
Monday, January 26, 2009

hello from Niseko

Here I am, surrounded by tons and tons of fresh white snow in Niseko....
Had 2 full days of ski now and it was an absolute blast!!!! Life couldnt be better!!!!!!

The temp went down to minus 10degrees and while skiing, fresh snow just falls every half hour of so, so the ground is piled with powder snow that is absolutely the best ideal condition. Surprisingly, I did rem how to ski despite havent done it since 5 years ago. I guess its kinda like bicycle riding.... I still have problem controlling my speed but at least I havent fallen once in the easy slope. 

Was ambitious and tried the intermediate ski slope today and went had a few tumbles coz i couldnt break fast enough. My ankle is alittle sore and I hope I didnt twist it...otherwise I will be in a fix for the next 4 days.... my arms are aching a little by otherwise, my body is coping well. My face turned really red and looks abit funny under white light now because its seemed puffy. strange and hope it goes down soon.... I had a Japanese ski sensei for 2 hours today and he doesnt speak a word of english ... neither does the person at my I had to squeeze every single brain cell to survive and well..thankfully coping alright though it takes me ages to form a sentence. Talk about being thrown into deep end of the pool.... if I stay any longer, my japanese will get better I am sure, even though the Japanese people said my language skills is good/ understandable, i think they are just being polite! 

The food here is average. Not cheap but at least it is still tasty. Tomorrow am going to try night skiing. Hopefully my ankle holds up!

well that;s all for now. bye bye from niseko annupuri! 

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Boys Before Flower OST (Korean)

If you like Korean songs, you will probably like the new Korean drama OST for Boys Before Flowers.... there are several good songs in it. (download) .

My fav being track 2 from SS501, one of the hottest korean boy band now. Incidentally one of the band member is also acting as Hanazawa Rui in Korean's version of F4. I think he is the BEST version of Rui ever!!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

First haircut in HK with a Japanese stylist

Despite having spent such a substantial time in HK, I have never ever had a hair cut here before in the past.

Reason being, I am such a cheapskate...I didnt want to pay such a large difference in hair cut price.

Just cut and blow alone, I can get a very good hair cut @ REDS in town for about SG$40 (HK$120) for an experienced stylist vs average HK$400 (SG$80) for their junior stylist in HK salon. So explain to me, how can I bear to pay double the price just for keeping my hair neat? Come on, its just hair right? I'm not a model or going for some fashion show, so I will never want to fork more than necessary for a hair cut. Treatment to hydrate the hair maybe, but never a cut. So in the past, I have stubbornly kept my hair long and wait till a return trip home to get it trimmed.

However, seeing that I wont be making a trip back to SG any time soon, I decide to relent and try out a salon here. Yet, I still refuse to pay HK$400, and adding one more condition, I rather choose a Japanese Hair stylist. Why? Well simple, have you seen a bad haircut on a Japanese lady (excluding those who deliberately have it "mangled") ? No right? So I presume Japanese stylist must be relatively proficient. So I googled.....there is sooooooo little information out there but finally I found one in causeway bay!!!

I chanced upon this salon called Hair-do. It is a franchaise brand from Japan ( I am assuming the Japanese stylist in HK comes from the main salon in Japan as well. Hairdo has 3 salon in HK and the only country they venture out of Japan it seems. The one I tried is located at Soundwill Plaza (location)at Russel street, with Japanese hair stylist Asami. (Random choice). The price is also within my acceptance level. HK$320 for normal stylist and HK$390 for Top stylist.

So today I went to get my hair trimmed. I didnt want to do too much since I am going to ski this coming week and I need to bun up my hair when wear my ski cap and mask. The whole experience is pretty different from that in Singapore.

After feeling my hair and looking at it, and affirming I just want a simple cut, she started to trim off the excess bit by bit. I cannot describe it but its just different from the ones in singapore where they seem to "fly thru" the process. Here, I observe every hair stylist takes each cut careful constantly measuring the balance on each side. Then they have a washer boy as well. As they do in japan, they have a seperate towel for leg and upper body, and they will cover your face (eye area) with a white soft towel (to protect from splashing).

I have never had such gentle wash in a salon. It isnt weak, it is gentle. For once, I didnt have to tell the washer person not to scrib so hard, or tug my hair. My hair felt "loved". Silly i know. I even had a warm towel place under my neck as I lay there... felt so shiok.

Then after the hair treatment ( it was on 30% discount from HK$530, so I gave it a try) which made my hair really soft and smell goregous, the washer guy spray some stuff on my head and it was time for massage! So he started with the temple, the head and proceed to the neck and upper shoulder. I was thinking, wow! massage!

When he was done, here comes the difference. Unlike in singapore where it is always the washer boy/girl doing the hair dry, here, the hair stylist would blow dry my hair. As she dry it, she observe how the hair fall and finally when it was dry, she further trim it to finish the cut. It makes sense for stylist to blow dry since she/he is the person who knows what the final look should be.

As I was looking around, I saw this top stylist guy doing the hair for this Japanese girl. My god, her hair was beautifully cut and curled to perfection! I have never seen a long hair cut and curled so gorgeously! It was truly what u see on those Japanese artists. I was very very impressed!

When I was paying the bill, I was given 10% off my hair cut so it came to about HK$288. I was also given a set of week's worth of treatement tube for continuing home care for the treatment session i had. Cool! I wasnt sure why there was a discount on the hair cut, maybe because under referrer I indicated their Japan website? I was also give some discount coupons for next visists, and some namecard to recommend to other friends that comes with 10% discount as well.

All in all a very statisfying experience for my first haircut in HK. The good thing too about Japanese hair stylist, they dont attempt to talk to me. So for once, I get a very peaceful session where I am not obliged to talk and talk. Instead, I was more intent in looking at all the different hair stylists at work. Most of the stylist there are very young. Even the top stylist isnt very old, maybe about early 40yr+? The rest of the crew look about mid 20s++, all very hip and easy on the eye, decked in Japanese style hairdo.

The HK hair stylist next to me of course will chat with their client. I think its some chinese thing that is suppose to cultivate relattionship i guess. I hate it though. I hate having to chat when I am cutting my hair. Nothing against the hair stylist, I like my stylist. I just prefer to space out and relax than make small talk...bordering on the verge of gossip.

Well guess that's it. Just thought I would write my experience in and about a Japanese salon in HK since there are so little info about it.

Update Oct 2011: My fav Japanese hair stylist have left Hairdo and opened his own. check here for adress and phone contact, as well as updated photos of my permed hair by Ito san

Monday, January 19, 2009

Akai Ito 05 Review

Yeah!!! Akai Ito Episode 5 is out!! The suspense is building up!!

Akai Ito Episode 5 Summary

The story begins with a time rewind back to 6 years ago.Young Nishino declined to play softball with his friends so that he can head home early as his mum has promised to make hamburger for him. However .... (read more and watch video)

"Two" much of everything...?

It's always 2 maids, 2 cars, 2 dogs and at times 2 kids.
Hong Kong people has this affinity for "two".

Is it some sort of competition or status thing that many households which can afford maid in Hong Kong, always seem to have 2 maids? This is especially true for those families with kids. Apparently I learnt, one maid is dedicated to caring for the kid(s), while the other is solely for household chores. I'm not sure who get to walk the dogs...

Why does one need so many maids in a small 3 bedroom apartment is beyond me. Half the time those who have 2 maids doesnt even have a working mum. Bizarre. On the other hand, 2 cars are great because that mean additional income for me as I rent out my parking lot.

During evening time as I head to the supermarket, I spot those maids whom are suppose to walk the dogs. The sight that greets me is a whole bunch of Filippinos gathering at one spot in the walkway, chatting and laughing away happily, while the poor leashed dogs could only either sit, stand or venture within the radius their leash allow them to.

It's a daily thing I see. The same maids, the same poor dogs, the same spot.

So if you ever entrust your maid to do the "Walking", I would sugguest you either spot check them ocassionally, or do the dog walking yourself since the stroll would do your health some benefit anycase. Why bother to have a dog if you dont do anything of those things that comes as a responsibilities of a dog owner is beyond me...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dentist..what an "eye-ful"

My life is often a magnet of "incredulous" freak incidents that makes myself laugh, if not others. Something as simple as a trip to the dentist can evolve into a story to be blogged...

The sensitivity in my teeth area on the left has heightened in the early 2 weeks of Jan. I wasnt too sure why except I suddenly experience mild gum bleeding. Upon closer inspection and "poking" with my finger, I noticed that one particular upper molar has exposed dentine due to receding gum line and hence causing me the mild discomfort during brushing. Wanting a professional to take a closer look at it, I booked myself an appointment with dentist. Yes, I belong to the strange category where I have absolutely no fear or squirmish about seeing a dentist. I quite fancy the thought of someone cleaning and scalding the plague in between the teeth actually and reduce the staining from regular tea consumption.

Dental care in Hong Kong is very very expensive. A normal routine care in Singapore averages about $75 or more (depending on where you go, i go to NTUC dentist). In Hong Kong, my recent visit cost me a whopping HK$1000 (about SG$200). However that is not my main story.

What was really funny was how I went to the dentist to get my sensitivity checked, and ended up teary with blood-shot eye. That wasn't the way I had anticipated, having one pain over-riding the other :)

You see, the dentist was ok, but his nurse aid was terrible. She is a Flippino but inexperience from the way she fumble around. Even when the dentist was taking teeth x-ray for both sides, he had to tell her "COME ON, what u doing, where is the other film?" Apparently, she just passed him film and forgot the other and stood there dreaming.

The diagonsis is that my teeth are in perfect condition. My dentist is an Australian. One look and he guessed correctly I must be from singapore because he shared that back in the early years in 70s -80s, Singapore govt copied the New Zealand Dental care. So in primary school, we had nurses to inspect and fill our molar to prevent cavitiies. I think what surprised me was more like how our govt back then already took such initiatives from overseas to care for our oral health, than letting them rot. I rem having to visit school dentist at least once a year till I finished high school. The slip of white card from the nurse was like time off from class. My fav times.

Anycase, he said judging from my oral condition, I was told I am prob one of the unfortunate few who probably didnt need those silver filling that makes it look really hideous but they were there to be preventive measures.

As he progressed to polish my teeth, the nurse was fumbling around holding the suction tubing in my mouth. She must be bloody daydreaming because she clashed with the dentist's polishing instrument and the water spray, resulting in minute grain of polish landing into my right eye! Oh fuck that hurts!

I immediately sat up, much to the surprise of the dentist. I couldnt blink nor open my eye as the grain was in the eye. I couldnt yell or talk because my mouth was still halfway in progress with the washing stuff. I spit it out and reach for the cup, which was left EMPTY because the dumb nurse didnt bother to fill it up for me to gargle. I had to gesture madly for her before the slow witted one still did not realise. I pointed to the sink on my left divided by the cup holder (and the tap), gesturing i need to wash my eye. The right hand side was block by my dentist and the instruments.

I couldnt really talk because the grainy stuff was in my mouth and i didnt want to risk swallowing. The not very bright nurse noticed I wanted the sink but she just stood there like a moron and not making any effort to make way for me. I pointed to my eye and the sink and she went repeating thrice "oh she wanted water!" but she did NOTHING. I wanted to murder her.

The dentist of course asked what happened? I got fed up of waiting and yelled "MY EYEEEEEEEE!!!" , shoved the cup divider thing and the useless nurse out of the way, jumping off the chair and headed straight for the sink to wash my eye with the tap.

When I was finally done, I could finally explain the washing stuff splashed into my eye. The dentish was concerned of course saying such a thing had never happened before. When I settled back into my seat, he insisted on taking a look at my eye. So 2 nurses (the older nurse came in hearing all teh commotion) and the dentist crowded near into my face with the bright shining light beaming into my eyes as well. It reminded me of X-FILES really, when the aliens want to dissect me....

I stretched out my hand to block the light from my eye. The slow witted nurse moved the light and the dentist snapped at her "I NEED THE LIGHT TO SEE!" before she moved it back in position.

So my ordeal continues, with the dentist proclaiming there are tissues caught under my lower eye lid (used to dry my eye earlier after rinishing the grain out). He insisted we must removed them even though I feel no discomfort. So the more experienced and older Filippino nurse decided to use a cotton bud to wipe it while the dentist forces my eye to remain open. GOD its awful!!!

My eye was pierced by the bright light, and dry from the air, and someone poling at it to rid the tissue. I was thrashing quite a bit and screamed "OUCH OUCH.. my eye, MY EYE!!!!!" Suddenly I laughed too because the whole scene was too ridiculous and funny. I said to the dentist "Would I be scaring your other patients away?" haaa" He said not to worry, my eye ordeal continues....

After several minutes and prob 5-6 attempts, when I shouted "Its enough stop!!!" The nurse exclaimed "I got it!!!" WHat a relief.

When the brushing was completed, I went outside to make my payment. The dentist came out and asked if I was really alright. I told him I was fine before heading to the loo to check out my poor eye. Funny how my teeth doesnt hurt but my eye is tearing....

The mirror reflection shows a poor right eye to be blood shot of course. Otherwise its fine. When I return, the dentist asked me again if everything was fine. I replied "I feel like a rabbit now" (refering to my pink eye) The dentist broke into a laugh and went back to his work. The slow witted nurse laughed too but then before I stepped out, asked me "Why a rabbit?" If she doesnt get it, so what on earth was she laughing earlier?

I just smiled and left without elaboration, saving my last breath for myself....

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Doctors order... OFF the PC!

Sigh, have finally succumb to the winter bug. What make matters worse is I have got an inflammatory at my neck area, resulting chronic neck ache. The C6 nerve got affected and so my elbow been feeling funny. Had to see a doc, whose specif order is for me to "STAY OFF THE COMPUTER." Apparently the lack of motion is the main culprit....

I feel so miserable......

Monday, January 12, 2009

Akai Ito Ep4 Review

Akai Ito Episode 4 Summary

The episode starts with time rewind back to a 2nd year Sara, at how she lost her mobile phone outside Riku Takashi's ramen store. She was running away from her taunters from the same school. She tripped over the signboard and dropped her mobile.

At the same time, the scene goes back to the shopping mall where Mei was helping her crush to buy the birthday present for her sister....

(Read More and watch video)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Cutting MY "Q" is NOT acceptable

I "scared" someone "shitless" today in Citysuper - so I was told.

The scene starts with us being @ Citysuper in Times, wanting to grab some lamb rack for dinner. The crowd before the meat display wasnt crowded and so we were the only ones to stand in front of the lamb section.

What is important to emphasize here is my relative distance from the display glass. I wasnt sticking my body onto the glass because I didnt want to obsure other potential customers from viewing the meat labels, but maybe I was about one step back so that I wasnt too far off to try to grab some staff's attention to serve me.

Just seconds into our arrival, while I was still looking at the meat display, this Chinese woman, shorter than me by half a head came from my left. Initially she bent, moved her upper body forward and inched before mine without a word, with her feet still planted on ground to the left of me. Thinking she wanted to have a better view of the meat label, I didnt pay much attention since I was sure she had enough room to stick her head before me. What I didnt anticipate was that she decided to step forward (and onto the toes of my boots), and MOVED HER WHOLE BODY RIGHT BEFORE MINE, so that her body was literally plastered all over the display counter.

I wasnt seething with anger but I was truly annoyed/ miffed, and BOY when i am annoyed by bad manners, I am truly unapologetic to be forthright about it. Mainly because it wasnt even crowded to warrant that behaviour on her part and I was there first! She shouldnt abuse my consideration not to block the meat display, using it as a mean for her to get before me, pushing me out of her way.

So the minute she made herself comfortable, with her back right in my face and body literally, not to mention callously placing her order BEFORE ME, my words just spilled out of my mouth (in an what I considered was an even tone ) "You Juuuuuuussssst have to stand RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, dont you?" (yeah, i really dragged out the word "just" for emphasis of her "crime"). I wasnt yelling but it was loud enough for the intended audience.

When the woman heard me, she turned around as if seeing me for the FIRST time (like I was never there, liked my boot was some comfort floor rug). I gave her an icy look before looking past her and onto the meat. What happened next was alittle unexpected. She practically JUMPED OUT OF MY WAY and kept apologising profusely. I gave her a lame weak smile in return, before placing my order and ignoring her for the rest of the time. I mean what else do u expect me to say? I didnt feel like saying it was ok since it was not by my book.

Sensing she wasnt going to get a warm gushing smile from me, she scurried off to the other end of the meat display, steering well clear of my way like you would of a walking timebomb.

After she was gone, my partner started to chuckle saying "I almost felt sorry for her. I'm just glad I wasnt your target." However he agreed that if the woman had been in Australia, she would garner much worse verbal tell off, in a much louder voice that aims to embarrass. In their sober moments, Australians generally do not TOLERATE QUIELTY bad/ inconsiderate or offending behavior.

It was a little unfortunate that the woman caught the full brunt of my acidity, so much so that she panicked like a rabbit after I delivered my "loathing" sentiment across. Apparently, he said my abomination of her behaviour was delivered in such supremely sub-zero icy tone, dripping each word with acid-load of sacarsm that is almost deadright cutting.

Till this moment, I honestly didnt think I was mean or overboard. I wasnt screaming at her or being impolite. No no... one must still be civilised even if we are unhappy.

The good thing is, she did apologise profusely and that is RARE. Perhaps I should have given her a warmer smile, than the lofty one she received. My bad. Then again, I wasnt expecting a reaction. So my disdain just kicked in on its own. If u are in Hk, you would know half the time, these offenders normally just pretend that they didnt hear a thing.

Anycase, it was a good laugh for me.

Slow New book releases in HK stores

Went to Pageone at Times today, because I wanted to get the book "The Twelve Kingdoms - Vol 1 and 2" by Fuyumi Ono. Both volumes are released last year and the third installment is due this march. Singapore's Kinokuniya already stocked it for about SG$16.

Unfortunately, HK bookstores doesnt carry any of the title. Sigh. I kind of expected it because HK is always about 6 months to 1 year behind most developed countries when it come to new English book releases. WHy? I have no idea. Does the publisher not consider Hk as one of the primary market, or the buyer does not make good judgement, eitherway, we readers "lose" out.

I am suffering because being an avid book reader, alot of the English friction that HK carry now, I have mostly already read them at least a year back (I stockpile each trip back from Singapore). Their "new range" are often one year behind Sydney and Singapore. Some books that I have read, its not even in Hk yet. I just saw the Dymock new release pamphlet and some titles only coming end of the year - and its still hard cover edition. Sad huh.

Anycase, I asked Page one if they can order the book in for me.
They could if I want to wait 4-6 weeks.
Vol 1 will cost me HK$90, Vol 2 hardcover will cost me HK$170. The total will still cost lesser than if I order from Amazon which cost me US$45 all inclusive. I am still considering.... if I want to. To think the book only cost US$8+ in the states.

Sigh. I'm in 2 mind to how desperate i want to read the book. This novel is the original source where the 12kingdom anime is adapted from which is never completed. The anime covered only 4 out of the 7 stories, and so I have always wanted to know how the story end. The animation is great, with an addictive fantasy storyboard. While the novel slightly differs based on reviews, I am still keen to follow the book. I just hope Tokyopop translated work doesnt stop!

Friday, January 9, 2009


Read this.... more hassle for me. Why couldnt they get the card right the first time. Do u notice how we often go one big round to try to be different from HK, but always end up copying/ emulating them and ended up using the same thing/ concept. Just get it right the first time for christ sake instead of trying to rush it out.

I rem HK Octopus card was in use way before EZLINK and so why didnt our people actually study the wide use of HK's model before plunging into our useless card is a mystery. Pride? Arrogant? Political? Whatever. Just dont tell me later another card change just to combine with Nets or whatever down the road. People, THINK before you ACT. Such simple concept, yet so hard to follow. Sigh

I want to laugh when I read this para from channelnewsasia Online where he said - "Imagine the possibilities..."

Quote: "Nicholas Lee, executive director, EZ Link, said: "Imagine the possibilities where you can develop schemes for cross-usage between public transport, ERP and parking. There can be incentives, discounts and rebates, where you can cross between modes to give consumers some preference to use our product."

Hello Caveman? Where have you been living? Timbatu?? Some remote caveland? Have you been to HK mister? If you want to give a marketing spin, for god sake, please be more creative that doesnt actually make u sound naive. Why do we need to imagine when there is a well working model for us to admire in HK? Granted they do not have ERP yet that aside, but hey, their wide diversifed use for Octopus card is renown and they are already giving rewards / point / rebates/ discounts system for the card when one shop or buy cinema tickets etc to. They allow their Octopus card for payment long ago. And topping up of card is sooo convenient that it can be done at any 7-11 store in split second, compared to our system of "die die top up at train station" if u didnt sign up for Giro (unless this practice has changed in recent years).

The HK octopus card is developed in Hk for max use and benefit for the population, it is not design to fit the limited "possibilities" provided by one company. Unless this chap has been so holed up in some countryclub instead of venturing outwards, you would know that SG is sorely lacking behind when it come to contacless card. His comment is just plain Funny to me.

Anycase, I visited the website and below is the official release for those interested. In case you go back and wonder why your card no longer works.....go get it change when u make your next trip back to SG.

Link: EZLINK card press release website

"MASS ez-link card REPLACEMENT BEGINSCurrent ez-link cardholders have 9 months to exchange their cards - from 9 January to 30 September 2009.

The one-for-one card replacement exercise will end in September 2009, when the current EIFS fare system will be discontinued. After September 2009, the old ez-link cards cannot be used for travel on public transit. However, cardholders may still get a refund on any remaining value in their old cards up to 12 years from the date the card is first encoded for use. "

I love Shiseido Tsubaki Hair Conditioner!!!!

Talking about Uniqlo being from Japan (which i totally didnt spot while in Tokyo....), reminds me of how "bang" I was after I returned.

U see, I have been an avid Shiseido body products (shower gel) for donkey years now way before many people know about it. Don't ask me why I like it, I just do. I even manage to influence my brother....I only had to stop because I couldnt find them in HK and Australia.

The story goes...when I was in Japan, I spotted Shiseido Tsubaki Golden Repair Shampoo (WHITE BOTTLE) and Conditioner in the pharmacy. It cost me $980yen for the 200g treatment conditioner. As everyone has been drilling into my head that stuff in Japan are expensive, so I only bought one tube, thinking i can buy more when i return to HK as I am very sure Citysuper will carry it.

I went checking and my heart nearly stopped at the price discrepancy. For something which I bought for 980yen, it is costing in the range between HK$125-150 for the same exact thing. RIP OFF!!! I sooo wanted to die.... so expensive!!! DAMN DAMN! I so want to kick my bloody arse. I so deserve it.

In case you are wondering why I am so anal to even blog about a conditioner. This is why.
The product is really so DARN good!!!!!!!! As all ladies would love to own, the fragrance is heavenly and lasting. It's not the sickly sweet fruity scent but rather a soothing gentle floral fragrance. My long hair felt positively less coarse and lesser flyaway, not to mention hair felt much more softer without the volume that normally happens with those nasty cheap products that are not meant for Asian hair (like loreal or elseeve)... I could swear by it (even my keratase cannot come close....) .
Asian hair are different from the Caucasians, our skin type are different, so why should our hair be the same? (read) Just like cosmetics, hair products should rightly be customised for the right ethnic group and its nothing to do with racism, just plain logical. (of course, in some western country, stating the difference is courting trouble and inviting lawsuit to even advertise hair product for different "type" of people)
So now, due to my own moment of folly and hesitation in Japan, i can now only use my darling Shiseido treatment conditioner sparingly...hoping to last till Jan before i stockpile my suitcase with more of the conditioner range!!! I refuse to pay Citysuper such a huge profit margin unless I am positively desperate!!!

PS: If you havent started on this product, you dont know what u are missing girl!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Selling culture?

When I read the article below, I nearly died of shock. We are talking about recycling and saving nature on one hand, and these bunch of so call brainy Hwa Chong Students just set a record and getting praised for symbolically POLLUTING THE SEA WITH PLASTIC BOTTLES?

When I go travelling, and i rem in Hanoi sharing a same canoe on way to Perfume mountain with a bunch of australians. As we enjoyed the beautiful scenic, we were taking up trash like PLASTIC BOTTLES from the waters. At home, I have a box that is used to collected all the used PLASTIC bottles from shampoo to listerine bottles and mineral bottles, because those are rubbish and the only place they deserve to be in are in RECYCLING BINS, not the sea!

So tell me, why use plastic bottles? Couldnt they use something else which doesnt contradict the environment ideas? Many younger people may copy the stupid idea and really cats out plastic bottles into the sea, polluting it for all we know! I am truly hoping when they say SYMBOLICALLY, they meant that someone will fish the bottle raft out of the sea IMMEDIATELY.

Selling S'pore across the seas (full online article)

The four students from Hwa Chong Institution inserted iconic symbols of Singapore into 30 plastic water bottles. The items included coconut candy, Merlion keychains and Chinese fans.

The team then made a raft out of the bottles, by taping them together, and symbolically floated it in the sea at the East Coast Park.

The team worked with students from the Loudoun County Academy of Science in Virginia in the US.The US students created a similar raft there.

Together they formed one team and submitted their entry as part of the Global Innovation Tournament organised by Stanford University.

And their joint entry won the Extreme Collaboration Award in the competition.

Monday, January 5, 2009


I love shopping in HK. The sale is incredile and the amount of savings u get is truly great. Not like those skanky pretentious retail sale in Singapore in the past. (I say in the past because I have not gone to a Great Singapore Sale for the last 5 years. )

Not only are they more brands in Hong Kong to choose from, the common sizes are never "sorry out of stock" (so common in sg..makes me wonder what the fuck is wrong with their inventory system) when it comes to sale time. Of course it will happens if its a super popular design but mostly, they always mostly have your size.

I have been hunting for high boots for the longest time now. My 2 old pairs from Aerosoles that have lasted me for 4 years have gone bust. I have milked enough penny from each pair that cost me about SG$150 each. In Japan, I saw a few but I didnt want to pay that much and Japanese have such small feet! So I spend hours just popping in and out of different stores in Times Square and almost no luck. The new designs in Aerosoles looked pretty tacky.

As luck would have it, I stepped into my fav store Max&Co and Tada!!!!!! I found the brown boots that fit me perfectly, not to mention comfortable. Max Mara stores never let me down. With more luck, they were on 50% discount. So that brings them to about SG$200. Just 50 bucks more than my old pair and this is real leather. So I went home absolutely delighted with my 2 pairs of boots, 2 skirts and a cashmere top, with everything at 50% off...what a deal!

Then there was a store - Uniqlo, I have never been until I brought my brother and sisterinlaw there looking for warm wear for the kids. To my surprise, the place is pretty well stock with winter warm clothes with all sort of clolours and BEST, in CLASSIC SIMPLE design. I hate all those street wear designs out in the retail malls. So this place rules in my shopping list book. Clean cut, practical materials at reasonable price! The cashmere top were on sale at HK$499 each instead of HK$699, so I grabbed 2. The warm sleeping outfit set were at HK$199 and i snapped 2 of them as well. They were absolutely warm and snug and my partner was jealous at how comfy i am.

As I strolled to Timberland at Sogo at CWB, I was surprised that they had sale on some items that were not offered in other outlets. It was their last day of sale and I couldnt resist getting myself another pair of boots. Yeah.... I know, I'm boots crazy. I wondered for a min what I am gonna do with all these boots and cashmere wear when I return to sg since they are lacking in seasonal fashion. The people will prob think I am a freak if I ever wear them. Then again, do i care. Nope!! Haa haaa.

Rem my last ski experience and nearly slipping from the slippery roads, I decided to head to Columbia to get a pair of shoes that has grip. There was 10% off for HSBC customers and since I didnt have my card with me, I offered to reserve and come back later. The sales guy said rather than having me make 2 trips, they gave me the discount on the spot anycase wihtout the need to produce the card. I doubt this flexibility will ever occur in singapore. Hell this is HK, shopping paradise!!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

2008 is over, 2009 is here

Hopefully 2009 will be a better year than 2008.

Everytime I planned a trip, something always cropped up.

Damn those terrorists and religious fanatics. Too balless to create a decent living, but felt it was better to blame everyone ELSE and decide to snuff their lives with other innocents along with a bang based on a stupid ideology that better all dead than try to strive for a better life - with their god blessing. Thanks, you religious assholes. If God wants to snuff out someone, they can do it themselves u dimwit.

Anycase, my Egypt was postponed because of some unrest (twice now). Then after planning my nice sweet india trip that cover Taj Maha for Jan, with all the tentative bookings, the bloody terrorists have to strike again and fuck up my plans (AGAIN).

There is virtually no where else on this planet that is safe or SANE or a matter a fact. Look at Thailand, all those political unrest, the poor manipulated by the rich, the fight for power and status. Guess who loses at both counts? The civilians, the economy. People never learn. With all these civil unrest, Thailand is now NOT a good spot to go. Indonesia is well... unsafe as usual. Philippines, with all the kidnapping at the tourists spot like Borracay, is also out of the picture. So apart from Europe, the only place left worth moving my butt is Japan. Henceforth, I'm heading ti Niseko for skiing in Jan and hopefully, nature doesnt create too much havoc and throw chaos to my trip plans.

Someone told me before.
Communism assumes the BEST of people, while Democracy assumes the WORST of people.
The rationale is this: Communism is built on the idea that everyone will share the goodness and that no one will be left behind. Democracy on the other hand is built with the presumption that people are selfish and all for oneself, and hence we need to fight for freedom, preserve freedom to protect was what "rightful" to an individual.

Communism is about "WE", Democracy is about "I". Ironical isnt it?

I had dinner before Xmas with an American friend. We talked briefly about politics in US and I asked if she was happy with the President outcome. Her response was "Sure I am happy! U know! We would never dream of having a minority race as a President. This is such a breakthrough and historical change! " Before I could even press on to ask my next question, my American friend added "You know, it doesnt matter what his policies are. The fact that he is black and got voted is a huge change!"

I swallowed my next sensitive question. In my head, questions swarmed. So, did the people vote a black president because they believed he would bring about solid change in policies, or they voted for him because of his race, regardless of his policies? Why are Americans (or other countries) soo dead focus on the ethnicity rather than his credential potential?

Maybe I have never been discriminated or lived in a country where you wear your colours like some sort of capability badges. So its hard for me to understand this lingo of "historical" event. To me, I had always believed in "May the BEST man win, and not, May the most coloured man win."

I wont give a shit if my next PM is an Indian, Malay or Eurasian, just like I wont even bate an eyelid for having an Indian President now. I just want someone judicious, smart, eloquent and wont be a disgrace to lead my country. So are Americans voting with common sense, future history will tell. Then again, I didnt warm up to either candidates any case.

Funny incident while buying dessert

In a seperate incident when I was buying the Mango dessert drink (许留山)opposite Sogo at causeway bay, this china woman thought she would cut my line and without looking back, she ordered. What she didnt know was that I had already ordered, and just waiting in line with my order ticket, to collect my drink. I just shook my head internally.

While it was obvious to anyone who paid attention or had bothered to Q, everyone who had ordered and collected their ticket, would move away from the counter to make way for others. Yet this China woman firmly stood her ground in front of the counter after her order. She doesnt give a shit of course if she was hindering someone else, or make an observation about what other people before her does. All she cares about is herself, and her order, as if she feared she would lose out on an insignificant mango drink.

What came next was hilarious that had everyone behind her sniggering away. I bet I wasnt the only one who thought this selfish china woman deserved a lesson in manners and social etiquette.

U see, when my drink came, the stall woman yelled for my ticket number 1. The china woman was number 2. Yet, when the china woman saw the cup drink, she made a grab for the cup. Before I could even react, the stall lady slapped off the china woman hand TWICE (like how a mother would slap gently on a nottie kid's hand reaching for something dangerous) and told her in mandarin "Its not yours, its not yours!" The stunned china woman retreated her hand, without a word, and didnt dare to look around. Everyone at the back was laughing at her(quietly) so hard!!

I observed the stall lady all these time and she did it with such a nonchalent face as if it was the most natural action for her. One conclusion, she must have dealed with ALOT of china customers before to become such a lady of steel! haaaa haaaa

Speak Mandarin, be "ignored"

Brought my bro and his family to eat an assortment of local delights and restaurants. My brother's fav remained as Rong Si Chicken rice in causeway bay, and a near second is the Taiwanese minced pork rice (which used to be my work lunch hang out). We went to China club on Xmas eve but somehow, food didnt taste as good as it ususally was.

Despite the non stop eating, my brother lost at least an inch from all the walking. That is good news of course and I hope that stays or he wont fit into the columbia jacket he bought!

Our fav time, including the kids were dessert time. My brother indulge in the durian dessert from "发记" Lucky dessert, while my sister in law had her fav Mango Pomelo from Honeymoon Dessert. Of course, we all love our Steam Milk and Egg Custard... Hmmmm...

Of course one incident stuck firmly in my brother's mind. While I'm so use to disliking the hoards of rude China people passing through, I didnt think for a min that some locals may actually feel the same as I do.

One night at the Times Square food court, I asked my brother to order the dessert himself since the locals would understand Mandarin as well. However my brother was pretty worked up and I found out that he received bad treatment and service from the guy at the Honeymoon dessert store there. The other woman colleague in specs had to intervene to sort out the mess her peer had created. My brother said the guy was obviously having an issue with my brother who spoke mandarin. When I went a second time instead ordering in Cantonese, the guy was very nice to me and everything went without a hitch. However, this bunch of China people of course cut and jump Q and make their request loudly. The dessert guy just ignored them while serving some other HK customers. The china woman was undecided about teh dessert choice and asked the guy loudly. The dessert guy just shoved a piece of paper options to her without a word, and ignored her. the china woman took off (thinking she got ahead of us from her conversations with her partner) and went to cashier.

However, she came back upset saying that the cashier told her the dessert guy had to indicate her order. I thought it was funny. The dessert guy took the pencil without a word, ready to write, but the china woman went "Err... is this better or that...?" The dessert guy rolled his eyes and put the order paper down and went to serve other people, leaving the china woman alone.

I went back to my brother grinning. Obviously the dessert guy had an issue with China people. So he apparently was very cold to anyone who speaks mandarin but service was good if you speak cantonese. I thought it was funny but my brother wasnt of course since he was still slighted by the dessert guy's attitude.

Visit to Po Lin - Giant Buddha

We headed to PoLin Monastery to take the cable car and visit the Giant Buddha. We bought the return trip with the package of visiting the monkey show and all. (If u have no kids, I wont suggest you take up the all inclusive, just take the cable will be fine.)
The cable car was pretty spacious but because it was such a cold day, the cold air gushing through the cabin air vents was freezing our butt off at the high altitude.... ghhheees! On our way there, we had the cabin to ourselves as there were 5 of us. Lucky!

I should try to rem not to head there after 12pm next time, or the giant buddha would be too dark to photograph from the front due to the angle of the sun.

Anycase, what was really amusing and shows what a bad parent I would be potentially. My little nephew was holding my hand the whole day. We were just walking and walking and the little one never gave made a noise or fuss that he was tired or anything. He just obediently and trustingly held my hand and march on.

Halfway walking, my sister in law asked me if my nephew was asleep. I replied confidently "nah" because he was still gripping my hands and walking on. Just then we passed these 2 mammals ( i dont think they are call cow, just dunno their name) and so i knelt down to get my nephew "in position" to snap a shot of him with the 4-legged friends. To my "horror", my nephew was actually "sleepwalking" all these while and he looked groggy as i called him. I am such a lousy and sheepish aunt. Sigh, only a mum would have the maternal instinct to know her brood well.

I am mighty impressed at how he is such a good boy really. Most kids would have kick up a stinker if they were exhausted but my little nephew just kept quiet and walked on without a word of complaint to me. He would be happy to accept any carrying but he would not demand or request for one.

After the shot, we decided to carry him and he slept through soundly even though the 25mins cable ride was freaking cold, and we were stuck with this old china woman with his china daughter and 2 granddaughters. They just WONT SHUT UP. It's like they were mute their whole life and they felt compelled to TALK AND TALK AND TALK at loud voices, with absolute NO consideration for others in the same small space. Esp that grandma, she just cannot keep quiet even for a min.

I rolled my eyes when she kept pointing to the sunset to her granddaughter and said "Shining. Shining." Her daughter corrected her and said "Sun." I refrained from laughing. I think what they wanted to say was "SUNSET.". 5 mins later (while chatting on about something else all these while), the old noisy grandma said again "Shining SHINING" loudly to her granddaughter and her daughter corrected her again "SUN". I was thinking "SHINE YOUR FUKING ASS, you old baba (as in old obaasan in Japanese)"

If I wasnt so pissed that they were disturbing my nephew, I would have found the scene hilarious. Luckily, my nephew was sooo dead tired that he didnt give a shit and slept on.

Xmas goes by so quickly

Its a brand new year!!! My god! How time flies!

Another new year and celebrated once again in another country.

Been kinda lazy to blog with all the festive season and all.

Xmas week was fantastic. Having my bro and family around to keep me company all week long. My nephews were fun of course, esp the little one. I never had anyone wanting to hold my hand like the WHOLE day before, so its a really new experience, the sort with heavy responsibility to make sure he is alright.

This family time tell me a few things.

Apart from to-off work peak hours, despite the constant mob of people, HK is surprisingly a relatively child friendly place. Take the train and infamous crowded causeway bay for instance. The stretch from sogo, to times square (near MTRexit F) is always jam pack. U see nothing but waves and waves of human traffic and bobbing head. YET, people always give way to me when they see my little 3-4yr old nephew in tow with me. People often jam brake last min and give me/ nephew space to walk. They would apologise if they think they had knocked him a little. (I must clarify this kind consideration only applies to HK people and exclude many CHINA people in HK).

Another surprising instance on the train. A HK family even told his son (prob about 7 or 8 yrs old), to give up his seat to my little nephew. The boy obliged without a word. I was pleasantly surprised and awed. In SINGAPORE, its a challenge even to get anyone to give up seat to pregnant or old people. Here, I was presented by a HK family who thinks his young son ought to give up seat to someone younger. I told my brother, this would prob NEVER happen in Singapore. Singapore parents prob think "My kid need a seat too".

Everywhere I go with my nephew happily holding on to my hands, I experienced much kindness. The sales people (retail, food industry) would naturally be nicer calling my nephew "小朋友" all the time. Even on the bus to ocean park, the bus driver who saw me carrying my nephew down the bus would tell me to take my time, slowly does it, not to fall down and watch the steps. Wow!

The only time where its "all for oneself" was during 6.30pm on train where people doesnt give a shit if u are handicap or a child. Its back to back squeezing and with my nephew, my arms were definitely building up muscle and pressure resistance, just making sure he is not being squashed by the train madness..
Another seperate incident as to why I just cannot like China people travelling in HK. While Q'ing for the peak tram, this china old man with a young china woman was just pushing on even though I told him to watch the kid, and most of all, the Q is overall not moving as the tram isnt here yet. This China freak obviously doesnt give a shit to a child, and looking like he is with some cheap young whore, he prob isnt much of a man anycase to care about anyone else apart from his own personal enjoyment. Asshole. I hope he doesnt have some heart attack that night from wild actions judging at how desperate he was with the woman who was happy to voluntarily cheapen herself for $. I have never felt so much like giving someone a boot from behind like I would to him, and see him break a jaw or something. But we all know....violence never pays...

Child friendliness -Does that happen in Singapore, I have no idea since I am not a mom, but in a crowded HK, this is a brand new experience for me because I am so used to being shoved and bumped by people. This special consideration for a little one is so unusual finding. I guess HK is truly a very family oriented space so to speak.

Well apart from that, I too discover I will not be a great mum. Simply because I have no patience at all. I snapped at him just as readily as I would to an adult when I'm up to my neck. Sometimes I'm just too tired to snap and he is quick to see my eyes almost rolling backwards or my "sigh".... All those western "love" shit, "talk and talk" and do not yell at kids physco babble definitely do not apply to me. My poor older nephew must have coop a few shit from me... poor thing... I do feel a little bad :( . He should be glad I'm just his aunt. haaa haaa.