupidly listening to a dead phone tone out of nowhere. Fking hell. Not even a sorry.

Unapologetic Loud and Rude people tops the list of people that disgust and irate me the most, yes even before dishonest people.

Today, the staff at Lane Crawford bear the brunt of my pent up frustrations with this abnormal and discourteous manner. Some lady kept ringing my mobile and everytime I said "hello" the person hung up. By the third time, I decided to call back. The person was from Lane crawford and she was mumbling very quickly but I managed to get the drift that I could collect thge altered pants. I was asking her if it was ok to go collect the items without the receipt, and she just paused and hung up on me! Thinking it was a mistake, I rung up again and when she heard my voice, she damn well hung up again! Bitch! That really really pissed me off.

So I found a quieter corner in Ikea and called again. This time no one picked up. But I was already fumming mad and so I kept speed dialing until another lady picked up the phone. After verifying that I got the message right, I moved on to asking who was that rude lady who hung up the phone and WHY in heaven name she did that? It is so uncalled for especially when she was the one who made the call! The 2nd lady got abit stumped and asked me to call back later which I flatly refused and said to her "Look, I AM ALREADY CALLING BACK. So why should I call back again?"

She was surprised and said to wait, and I could hear her asking her colleague loudly in cantonese if she "CALLED ANY GWEI PO". What the fuck? And Of course I could hear the 2 bitching to and fro over the line, with the assumption I didnt know what the fuck they were saying.

I furiously made my way to Lane crawford in Times Square. At the back of my mind, I thought to myself. Is it that hard to apologise for your bad behaviour?

When I arrived, a guy served me instead with the pants already all ready to be carted away. I asked about the 2 ladies and he paused uncertainly asking what is the matter. I explained about the rude phone call and he paused and said sorry. He couldnt tell me where those 2 rude HK ladies were and I berated him about such bad service. I told him that even if she couldnt speak English it is fine, at least say "I will call back."

I am not buying some cheap $300 pants from some kowloon shop. Its Lane Crawford and more than half the clientele could be English Speaking and staff SHOULD IDEALLY be able to have some basic conversational english skills, not to mention telephone manners.

The whole episode felt me feeling pissed. It is NOT the first time. HK people just LOVE to cut people off and hang up the phone without a word of apology. Such rude disgusting manners as if they are still from countryside.

Its just their bad luck that I know where and who was the caller.
I was in such good mood until I pick up that damn call. Its no wonder I rarely check my phone anymore, only my emails. At least, I dun feel like I have a door slam in my face with emails...

Travel Log: Japan, and their sweets in full Glory

As the cakes in Japan are so yummy, I couldnt help but just feast on them visually and figuratively. Staying in Roppongi Hill means everything here is double the price compared to elsewhere, but it always mean everything delectable is within your finger tips....

Roppongi Hills can somewhat be maze like for someone who first arrived, and trying to make their ways round the different sections from the Met-H, Hillside, Northside and Keyaki. It did take me one day to walk around to explore all the retail and cafes. I didnt buy anything of course since I am surrounded by high end heavy weight luxury brands with the likes of ugly LV and other beautiful local but equally expensive brands. I laughed when i saw one with Hello Kitty. Talk about abnormal obsession! My first reaction was "Are they crazy?"

Call it occupational hazzard but I couldnt help but be drawn to the brand I was working with previously and snap a shot. Looking at all the retail display, I was slightly overwhelmed by nostalgia of all those long hours, roadshows, marketing plans and bloody work with all the new store opening ...

Its very fun really to uncover all the different stores, walking into the ASAHI TV building and checking out their displays for their new drama. I wanted to try their cafe but it was filled with smoking executive so I changed my mind. Instead, I took a picture of my childhood hero Doramon (I prefer calling him as Xiao Ding Dang) before I left. Donning the windows were 2 huge RED CLIFF movie poster

Later that day, I stumbled upon this dessert shop HARBS (HILLSIDE 1F)and the cake display completely draw me. I didnt want anything else. I did toy with the idea of the chocolate cake but then firmed myself with the singualr choice that lured me into the store in the first place. So I had it, without regrets I might add - THE QUEEN OF CAKE.

Damn it was a huge slice at 1600yen but it was worth every bit. It really does fill u up even when I didnt have lunch. The cream was whipped, light and fluffy. The sponge cake delighfully soft that kinda melt in your mouth. The taste was of fresh cream, without the usual greasy after taste associated with those $1 cheap cake stores. Rather, it was mildly sweet, with a hint of milk flavour. The strawberries were apt in quantities. I was in heaven. It was a pity I had to have it all by myself but better in me than not having tried it at all. This is positvely my fav dessert store in Roppongi Hills. I thought that one picture doesnt do it any justice, so i took 2 shots..I guess the first one wasnt close enough to empahsis how delicious it was...

One night after dinner on our 2nd last night, we chanced upon this dessert store Derriere which was still open late. A rarity in Japan since alot of the stores I know close relatively early about 8 plus or early 9plus. So to still find one open close to 10pm was a gift. The staff doesnt speak a word of English. The menu are all in Japanese and while I could decipher about 70%, a few I just give up because after so many days of reading Japanese, I wanted a rest. It was funny because I tried asking if they had English breakfast tea and and the girl pointed to this undeciphered cake. I guess when you are forced in a situation to be made understood, trying to compose a grammatically correct sentence is last thing on your mind. Once I uttered "Nomimono" , a look of comprehension, and a menu of the different tea type in english was shown to us to my husband's joy. Its stressful when you are relied upon as the source of lamguage medium....when u are not exactly fluent.... Before I left, I politely asked if i could take a picture of their showcase which the girl said ok. I thought it is only nice to ask, than be crude and all assuming in a foreign land that is all about manners and etitques.

Anycase, we tried the No#1 Popularity cake which is somesort of choc layered crepe cake. It was nice and unique.

What I was more amused about was the petite hourglass to time the tea. Funny.

On seperate day when I was walking aimlessly in midtown Tokyo, more dessert stores to captivate me..... This is on Paris style and you wont believe the Q.... The cakes looked sooo pretty I couldnt tear my eyes away from them.... so beautifully displayed....feeling of love rushed through me....

Next to the lovely dessert store is a chocolate store - Jean Paul Hevin. Now I definitely know this store and seen it in Times Square in HK but never tried it. In HK, the store is always empty apart from staff when I passed it, herein tokyo, the Q is long!!! But perhaps they had a cafe that's why. The Japanese really like their sweets huh.....