
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Watching HK Sevens and chanced photo with Celebrity Charlie Yeung

Went to my first HK Sevens in Hong Kong today. It's the semi finals and finals today. We have free tickets to the executive level, so I figured might as well go check it out.

As usual, we have people dressing up as beer bottles, trojan, clowns and many more. It was like costume party parade. It was jam packed and crowded even at the suite area, so it makes it really hard to watch the game in full and unobstructed as there are constantly people walking around, including the servers. To me, it's basically an event for grown men to act silly, dress silly and let themselves revert back to a child. During the break, we have a fairy in pink ballet tootsie jumping into the empty field, did a few dance move and wriggle his butt at the audience before running back to the seats. A few more guys attempted similar act and the security tried to pull them back. Funny.

I decided to leave early as I wasnt feeling tip top today. It was a good decision because as we were walking down from HK stadium back to causeway bay to catch a bus back, it was then I bumped into another celebrity actress Yang Cai Ni. She was doing some photoshoot along the alley I normally have my chicken rice and as luck has it, I have my camera so I paused and hesitated to take some shoots of her. I didnt think much until her "nanny" or carer approached me and asked if she could help me. So i politely asked if it was possible to have a shot with the actress. The actress was being briefed about her subsequent work schedule and so I waited for a few minutes. I thought it would be unlikely as her schedule seemed packed but after she heard my request, she smiled and walked towards me agreeing to the shot. Fantastic! Not to mention she smelled delicious!

I was happy. I always have bumped into many Hk celebrities. Many times I either dont have my camera with me, or they dont look too friendly. So this time, it was truly all about luck and timing! Charlie Yeung was really sweet and friendly which made the experience a nice one. To think I was just telling my mum 2 days back that I think this actress is very pretty when we were watching her Tv show at home. The only pity was, I looked like shit today since I figure I was only going to see a game, but who cares! Another surprising thing was I didnt expect her to be shorter than me :) (she was wearing boots and I was wearing trackies)

No matter, thanks to Charlie was obliging this sudden request of photo shot in the middle of her work. She is just such a sweetie!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Rainy week with Mum in town

Since my mum's arrival from Monday, the weather has been horrendous and hasnt let up. It's been raining and raining that it was virtually not possible nor plesant to bring my mum anywhere. I try not to hole her up in the apartment but there is only so much in door activity such as shopping I can bring her to. I hate shopping or walking around in a mall but I didnt want my mum to be stuck at home the whole week either.

SO instead of sightseeing, spent over SG$300 for mum on her Menard products. I hate it when she use those cheap nasty stuff so I decided to invest in something of better quality. Plus if I dont watch her, she is bound to get suckered in by those cosmetic people. So I bought her a set that should last her a good while.

We had planned to bring her to Po Lin to see the big buddha but no such luck as yet so long as the wind doesnt die down and rain cleared. I dont mind the mist but strong wind and cable car are not exactly compatible in my opinion. Guess we just have to play by ear but it's just a bad weather week.

Meanwhile, I need to get my mum accustomed to HK way of life. For starters, I need to get her to calm down and stop getting up from her seat before the minibus even come to a stop. I have absolutely NO idea what her rush or her fear was. I have to tell her how dangerous it is for her to just stand up while the bus is moving esp down a slope, and keep reminding to just sit down until the bus open the door and no one is gonna rush her, or the bus is not going to driver off suddenly leaving her behind. After a week, she has learn to relax abit and I no longer have to grab her arm and force her back to her seat. Told her the minibus is unlike those singapore SBS bus where you need to stand before the door to alight.

Also had her try to yell the bus driver to stop when it arrives near my place. I think it's the singapore culture where no one dares to speak out. So my mum tried but she was so soft that sitting next to her, i could barely hear her. The second time was better but I still couldnt hear her first word. Told her she doesnt need to be shy and just belt it out but it will take a while for her to get accustomed to I guess.

The next thing I had to look out for, is to prevent my mum from always rushing off to pay for things even before I am done. I told her several times I have the discount card and those points card but she always just head off to pay. No freaking idea what is the hurry or her fear again when I am still in the store looking for things. Sigh.... Need to get my mum to relax and chill. She is waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy toooo kan cheong.

Today brought her to the wet market. She is like a little child, eyes wide open staring at all the live fish and prawns etc. However it was pouring so badly my my jeans are half soaked in water from the ground, I didnt have the mood to linger around to let her explore. another day perhaps.

Even next week as I plan to bring her to Taipei, the weather looks sucky too. Oh well. Not my fault. I am trying my best...cross my fingers....

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Osaka Osaka!

Just checked the weather forecast and freaking hell it's cold!

Below 10degrees in Osaka next week. Supposedly when I am there! I should have plan the trip but have yet to do so. Laziness is a huge contributor to the cause of it....

Anycase. I am dying to sink my teeth in the sashimi again.
Japan here I come again!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Blast from the past.

Things happen in succession and I believe always for a reason. So I just thought I'll just jot a passing thought down without further furnishing any glory details.

Today while mailing a girlfriend today, I received another message. A blast from the past. Someone who had long become distant memory. It is moment like this that one gets a jolt. It got me reminiscing quite a bit.

They say, Experiences mould a person, encounters changes a person. Yet I believe, our fundamentals, the core elements that constitue our being will never change. We just need to recognise it and use what works for us.

Some people grow with new resolve from bad experiences, while some spiral downwards.
Some people learn in the face of adversity, yet some lament and whine.
Some cut their loses, some cling on refusing to let go.
Some people move on from the past, some live on in their past.

Today is already fast becoming a past for me, but it's only going to be a new start for someone.

Truth is, I have kinda forgotten this person. Memories just fade and dull. Guess I thought wrong...

He asked me strange questions today. Questions I had the answers but I didnt want to share. To me, there wasnt a point. What is past, is past. Somethings should be laid to rest, even if we may never get the answers we wanted to hear. However he was persistent. He desperately needed to know.

The thing was. He never understoodwhat happened. I thought it was crystal clear but apparently I thought wrong. He never could grasp how some things in life, you dont get a second chance if you miss the boat.

It's funny. He told me today that he treasured what we had and when it was lost, he wished he had never left the country, that he had stayed behind believing things would have been different. He asked me if I had felt the same. He shared his feelings, his regrets. He asked me a thousand of "what if".

I sat behind the PC, unmoved emotionally and a little puzzled. Mainly, I thought we were long over before we started to have anything emotionally, least not on my side that I was aware of. He was a possibility that I knew wasn't going to work.. To me, those questions and feelings no longer hold any meaning, purpose nor significance. He didnt understand how I could turn to leave everything behind and not bate an eyelid. In return, I didnt understand how he could understand so little even after all these years.

He always knew I lost faith in long distance relationship since I broke up with Alvin. He knew how I had to claw my miserable way back to life after that. He knew I would not wait for someone anymore. Chemistry didnt matter. Long distance relationship will never work for me. He should remember that once my mind is made up,  I make it a damn point not to look back.

Experiences have taught me to be clinical about emotions. Dont drag, Dont leave a mess. Cut it and keep it clean. It will sting for a while but it will heal. So it stumped me a little when he said he really loved me then. The key word here is "THEN", and the unexpected and most inapproperiate word was "love". I frankly told him so.

I guess he got his closure today after so many years. To be honest, I did cringe a little when I had to be brutally honest with him. It's probably like trampling all over his feelings but bitter medicine is the curing kind. Pehaps the next time when he meet another girl he likes, he would consider his options, vocalise his stand more clearly.

This is probably a week where the past comes back to tickle me. Had a separate  conversation with J and somehow topic made its way back to Alvin. J asked if we were still in touch. I told him honestly not much. A courtesy email here and there but I believe he was doing well last we spoke. As our msn progress, J commented how he cannot imagine what happened. What Alvin and I had was the almost perfect sort of relationship. When it ended, it was earth shattering and honestly, its never something I want to endure again. The helpless feeling of being trapped in a dark tunnel, and acutely recalling how it was literally able to stop my ability to breathe. It's a cruel blow, almost intorable experience looking back. Yet thanks to it, I grew. It had lessons I could draw strength from, did much soul searching, and a compass to subsequent experiences.

I told J I believed life works in funny ways. It's only when u lose something, you will gain something. If you look hard enough, there is always a silver lining in life. However, what you need is courage and resolve to let go first. Only then will you be able to find the other half that is out there for u.

Birthday Dinner at Nicholini's

I havent update this for a while.

My birthday dinner at Nicholini @ Conrad Hotel was fantastic! The meal is really good Italian and while there were some hiccups, they were quickly pushed o the back of my mind with the recovery gesture. The ambience was cosy and relaxed, more sophisticated but not obnoxiously high brow and certainly not meant for causal diners. Dress nice but not over the top. Service was attentive and while not fluent, the English service was still acceptable and understandable by far and large.

There was a little slip with the service. I had ordered a glass of wine to come with my appetiser but after 2 reminders, it still didnt come even though I was into my 2nd starter. Finally, by the 3rd query, they realised the miscom and went to get my wine, offering my partner a free glass complimentary while apologising profusely. I didnt think it warrant such a fuss but well, I reckon excessive service is better than no service:)

For starters, I love my 3 way scallops though I think its a little overdone. Delicious regardless.

My seafood wrap main was excellent. There are no complaints there in the department. My partner's whole seabass was prob less than perfect but good nonetheless.

Towards the end, I was just commenting that I didnt get to blow any candles, and my forgetful husband told the waiter who was serving the dessert for a candle. When the staff learnt it was my birthday, he quickly retreated to redo the dessert with a candle, and sang a birthday song. In addition, I even got a lovely poloraid shot compliments of the restaurant with a conrad bear!

So from expecting nothing, i went home that day fully contented in all aspects! They even mailed a soft copy of the photo to us.... I'm truly glad I spent my birthday there! For a special dinner, Nicholini is definitely worth considering!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Sg Electoral online portal Part 2

Following up on my last email (PART 1), I finally got another reply to my query that it is not possible to remember the precise date of all my travel in/ out Singapore. (I did try to search my frequent flyer records but hell, 3 years ago? No way, not to mention some flights without miles acrruement will not be reflected. )

I didnt know if I should snort, laugh or weep at the first liner of the reply email, this time by someone more senior, and cc copied to many more other names. Who these people are is irrelevant to me and doesnt put me off in getting a more acceptable solution. I am not sure if by law, I am "permitted" to disclose the content of the email since there is a very very tricky tiny small print Official Secrets Act (Cap 213). warning in light ash-grey, located right at the bottom.

However it should not be against the law nor contravening the "secret act" for me to share the "concept" and "after feelings"of the email. One must be wise to toe the line while airing undiluted views and opinions within a limited confine.

After the reading the email reply, I was led to understand that they could not think of any reliable sources or agencies which keep and provide a service to view my travelling records......... also, if I have less than the aggregate of 30 days' stay in Singapore during the last 3 years, I need not apply to register as an overseas elector. I was also to learn that after all, it is not compulsory that all overseas Singaporeans have to register as overseas electors. "

The rest of the email then tell me if i am confirmed I have 30days, then I can write a block date and send me a mail stating I am not sure of the individual records.

How do you interpret this email? I have an option, to let the issue drop, but I choose to pursue as this reply left me with even more queries.

Hence I queried a few things

1. How can there be no reliable system or agency for them to match with or draw reference from? In australia, when I needed to know if I exceed 125days of residence, the staff could pull out all my entry/exit records on the spot within few mins, and we counted the dates together to get the answer. Hence my query was if Sg is supposedly technologically more advanced, how could our immigration not hold my records?

2. Even if I did remember my 30days records, doesnt this system require some workprocess/ flow to validate my online input? So what do they use to check and ascertain that I definitely meet the 30days requirement? Or are they telling me they will blindy take any value and period that a user indicated with no check process? Come on! And that I should mail in commenting against the block date I am not sure of the exact dates, then why couldnt the system handle that? What's the point of launching million dollar portal that still require paper work? Isnt it a waste?

3. To tell me if I have 30days residency, I meet the criteria and then can vote.... but she missed the WHOLE point again. Did you realise my point? That is I cannot remember if i do have 30days because I cannot rem my travel dates. Chicken and Egg reply? I know I was back several times but I dont keep count do I? There was no prior information that I should retain records for this purpose. Everything is so hush hush and ambiguous.

4. So overseas voter are not required to vote. I need to know then, does it mean because I am overseas and i cannot rem if I was there for 30days, my vote is not necessary nor essential? Or does it mean that once again I will be struck off the list and go through the hassle of reinstating my name? And does it mean that i have the OPTION not to vote and not be blacklisted? I'm not wise in the law and I like to know. lastly, I left off saying that it is within my rights as a citizen to decide who I want to place up there to lead the country isnt it, especially when I have that priviledge to?

I'm waiting for a revert. Like a comment posted earlier, if someone has committed a crime, they can tell you exactly when the committer has travel in and out of sg. Yet for a voter, this knowledge is suddenly deemed "unreliable", or is it an indirect admission that the system launched wasnt very well thought out?

The reason why I didnt indicate the name of the public service staff because it is probably illegal for me to do so without getting into trouble, I also think if we look at it objectively, it isnt entirely his fault, much that he could have been less vague. The people who should be held "accountable" are the people who partake in the design of the system, for not making it more integrated with the immigration records. Maybe it's design cost issue, maybe its manpower issue, or maybe its just one of those justifcations we need more "FT" to even design something important as such.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

What kind of lame SG electoral online portal is this?

You know how the papers are all advertising about the new Singapore electoral website, where you can check where your voting details are.

I recently went online to check if they have reinstated my name since I was overseas at the last voting excercise. Well, they have put my name back now. However, my frustrations arise very quickly at how stupid the requirements are when I try to change my current voting status to Overseas voting since I would not be in Singapore probably for the next elections.

While it was easy to update the overseas voting polling center as well as my address, the next page got me stumped and annoyed. You see, they have this (new?) CRITERIA for overseas voter. You must have at least resided for 30days in Singapore in the last 3 years. It wasnt the (new?) stipulations that pissed me off, it was the stupid beauracratic and BRAINLESS requirement to input the DATES AND DURATION of the time I was in SIngapore that irks me big time. So because I was unable to fill in that part, all my particular changes cannot be effected.

Firstly, would anyone really go recall details of flight travel for the last 3 years. The person who design this system or process flow must either a frog in the well, or one of those that only travel once a year kind to rem every plane flight. How the FUCK would I remember ALL my travel dates especially when I have been travelling so much the last 3 years? Especially as a citizen when I return, I do not need a passport stamp on my passport, and neither do I need a passport stamp when I leave Hong Kong since its all electronic. So can such a simple "problem" not occur to these people who design the system and launch it for use?


Hence I wrote a feedback email to the electoral board, asking for a recourse since I could not possibly recall the dates of travel. You know what sort of lame reply I got back? "Oh just fill in the dates to the best you can recall." What kind of feeble unhelpful response is that? It's like throwing the problem back to ME, THE VOTER who is asking for some sort of assistance and receiving NONE. Is it really that hard for them to cross check my passport number with immigration COMPUTER SYSTEM to verify if I meet the qualifications?

I really feel like sending an email back saying "ARE U STUPID?" but of course I didnt or I may get sued for insulting a Public Service SERVANT. So instead, I politely replied back that there is no way of recalling the dates if I have done dozens and dozens of travels in the last 3 years. I cannot even rem the month I was back, least of all the dates and duration. Up to date, no one has replied to my 2nd email.

Really, if it is SUCH A BOTHER for our electoral board to do a bit of work, then dont bother to launch this so call half hearted online portal. It's a freaking white elephant if it serves no purpose. I am happy to take the responsibility as a citizen to do my due diligence, but apparently the relevant government department isnt too keen to ensure its citizens receives timely aid or assistance. So dont complain the next time about your citizens are a bunch of quitters, or that we show no interest in the matters of our country. Simply because your middle level of employees are not doing their best to accomodate us either.

PART 2 Followup reply

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Thank you from the birthday girl


First of all, I want to thank everyone. To those who remembered my birthday and made the special effort in calling and messaging me, thank you! Yeah!!! I'm another year wiser, happier too!!!! To be surrounded with many good friends and a great family. I really cannot be more contented. I feel blessed.

I am happy.
Thank you again.