
Friday, December 18, 2009

Afterthought from a korean variety show

The thing about most Singapore guys I have met and known, they are truly very sweet. As one would put it, very "husband" material... They might not be the most fashionably eye catching of the lot, or sacharine sweet with their words. Yet it is the deeply steeped Chinese notion that man should be the "protector and provider", rather than the Western "equal partnership" that makes them rather adorable.

To demonstrate this "husband" quality. Just the other day during the wedding dinner, we were served with steamed prawns, with shells intact. I was just joking cheekily that this is the moment where I miss my parwn peeling husband the most. Upon that, 2 guys from the same table volunteer to peel the prawns for us ladies. Without further ado, the guys peeled the steaming hot prawn with gusto and placed them in a bowl for us ladies. Impressed is an understatement... Singapore women who has no qualms about putting down, and reserving only nasty words for our local men while placing men from other nationality on high pedestal need to honestly review their own restrictive opinions.

I was watching a recent Korean variety show where over a dozen women from various countries were invited in a show to share their views. Without doubt, the ladies raised from a western culture have a very different set of values and mindset from us who are raised in an Asian environment.

In Asia, from education to dating, it is not uncommon for children to consider the feelings and opinions of our parents. Their inputs may not have the final say but their views have a certain level of weightage. Ladies from Korea, Japan, Taiwan were sharing that marriage is about the merging of 2 families, where receiving parental blessing is the best ideal situation. We would like our partners to get along well with our parents since some have to live together. Otherwise, the path ahead would be a rocky and laborious.

The western ladies on the otherhand were like crusaders on a mission, strongly putting down the views of the asian ladies, insisting that love is only about 2 people, and no one else should have a say in who they choose to love. Love is everything without a need for consideration. It was almost unthinkable for them to stop and weigh the need to balance the feelings of their family vs their personal need to be with someone they love. The thought of serving their spouse's parents was almost like a figment of imagination.

When the subject moved to receiving education funds from parents, 95% of people from the western societies found it strange and abnormal for university students not to be self supporting. The idea of receiving a continuing allowance and fees paid by parents (if they can afford it without effort) was like a foreign concept. The asian ladies defended their stand, that there is nothing wrong with our asian practice since without working part time, we are able to focus on the studies and excel in it. Which is why in asian countries, children continued to give a monthly nominal spending allowance to their parents as a form of gratitude from the day they join the working community.

It was very interesting to watch the debate between the 2 differing societies. The fiery call for independence and fulfilling of self of those from western society vs the more "submissive" need to observe the social norm of respecting the view of your parents in the oriental east. I personally root for the eastern values of course.

In Western countries, parents are treated as just friends. In traditional Asia countries, parents enjoyed a relative higher status. In modern days, it is a growing trend that parents are encourage not to talk down to children, but to treat them as equal, as friends. Frankly, it's an unconceivable idea if you ask me, to treat a child below 15year old as a friend.

Personally, parents are parents at the end of the day and should never receive the equal level of treatment as a friend does. For everything they had sacrifice to rise a child, parents deserve every ounce of respect and much more than a friend should. This is especially if they had performed their parental duties of caring for u, and watching out for you. Their views may not always be right nor in sync, but that doesnt mean as an adult, we are free to brush them off.

An after weddin party night to remember...

After attending my friend's dinner, I couldnt help but wonder. Are some women more in love with the idea of marriage and wedding dinner, or the actual marriage?

Some brides put in sooooooooooo much (overly so) effort, time and money into the wedding preparation, so much so that they lose all perspective of the meaning of a marriage. Wedding dinner isnt everything but some women simply think their world will collapse if something goes wrong on that day or nite. It's preposterous to me, the idea of throwing so much money into organising a wedding dinner that your guest hardly appreciates much, or worse, remember much of it.

Who the hell are going to recall those hundred photo slides of YOU and partner? Do people really care about the half dozen "wedding" outfits you don and snap expensive pictures of? Frankly, no one does except u. And so, is it really worth splurging thousands of dollars for that momentary flash of ego? I never cease to be amused by these flaunting of the "beautiful" moments.

Marriage is between 2 people, 2 families. Making the it work right is way more important than making it LOOK right.

In the recent wedding I attended, the behaviour of the bride totally astound me. While I have always known her to be on the loutish side, her uncouth outburst with a mouthful of vulgarities put me-the listener to shame on her behalf.

Firstly, it was already rare for all the guests to be punctual at 7.30pm. However, for selfish reasons, the wedding banquet didnt start till 9.30pm. The reason being the videophotographer had misspell the bride's name within the video and was late delivering the final masterpiece. Frankly, the video wasnt spectacular and half of the guests didnt even bother with it when it was "telecast". I couldnt fathom why there was this insistence that the video has to be "aired" and timed with the "march in". Couldnt they have just allow the guests to consume our dinner and readjust the nite's program rather than selfishly going ahead with their (her) plans?

Casting that aside, the groom called and asked me and my friend to return to their hotel suite for after dinner bash at 12.30am. At that nite, I was already at another hotel finishing up my catch up drink with my friend and ready to head home. Being his nite, we obliged and took a cab back to his hotel room.

As i entered the room, the scene shocked me a little. Apart the place resembling a smoky den, the bride in her "normal" gear, standing with a cig in hand and swearing away to her friends kinda had me reeling in shock. I have to confess, I am not at ease with such coarse brutish behaviour especially from a woman, since none of my own girlfriends (and guys) are that uncouth. This is one of those moments where I honestly believe apart from upbringing, the environment you are schooled in makes hell of a difference. Your peers and your social interactions would not stand for such flaky conduct, so u know it is NOT ok to be cursing and swearing, swigging some alcoholic content in hand.

That aside, I thought it was a little strange that the bride and groom party are positioned separately at two ends of the room. Just as I settled down comfortably on the floor, with the groom's friends and bestmen, the groom came join us for the celebratory toast. Before I knew it, pretty soon everything went south....

While seated before me, I was completely aghast when the groom started to swear in the worst possible dialect vulgarities loudly in the direction of the bride's company. His ranting and outburst continued in ascending volume and severity and hush overwhelmed the room.

Myself and the groom's best friend grabbed him to sit down and tried to hush him, reminding him of the occasion. The bride was on full steam, charged over and started swearing and hurling her own version of vulgarity at her "newly wed" husband. She challenged him openly and demanded what it was all about. The groom told her to step aside as his quarrel is not with her (but her Malaysian bridal group). The bride refuse to let up, let go, and swear at him, stating that any insult to her friends is as good as directing it at her. She berated him, stating that he is not "giving her face". My friend yelled back "If I give you face, who is giving me face?" Oh no...the fight rages on.

The wife, in her fighting stance, was pulled back by her company while we restrained the groom, with our hands over his mouth.

The fight went on for over 2 hours. We didnt dare to leave. After having said his peace, the groom calmed down sufficiently and cooled off rapidly but the wife went on and on and on and on...saying she is not letting this go blah blah blah. She even ran out of the room and heaven knows what else while her friends went after her. Immature? Petulant? Egoistic? Non compromising? Varying opinions of her flooded my head.

I know my friend for at least 7 years now. He is not the sort of man to get angered easily. Not at work, not at personal level. I have never, ever seen him gone off at a tangent like that. Not even when someone tried to wreak his livelihood at work and "stabbed" him pointlessly. He just shrugged it off and well, ignored the pettiness around him. Hence, something about the whole wedding must have set him off.

I learnt that he had never intended to throw a wedding banquet. His wife had wanted a dinner party after the official registration of marriage and so he blew over $6k for a hotel party. Then excluding the cost of photography package where over 200pictures were selected, the bride demanded another wedding dinner which prob set him back by minimally another $30k. Frankly, it was all a waste of money.

In the room while waiting for the groom and bride to cool off, the best man confided in me what he thought of the bride - a materialistic "money grubber". The best man had not once, told the groom to halt the wedding if he has serious concerns but being typical chinese, the groom went ahead with the dinner despite much unwillingness.

Is this what marriage is about?
What a start to a life ahead together.

What startled me was how some of the girls said.
They had all pointed the fingers at the groom, yet no one had a word of rebuff for the bride. It was all very strange to me, for I had in my honest opinion felt both parties were at fault. The wife having to shoulder MORE responsibilities. For one, the husband had aleady explicitly told her a year ago that he didnt like her current Malaysian colleagues, yet she ignored his feelings and insisted on having the band as her bridal party. Secondly, she shouldnt have abused her husband verbally infront of his friends and hers, considering he had a drop too much and more than happy not to restrain his inner thoughts. Being more sober than he is, whatever domestic issues they have, it is best to settle behind close doors and not a power display show as to who has the last say.

I honestly do not think very highly of her "colleagues" as well. A bunch of inconsiderate gossip mongers who have no social awareness. I was told much later, they had deliberately ignored the groom in the morning and overplayed their hand, thus delaying the whole morning ceremony by 1.5hrs. So the groom had missed the ausipicious hour etc. Playin games is to enhance the mood and joy, bridal party must always know their place and necessary chinese custom to abide by. How would they like it is someone else messes up their own wedding?

As well, why must some women think it is a man's job to placate them? the bride simply refused to back down for something as minimal as "face" and "pride". How much is that worth in the long run? Dragging the scene and prolonging the fight with a tantrum is neither healthy nor necessarily "face saving". It is only a mirror of the personality that one has...and not a very flattering to crow about.

It's terrifying to think that alot of SG women are getting spoilt, taking their husband for granted, wanting all their partners to be henpecked and listen to them. They say it with much pride, that they wear the pants at home, forgetting that all men have pride and like to be respected equally. And these women wonder why their husbands stray and fell victim to affairs .... It is not unthinkable because these men are only able to assert themselves everywhere but home.

I have always believe that any couple's disagreement should be behind close door, between themselves. In that situation, I probably would have been equally mad as the bride but rather than venting it straight out at my husband, I would have clear the guests and trashed it out privately. It is pointless to fight before others, and especially when one has no clue to what had set the husband off.

That to me, is the difference between a marriage and a dating relationship. You have to work hard on a marriage, but u can confront and throw a relationship off anytime.

Dinner @ DOMVS Sheration

When it comes to Sue and Eric, it's always about good food for us. This time round, Susie brought us to DOMVS, the Italian restaurant within Sheraton Hotel. Susie swears by the food and dessert here, and the food lives up to its raving review.

Sue is acquainted with the chef, so we had the pleasure of his company and by extension of his warm welcome for our dinner, we had the specially crafted and artistic desserts with compliments of the chef.

Meat is expensive in HK. So without much ado, choice of the nite for me was the lamb rack in red wine sauce. Sue highly recommended the canelloni in lobster bisque and so that became her husband's pick. Prior the main, the chef indulged us with small portions of truffle risotto, again with compliments. It was sublime. None of my pictures did the meal any justice.

When all the main dishes arrived, we sampled each other's plate and it was truly divine. The lamb was cook to perfection, exactly PINK the way it was requested. Not a tad over nor under cook. Eric's share of lobster bisque was so OMG choke full of flavour that you could almost describe it "oceanic flavour". Sus's risotto was of course flawlessly served. I love everything we had that nite.

When the dessert arrived, our visual senses were tickled by the wonderfully designed artwork, specially "painted" by the chef himself. I love my flower but sus's butterfly was even better. It was utterly pretty. It was such an uplifting presentation that senses was simply heighten on its own accord.

I had the wrapped warm fig dessert, while sue had the truffle pana cotta. Eric had a 3 layer dessert made of pistachio and a mix of others which now slips my mind. Mine was really good though I must say it is a little wasted on a non fig lover like me. As her, I was more inclined towards Sus's magnificent truffle dessert....since we women are truffle lovers....

Time flew and 3 over hours swing by without us noticing. It was only when the place rang of silence apart from our conversation that we realised we were the last to pack up and leave. Again, Eric refused my share of payment and pick up the tab.

DOMVS is surely a recommended restaurant to head to for a nite of good food. Company is certainty important but havin a happy tummy to match with is the best way to end the nite with.

Missing Kinokuniya

It must sound really silly, but apart from missing good radio stations while living in HK. I missed Kinokuniya in Singapore too. 2 hours went in the blink of an eye, just from browsing the Jap and English section. None of the major bookstores that I know of in HK carries the Japanese translated section too like Kinokuniya (SG). So imagine my sensation of being in paradise to be surrounded by books of varied gendre and origins....

Thursday, December 17, 2009

All that Singapore MRT smell.!!!

Been away for the past week and back to my home town sg. Primarily it was for my friend's / ex-colleague's wedding. However, the fact that it coincided nicely with my brother's birthday was a greater motivation for me to hurl my lazy arse up the plane.

After all these years, I am still involunteerily "scammed" by the unreliable weather forecast. I was told Singapore will have thunderstorm the whole week I am scheduled to be there, but as it turned out, it was nicely bright, hot and sunny. Apart from the last day where it poured buckets just hours before my flight, everyday was perfectly dry and lovely.

Every time I return to Singapore, my impression of it got progressively worse. If I ever were to move back here, I will have to mentally adjust my mindset and expectations. People are getting more impatient, rude and incorrigible bad service are substantially abundant.

Predominatly, one of the worst highlight during the trip was the nitemarish public transport (esp train) during peak hours! I have to resort catching the cab as much as I could....IF i must absolutely leave the house that is.

If smelly armpits, sourish body odour, and oily stinking hair from shorter people isnt horrific enough, throw in a new one. The terrifying bad breath from people who just wont shut up is the new abhorrence .

I had the honor of learning that in Singapore, "standing in line -queuing up" in the orchard train station at 7.30pm is reserved only for fools and idiots. The demise of "social courtesy" in Singapore was vividly palpable at this "witching hour". None of the local commuters apparently abide by the social etiquette of waiting in line for their turn to board the train. Instead, I faced hoards of impatient, animalistic commuters who just keep cutting my line in waves, to a point that I had to miss 2 trains. Their uncouth behaviour simply know no bounds.

By the 3rd train, I gave up being obliging and even without singular effort on my part. I was unceremoniously shoved and squashed into the train from the sheer brute force of other people trying to pack themselves into the obviously jam-pack train. It was a new experience to be involuntarily snowballed literally by the relentless crowd in Singapore. When the door slammed shut, there was barely any inch of room to navigate myself comfortably.

Inside the cabin, it wasnt just elbow to elbow. I could feel the curvy bum of the person infront of me, and the boobs of the lady sticking right up to my back. To my left and right was the unwelcoming view of sweaty armpit. Within the crammed cabin, my petrifying ordeal commenced.

Being mobbed is one thing, having your fragile olfactory nerosensory being brutally raped is another! The guys reeked of unwashed bed linens for months, coupled with a strong whiff of dried overnight drool spot somewhere on them. Don't they bathe? The assault of my senses by these unexpected, unfriendly and unbearable assailants didnt stop there. The short woman before me with her oily dandruffed hair, started to chatter on. Her loud conversation was a revulsion on its own but to throw in her sulphuric breath which is akin to rotten eggs is simply revolting.. Christ! People shouldnt talk in crowded train!! Their bodily stench really bothers and upsets me.

Even just for one stop was a minute too much. I jumped off the train immediately to be released from the human hell-hole so that I would not be drawing "my last breath" in that cabin. There is NO WAY I am boarding any more peak hour train so I found another means of transport home.

Make no bones about it, the current train infrastructure simply isnt coping well with the bulging passenger trafic. The newly reinforced moronic ruling (by the SMRT authority) of inflicting monetary penalty on people caught consuming sweets in the singapore train, is also torturing its commuters with all forms of indirect air pollution in the stiffling train. The air in the cabin was hardly circulating and while the airconditioning was definitely on, it certainly was not running optimally at a comfortable temperature to dull the stench.

Hats off to the people who have to take that hell train every morning and eve during rush hour. U folks have my utmost sympathies....

Monday, December 7, 2009

Another year older my friend

Had a surprise party planned last nite for a friend...

Halfway through our Korean BBQ, we had wanted to get the birthday boy out so that we can stage the cake surprise by asking him to buy coke. We the conspirators were completely thrown off guard when the birthday boy declared he had surplus of "hidden" coke supply. As we sworn to ourselves simultaneouly in an assortment of different languages from Japanese, Cantonese, Mandarin and Korean (since the birthday boy only understood English), we scramble and started to devise Plan B on the spot. The birthday boy was a little taken back by the flurry of conversations in alien languages before him and asked us what was going on?

Ok...we were like deers caught in the headlights. The other 3 guys and I kinda blank out instantly...we looked at each other and the birthday boy was like "What?!" (still not realising it was his birthday party yet!)

In pure desperation, I cooked up the "Oh I was saying I had a craving for Rootbeer float. U dont happen to have rootbeer do you?" Our trusting birthday boy went " i dont, but will coke do?" I had to launch into this coke vs rootbeer comparison and why coke just wont do. The rest of the guys finally found their wits and started to back me up, exclaiming it was a brillant dessert to end up with. So in the end, the poor birthay boy had to begrudingly walk out in the nite to get the rootbeer for "Ms Demanding Queen." - ME.

I could almost see it, the "Damn u woman" look in his eyes...Before he close the door, he asked again "Really ah, U really want your rootbeer float huh..." I smiled my 100watts radient smile and nodded affirmatively...

When the door closed and I heard the elevator door closed, I turned to Ed and yell "You OWE ME BIG TIME mister!!!" (since he was suppose to be the party planner!) We had only less than 10mins to clear the whole BBQ dinner left over and plates and prepare. Everyone scrambled to get the hidden cake, presents, flowers while Shin looked out of the window to watch for birthday boy's return.

Everything ran smoothly and it was so funny. The guys looked at ech other and asked. "So what do we say when he comes thru the door? Happy Birthday? Singing?" I looked at them and asked "Aint we suppose to yell SURPRISE?" and that was exactly what we did:)

As the birthday boy unlock the door and welcomed by "darkness", candles and birthday greetings, he was stumped. He broke into a wide grin. He looked at me and started laughing "SO that's what the ROOTBEER float was ALL about huh you sneaky little thing! And there I was wondering why she will make me go walk all the way..." Later on, as we fight for the last spoonful of the cake (Hyunjin lost out since he had to "give in" to me for the rootbeer float idea), we explained to the birthday boy why half the conversation was dominated in "foreign" languages to him and that we werent being deliberately rude.

It's quite amusing really, not to mention handy when we could do all the "plotting" in the open without having to act secretive...the power of multilanguages :) Not to mention, it was quite fun getting hatching the whole secret party thingie. Has been a long while since anyone around me did something like that!

The only one who probably wasnt too happy has got to carol the poor dog...she couldnt start eating till we were done...and had to locked away in the room... sorry carol!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A day at BLISS SPA @ W hotel

Decided to do a little self pampering today and headed off to BLISS SPA next door. With the 20% discount, I thought I would check out the nail services.

It isnt a wide menu and the prices is just slightly more expensive than those nail salons out in the malls. Except that I have an endless flow of finger licking good brownies, and a whole spa facilities whole day here at my disposal. Have I mentioned how yummy delicious their brownies are? It's sooo heavenly that I almost couldnt stop until I remembered how hard I had work to get rid of those spare fats round my gut....

The receptionist girl asked when was my last pedicure. I said "oct".

"Oh, so it's not that bad then, u can go for something less heavy duty."

I was about to agree with her but something was gnawing away. About 30seconds later, I gave an involuntary yelp. "No! It's LAST oct! My friend just popped!" The girl looked at me and started laughing. I had to correct myself that I only rem I had my pedicure a year ago before attending my gf's wedding, and she just gave birth recently. Great, using other people's preganancy-birth data as my milestones in life. Why does it sound a little pathetic here?

Anycase, I was swiftly led to the changing room and before long, to the resting lounge (with all my food goodies). After chomping down the sinfully good brownies, I decided to check out the spa facitilties.

The spa area is where the changing room is. It comes with a wide "bubbling" hydro jet warm jaccuzzi area with clear window facing out. Not too bad but not exactly spectacular. There wasnt a soul there when I was there at 5pm, so I had the whole place to myself. I tried out the steam room and the steam was Hot but positively effective for my hair "conditioning". Not a bad way to spend half hour idling away.

Next was the nail lounge area. After selecting my fav sizzling hot metallic midnite blue shade, I settle down comfortably in my "seat", which consists of a platform with cushions thrown in. The lounge prob could only do 2 pedicure and 2 manicure concurrently, so it's not exactly big. However, what made my pedicure hours bearable is that I had FULL control of the TV remote, allowing me to channel surf while I try to ignore having to sit still for full 1.5hr. Usually I hate pedicure because I get bored so easily just sitting there doing nothing much. So having a TV to myself was a great way to pass time and distract the restless souls like me.

Natalie my therapist was attentive and gentle. I had the "foot patrol" service which is to scrub and buff my feet to perfection, leaving them soft. Apart from painting the colour beautifully (which is a feat for dark colour to get it uniform), my shin was bright and shiny after the service. My feet after the paraffin wax soak/ socked in also positively felt baby soft. Though some of my deep crack lines over the years are def still visible.

As I was leaving, I learn that BLISS SPA has won the Asiaspa award 2009 today. I have got to try the spa the next time and check it out for myself if it is truly worthy of the accolades. I have a high standard for hotel spa. The only one that had truly impressed me to date was the recent massage spa at St Regis Singapore (and I am hard press to impress for massage). Those hotel spa in HK to date are all grossly overpriced, with more attention paid to the ambience than the actual therapist skills.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Review on "You Are beautiful" drama

Suffering from withdrawal symptoms after the korean series "You are beautiful (YAB)"
has ended last Thursday... the curtains are drawn but I am seriously still missing that drama. After "My name is kim sam soon" and "Goong", this is the next romantic comedy collectible DVD box set I am Dying to lay my hands on.

Of late, I discovered I am watching K-drama more than J-drama.
Surprise surprise...

Firstly, before I delve into YAB, I have to confess I didnt know any of the actors in the drama when I first started watching. I'm not a pop idol fan, and I dont care for it either. Drama are entertainment and I just expect to be entertained.

However slowly I found myself rooting for the lead actor Hwang Tae Kyung (played by JGS). I dont even know who Jang Geun Suk was until this drama, but he played this role really well.
Though through the eyes of a tough outback or ruby-playing dude, the Korean guys here might come across alittle androgynous..

What I liked about this drama is that it really spoiled me. The episodes just get better and better each week without those big dragging-its-feet moments. Yeah, maybe occasionally here and there for couple of mins but overall, I havent had a romantic comedy series which had me so glued for a long time. Not to mention, a fantastic OST to boot.

My friend's friend know JGS, as in the real actor and didnt like him. Well some stupid thing about him being "arrogant" and stuff when they first met a few years back, but do I really care? No, not really because his personal life is none of my business and I just think he did a great job in this drama considering he is only 21-22yrs. A lot of potential for a young actor who is seemingly versatile and willing to try different roles. He started out with a chubby innocent face in earlier drama, and has grown to a more sharpen manly feature in this. How many guys can carry that "Elvis" hair do and a dark eyeliner without looking cheesy or grotesque, he might be the first Asian dude to pull it off, looking rather suave for me too.

(I dont really think JSG is cute esp with the cherubic smile, but he sure has a certain X-cool factor when dressed rite, thrown in some cool accessories. Check out the Etude house CM-MV)

A lot of girls go googoo-gaga over JGS and think the world of his songs, which frankly border on average for me. He is a better actor than singer, though I have to give him credit for the last scene for the YAB drama, where he sung "What should I do" while desperately scanning for his love one hidden in the crowd. That has to be his best song to date, and presumably further voice coaching in the cards will render him a better singer than before.

What is it that propel this actor to garner such accolades and love from his young raving female fans in this drama "You are beautiful"? Ditching his "cool" pop celebrity persona aside, I suppose JGS has successfully captured the essence of HTK to perfection- a sensitive guy hiding the fragile "abandoned" soul beneath the arrogant, haughty protective disguise, while maintaining a degree of his unique brand of humour. JGS has given depth to the character with his credible performance. JGS has given this role the flesh and soul with his at times petulant, at times self centered, and at times funny performance that leaves his fans rooting earnestly for him.

The whole team including other actors had also gel well giving superb performance in expressing the role they are tasked with. From FT Island - Hongki also deserve mention. He isnt just playing mere supporting role with mediocre acting, rather, he portrayed the "adorable" Jeremy, to the guy who was in "raw" pain very well. I wont say more as that will ruin the moment for people who hasnt seen the show.

Shinwoo, need I say more. The cutest of the lot, the "prince" who is self indulgent in his romantic grandeur moments...., and the split second of still-pain when he was caught off guard... for a new actor, it was truly worth a pat on the back.

Last but not least, Park who plays Go MinNam is an excellent choice. Who could not root for her. Our sweet, naive and a little dense GMN is so adorable esp when she is willingly "bullied" by her crush. She doesnt makes u want to wallop her for those fumbling moments, but rather she makes you want to cheer for her. This is Park's success in giving the character the convincing simplicity, naivety that draws much laughter without ever rolling your eyes thinking she is a wimp.

The success in the script is the not too conventional lines and moments that goes truly well with the character development. Have I said already how spoilt I am by YAB, that makes me wanting more and never disappointed?

If this review doesnt convince you to go straight out and grab the DVD the minute it is out, then wait a little longer to bite the dust as the rest of the world to go crazy over it when it finally air on local TV. (though I would hate listening to local sub versions because they can never reenact the korean actors themselves)

Meanwhile, I leave you a video clip as a teaser.

JGS aka HTK rendition of "What should I do?"

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Gasps... I really dont need those...

How does one turn down gestures of good intentions? Apparently pretty hard for me.

Invited my Korean friend over for lunch today. Since it was relatively early before the food places began lunch operations, I got him to pop over to meet me at my place first. I had a shock when I saw him waiting at the reception lobby. He had like a HUGe Grocery bag, as well as a huge rolly of toilet rolls. I didnt know how to react since its like 10am, and I have no idea why he had that dozen roll of toilet paper with him. I must have looked pretty silly with my jaw dropping wide open.

As we entered the lift, he explained those stuff are for me. This is truly one of those rare "catching me totally off guard" moments. Usually, nothing really stun me into involuntary speechlessness but this sure did. When I recovered, I kinda stumbled out "why" while a million possibilities flash thru my brain.

He explained it was Korean custom to offer toilet rolls, tissue paper, showering stuff, hand detergents etc etc. This is to ward off bad luck for new place. Considerin my brain just simply doesnt work well in the morning, I kinda just stare at the toilet rolls and unconsciously said outloud "Oh but I really dont need those stuff because they are all provided for by the service apartment..." ooopsss...Aaaaaawkward...

Frankly I was torn between appreciation and loss. I appreciate the kind thoughts, but I dont use any of the stuff he had bought. As I stare at the things he offload, I was mentally trying to talk myself out of being such an ingrate. But the thoughts just went like this:
" Sorry, apart from baby milk bath, I just dont use most of retail shower stuff, esp not Pamolive shower gel. I'm a brat, I like my "decadent" stuff for the last 20 years. Body shop's fruity bath gel (esp with the save the bottle, buy refill scheme) had spoilt me rotten since I was in school and I have sooo move on to bigger brands.... Then toilet roll...hmmm...not the brand my arse likes because this "super soft" brand leaves "paper bits" stuck in my crackie...I like my 3-4ply roll...SHIT, where do I find space to store this 12 rolls?!!!! As for hand gel, darn, I hated the one he got me because it dries out my hand since I have sensitive skin... I only use two particular brand now...

Of course i didnt actually voice out those thoughts. I kinda accepted the "stuff" even when my inner demon was screaming at myself to ask him to take back some of the stuff since he had better use. However, the asian upbringing of mine vanquish all negating thoughts and thanked my guest politely. I'm not faking it, I do appreciate his thoughts though a nagging whisper was like "My good man, this isnt my house for starters and one surely has to pick the right time and place for observing culture right?" Sigh...I know I know... I am coming off sounding like a jack arse. It's just I hate unnecessary things, especially wasting things...Will it be mean to re-give the things away? Such conflicting emotions....

Well, the day ended pretty early since we were both tired. He was kept up by his partner's snores while mine...sigh..another long story saved for another tea session...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Still enjoying the new apartment

Went for another swim today after pilates. Glorious....Might as well enjoy the warm weather while it still last.

I am still rejoicing about having my dishwasher again. It's good not having to wash every single damn plate anymore. I love the man who thought of this invention.... There is definitely no love lost between me and my former rental unit.

Meanwhile, I guess not many people living here cook. The staff werent overly knowledgeable with the operational details and I had to ask for instruction manual. Once one gets so used to cooking your own meal, it's pretty odd to be eating out all the time. After 3 days of meals out, that is about all I can handle... My husband has gone to Japan for work and so I get to whip up something easy, though cooking with induction hot plate is really something rather new and awkward for starters. I'm sure I will get use to it but its just abit finiky trying to work out what 1-9 heat range is vs a raw gas stove's flame.

The lovely thing about staying right above the Elements mall, I get my endless supply of Starbucks hot choc. The rest of the boutiques are pretty much wasted on me since I am not someone who angle for high end fashion or ridicuously branded stuff. Apart from food and beverages, the 3 stores out of the hundreds which are actually of any use or value to me are the supermarket, pharmacy and HMV.

So far the service here is really prompt, polite and efficient. For a service aprt, it's definitely on the pricer end but I think the conveniences are of excellent value for people like me who are creature-of-comfort. The first down side is that I am constantly enclosed in an aircon environment so it's hard to know what is the weather outside and I do miss the occasional freedom to have some fresh air. Plus the other downside, I find it hard to tell if the clothes are cold to touch because they are just cold from the room, or they are still not fully dry...

Well, I have to buckle down and mug for my paper again..sigh. At least I have my starbucks to keep me company.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The most (shameless) embarrasing ex-Ms Singapore world...

No Singaporean in our entire history that i can remember since I was born, has ever been as embarrassing as Ris Low, the EX-Ms Singapore World (who is officially disqualified for credit card fraud and now under probation).

When I first heard her interview over Internet, I cringed in horror with her utter BAD English. Shameless is a personal trait, absolutely NO CLASS is her being, but her shining puerile behaviour is so crass that it seriously makes me wince and recoil in shock. Who are the absolute idiotic judges who put her through in the first place? They should never have been chosen as judges nor ever AGAIN for having such bad taste and judgement.

Should we choose a winner for the sake of having one simply because it is a "competition"? Or should we have the sense to abandon ALL non qualifying contestants if none of them comes up to par, meeting the fundamental requirements/ criteria to represent Singapore in overseas competitions. If we are unable to find one of minimal standard, shouldnt we withdraw from the other competitions instead? Why should we insist on electing someone who is only the "best" of the lot but far from ideal from the population lot?

Meanwhile, it's perfectly okay to admit if one is not fluent in English..however to actually shrug her own inadequacies off proudly, and turning it around to accuse her fellow citizens of having equally bad, if not worse English is atrocious behavior on her part! Well bitch, I can perfectly stand in front of a mirror and profess I am not a disgrace to myself and the country for sure and I am pretty sure there are thousands more who can say the same, except for u of course.

To Ms Dishonest and non-remorseful Ris Low, apparently you live in a shallow world of your own. There are countless Singaporeans who speak better English than you. They might not have American or Brit accent, they might speak with our peculiar local accent but at least the words they use are universally recognisable and most have better pronunciation than you. There are more than handful of Singapore nursery school kids of 4yrs old who speak and conduct themselves BETTER THAN YOU.

Ris Low is really an epitome of national ah-lian trying to glamorize herself just because a table of 3-6 fools had given her the false sense of achievement.

While initially I can just ignore her bad English, but now from the interview it seems she is not at all regretting her actions. It's bad enough to LIE about her criminal case of credit card fraud when she entered the contest, it's even worse when she didnt think it's an issue when she got booted off. It is the WORST when she CONTINUES to conduct interviews nonchalantly and shed such bad light. Yeah please, carry on living in your own little warp world and not drag the rest of your fellow citizens into your fantasy where you are the best.

I truly hope no one else would think every Singaporean is as featherbrained, superficial, ignorant as this 19yr old self-professed trashy bimbo. She is such a disgrace and yet not recognising her own shortcomings and flaws. In 20 years time, I wonder if her pea size brain will work out anything...What is worse, our current society which often focus media highlight to people like her for the wrong reasons will probably not aid her cause, bringing woe to people like us..

Be gone! Shoo! Please Disappear Ms Fraud.
U have discredit yourself sufficiently.
Stop humiliating yourself further...

Extract (original article)

A conversation with Singapore’s most (in)famous ex-beauty queen

...But with her Miss Singapore World title gone, the Singlish-sprouting student spends her free time making smart appearances on talk shows and coining new words faster than you can shout 'BOOMZ!' . We caught up with the 19-year-old over lunch and found that she has engaged a manger to turn around her negative public image.

After all she's been through, this young woman just shrugs off criticism and ridicule. Make no mistake, Ris may have given up her crown after her brush with the law, but she has never been so ready for the big time.

Q: Ris, it's no exaggeration to say that you're now officially Singapore's most recognizable former ex-beauty-queen. Has fame been a dream or nightmare for you so far?
It's been a dream, a fabulous dream. It's like being in wonderland, people recognize you and you get freebies...

Q: I see. But surely it hasn't all been smooth-sailing? You have been getting your fair share of flak and criticism ...
(interrupts) No, I take everything with a pinch of salt. So it's just been a dream to me, even the bad parts.

Q: So you're thoroughly enjoying yourself?
Ah huh. There's no such thing as bad publicity, only publicity. (smiles)

Q: Some people say that you don't know what you're doing and have dragged our country's reputation down with you. What do you have to say to these people?
Can I tell them that they're bull-sh**ing? Please take a look at yourself in the mirror, as if you're not disgracing yourself. Is your English really that good? Can you really speak that well? Can you write that well? Do you think you can stand on the stage and portray yourself?
No, I don't think so. You're just somebody behind a computer, a nerd wearing specs, typing away. Just a coward.

Q: Has there been anything brought up in the media that you would like to clarify?
They said I bought my title, but obviously that's not true. If you spend money and effort going to grooming classes and catwalk classes, of course you'll win.
Nothing comes for free. You must put in the effort to make yourself well known, make yourself be seen. Saying I bought my title is so not true.

Q: So I see you've coined a new word, shingz, which you said translate to 'sucks'. Was that also from your childhood?
No, that's recently. It's like saying basket ... and when you can't say that, you just say shingz.

Q: So are you going to get into the habit of coining new words?
Ya, I can start a Ris Low dictionary anytime. (smiles) Because I'm always into new words, and I like coming up with new ways of expressing myself through different sounds. I base them on sounds la, don't really think there're words actually.

Q: What do you do when you want to go out and have a good time then?
Shopping, shopping, tons of shopping. (laughs) A woman can never get enough of shopping. You get real excitement and thrill out of shopping. It's like you're looking at the clothes and they're asking you to try them out. (in animated tone) That gorgeous dress, ooh look at that!

Q: City Plaza? Eh isn't that where all the aunties do their shopping?
No. (shakes head disapprovingly) ... the clothes are so trashy. And I like trashy clothes.

Q: So what's the trashiest outfit that you have?
Haha, I don't even dare to wear it out, I think my mom will kill me. It's all furry, mid-riff and comes with a short skirt.

Close shave and "escaping" unharmed

Have you ever have those days where you know you are extremely blessed and everything just runs smoothly? Well I have and these 2 weeks have been heaven sent. I just felt like I was being "protected" (by my invisible guardian angel if u believe )

Apart from things going according to plan and without a hitch, I was extremely lucky to escape with close shave and miraculously that I avoided a skull injury.

Last night, my husband and I went apartment viewing. At the balcony, my husband and I were standing there looking out of the open window from seperate end. I was walking towards him and just as I paused and stop, I felt something brushed me and immediately heard something smashed and shattered.

It's funny how your senses doesnt work together all at once. Everything has a minute delay. Firstly, I heard the shattered glass, followed by a thought that it might have been a plate around me. Only then it registered that the shattered shards were at all around me and my feet. Then the pain hit me. The solid glass ceiling light cover had fallen and hit my right shoulder straight on, before rolling off my hands and breaking into many million pieces around me. All the 4 men around me - my husband, 2 agents, the house owner stared on the scene in shock. I went "Ouch" before everyone started to ask me if the glasses had cut me. They were flustered asking me to be careful etc. Fortunately that night, I had an instinct to wear my long jeans and socks which I havent done so for months. I had initially worn a skirt and the last min I went back to change into my jeans. I didnt know why, I just wanted to and now I am glad I did or I am pretty sure I would have been cut as my husband did since he was wearing a berm.

Still my shoulder hurts like hell. Felt like a bloody heavy brick smashing into me. Strange how pain is never felt immediately. I still had time to wonder where the noise was coming from and coming out with all the different possiblities before the pain registers.

What I need to emphasis was how lucky I am.
I would have needed to move forward and towards my right a little since there was something placed on the left. All it will take is one more step and the whole glass thing would have landed on my head but luckily I had paused. Was my husband saying something which was why I stopped? I couldnt rem. All I remembered was that I just stood still. Would it have been just a bump on the head? I wont know but I dont want to know the what if either.. I told my husband, I must have done something right to be "saved". This is the time to say thanks.

When we returned home, we went for swim. As we were taking the escalator down, something crossed my mind. I turned to my husband and said "I had a feeling I will see my ex colleague soon who is also living here." Just as I finished saying the last word, my excolleague called out to me from the upcoming escalator next to me, extending his hands for a shake. I was stunned. How often you have a thought translating into a vision before u. My husband thought it was funny while I was still reeling from events of today. It's like those super powers days. I told him, I had to get my mum to buy 4D. The day is in my favor.:)
I love my new place.

Went for my first swim yesterday before dinner and did 20laps warm up.
Life couldnt be better. Had a walk round Elements as well to familarise myself with the new surroundings. Since Sat, I have been singing "I'm in Paradise, I'm living in Paradise" and my husband had such a good laugh.

We are both so happy!!!
Today I went back to pick up some remaining stuff and had a quick chat with the security guard. She told me that my (noisy) neighbor upstairs found out we are leaving. They cautiously asked if it was because they were too noisy and we couldnt take it anymore. The guard said they felt a little bad. Well buddy, no point feeling bad if you couldnt keep the noise level down. The guy also told the security guard that his wife is going to pop end of this month and it would be doubly noisy with the new born, so in a way they are relieved that we are moving...prob afriad of me knocking on their door again. haaaaaaa

Hong Kong Storage Movers is fantastic for local move!

Finally the day has arrived. The day where I get to move out of my rental apartment and into the new service apartment.

I awaited the arrival of sat with great anticipation. Primarily, I can finally rid myself of the loud neighbor upstairs who always keep me awake with the noises from 10pm -2am every nite. Secondly, I am looking forward to the use of the new gym and the fantastic lap pool. Of course, the fact that I dont have to do anymore house cleaning daily is also something worth celebrating.

I didnt know how the service of the storage and moval people will be. I didnt have any referal nor could I find any feedback from the internet. Finding them was frankly quite a stroke of good luck because they are really excellent. I have relocated on average once/twice a year for the last 6 years but this is the first domestic move in HK.

I had narrowed my choice down to Tradewinds or HK storage from a long list of at least dozen other local movers. I didnt want those storage companies which outsourced their movers, and I am hughly suspicious of those which are too cheap (because I found out they had to cut corners esp in terms of packing and materials used in order to compensate for the lower price when they did the job bidding)

Tradewind had come highly recommended on those expat forums. In terms of cost, Tradewind had come slightly cheaper esp in terms of storage. The quote was rather different. HK storage estimated the size of 1200cubic volume storage while Tradewind had estimated 900. Plus Tradewind storage comes only with dehumidfier without airconditioning nor insurance for storage in event of accidents.

In the end, I settled on Hong Kong Storage. Primarily, I think from the fact the survey quote was done by the experienced guys who are doing the packing and moving to store is a motivator that he knows what he is talking about (esp when I ask about methods to protect my furnishing). Secondly, his estimate was closer to my own since I know how much stuff I have from all the container size from my international relocation. Thirdly, they was no hard sell or pushing. When I spoke to Candy the lady from the office, she assured me their guys are experienced and very careful with packing the furniture. I wasnt let down.

Not only are they efficient, the degree of care and top quality of packing materials impressed me. Compared to major movers like Santa Fe, the staff at HONG KONG Storage win hands down. The level of wrapping for my mattress and caring for the wooden furniture almost made me wanted to cry. Of all the moves, none of other movers ever thought of inserting extra folded boxes to the side of my wooden console so that the will not be any accidental dents to the sides. Not even santa fe whom I paid double the price previously thought of that. The guys are friendly, good attitude without the usual cynicism that comes with the nature of the job. This good experience came totally unexpected.

At the end of the move, we had wanted to tip them for all the hard work but the guys declined. They said it was company policy not to accept any extra gratuity. That impressed me even more with their intergrity.

If I ever have to move again or recommend a company that helps with domestic move or moving your stuff to storage, I would say go for Hong Kong Storage. I would not say they are the cheapest (but they are reasonable!!!), but they are definitely the most attentive, cautious bunch with the best packing materials. These guys are the best and this is coming from a highly critical customer.

However, it would be better if you speak cantonese so that one can communicate better with the movers. If you are completely unable to speak cantonese, I would say then go for Tradewinds (+852 2803 2561) since some of the packing staff are Filippinos..

Friday, November 6, 2009

The day before move

Finally...tomorrow the move will be starting.

I cannot believe my own achievement, packing the whole damn house on my own for the 2 weeks. In between from then till now, my nails and cuticles split, finger sore from ripping all the tapes, and getting hand sandwiched by the damn ladder which fking hurts like hell, and finally, my wrist is seemingly sprained from all the folding boxes and taping it. Must have exert too much pressure. Have to use the other hand to brush teeth now. Sigh.

My husband of course having contributed nothing to the packing, was being exceptionally obliging and accomodating. I let him off the hook since he had to work and quite frankly, uselss to me. Of coz he would make excuses saying that he didnt know how I want to pack it....I roll my eyes and told him "it's not my way, its the common sense way." of coz he said I cannot imply he has no common sense.

To prove "my point", I passed him a sauce bottle and plastic bag, telling him to wrap the bag round the bottle. Instead, he just tied a knot. I laughed. He asked what was soo funny. I said "Wrap the bag ROUND the bottle." he said it is impossible. So i took the bottle and plastic bag to show him and explain the rationale. "If u just put it in, the bag can tear easily and the liquid will spill. So it u wrap it round, the thicker layer acts as a barrier and is harder to tear, and less chance of the liquid spilling" As he watched, he had to disgruntedly admit I was right... and pouted. I didnt know what was funnier, seeing his reluntance to admit "it was common sense" which i said he is lacking in packing, or just that I was right (again)...

Packing things into the box with optimal space usage is a "natural gift" for me. It is like solving a jigsaw puzzle where u have to switch things around and think of the approperiate items in the house to put them together. My husband would only throw things in without much thought. Oh well, at least he was obedient enough to do some of my biddings these few weeks though he sure whine alot....

The good thing about packing things myself is that I got to throw out sooo much "junk". Things that had been following me from countries to countries which he never used nor wear was getting to me. So this time round, I made him throw out (donate) at least 5 big boxes of clothes, 1 box of junk old documents etc. It was soo gratifying I get to index and catalogue, box things together, everything neatly the way I had always wanted. My husband of course groaned and whinned "nnnoooo not indexing..." heeee heeeeee....

Oh well, time for a more nite and this ordeal will be over soon

Thursday, November 5, 2009












Wednesday, November 4, 2009

C-Music: 我愛過很多人

Came across this old Mandarin song [我愛過很多人] by 冯颖琪. But the original singer is 蓝奕邦.

Its nothing spectacular but over a few times, kinda like it. The rythmn and lyrics kept repeating in my head.


曲/詞: 藍奕邦
編曲/監製: 藍奕邦/李漢金

我愛過很多人 很多人愛過我
卻沒有嘗試過 愛到走火入魔
我愛的那些人 沒一個愛過我
想愛我那些人 我卻大意錯過

我愛的那些人 到現在還恨我
愛我的那些人 很久已經沒有連絡
但我還在回味 從他們身上 得到的收穫

我愛過很多人 很多人愛過我
不是愛得太多 就是愛不夠多
究竟那個時候 才遇到一個人
兩個人給的愛 都是一樣的多

我也不想這樣 一直不知所措...


I have loved many, and been loved by many
Yet I have never been obsessively in love
To those I had love, none has ever love me
To those who had wanted to love me, I have carelessly missed.

*Those whom I have loved still hate me
They said I have never truly love them
Those who loved me, we have not been in contact for years
Yet for now, I'm still reminiscing those times spent with them.

I have loved many, and many have loved me
It's either one has love too much, or too little
So when will it be, before I will meet one
where both will love equally
(repeat *)

I wont want to be persistently at a complete loss...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Another offhand rambling

I thought I would peel from my mild sunburnt, however I as surprised that it didnt. I dont know if credit should go to all my facial moisturiser that I had faithfully apply day and night since I had been back. I ran out of body lotion and I figure those face hydrating lotion "investments" better prove themselves now with my arms as testing bed! Verdict, they work! In fact better than body cream I think. Those intentive hydrating mask prob penetrate deeper.

There was a little small spot of itchiness and a thin layer of peeling. However, it only lasted for a day and it was gone. My arms are back to normal, except it's super dark...With all the plastering of lotion, the sunburnt part actually felt so much softer than the other tanned parts that I didnt apply the lotion to. My husband is soo envious at my "speedy recovery"..heh heh.

3 week of absence from pilates is terrible. I had a hard time this week getting back into pace and strength. The good thing about consistent pilates, I love how my upper abs feel. On good (slim) days where I didnt stuff myself silly, there is a faint ab line on the torso. The moment to die for. haaa haa. Still, dont think I will ever be as thin as I was before...damn... I miss those skinny days.

Had lunch with one of my Jap classmate. She was sharing about her mother-in-law horror stories. Scary. It is moments like this I will thank my lucky stars for having such sweet in laws who relatively dote on me. Maybe living apart with us in asia and them back in Australia also helped... Back to my friend, her Japanese in laws are dominating and interferingly scary. If she is my in law, I wont know if she will die from being frustrations with me first, or me dying from such ostentious control freak. Who on earth with common sense buys HK$10k worth of bedlinens??? A HK$80k armchair is also such a stretch.

Yeah the parents are I dont know if its the wealth that made them obnoxious, or are all Japanese mother in law that scary and hard to get along? I was sharing with my friend that I have known of mothers who were utter snob and meanie. They had this view that she is so rich that people has to listen to her. Biatch.

Alright 4am. time to rest my eyes. More packing to do tomorrow...time flies...

J-Drama: Tokyo Dogs Episode 02 Review and Summary

I love this new series. It's hilarious. Hiro and Shun have amazing chemistry and their dialogue is funny and quirky, esp so for Shun's character So. if you have not started on this series, find time to. It's pretty funny to see these 2 guys "bickering" in the middle of their cop work!

Watch raw video sources:
- Veoh video -
ep 2
- Pandora video -

Tokyo Dogs Ep2 Summary

The episode starts with recap from last episode where the kidnapper rather shot himself to death.

The new scene opens with So (Shun Oguri) and Maruo (M. Hiro) staking out and "bickering" at a roof top. Maruo was about to head off with the "compulsory search" at the opposite hotel room, but So complained Maruo is so disorganised without any proper planning. So questioned if they should just barged into the room, what should they do if the people in the hotel room possess firearms? So went on with his argument that the girls will be trapped as hostages and a possible shootout may occur with an (unseasoned) bad guy... Maruo couldnt take it anymore. He grumbled outloud that So should stop with his unceasing preaching as they are "killing" him. Maruo further explained that the "dating" scene differs from the "prostitution" scene in states. So retorted Maruo is so naive and the only reason they are here to investigate was due to sources linking the hotel with the secret organisation, so anything could happen.

Maruo then questioned what has So prepared, in which So whipped out a "can bomb" for the door entrance destroy any burglar alarm! Maruo was horrified at the mention of "bomb". "Are you an idiot?! This is Tokyo here!" and he tried to returned the can back to So. So explained the can is to assure the safety of the girls in the room and take control while everyone is caught by surprise. So started to head off but Maruo ended up dragging him to stop him, declaring he (M) cannot do it. So told Maruo that his indecisiveness and lack of action proves Maruo is not suited
to be a cop.

"Just like earlier when choosing a bento, you had to take sooooo long!" So stated flatly.
"Hey the sweet and sour pork may be good but the gyozai bento also looked good! It is perfectly normal for one to be undecided in such moment!" Maruo quickly retorted back.
"Yeah but you kept on endlessly whining 'It's awlful! It's awlful!' about the gyozai! Hadnt the store auntie recommended the sweet and sour pork right from the start?! The SIGNATURE DISH is the sweet and sour pork afterall!!!" So instantly fired back at Maruo.
"But my stomach exists for gyozai!!" Maruo pleaded in defence.
"There is no such thing as a stomach existing only for gyozai. If u had wished to eat the gyozai sooo much, you could have just ordered a SINGLE SEPARATE ITEM in the set!" So told Maruo off and walked off...

[read more]

Monday, October 26, 2009

Man are just lazy procrastinating creature

The verdict is out.
Man are just lazy procrastinating creature in general, or at least my spouse is.

The storage boxes were delivered on sat. Despite the grand plans and great promises by my husband that he will start the packing (of his stuff) on Sunday before I awoke, the boxes remained untouched when I stumbled out of bed. While he diddled his time away doing nothing and snoozing, I had finished washing and hanging 3 loads of laundry, ironed 2 basketful of clothes and linens, fold away all the bed linens for 2 bedrooms, mop the floor, grocery shopping and cooking lunch and dinner. All these even when I woke up 3 hours after him.

He always tell others that I sleep too much, but he had never considered that I often got WAY MORE things DONE even if I had lesser waking hours than he has put together. What's the point of being awake but not lifting a finger to get things done? I dont get it.

On Sunday nite, again my husband proclaimed loudly he will start packing on Monday. I barely took him seriously. I will believe him when I see it.

He asked me what he should start with. I told him perhaps his clothes. He frowned and said he still needed the clothes. I had to break it down patiently that he can leave his workclothes but need to pack his 2 cupboardful of leisure clothes since we are moving next week, and i wont know what he wants to keep in store, and which he would want to bring with us to the new place. Seeing his pouting face, I offered him the easier option. He can put the books or the cds away into the storage boxes. That is pretty easy since I had everything packed nicely on the shelves by similar shapes and sizes. He was so confident that he will see it done.

When I woke up on Monday today, I am unsurprised that the storage boxes remained untouched. I have no idea what the hell he had been doing the 3 hours while I was still asleep. Absolutely nothing productive, again. While he watched his TV and made my sandwich for lunch, I was done packing ALL the 3 full boxes of cds, as well as 5 full boxes of books, including wiping down the empty shelves, including washing up all the plates and stuff he used to made lunch... I didnt know if I should get fedup when in the middle of packing all the stuff, he had to interrupt my packing because he decided he is feeling well enough to go to the gym. Is this considered over-reliance on me, or some perverse unspoken "compliment" to my efficiency?

Like I said before, marriage good as it is, is some warped fantasy way overhyped...

The rush for luggages...

At the airport, people who loves to stick themsevles closely to the sides of the luggage conveyor belt annoys me. I never understood this "eagerness" to monopolise and minimise the gap between one self and the side of the moving belt. So what if you spot your bag like 10steps away. Will waiting for that extra 30secs kill you? So instead of leaving a good margin away from the belt, to ensure everyone can see from a distance on the approaching luaggaes, everyone loves to crowd so closely that they have to constantly bob their heads up and down, competing with the people before them to strain their neck, squint their eyes, just for the hope to "beat" the rest for their belonging. How stupid.

Everytime I leave a gap between myself and the conveyor belt, some jackass idiot will always squeeze him or herself before me. It doesnt matter if the gap isnt large enough to house that bumbling idiot, there will always be that annoymous person who just feel oblige to get into the rat race and yet, my bags will almost quite always, arrive BEFORE those idiots. So each time, I will have to unceremoniously shove them aside and doesnt give a shit if i knock their shin, shoulder or whatever body parts as i lift my heavy luggage out of the moving belt. To me, if they are too supid to make way, then the fault is not mine.

The next annoying bunch of human species are young children near conveyor belt. They are like some over excited dogs or monkeys who again relish in the joy of hovering dangerously near the moving belt. They yelp like crazy dogs on a frenzy rabbit chase when they see the luggages but yet are too pathetically small and weak to actually be useful enough to lift the bags. So what they do is something competely impractical, like holding on to the luggage handle and run alongside with it, while screaming for their parents.

Why do parents let them become such public nusiance is beyond me, not to mention dangerous. They can easily trip and fall, not to mention hinder other passengers from getting their bags for fear of hitting these underage children. I lack a better word to describe what I think of such careless parenting. Trust me, its not something positive I would use to describe.

The other day while waiting for my bag, again, this HK family had 3 monkeys in toll. Age 12 and below and all boys. They get so excited as if there was some prize to gain if spot their parents bag. As well, their parent belong to the category of "I must stick closely to the belt" population. As the mum busied away chatting on her mobile, her kids were annoying me visually with their prodding and poking at everybag. It shouldnt annoy me but somehow such uncontrolled behaviour just put me off. I told my husband then that I wish these boys will be taught a lesson like getting their hands hit by some bags, such that they will learn that airport conveyor belt is not a playground and will back off and let the adults do the work. Just as I finished saying that, one of the boys had his hand squashed between a bulky luggage and the metal piece. I saw the "ouch" look on his face, and his mum didnt even notice. I probably come off sounding mean, but at that moment i didnt feel sorry at all for him. Sorry, no sympathies for stupid beings. Instead I laughed heartily. Evil probably but he deserved it in my perspective. Some children need to learn the painful way before they will learn. It wasnt serious accident but I know it prob hurts having his skin pinched... I laughed even more when I saw him backing off the conveyor belt by good 3 steps but not explaining to his elder brother why. He didnt looks so eager now. Not so tough eh little boy .

When his parents bags arrived, they stuck their hands on the bag and ran along with it. Of course they didnt have the strength to actually lift the bag. So they annoyed everyone else.

Seriously, why would parents not tell their kids to wait one side? Why wouldnt airport advise parents not to have kids hovering near the belt? When accidents do happen, it would be precisely these stupid folks that would kick up a stinker when they should be watching their little monkeys in the first place. Are the children being stupid here or the adults indulgently stupid here? I honestly cant decide who I should cast a vote for.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Wolfman Movie Trailer

I'm finally back. maldive is a real piece of paradise on earth. Love it!
Before I share more on the trip, I am so looking forward to the upcoming movie below "The Wolfman." The trailer makes the movie look so promising....

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Service apartment, the hunt is over..finally!

Finally, the mad rush search of temporary roof over our head is over. After weeks of poking around all the service apartments - big and small in and about HK, we finally settled on the one bedroom we liked most. Now all we need to do is get the contract signed and filed.

Valled and viewed so many service apartments. It's outrageous, the amount that some of these places charge. And god, reality is hell of a difference from the virtual room view. It's not marketing spin, it's blatant lie in your face.

I had looked at some of the place like Pacific Palisades. I have never ben more shocked in my life. It is utterly, completely different from what was advertised. It was a living ruin and not some prestige living as it claimed to be. What you see from the website is not what you will get. The only reason I had been interested at checking out the place was the fact I could relocate my furniture and subscription services over instead of full storage. When I arrived to view 4 different apartment, I was greeted by dilapidated conditions, a funny stench, cracked walls, with some gaping holes, and wooden window frame that looked as if it couldnt bear anotrher typhoon hit. It was a complete disaster!! The girl who showed us around probably had an idea we were gonna take up the offer. If I could rank on a scale of 1 -10, with hell being 1, this place possibly could be a winner for the prize of hell hole, not to mention the hideous and nonrealistic price range they were looking for...

I also had a look at V-serviced apartment at causeway bay2.
In terms of conditions and layout, furnishing, I have to give it props. The rooms were well decorated, kitchen was well thought out with proper fridge and cooking gears. The living room is a little tight combined with the study space. There was a seperate dressing area which also functions as an additional room with the single single sleeping couch. Generally, its a nice room. There was a puny little balcony but I doubt that will get much use since its facing a road and some old temple/ school. I dont quite like the location and I can imagine hearing the endless streaming of cars driving past from dawn to dusk. The air quality wont be exactly idle either. Nonetheless, its a nice setup except it doesnt come with gym and facilities for the rather steep price they are charging. Close to $48k for all these, I simply cannot see where the value of the money has gone to and plus its over my budget anyways. Then again, if u have the cash, and doesnt mind lacking the environment and love the proximity to causeway bay, this will do it for u.

One of the other which we do like as well was Pinnacle Apartment, out at TST. There definitely is no misrepresentation here. The rooms looked exactly as it did in the pixs. Some of the rooms have really great view of the harbor as well. The staff Pinky who showed us around was really efficient and friendly, not to forget pronto. I like dealing with efficient people. The 2 bedrooms with study was great but unfortunately unavailable. The rooms were in good size, ample storage, good bathroom, and the kitchen was also another functional unit. We also checked out the one bedroom with a study, where the study comes with a foldable single bed. It was good but the kitchen was much smaller, that adjoins with the dining space. However, the room efficiency is there, good size and a nice place to be in. For some reason though, my husband decided to pass this one up. prob due to the queen size bed. A pity.

Moving on to smaller establishments, I thought Treasure view Soho was a good gem. It really doesnt look much from the outside but they had refurbished the place last year. It is kinda located in between Soho and LKF but not where the noisy area is. More specifically, its where the escalator is. The rooms are all standard size of 719 but with different layout. I honestly cannot imagine how cram it must be for the 2 bedroom. I saw the one with one bedroom and given the price, location and furnishing, I would say its a relatively fair deal. I didnt like those with low floors because u get a rather dismayal view of the tight grey aging building opposite that feels like someone is up your nose, or u see the hideous mouldy dirty rooftop. Going up higher levels, you get an open space due to the short building, and so the room feels brighter. Again, the kitchen is well equip and as others, the living room comes with lcd tv and dvd etc. the bedroom also has a proper ample storage space for clothes, and also a chest of drawers for other stuff. The dining area is a little small but really, if its just 2 people, its sufficient. It's another place which is doable if I am really desperate.

There are some which I called but were completely full, or some had really bad leasing staff. The one from Marriott was incomprehensively lazy bordering on rude. I had asked if it was possible to get a viewing and she sounded so relunctant. She enquired about my move in date and when I told her its about 5weeks time, she gave me that "dont waste my time" attitude and said to call and check back again in mid oct. Basically 2 weeks before I am moving. How stupid is that? She said it was "pointless to see the rooms since everyroom is different and own by different landlords." With that, she kinda expected that explains everything as to why a viewing appointment is unnecessary and not to encroach further into her time. I strike this

Kush had an interesting unit which is loft style and unfurnished. However, the leasing girl never called me back for a viewing time so I figured screw it. Plus she had told me they are having problems with the tenant blah blah blah. Great, I dont need to listen to you spewing away the negativity of your job and tenant.

Oh well, I'm just glad the hunt has come to an end. Now I have to get cracking on firming the local movers and storage service. Any suggestions?

In the pipeline lies the next chapter on cancellation of my subscription for my PCCW Now TV, Nevigator, and landline. Does anyone know if I can actually suspend the service and not terminate it? I have about 8 months left and hate to think of the penalty fee...

It's funny how PCCW force you to take the 2 year contract. There wasnt any 1 year contract in Hk which i find really strange.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Travel log Taipei: Disappointing lunch at Du Xiao Yue

My husband commented I looked positively happy in Taipei, all smiles and happily chatting with anyone from cab driver to people I buy food from. It was only natural I told him, since I get to stuff myself silly with my fav food and best of all, no language barrier. Not to mention the lack of loud mainlanders that will bound to ruin my day....

Even when we were at the Taipei 101 food court, I ended up being "translator" for this Dannish couple who had wanted to buy the "Buddha hand" fruit from the fruit store guy. I couldnt bear the 2 parties trying desperately to communicate to each other plus it didnt cost me anything to help. Well, at the end, I was even more surprised when the fruit stall guy kept thanking me and even gave me 10% discount for my drinks. Didnt see that coming but it was a nice gesture on his part.

Anycase, back to my travel log. On our last afternoon in Taipei, our hotel recommended this "popular" place 度小月。I should know better than to trust recommendations of a top end hotel that housed caucasians tourists...they wont recommend local delights but a more upmarket place that is more "comfortable" for their guests. I suppose overly local place may shock some of their cultured and refined guests.

Initially, I had wanted to also try the pork ribs place anna had suggested but it was kinda far so we had to abort plan since my partner didnt want to travel.

I had wanted to eat 鲁肉饭 while my husband prefered something soupy which was why we ended up in the recommended place since the hotel assured they had both. When we arrive at 度小月, there was a long Q outside. Damn. An alarm should have gone off when I saw the string of foreigners in line for their table. Oh well, too late to change plans.

We waited for about 15mins, before this male staff gruffly yelled for our number and showed us in. he wasnt rude but he sure wasnt exactly pleasant either. If there was anything called hospitality award , this dude sure wont be a winning recipient of it.

The list was simple and easy. I went for my rice while my husband went for 担仔面(danzaimian). We also ordered the fried prawn rolls and another steam prawn patty. While the fried roll came and was yummy but oily.

The steamed meat patty was another matter all together. Firstly, it wasn event a patty as I had imagined. It was just like a huge lump of meat wrapped in a thick dumpling flour dough. In fact, the more accurate hokkien description would be “水kueh”. Frankly I thought the dish was rather plain, unappetising and bordering awlful. The 鲁肉饭 was also raher bland and bordering on too much salt without any sweetness. Apparently, the one I had in the night market with my mum back in April was SOOOOooooo much better. Who said all 鲁肉饭 are the same? Rubbish. This one had all the fatty bits in it that made it rather gross. My husband's soup noodle fared better but to me frankly, this place isnt worth the time, effort nor recommendation. What made it worse was that I had to wait for 30mins for my 2nd serving of prawn fritters, despite 3 reminders and lessening of guests. What the hell?!
I shall be frank. This place reeeks as a tourist establishment aimed to "con" tourists who doesnt know better as to where to go and find food, or lack of better ideas. I cannot believed I got suckered into this place by my hotel even after telling them I prefer local favourites and hangout. This is obviously NOT a place to go to if you want really authentic good cheap local food. What an utter disappointment.

Taipei Travel Log: Dawan - 大腕燒肉專門店

Back to completing my Taipei Travel log...

After a long day at Danshui, we returned to venture to this meat place which I had reserved dinner based on a blog entry I had read prior my trip. the place is called 大腕燒肉專門店 (Da wan barbecue meat specialty place). the place is located at Dunhua nan lu, amongst many little trendy stores popular with the younger crowd.
I have absolutely no idea how to get there by train even though there is a metro stop nearby. Seeing that we are running late, I opted for a cab, not before asking the hotel to call the place that we will be 10mins late. In hindsight, that was a super wise decision because the place was nestled in an inner street, and it was really FULL. I assume my seats would have been given up if no called to say we will be late since I didnt have a local number for the store to call and confirm my attendance.

The floor area isnt very large. The central area in a u-shaped is taken up by the staff cooking and preparing the food order, while the patrons will sit on the counter area. There is one table tucked away in a corner reserved for larger crowds. The place is packed with locals, not tourists, and brightly lit, well designed, well ventilated and filled with the very friendly and polite serving staff. The place even comes with discretely concealed drawers with a keylock that allows you to place your bags/ coats etc. Talk about thoughful.

We were shown to our seat promptly and since all the menu was in Mandarin (what's new), I honestly didnt know where to start explaining the long list to my husband. The place is kinda dedicated in serviing beef. of course there are seafood, and other food but I would say this is a beef lover place.

While I was busy staring and wondering what to get, the young guy asked what we would like to drink. I told him honestly I had no idea and am kinda lost and some help to start with would be fantastic. Knowing we are from out of town, he very swiftly recommended some of the store's specialities and this beef platter of wagyu beef of 3 different cut. Then he recommended this cocktail which he assured was asbolutely divine and I wont be able to discern the alcohol within. he looked sincere and earnest enough that I trusted him with the plan. I was not disappointed.
Dinner at Dawan proved to be my best meal in Taipei for the trip. Apart from the excellent service we had, the ingredients were undoubtingly fresh and reasonably priced. I would never ever pay so little for such high quality waygu beef cut. the meat was fresh and succulent and the staff timed the cooking over the charcoal flame so perfectly that every piece was cook to perfection (pink), where the juice will oozed inside your mouth as you take each bite. There was no additional sauces needed for dip. The meat is soooo good and naturally sweet that you will want to savour the full flavour on its own. Any additional condiments or sauces are excessive or rather unnecessary at this place.

We started off with this salad with small cubes of tofu. Each mouth was crunchy and delightful. The tofu was fried to prefection where the skin is lightly crisp without being oily, and the inside really soft and warm. The sald mix was light and non greasy either. (the girl was making our salad in the pix) What followed next was the grilled beef tongue with chopped scallions.

While we were eating, I started chattin with the girl who was "assisting" us in cooking our meat. She is very very sweet and funny. I told her she looked like the taiwanese actress/ singer Yang Chen Ling and she laughed. I prob made her day. We chit chat so much and laughed so much that she joked that Kirby her colleague must have overdosed my drink with too much alcohol... her other colleagues joined in the conversations and they started to guess my origins.

Too bad, no one guessed correctly where I was from with some thinking I was taiwanese. haaaa. As any typical reaction after the answer was revealed, she asked me what happened to the "funny singapore" accent. It's kinda hard to explain nor overturn this "deeply etched" WORLDWIDE perception that ALL SINGAPOREAN speaks BADLY in both English and Mandarin, so i didnt bother to elaborate. Its kinda sad if you really think about it.... Anycase, before I knew it, they had somehow coined 爱笑小姐 as my nickname for the night.

One of the best dish was 牛小排,甜美,又嫩又多汁,真没话说。After cooking to perfection, the meat will be taken away to be slice to small pieces and adorned wih a drop of wasabi that perfectly enhanced the flavour. The wasabi isnt the usual nasty choking usual but rather it has a very light flavour closer to english mustard but mixed with a tinge of something else. Combined with the sweet meat, it was divine combination.

The seafood was also fresh, unadulterated goodness as well.
Our neighbors had some rice ball that has salmon stuffing which didnt really appeal to us that much. I had another of the cocktail but of pomelo concoction this time as recommended by the girl to be her fav. I was sold and she was right.

Both my husband and I had a great time there, in terms of food and ambience and everything. To us, everything was perfect. If u can speak Mandarin, that is definitely a place to go. The place was constantly filled with customers and not a single empty seat in sight from 7.30pm to 9.30pm while we were there. As we were leaving, the place was still going strong with people waiting outside, and hence reservations is a good idea for this place. Would I come back again? Definitely. For the same meal, it would prob cost us an arm AND a leg if it was consumed in Hk or Singapore but not here in taipei. At the end, apart from the good food, I think the humourous friendly staff set the place apart. Creating a setting like you are dining at a friend's place where you can unwind, chill out or banter with the staff is a perfect environment to leave a memorable time for any guests, and most certainly have them come back again. Before I left, the girl and I said our goodbyes, and that I will definitely be back again the next time I am in taipei. It's a promise :)

As I left the store and was asking one of the serving staff (taking his smoking break) where to take a cab, he told me to head to the main street, not before cracking another joke to take my pick on any of the "cattle herd" parked by the side... That night, I went back with a big smile and a full belly.

Address: 台北市敦化南路一段177巷22號1樓02-27110179

operating hours: PM18:00~AM02:00

Monday, September 28, 2009

Taipei Travel Log: A Day in Danshui - 淡水一日游

On a glorious sat, I decided to take my husband out to Danshui for sightseeing. Due to our prior dinner appointment, we couldnt stick around for the sunset at the fisherman wharf. Plus, we figured we wont be missing out too much since we have seen so many sunset round the world that we figured this sunset wont be any much more different or more spectacular than the rest. Not that we think any lesser of the sunset at Danshui, but rather there wasnt much incentive for us to stick around since we were already there since 2pm. It's a pretty tiring day just from walking around.
In Danshui, quite frankly, the best thing is to eat. Just walk through the old Street (老街), you will pass by so many stalls that will set your senses alight, if it hasnt confused them from the varying fragrances and tempting visual delights. From the very first store, we were lured by the piping hot Taiwan sauage made from wild boar. It was much meatier, lengthy and juicer than the ususal Taiwan sauage. Next, we spied on the seasoned squid store and bought another cup of squid to munch on as we soldier on towards the Unesco heritage site.

Along the way, I was tempted by so many things. From the muahchee, to the mochi balls, to the Ah ge, and huge slab of chicken cutlet...crap..there are so much to choose from that I had to restrain myself from overeating so that I wont be too full for my BBQ dinner tonite.

For dessert, we stopped by this store which allows you to choose from an assortment of ingredients such as yuyuan, grass jelly etc to go with the shaved iced soya beancurd. It's basically similar Singapore version of Ice Kachang without the Kachang (red beans) and different set of flavors combination.
We walked along the riverbay. hot hot hot. It was a really clear sunny day. I cursed aloud for forgetting my cap but at least i rem my shades. My husband had none. I gloated at him in glee...

We were pretty lucky. It was UNESCO heritage day in Danshui (淡水认识古迹日) that weekend, so for all the buildings and sights we visited, we didnt have to pay any entrance fee. One of the more interesting building was the Red Castle (淡水红毛城), initially built by the Spanish in the 17th century (secretly sneaking behind the Dutch rule of the area then) and later after a period of desolation, under China's rule, the building was rented out to the Brits as some diplomatic embassy office and holding cells. While inside, I was lucky to bump into this Malaysian group threesome who was being led around by a Taiwan guide explaining the history of the place, throwing in rumoured myths and stories of the hidden tunnel between red castle here in Danshui to the building in Kee long. My husband doesnt understand mandarin so we split up as he checked out the place on his own while I was more interested in what the guide was explaining about the building.

There was also a pretty ancient looking Chinese temple which was built based on numerous and generous donations by the locals back in 1782, showing the height of belief of the population then. It is the oldest Mazu (妈祖庙) temple in Danshui. Inside the temple nearest the main entrance on the left hand side, there is also an inscription of the history and orgins of the temple, as well as the remains of a stone tablet embedded in the wall. the tablet is actually an inscription declaring all the people who contributed to building this important lighthouse in the Tamshui region back then (which serve as a bustling port and shipping trades), to prevent ships from crashing and sinking, as well as guilding them around. Unfortunately, the Japanese had bombed and utterly destroyed the lighthouse during world war and hence, only the tablet remains to remind us of the little bit of history.

We walked further up to the Litle White House, which building is a small building that shows all the history of the place. Ok alittle boring, so we scouted out there in a jiffy since the building itself is not very interesting.

While strolling back to the station, we stop by this store which served this muahchee thingie, not made of glutinous rice but with fresh milk. I decided to try it since it sounded interesting. truthfully, while its not as sticky and filling as the glutinous rice version, this milk version was lacking in something. I cannot se exactly what but perhaps the milk flavour doesnt blend well with the black sesamee coating we chosed.

There are alot of cafes lined along the waterfront, which are all fully filled by 5pm of course. Its a nice respite from the sun and fatigue but you will have to go early to grab the best spot. The only thing is, they are directly in the sun during the afternoon sun so you wont want to be there too early either.

The only thing I didnt quite try was the black eggs called 铁蛋, literally translated as metal eggs. There is nothing metallic about it but rather its just fermented shrunk chicken eggs. I am no fan of eggs so despite all the advice that I should try it, I politely declined.

All in all, another good day, especially when it all comes free and a day filled with good history of another place. Throw in great snacks and food, what else is there to say.