
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dealing with a pr*ck at work

There is nothing more infuriating than working with idiots and arseholes at work.

Today. this god knows where he come from "native" Canadian consultant (who behaves more like a new yorker and behaved NOTHING like any canadian I know) arrived 20mins late for our scheduled meeting and without apologies, started off with a hard ball attitude blasting that everything we have done for the project is all wwrong and crap. He started asking what is the Geometry. Dude, speak local langauge. And he said that's exactly where our problem lies.

Without giving us a chance to say anything, he went on insulting us and our work, and started selling his fucking credentials that he owns 2 website companies and delivered hundreds over website project. I dont have to deal with his condescending attitude or take this shit laying down. Two can play this hardball game.

So it was the clash of the planet. He demanded to know my credentials and outright told him off that I have neither the time to entertain him with my job background since we only allocated 1 hour for the meeting and we have alot of grounds to cover, plus nor is it any of his business since he is not my boss and I am not going for a job interview. Basically he thought I was just some lowly temp staff who doesnt know shit.

As he went on blasting on and on (trying to make it seemed like its my fault and he's some mightly knowledgeable guy), my boss stepped in and clarified that he is happy with my work and that he doesnt see things to be as bad as what the twat had painted.

The story goes that the fking piece of fat arse consultant keep trying to sell himself and drive his point that the design resolution was all wrong and its toooo wide for a 14inch screen size. and insisted on downsizing to fit a 14inch monitor because that is what MOST of what our clients are using.

Dude, I dont think blue chip companies are that cheap to be using 14inch screen for their key players and most of their staff in asia in this modern days. Agreeably some will still be stuck with small screen but that is far and few in Hk, and singapore. Wake up to reality and welcome to 2010 instead of 2001.

Plus he want the phone number BIG and wide on the featured section. I explained that its too hardsell and in asia it works differently from American culture. You dont do that since we are trying to showcase our products first, and plus we are not selling insurance where you try to get everyone to call your agent. The work process is to gather details first from the enquiry form because in HK, people tend to email first rather than call the company. Fucking twat doesnt even know that.

Anycase, obviously I gave him the cold shoulder most of the time. I have no respect for people who do not respect their peers at work. Neither am I oblige to suck up to you just because you think you are some big shot. And even if you are, I dont give 2 shit about it.

Someway through the meeting, I refuse to engage in his argument and told him to drop it as its wasting time and not going anyway, and exposing that he doesnt even understand the internal work process. My boss too agreed so and after realising he has stepped some toes, the twat backed down and tried to soothe the situation, by paying compliments to the website design etc etc.

When he left, the whole office was abuzz. Everyone started to comment on our meeting since it was open office and everyone saw and heard him. My colleague laughed and said he sure picked a wrong target to try to put down to elevate himself. Everyone thinks engaging him he is a giantic mistake and he wont sit well with the rest of the staff with his big fuck attitude. He isnt even official working in office and no one has any respect for him now. People just hates him.

Another female colleague was even sharing that during lunch, the fat twat sitting next to her just suddenly grabbed her hanging nametag which was around her chest area. she was so shocked at him invading her private space near inapproperiate area suddenly when she wasnt even talking to him. Now, he is known as a lecherous twat full of shit.

And he is the Sales and Marketing Director? Haaa haaa Good luck to the business. If I m the client, I will so slam the door in his face

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Unfair cable TV deals in HK

Has been a super long while since I last blog. Between work, renovation, moving, classes, and housewifey duties, I simply have no bandwidth to blog. Still, better late than never.

Last week, Hk I-cable stable set me off, fuming at the injustice of the whole paid tv system in HK! To begin with, it's really grossly unfair when they only offer 24 or 18 months contract with a no termination clause. That means even if u have to leave or relocate, u are obliged to pay all remaining months regardless. They won't even accept anything like a one year contract! They allow u to transfer ownership but just not cancellation even with a legitimate reason!

The thing that really pissed me off today wasn't the length of contract but more like the attitude of the icable staff!

The service provider won the exclusive rights to telecast world cup and for that, they unfairly enforce a 2 year contract for the sports package at 268Hk/month just for that one month advantage and they have no rivalling service provider to compete with. So I decided not to get it since I m screwed with penalty if I ever leave early! It's a an calculated risk and I have a choice not to make it.

However what pissed me off was I had wanted to pay for KBS for a twelve month contract and the guy from particulars verification channel told me that even if they lose the broadcasting rights, I still HAVE to pay for the remaining months regardless!!!! WTF?!

Of course any one with half a brain should reject that biased, one sided contract clause that favour the vendor!! So I told the guy I disagree to it. Logically if they lose the broadcasting rights to that singular Channel I m subscribing, why should I still be binded to the contract terms and condition if they cannot upkeep the service that I subscribed for? I didn't ask for a package, I asked for a specific channel! Isn't that daylight robbery?!

The guy on the line was super rude and just said " that's the condition, u must accept." with that "take it and leave it attitude."

I told him I cannot Accept it because it is unfair. Imagine a situation where u paid deposits to a new apartment and halfway through govt take back the land, and the developer tells u oops sorry u dun have a house now but u still have to Pay the remaining mortages!!! Does not make sense right???!!!

I told the guy I won't sign such an unfair and illogical contract that works against a consumer. If I sign it I am screwed because I would have accepted in black and white to be at the mercy of the I cable! The guy was haughty and rude and trying to repeat the clause as if I am some idiot who didn't understand I had no other choice and kicking a fuss for nothing!!! Well newsflash for u mister, I can live without KBS and so stuff it. I decline the agreement and reject installation since I refuse to be a sucker and profit unscrupulous business organisation!!!

After I hung up fuming mad at the whole ordeal and treatment, my phone rang within next 2 mins. The sales department called chasing up on the lead. Apparently that fuckwit twisted the story and said i changed my mind because I insisted on broadcasting rights for the one year contract! Fucking moron and a liar! Or he is too dense to understand the whole situation.

I told the sales guy the story and that I m fucking pissed and now that I have a taste of their service before I sign, I cannot imagine the hellhole I will be thrown in AFTEr I sign!!!!

Now that I am hopping mad, suddenly I m now offer a NO CONTRACT offer at 30hk more with just a one month advance notice! Well too late buddy. I told the guy when the fuckwit should have told me that option when I had asked for a solution earlier when I disagreed to the clause. Instead he had chosen to test my patience and piss me off!!! The sales guy said the fuckwit won't know as he is not in sales. I didnt buy that justification and retorted that the logical reply if he has common sense and from any experince, would be to tell me he will get his colleague to get back to me instead of threatening to cancel my order after I voiced my displeasure with his tone and attitude! But no.... He have to give me the big gun attitude. Well take a hike buddy!!! I ain't swallowing that down like other meeky customers who moves around like a herd of driven cows without a voice!

The sales guy knows I m extrememly pissed now and acknowledged that I wasn't the first to complain. That makes it worse! People complain and the same thing keep happening!!! Wat a fantastic business model structure and customer relationship mgmt!!!! Classic illustration of a big bullying corporation who ignores the people who keeps them afloat!!! Imagine a world without Internet free airing, won't they be even more arrogant?!!

The most infuriating thing was, after I refuse to sign on and told both the sales and the quality department to cancel my request, I still receive a "Thank you for signing on with I-cable" and a bloody call to ask when to install the cable. Talk about Incompetence and greed and negligent to customer needs and feelings. Wait a min, I am in HK, consumer's feelings have no play here unless I am super rich with some insider connections.

It's dismayal how companies like that get away treating clients with unfair deals and shortchanging our rights!

So right now I will say long live Internet real time airing at no charge!!! Gives abused customers an option to walk away!