
Thursday, July 29, 2010

An almost exasperating experience with the tax dept

So many vexing thing this week. Had sent IRD an application form for access code for e-Tax like 2 weeks ago on 16th July. However, after not hearing anything from them after a week, I decided to call and find out the delay. To my horror of horrors, they said they had sent the access code to my australia address.

I was dismayed and asked why was it sent to overseas address instead of the local address I had indicatd on the form's field? The customer service woman didnt know what I was talking about even in cantonese (since her job seem to be something else and she happen to pick up the call.) She was driving me nuts because my partner cannot submit his tax if I do not create an account with the access code. She kept telling me I should set up an e-Tax account. I was driven up the wall. I told her that is EXACTLY what I am trying to do, which is why I am requesting for a code! What the hell did she think I was trying to do? get a password for fun? Moron! Then she asked me to complete another form. For what fuck? I asked her what was the form for, she said it is to declare my tax. I was up to my head and my eye balls are rolling up and down. I told her I am not working for the tax period and have nothing to declare. She paused and then said , you must still fill up the form to declare your tax. I felt like I was talking to an imbecile, either that I was talking to a recorder. I got exasperated and repeated in my uncontrollable loud voice that I just need an access code! I know I was yelling but I couldnt help it after talking to a nonsense person for 15mins and getting no where. Sorry, I have no patience for a conversation that is senseless and not getting thru to thickskull person.

I was bounced off to another tax officer who sounded like I woke him up from sleep. WTF?! No seriously, he really sounded like he was sleeping, and even his slow reatction time to everything i say (twice) gave me the feeling he was napping. Again, I explained my situation and he hardly gave any reply. Then he said he will check and get back to me. 2 hours later, I received a call from a 3rd tax department person. Now he sounded brighter and more cheery, which gave me hope.

I think sometimes, just looking and listening to a person will give you a measure of the person's dont even need to conduct any IQ test. The brillance of the brain is sometimes reflected in their face. If a person looks and sound stupid, be sure half the time, they ususally are. if a person look bright and brillant, they probably are too. And if a person looks like a sleazeball, without doubt, he will be.

Anycase back to my posted application form. This 3rd person talked to me and said that I need to fill in some ird form to apply for an account. I nearly died. I told him I dont need to apply for an account since i already know my tax payer account number from my last tax file return form, and I only need the password. Why is it that difficult to be understood. Plus I said, I have already mailed in the access code application form, why do I have to fill in so many other form. This tax officer was quick and he asked "U have mailed in the access code form? or then you are right, you dont have to fill up the other form. But did you indicate your current address?"

If it wasnt for the fact that he sounded smarter than his peers, I would have snapped. Of course I have indicated my address. the field is on the form isnt it? What kind of idiotic applicant would be able to source out the correct request form, and NOT fill in the necessary information? Gheeesss... why are people around me soooo damn slow, or are they use to dealing with idiots so they have to downgrade their thot process?

Anycase, he was quick this one, so he said he will check but to date, he did not see my mailed in form. My dear lord, after a week plus, and they didnt get my form? The tax dept screwed up or the post office? He promised to check and call me back. I didnt want to waste more time, and asked if i could play safe and fax a copy to him for immediate processing whule he search for the mailed in form. He said ok.

The next morn, he even called me and update me that he really cannot find the mailed in form but he got my fax and its being processed now. Relieved...finally a competent soul. In the afternoon, a 4th person called me and another lady updated me again. She was pretty good too this one. So now i know, half of the staff are incompetent, but the saving grace is that the other half are good.

So now after 2 days, I am still waiting for my pin to come in. If I dont get it by tomorrow, something is really fishy. Oh well, I have done what I can, all i can do now is wait. peace out

HSBC and its illogical card activation process

Am in an extremely foul mood, no thanks to stupid HSBC and its ridiculous process. WHY!? Why do I always have to deal with imbeciles and stupid processes that makes no sense?

My husband got me a sub card and so i called the phone system to activate the card. I cleared the questions sucessfully from card number, birthdate, HKID number. Then the system prompted for my mobile. For some reason, it was incorrect in their system and I was directed to the customer officer.

She asked me the same question essentially and then she asked me what account it was linked to. I told her I have no idea since I dont go around trashing through my husband's records, and since he made the application, I didnt even know he bothered to link the credit card with the bank account. I told her I dont even need the account access, I only needed the credit card. She told me that she cannot process and my husband has to call to activate the card.

I asked her what is the logic that the card holder cannot activate the card but more importantly, I asked her why is it even necessary to halt my activation when she already has ascertain the basic identity issue? As all typical bank employees, they have no brain and they repeated standard useless replies. I asked her a logical question, if i had gone thru the phone system, how would the phone system have been able to ask me what sort of bank account it was link to? So essentially, isnt she asking me excess redundant question to prevent me from using the card? She said the process of activation through customer service has differnt questions from that of the automated phone process. I told her it doesnt make sense. She said it was bank policy and I told her it sounded illogical because why should 2 process differ for the same card activation process? How does it enhance any security or whatsoever. It was such a lame and forced thought process, apparently someone who design the process doesnt have a half fuck idea of synchronising processes. I continued to press her if she even realise the phone system qustions are different, then as typical hk with bad english, she couldnt comprehend what I was saying. She was only capable of rattling off SOP replies off the book, she has no capacity or brain to process my questions which is not in her little guidebook. I asked to speak to someonone else who has a better command of english and her reply was this is not about power empowerment. Noticed how she is grasping for a life saver line in the dark? She doesnt even know what she is talking about or even if she does, she is not making herself udnerstood.

I HATE CUSTOMER service, almost all of them. I am sure companies designed them to piss customers off rather than helping.
To date from previosu experience, all banks customer service sucks big time except for citibank group. I hate HSBC, always did and then further reinforce. I couldnt even be bothered now. They can have the fucking card inactivated for as long as they want. I dont give a shit. I have my primary citibank credit card and its even better than HSBC services any time of the day.

Friday, July 23, 2010

J-Drama: Hotaru no Hikari 2

Hooo Hoo! One of my old favorite is coming back onscreen with Season 2! Its Hotaru no Hikiri airing 11 July by Ntv (official site). Not sure if it will be as hilariously funny as Season 1 but I sure am looking forward to it nonetheless! And I know I wont be the only one looking forward to it! They have added new cast to season 2, primarily Osamu Mukai as Kazuma Seno.

For those who had seen season 1, you will rem scenes fondly between adorable Amemiyah and her Bu chou (manager)! I just went Ha ha even from thinking about it! LOL

Season 2 Background
Three years ago, the heart of Amemiya Hotaru, the ‘dried up female’, had settled on Takano ‘Buchou’, and the ‘dried up female’ was supposed to have grown up … However, right after that, Hotaru was posted as a project team member to far-away Hong Kong. She is cut off from ‘Buchou’ and devotes herself to work. Then, three years later, Hotaru returns to Japan after finishing the project. She is assigned to the First Planning Department, where ‘Buchou’ belongs, and immediately begins work as one of the team members. However, both the staff as well as the mood in the company have changed a great deal. The planner, Seno Kazuma, who seems to be a frivolous guy, leaves work at precisely 5.00 p.m. because he is on a ’9 to 5 contract’. Another junior colleague, Sakuragi Mika also quickly goes back once she has “finished her own work”. Yamada and Futatsugi Shoji, who are aware of the development between the two of them, whisper to each other, “Once a man and woman are separated for three years, they will no longer be like they used to,” as they watch Takano and Hotaru.

“A person will change after three years. I am different from the person I was at that time. You’re the only one who hasn’t changed. What have you done these 3 years?” ‘Buchou’ leaves Hotaru to chew on his words and goes to meet another mysterious woman....

So what will happen between Buchou and Hotaru?

 To read recaps for season 2 episodes, read here

J-Drama: Natsu no Koi wa Nijiiro ni Kagayaku

Just finished watching Natsu no Koi wa Nijiiro ni Kagayaku (夏の恋は虹色に輝), starring Arashi's Jun. Frankly, canx say I am impressed nor intrigued with the first episode. It's a little weak and boring, with little to captue my imagination.

The story revolves around Jun's character trying to be an actor but failing due to his stiffness before the camera. However, rather than self reflect, he seem to be pushing to blame on his famous actor father who died in ep 1. I suppose it will be the female lead who will help him to find his grounding and find his direction. She told him that his father's love is like the rainbow after the rain, shining on him always. So he should stop being so self absorbed and blamed his failure on his dad's fame.

I wasnt drawn to the female lead, and personally, Jun is still a little weak in acting dramas outside the comedy or manga genre. I will prob get hatemails from fan but I still have to put it out there, Jun still lacks the depth of a serious actor... I dun dislike him but I often find it hard to be drawn into his character. Even in Bambino where he was playing a role of an aspiring chef, while I like him there, it was more like I like his supporting cast more to hold my attention.

So I guess this may be one drama I may or may not tune in regularly, depending on my time. All I can say, I am not hopeful...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Stuck in Blackrain, To give up my taxi turn or not to?

Was out in causeway bay in the afternoon. Didnt know what was the thunderstorm signal.

Since I needed to rush back to cook, I didnt have a choice but to stand in the almost horizontal rain lashing at me while waiting for the cab outside Times Square.

It was a long agonising wait. I didnt realise that the rain warning changed from Amber to Black within 10mins while I was in the Q! I thought the rain felt really bad, and I almost had half the mind to get out of the line but sicne I was so close to the front after waiting for 40mins, I didnt feel like giving up.

At exactly 5.30pm, I looked at my watch. It wasnt later at night watching the news that I learnt the warning signal had changed from amber to black at that moment.

While I was waiting and it reached my turn to be at the front, it was already 5.54pm.

10 mins have passed since the last cab. A heavily pregnant woman with a little girl in tow went up to the front and asked the taxi stand warden if she could cut the line.The guy asked her to seek my permission since I was first in line.

She called out to me and explained she is pregnant and had a child, so if I mind letting her go first?

I had a 30secs conflict. I have been in the line for 40mins, and each cab takes every 10mins to come in this rain. If I let her go first, that may mean another 20mins wait!

The evil devil in me was thinking that if she is in such a hurry, then she should just call for a cab.
However, the angelic side of me won the battle and I nodded agreeing to let her go first.

As the man behind me glared at my decision, I had a 2 secs self doubt if I was being stupid but then, I shook the feeling out because I figure since Iam already half drenched in the rain, another 20mins wont kill me since there is no lightning and thunder.Luckily i was in flip flops and shorts, so it had just felt like I was in a tropical rain shower. It didnt feel too bad honestly.

The next cab came in next 5 mins. Perhaps good deed deserves a good turn. My luck changed for the better because 2 cabs came together which was rare. So I got into the cab the same time as the pregnant lady with her child. I didnt "lose" any time afterall. However, the man behind me gave me that glare because he prob was thinking he would have been on the cab if it wasnt for me letting the woman board first.

Oh well...

During the whole time, the person who suffer most is probably the guy stationed at the taxi stand, controlling the taxi Q and offering shelter to the passengers who board the cab. What a tough job!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Happy catching up

Today is a happy day.

One of my close gf E and partner Leo came to HK and it was a great day to hang out. She even took the trouble to get me a house warming present! Jolly gosh! That was rather unexpected and a plesant surprise indeed!

I Havent seen her since Chinese New Year but we didnt have much chance to catch up much then due to other guests being present at her place. So its nice to have a chance for more personal chat.

Sometimes in life, there are a few reasons in life some people just click so well together. We are both silly and in one phone call, even just the first line of the conversation alone would have us both guffawing loudly with an aching belly. We have so much "shit" to say and share.

Since my gf was craving for roast goose duck as she hasnt one for 13years, we headed out to Lei Garden at IFC for BBQ meat galore. I dun like Yung Kee because I find it a tourist trap more than good food. The crowd was happy with the feast. During dinner, when the roast duck appeared, E and her husband started laughing.

We have a long standing joke about me and my roast duck since a decade back. And since there was a new face at the table, E and Leo couldnt pass up the chance of dissing me...and happily shared the story with leo's colleague about me "throwing a hissy fit and stabbing the poor duck repeatedly in violent vengence when they served duck rice without plum sauce" That without doubt broke any ice for the newface and set the tone for the night:) Well, at least they tried to clear my name, that I had a super lousy bad day at tennis that day before the duck incident...which of course led to Leo exposing my "throwing" the racquet in absolute fit...Sigh..they know too much of my dark dirty secrets.... :)

Then ahh...something new! It was funny because E shared how I had "changed" her sleeping habit. When we used to live together sharing the same bed, I used to stick a pillow on both sides or otherwise I couldnt sleep if I dun have a safe "backing". After that year, she too got into the habit of sleeping with 2 pillows by her side and now Leo had to constantly put up with all the extra 6 pillows on bed too! LOL. I didnt know I am such a great converter! Heh heh.

We talked about cemetery when Leo's colleague said he was shocked in his prev visit, that his hotel faces a cemetery. So the story goes that I shared about this weird uni guy fren of mine who drove us all the way to cemetery to study because he was fed up with the nosie in hostel. I was sharing that he had to send me back half hour later, not because I was scared but more like I had to pee. The guys asked if I was scared and frankly I wasnt though i was annoyed that the guy didnt give me a headup as to where we were going. As usual the guys were joking that the driver had ulterior motive but I told them the dude was seriously in studying.

Anycase, the story goes with me explaining why I couldn't pee in the woods. There are god damn too many mosquitoes for one, and secondly since I have to squat, heaven knows what sort of things could bite my tender-licious butt - like a snake etc. The guys started their imagination and came up with ghost theory and E started with "a ghost hand sticking out to grab you". I laughed and told them "yeah right, I would tell the hand to please make sure it doesnt miscue and go up the shit hole, or i will have to thank it for cleaning my arse since I wont have tissue!" Imagine, a ghost hand with a shitty finger! Gross. It prob wasnt wise to crack that joke since now Leo's colleague rem me as "the woman who stabs the duck violently" and the shitty finger. Oh well...all in jest and good fun:)

After dinner, we wanted to have some local dessert but I didnt realise that Honeymoon dessert at IFC has closed down! So we settled for the dessert at Lei Garden before heading up for drinks in the alfesco seating arena with the bars.When we were arranging to take photos, Leo's colleague was telling Leo to go take pixs with his two "Lao po" and E misheard him saying two "lao go" (old goose). She went "WHATT!!" (jokingly) and stun Leo's colleague. It prob doesnt translate well written but at that moment, everyone burst out laughing at the confusion.
My gf loved the seaview, and we were lucky to have a breezy night tonite to sit out. It wasnt very crowded today prob owning to it being a weekday nite. It was nice to have some old friends to hang out after so long!

It was a nice pleasant nite just chilling out, being nostalgic about old times, and creating new memorable memories for the future. Its amazing how much time have passed, how much we are still in sync like peas in a pod,  and we make a pact to celebrate the upcoming 2-decade anniversary of friendship! I think its rare and lucky no doubt to have a close gf, whose husband I am equally at ease and familiar with! At this moment, I feel truly blessed!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Baked Salmon

Did another lot of fish over the weekend. Baked black Pepper Salmon.

Partner said I cooked it to perfection with the fish just turned pink inside and still tender! I was so proud of myself since I havent cooked a salmon for at least half a year! I was almost afriad I will ruin it but I didnt! Phew! Since it was fresh fruit season, I did a fresh fruit salad of mango-lychee mix with my fresh salad drizzled in Japanese seasame and Yuzu ponzu sauce. The sweetness of the fruit was to balance the citrus ponzu sauce. The salmon was also coated with a slight teriyaki sauce mix, and drizzled with some fresh mango sauce (otherwise lemon will do too)

The trick to cooking salmon is really catching the exact moment where it starts to cook. Once you missed it, it is a road of no return with a slap of harden fish. Normally, I would rub it with garlic salt and then pan fried on non stick pan, covered, for about 5-7mins pendin on the thickness. You should see the colour changing by the side. I would brush some oil on the skin and sprinkle some corn flour to give the skin a crispiness without overburning.

Once the colour has changed somewhere halfway thru the salmon, I would start to flip it over to all the sides, resting abit longer on the top - still covered with lid. Then, transfer the fish to baking pan. Stick in oven for about another 7mins at about 150degree . If you fish is thin, reduce time. I would normally check and if the middle is almost pink, its done since the fish will still continue to cook inside after you remove from oven. If its still red, i will prob stick it for another 2mins. Keep checking.

The fish shouldnt ideally cook for more than 15mins for the portion, if you buy it from jasons market (HK$60-65/ peice. canx rem the weight).

Steam Fish Recipe

One of the best thing in HK is to getting fresh fish from the wet market and steam the bugger yourself.

I love eating fish esp steam ones. "Deep fried Fish-and-minus-the-chip" is ok, but my first choice but if done well with a thin layer of beer-battered crispy coating wrapping round a chucky piece of juicy succulent fish, oh hell yeah I will take that! The last time I had a really memorable fish and chip was when I was "backpacking" through The Great Ocean Road in Melb 10 years ago. There was this unassuming little small shop at one of the pitstop, and my god! Till this day, I never forgot that 2 big piece of battered fried fish chunk! The piping hot steam rising from the fish steak, the mouth watering juicy first bite, the flavour rolling inside my mouth...everything still vividly etched in my head. Great simple food invokes the same sort of feeling as any michelin star chef meal.

Zooming back to present. Gonna share a simple steam fish receipe if u are sick of eating dead chill fish and want a change in scenery.

1. A live fish. For 2 people, get either 10 or 12 "leung" weight.
Depending on the type of fish you get, it should cost between $100 -180
Sometimes in non peak, you can get away for $90 for a 10 "leung" weight

2. Scallions/ Spring onion

3. Ripe red tomatoes (1-2)

4. Fresh Ginger (portion: est thumbs length)

5. Pepper, Light Soy sauce, (Sea) Salt, Cooking oil, white grandulated Sugar.

The only thing else u need is a good wok/ steamer and a small pot for mixing the sauce.

1. Wash the fish thoroughly and use the back of your knife to run thru the fish to check its properly/ completely descaled. Meanwhile, heat the wok 3/4 filled with water.
(I asked my mum why we need so much water, she explain sufficient water gives it a more consistent steam to cook the fish thoroughly)

2. Dry fish with paper towel and place in steaming plate (best are those metal ones. Avail in Japan home store. The thin porcelin plates are ok but any thicker will ruin your timing)

3. Rub a pinch of salt on both side of the fish. Slice the ginger into 2 slices, place it under the fish.
Stick another slice inside the fish where it was slit open.

4. Take the scallion and chop off the green parts, and stick 2-3 stalk of the white end at the base under the fish as well. The idea is for the fish to "absorb" the flavour of ginger and scallion when it is cooking. Also takes about the fishy smell.

5. Rinse and cut the tomato into quarters. Size if up to you but not too small coz they shrink after steaming.
I love tomato so I would use 2 whole tomator and line it round the fish. I dont care for looks, I go for food! :P

6. Optional: Sprinkle some sugar over the surface of the cut tomatoes. Can omit this.

7. When the water is boiling, stick the fish and the contents onto the stand into the wok.
Cover. (You should need to cook this for about 9-10mins, depending on your fish size and the plate you are using. For me, I normally cook it till 9mins, take a look, and off the flame and cover for another min in residual heat.)

8. While your fish is cooking in that time, get busy with the sauce.
Deskin and Slice ginger into thin narrow strips. The portion is really up to you. I will go for about 1 tablespoon.

9. Take more scallions/ spring onion stalks and chop them into 3-4 segments. Then slice them into narrow strips as well. The finer the better. I personally love eating the end stalk/ the white section more than the green part,. But a mixture is good.

10. Take a small bowl, pour out about 3-4tablespoon of soysauce. The portion is up to you. If you like stronger flavour, you can have more. Then add similar portion of water. Then add about 2 teasppon of sugar to taste. As you stir well, you can just dip your finger and mix till you like the taste, where the sugar takes away the edge of the saltiness of the soy. If the sugar doesnt seem to dissolve, add more water.
The sauce shouldnt be too sweet. And remember, the sauce shouldnt be too dilute since the end steam product will already have natural juice from the fish and tomato.

11. Towards the last 2 mins before your fish is cooked, heat up the small sauce pot. Pour in 2 tablespoon of cooking oil and heat. (I use to use olive oil but its too dense. Mum recommended the KNIFE brand oil, a lighter oil that is specially for cooking fish. You will see a fish on the label picture.).

12. When hot is oil, throw in the ginger slices to cook till golden brown. You shouldnt cook your ginger too early else it will turn soggy. The idea is to catch the timing where it turn browns jsut as the fish is cook. So which is why i recommend to start last 2-3 mins before the fish is due to cook.

12. When the fish is done, turn off flame and sprinkle the sliced scallions/spring onion onto the top of the fish.SCope the browned ginger slices onto the fish as well.

13. With the remaining oil, pour in the soysauce mix. Caution, water and oil will result in splashing for the first few seconds. Quickly pour the whole mix and drizzle over the fish from head to tail, ensuring you cover the scallions. Dash some white ground pepper and you are done! 

Friday, July 16, 2010

J-Drama: Hotaru no Hikari Season 2

Hooo Hoo! One of my old favorite is coming back onscreen with Season 2! Its Hotaru no Hikiri airing 11 July by Ntv (official site). Not sure if it will be as hilariously funny as Season 1 but I sure am looking forward to it nonetheless! And I know I wont be the only one looking forward to it! They have added new cast to season 2, primarily Osamu Mukai as Kazuma Seno.

For those who had seen season 1, you will rem scenes fondly between adorable Amemiyah and her Bu chou (manager)! I just went Ha ha even from thinking about it! LOL

Season 2 Background

Three years ago, the heart of Amemiya Hotaru, the ‘dried up female’, had settled on Takano ‘Buchou’, and the ‘dried up female’ was supposed to have grown up … However, right after that, Hotaru was posted as a project team member to far-away Hong Kong. She is cut off from ‘Buchou’ and devotes herself to work. Then, three years later, Hotaru returns to Japan after finishing the project. She is assigned to the First Planning Department, where ‘Buchou’ belongs, and immediately begins work as one of the team members. However, both the staff as well as the mood in the company have changed a great deal. The planner, Seno Kazuma, who seems to be a frivolous guy, leaves work at precisely 5.00 p.m. because he is on a ’9 to 5 contract’. Another junior colleague, Sakuragi Mika also quickly goes back once she has “finished her own work”. Yamada and Futatsugi Shoji, who are aware of the development between the two of them, whisper to each other, “Once a man and woman are separated for three years, they will no longer be like they used to,” as they watch Takano and Hotaru.

“A person will change after three years. I am different from the person I was at that time. You’re the only one who hasn’t changed. What have you done these 3 years?” ‘Buchou’ leaves Hotaru to chew on his words and goes to meet another mysterious woman....

So what will happen between Buchou and Hotaru?
Gonna watch episode 1 now. Review later! Meanwhile I leave you with a season 1 recap vieo clip!

If you like to read my review for season 1, read here
For Season 2 epsiodes reviews, read here

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A day at Peninsular Spa

Last friday was a good day. My partner decided to pamper ourselves with a half day spa retreat at Peninsular Hotel. What can i say apart from glorious!!

My day started at 2pm even though the treatment starts at 6.15pm. I went for a leisure swim in their indoor pool while waiting for my other half to appear. The package comes with a detox lunch (not that i really care much for though the scallops were really nice!)

When you are idling, time passes by so quickly when you are occupied. Apart from chilling out by the pool reading my book, there was the heat treatment rooms and juccuzzi to toy with.

The hot steam room was large and spacious and yup, i sur got plenty of aromotherapy from there too! There also had the rain shower and cold mist section which frankly borders on a little strange. You see, the whole thermal suite was already pretty warm. Yet the overhead tropical shower only dispense warm shower, and the only cold function is the cold mist which isnt even like drizzle..just mist condensing on your skin. I would have love a bucket full of cold water to rain down on me but its not to be.... even the side body jets are warm water...strange. However, I must say I love the scented "rain shower", definitely nice!

The next room to hop to was the relaxation room that overlooks the harbour. I was getting drowsy and so I could a quiet corner and started o doze off on the adjustable comfy bed. The lady who came in to stock up water notice me sleeping, and in the middle of my drifting off, I saw her closing the blinds so that the lights wont get to me. How sweet and attentive!

The massage session came and it was really good! I fell deep asleep into an utter bliss. Yeah, I heard myself half snoring. I said half because I couldnt get into full sleep. The reason is this, you see, they put a bowl of water mixed with the blend of essential aroma oil. I guess I am suppose to inhale the vapour for relaxation. While it definitely relaxed me, the bowl of water also gave me pressure! Because I was sooo consious of falling deep into my sleep and have my drool dripping into the bowl. When the room is that quiet and tranquil, I had that imagination that the therapist will be laughin at my intermittent dripping drool.... LOL

All in all a great session. We left the place about 8.45pm and satisfied and half asleep...It was certainly money well spent!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My humble Abode

Time to catch up on my backlog...

I meant to share my reno experience but work took too much of my time so I missed the chance.

It was nice experience doing renovation in Hk. Lucky to get a really good responsible contractor! if I had more time and if this is a perm place, it would be done differently but for a temp holding, it's more or less close enough to suit us.

Designing Kitchen and bathroom took up most our time since these are actually 2 places we used the most. Since I couldnt have my way with my arrangement of the sink and stove due to the hassle, I make the best of what I have to transform the old place into my functional space. I didnt have much room to work with but at least it has all the shelves in the right side and size for my use.

Bathroom took a bit of time to convey the design I have in mind to the contractor. I had to draw it out several times to get the idea across and leave the technicalities to him. The final product has a few minor glitch but nothing that major and still looks almost how I would want it. Every renovation is like a practical lesson. Rather exciting I might add.

Designing the dining room was kinda a headache with my husband. He couldnt decide what he wants and it drives me nuts. Eventually we compromise on this after some discussion and some specific needs of drawers and shelves. One thing I discovered, even without Autocad software, MS powerpoint was a big help for me to draw the concept for my contractor. Because we knew exactly the height and width, it helped to jot down the estimate so that the contractor can refine it later. I think he was kinda surprised at the level of details I went into the the specific centimeter. I am anal and detail oriented...what can i say? It is just pure satisfying to see something coming to life from paper to 3-D.

Because I hate the cheap wooden floors, so I replace the floors with wooden-like tiles. Frankly I love it. It doesnt scratch easily, it's easy to maintain and dries so quickly after mopping. It's a breeze to maintain! As I didnt want to spend a load of money on marble fo this place, I opted for tiles. My partner couldnt visualise it and so he was skeptical initially but he came round and grew to like my choice after it was all done up. We ended up with trusted Electrolux for all the kitchen appliances saved the Panasonic fridge and Miele dishwasher. Not regretting a moment, esp when they are cheaper than Siemens! The Miele dishwasher is soooooo damn quiet that sometimes I wont even noticed it is in operation! Almost everything in this house is energy efficient from airconditioner to fridge and bulbs. I like to think I am playing a tiny small part in my role in helping mother earth....A note, I am plesantly surprised at how good the Panasonic airon is considering it is energy saving ranked. The quietness was a simple bliss.

Light and Curtain Hunting took a couple of weeks since we couldnt find the simple contemporary design we wanted. Eventually we found something closest to what we wanted at New Bedford at Queens Road East near Wanchai Hopewell center for curtains.

Since there wont be open house, here's some teaser shots from to "welcome" you to my humble abode. But before that, let me show you the place BEFORE the renovation...just for the fun of comparison....

Kitchen (before)

Guest room (before)

Guest Bathroom (before)

Dining Room (Before)

Since I couldnt stand the crappy bright yellow cabinet and bright orange bath, and I have no use for the children's room. So it's Bye bye to everything...

Below are some shots of the place after completion. It isnt the final look but you get the picture...:) Will u rent the place after I leave HK? LOL !!

My White Kitchen and green laundry room balcony, with my beloved Miele Dishwasher (After)

Entrance (After)

Current Living, Dining, Entrance Mirrored Cloak cabinet (After)

My Comfy reading corner in master room

Master Cabinet with Tv console in the middle (After)

Guest room and Bathroom-prior installation of my Aliseo mag mirror (After)

A lovely shade of green

Went to IFC Lane Crawford and they had a "Interior" decor section, selling furnishing. I dont care much for the overpriced furnishings, (Ok, maybe the oak pattered rug was rather interesting...) but I love the green shade for the bedroom and so I couldnt resist taking a shot of it to remind myself the next time I do a reno. I think the black and white photos (going for a crazy inhumane price of HK$28,000 each) helped enhance the look...
Ok, frankly I am a sucker for a more masculine bedroom look though my partner prefer a more neutral look. Ah...brings back fond memories when my eldest brother had helped me rid my ghastly pink room and replace it with a shade of blue when I was young. Why on earth did my parents think I would like pinkremain a mystery. What? Just because I am a girl? Sigh...guess all those years of staunchly refushing to wear frilly dresses and blatant ripping off all the laces off my little dresses when I was young wasnt abig enough hint to my mum that I will never be the "girl" she wanted...
In my new place, I had originally wanted to paint one wall of my bedroom in a metallic silver-grey and hang a black white painting but he was against it. He thought it was depressing...but I thot it was more DKNY. So we ended up with a mixed brown that didnt look like brown... but damn! I want that green!!! Well at least he never have to put up with sissy look, I never quite understand how can some husband let their wife get away with it and stand sleeping in a room of flora and frills...worse, in pink shade ...*shivers*

PS: No shots are allowed but I didnt know that till the shot was taken and I quickly scurried off... beloved Mui- Fan

When I was back in Singapore, it's not the Chai Kweh Diao (stir fried noodle) or the chilli crab that I missed. Those are such "common" money making items that you practically can get anywhere in HK now.

Apart from the Malay food like Mee rebus, Roti John, Mee Soto and the Indian fried Goreng, I miss my Seafood Mui-Fan the most. Dont ask me why but since I was a little girl all the way till uni, I love eating Mui Fan. A simple wholesome and filling dish. It's also a nostalgic food because it brings back memories of when I was still in school when I had to pack food back most days.

This time round back in Singapore, a friend brought me to one of the Bukit Timah food store opposite Beauty World shopping mall.

I was skeptical about the quality, predominantly I was biased against the store for employing a full fledged cohort of non English speaking mainlanders without a local staff in sight.

However when the food came, I was plesantly surprised. I am picky about the stalls I order my Mui fan from. It has to have the right flavour, texture - the sauce with the egg mixed in, and most of all, the ingredients. Many times back then, I often have to argue with the new stalls because I refuse to accept their version of seafood mui-fan with one miserable tiny prawn, a few squid and plenty of pork slices and fishcake slices. I mean in which country is PORK considered seafood apart in probably Singapore alone.

So this time round, when my plate of rice in gravy came, topped with fair portion of prawns and squid, I was really happy! No nasty pork slice nor cheating fish cake! The rice was also cooked perfectly with the right firmness. Someplaces tend to overcook the rice and so when blend together, it becomes mushy. The prawns also were done right without being overcook, and best, no freezer taste from over storage. yeah, I am one of those freaks who tend to be able to taste "freezer" food if they are stored for too long. This is esp true for chicken! There is just this strange after taste for freezer food.

Anycase, its an expensive muifan at sg$6 but I think for the quality, I wont complain too much though I certainly missed the coffee shop version that use to be sg$3. Is it inflation or just this store I aint sure. However, at least I had a good meal, with my comfort food.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

K-Drama: Coffee House

Been catching up on my korean Coffee House drama since Moon Lovers is such an utter disappointment. The ML plot is sooo slow and boring, and the characters interplay is so one dimensional that even a picture book elicit more excitement from me.

Coffee House Story plot (from dramawiki)
Lee Jin Soo made it big after writing several thriller novels and stabilshed himself as a talented novelist.He works for Seo Eun Young and has a long time friendship with her. She is the owner of the biggest publishing company in Korea. Lee Jin Soo has lots of fans, specially female ones, and he seems to be the perfect match for any woman, but what no one knows is that in fact he is a bit weird and sacarstic and has lots of strange habits combined with his perfectionist to the extreme behavior and holds a dark secret... Who has to cope with him and his habits is his secretary, Kang Seong Yeon who begged him for this job to become a pro insted of the below average girl that she really is. On top of that there is also the return of Han Ji Won, Seo Eun Young ex-fiance, who she despises, Han Ji Won is trying to get Seo Eun Young back, but she has her eyes set to Lee Jin Soo

Watching Coffee House is like enjoying a slow brew of tea. It started off insipid, but give it time, the flavour starts to seep through. As the onscreen characters starts to bond to form a unique chemistry, it starts to draw you in. It isnt everyone's cup of tea but it has its funny moments that did have me laughing out loud, esp when the lead actor playing the famed writer displayed his evil eccentric moments tormenting his "naive" secretary and all his narrow escapes from the press and conferences.

The drama has a couple of good tracks. Namely the ballad I want to know goodbye (DL)and the main track URNobody (DL).

One thing Korean drama never fails even if the plot fall flat on its face, is that almost certainly, every series will produce at least one good track. I truly have to give them credit for it.

Friday, July 2, 2010

A load of rude Singaporeans

Took SQ back to Singapore this time round. I still aint impressed with the service and especially the crappy economy food. I have had better in Cathay. The oriental chicken rice was terrible, the rice tasted undercook with really hard bits and the chicken were way salty lacking the flavour. I have had better microwave prepacked food seriously...

Despite all the raving reviews about the A380 wider seat and all, much that I liked the wider entertainment screen, I still hate the limited angle I can adjust the screen. The light reflection off the screen impaired the viewing pleasure for it always come across too dark, even after I had max the brightness screen. I am sure I cannot be the only one with this problem since everytime I tried to adjust the brightness level, it is always on Max before I can even have a go at it.

Heading to HK, I had the unfortunate luck of sitting next to half of a singaporean family, with the dad and son next to me, and mum and daughter behind. Apart from wailing babies who has the excuse of not being about to vocalise their discomfort except through belting out their screeches, spoil ill behaved young kids are the next bane in my flight life.

The boy looking to be close to 10years old couldnt sit still for a min from the min he got into the plane. Presumably, he got his bad manners from his father. They had the middle and window seat and the father just glare at me expecting me to get up to give up the seats when he did not make it known where his seat was. He was just standing there chatting with his wife with his son throwing a hissy fit about wanting to sit next to his father etc. The two spoilt kids were fighting along the narrow aisle.

After I got up to let the son move in to his window seat, the father made no attempt to move in but instead took his own sweet time to open his bag, and talk to his wife, totally ignoring the fact that I was still standing there waiting for him to get settled down. The father then tried to squash everyone else's bags (both mine and another passenger behind me) in the overhead cabin in his crude attempt to stuff his baggage in. The gentleman sitting behind me politely said to the crude Singaporean father "Excuse me, could you try not to squash my bag? There are fragile things in it"

It was a very polite request in a very neutral manner. The crude Singaporean father replied in his curt singaporean accent "I know what I am doing. What u think I want to squash your bag?"
The polite gentleman just nod and left it as it is since we both know it was pointless to pursue a gentlemanly conversation with an offensive personality as such.

Both the gentleman (who was always standing to let the offensive man's wife and daughter into the window seat) and I stood there, look at each other with an understanding smile at our predicament stuck with a rude self centered singaporean man. We eye balled the Sg man as he continue to shove our bags aside to convenience himself and his baggage. After like maybe 3mins of attempts, half crushing our bags in the process, he decided it was good enough and decided to sit down. Even as he saw me standing there, he didnt bother to say sorry for inconvenicing me, or thankyou for waiting for him. Rude rude bastard.

After I sat down, 5mins later the rude father stood up and expect me to know he wanted to get up. Fine. I unbuckled my seatbelt to let him out and again, no sorry nor thank you. I stoood there as he started to take his luggage out from teh overhead compartment and rumaging through his contents. Then again he decided it was perfectly alrite for me to stand there waiting while he put his bag in my seat. After what seems like 5mins, he decided he had enough and decided to put his bag in the opposite empty compartment, all these after all his efforts in half destroying the shape of our bags in the earlier overhead cabin. The gentlemen seated behind my seat looked at me with a sympathising look.

When the rude father was done, he sat down in the middle seat without a word nor acknowledgement. I was thinking in my head "You fucking rude disgraceful Singaporean with utter no social etiquette nor manners or whatsoever"

I wasnt at all astound nor overcame with surprise at the rude inconsiderate behavior of the son. The kid couldnt sit still and was kicking the seat before him, half jumpig on his seat and yanking the remote while stamping on it with his shoes. The father didnt say a word. The son badgered the father with a series of questions and statements and I suppose he isnt much of an involved father with his cryptic answers.

Hearing the kid talk, I felt like telling him he might be better off speaking in mandarin since all his grammar structure was all over the place. There were talking about surrounding islands in Hong Kong and the son said Singapore had no islands. (What happen to kids in modern singapore? I already knew about sentosa and pulua ubin and Kusu island since I was 6yrs) The father replied Singapore too had outlying islands and stopped there. The son pestered on "Singapore got island meh? Where got? Got what?" I felt this screaming and dying urgeto correct the boy to rephrase his questions properly into "Do we have islands? Where are they? What are they named as?"

The father didnt bother to correct his son's grammatically wrong questioning and worse, only gave one answer. "Got. Like Puala Ubin have lor." He stopped there. I rolled my eyes. The son said "What Ubin? Got what?" The father ignored the son. So the boy went on in his effort to destroy "public" property in whacking the window, shaking the seat so much that I really wanted to smack him. I turned to glare with murderous intent at the kid as he caught my eye and he stopped.

The father went on to annoy me next when he read the papers. Totally disregarding personal space, he open the newspaper widely and took up half of my space, blocking half of my screen. I had to politely told him to move his papers, and he did it begrudgingly without a word of apologies.

Throughout the journey, not once did I hear the word thanks coming out of this family. Regardless if they were being served or their queries answered or having people make way for them.

This incident brings to mind about the recent article about Australian complaining to the media that Singaporeans are the most fucking rude bunch of nation. With a modern singapore family as such, they are definitely the best illustrations of undesirable behaviour and failure of our modern affluent society.

The trip back to Singapore, I was exposed to many rude locals. People keep blaming the foreign blood such as the mainlanders etc. However, the people that were rude and inconsiderate that I had met were the Pure bred -born and bred locals. Not the mainlanders, not the Malaysians, not the indians, not the vietnamese etc. They were the rude chinese and malay singaporeans in service industry.

Even when I was checking out at the counter of SQ counter. The bunch of Malay staff were chitchatting and didnt even watch the passenger line till another male staff saw me standing there after like a min. The malay female staff didnt even say a word and lazily just twitched her eyes at me expecting me to know what she was thinking. Seeing i didnt move, she just waved me forward while her head was resting on the palm of the other hand.
After which, she had the audacity to give me a dirty look when I asked her to help move my luggage bag further in for her to weigh the content. In HK, the counter staff could activate the conveyor belt to move the bag in slightly but no not here, she kept saying she need to weigh it and she didnt want to help me move the bag in. When she see that I wasnt going to move it all by myself, she push the button for the conveyor belt and the bag overshot. she even made a disgruntled sound and angrily slam my bag down as she drag it back to the weighing spot. She then angrily wrap the the baggage sticker onto my bag handle. Talk about non existent smile. She was the epitome of local service who couldnt care less nor give a shiot about customer service. I really felt like telling her, if she doesnt want to serve anyone, just resign and let someone else have her job

Terrible news of a death

One of the saddest news I heard this week was the death of the best friend of my good friends. Word has it that both him and his Japanese friend died in a deadly fire in Indonesia...what a waste of a perfectly bright young future....

My friend and her husband are devasted because they have been close friends with the victim for over a decade. The saddest thing I learnt was both the victims were found dead behind the emergency exit, because the the doors were apparently lock shut! It isnt the first time that night clubs flaunt the law and caused unnecessary death. What was supposed to be a happy occasion to watch world cup football ended in such meaningless death...simply because of a callous 21years old who did not think about the consequences of his spiteful actions. He must not be right in his head to have done something so unforgivable.

I cannot begin to imagine the grief the family and friends will have to endure with such painful truth behind the cause of their death.

The wake will be next week in HK.
Rest in peace Pete...