
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Back from Niseko

I'm back.....finally.

It's always with great anticipation bebfore I leave and with much reluntance each time my trip to Japan comes to an end. 7-8 days flew past before I knew it.
The weather had been real good in Niseko, plenty of powder snow, and good consistent snow fall except for one day where the visibility got really bad and one can barely see 5 steps ahead. That wasnt too fun when you are at the halfway up the snow mountain and everything is blanketed in white, and U cannot see the sharp steep slope for a novice skiier like me. However it was absolutely thrilling for a thrill seeker like me, zipping down the slope with no care, and the wind and snow in your face....

The food in Hokkaido was excellent. I mean honestly, what can i complain about with their fresh sea produce, buttery marble-like beef and especially their fatty tuna that literally melts in your mouth with a fresh butter like taste.

One thing is for sure. The ability to speak Japanese even if terribly structured did me much favors this trip, otherwise it would not be half the fun. Language is such a beautiful thing, it does wonders to relationship bondings.

The place I stayed which is Sekka Lodge doesnt have any staff who speaks fluent English (I didnt realise till I arrived) and so, of course my dear husband completely and happily relied on me the whole trip to make all arrangements. I didnt mind too much since it was a chance to practise my Jap. However, even if one doesnt speak the language, it doesnt matter because one doesnt need to talk much and all the maps are pretty self sufficient. It just helped me because I wanted ski lessons, plus I needed to see a doctor one day because I had a rash allergy on my face. Stupid sunscreen. Organic my arse....

Another thing, I personally think we are very very lucky because the guy who lives and work at the lodge is a very very very very helpful and sweet Oji-sama. He was utterly relieved when he realised he could just stick to Japanese with me and so things were much more convenient for us because we could understand each other.

Well, more about the trip and my stay later.
For now, let me lick my "battle wounds" from the ski fields and download the pictures to share later.

I love Niseko!

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