
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Went to Admiralty United center Transport department this morning to collect my local drving license and international license since I couldnt sleep.

I didnt quite grasp why there was a crowd of people with heavy duty videos and professional cameras crowding around one level below. They looked like they meant business and everyone looked grim. The atmosphere was kinda solemn and I was wondering what happened. As I walked down the escalators, I was even more surprised at the sight of large group of policement that greeted me. I really started to wonder about the occasion. Just before the escalator hits the ground floor, I happened to turn to my left and looked at the directory. Then it hit me. The Hong Thai agency/ office was located in this building...I am pretty sure the travel agency has received much unwanted media attention for 11hours straight yesterday from the tragic incident.

If only the Philippine officers were more on the ball like the Hong Kong law enforcers, I think the outcome of last night might have be rewritten very differently.

A tongue in cheek video response to Sg govt "Pro Marriage" Campaign

Off to a more light hearted note.

Saw this video in my friend's newsfeed and I was dying of laughter from the start till end. It was the best homemade video made ever, a tongue in cheek response to the ongoing "pro-marriage" campaigning push by the Singapore govt. It tells the "story" of a man being "pushed" to get married and what happens if the wife isnt the most "ideal"....This couldnt be more true and funny and I had to laugh every time I replayed the video.

It was simply hands down, hats-off hilarious!

Facebook Link:!/video/video.php?v=144725522214767&ref=mf

If you understand Hokkien as I do, you will surely burst out laughing watching this. If you dont understand Hokkien, fret not, the English/ Mandarin subs translation are in place too, though it was the song that really really had me. It rhythm sooooo well and yet straight to the point!! haaa haaa

It is brilliant! This is brillant!

Next time when some nosy aunties start pushing u to get married, perhaps you should whip out your laptop and play this video for them though more applicable for guys. Enough said, just go watch the video! LOL

7 people died in Manila hostage situation.

It's a sad sad day.

7 tourist hostages were killed in the hostage situation in Manila by an ex-police officer. I dont know if he actually killed them in cold blood or were they killed amist the strays of cross fire when the police finally started to throw in tear gas and firing at their targets. All I know was everything was done too slowly.

Sigh...We all know the "efficiency" of some countries dealing with crisis..but this really was unnecessary death. So what if we demand answers and accountability from the country's government? All too little, all too late. Lives are already wasted and gone. Nothing said will bring them back, or make any sense to this mess. 

As I was watching the report live on TV, what was mortifying was to actually hear people laughing in the background during the dead silence and tense moment. Not just once, several times. What could actually be so funny in hostage situation like this is beyond me? I have no doubt it aint the reporters. It could only come from the local crowd milling around to see some "real action". I wont think anyone will be laughing that much if its someone close to them on that bus.

When the gunman finally slumped out of the shattered glass door, with blood gushing out of his wounds, I still felt sad for him even though he had performed a hideous crime of killing innocents for something they didnt do. How does any of this justify his actions? If he must go after someone, well in my opinion, go after the people whom you think have falsely accused you, leave innocent people alone. Widespread corruption in Philippine is not unknown, but how does doing what you do today convey anything?

Violence never solve anything. Forcing people to listen to you wont achieve the results that you want either. Why hasnt anyone learn that by now?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Music . Emotions . Memories

The first time I had heard this song, I loved this song even though I didnt know what love was then. Perhaps it was precisely because I didnt know what love was then.

Afterwhich, I havent heard this song for ages since.

Then I heard this song again in Sydney after like what seems like another century. It felt completely different to hear this song again. The whole song takes on a completely new perspective, listened to in utter new light. The emotions that it invoked was shockingly too close for comfort.

The timing couldnt be more, how do I say, coincidental. My gfs and I were just talking about love and men, sharing about our personal experiences. Perhaps it's just us, the novice-in-love who never really quite become the same after someone leaves you. I thought it was just me, as I shared with a love-amateur that when a relationship ends, you will be changed. A part of you dies and never really recover. I have always thought it was the extremist in me that felt that way, so it was terribly refreshing to hear someone else agreeing with me for a change. My gf added that "Yeah, a piece of you just keep dying when each relationship ends. It takes something away from you and you dont get it back."

Broken Love. You dont get over it, you simply just bury it. Triggered by scent, sound or words, it rises to haunt you briefly. It doesnt mean you still feel for the person or have any unfinished business. Rather, you are simply just thrown off balance for the slightest moment as those memories float to the surface. You race through back in time, almost akin to replaying a bad video in your head. How is it that no one ever warns you about things in life like that? We learnt about stars, planets and the ocean. We delve into the most complex mathematical equation or debate about moral issues, and yet, no one really tells you the pitfalls in life and how it will change you.

People often paint the grandeur of love, but no one warns you in reality, when love turns its back on you and leaves you mercilessly, how it sucks you dry. How it prevents us from affording the naivety experienced in first love, and the seed of skepticism and emotional barrier will take shape and balloon  inside with each new person you let in into your life.

Do we really want different things from a guy in different stages of our lives? Or does our unfortunate experiences shape and define what we don't want from a guy as we get older? How is it that man gets less critical about the sort of woman they want in life as they get older, while woman conversely raises the bar about the man they spend their life with?

As I soaked and immense myself in this song repeatedly, I realise with some sense of dread that I will never listen to this song again with the same sort of lightheartedness as I had once possessed as a child. With the rite of passage; some people, some moments, and some words will forever be entangled with this tune, with a tinge of sadness...


Was talking about euthanasia with a friend the other day.

I raised the question about preventing a dignified painless death vs the "humanity" to try to save a life that is nearing the end of its journey.

Do you fear death? Most people fear death not because death in itself is horrible but rather, we fear what we cannot control, the way we die at the end. Whether it will be prolong suffering, whether it is agonising, whether we lose control of all our motor functions and suffer the indignity of being toss around, unwanted. Alive but dead in mind and in spirit.

Not everyone is born the same, so not everyone has the same courage and strength to suffer through the last leg of their life should they contract some terminal disease.So I never quite understand the rationale of voting against Euthanasia for someone in the final stages suffering from incurable illness, and instead choose to pump the person with tons of morphine to ease the pain, which by the way, only dull the edge and never really strip the whole pain away as I was told.

My friend argued that Euthanasia might be abused. People choosing the easy way out as suicide, or worse people using euthanasia as a form of murder, and that it is an ethical moral ground for doctors..

As we delved deeper, I shared with my friends while her concerns are valid, yet I fail to see how does a 20/80 notion has to tip the scale. I am not in a medical profession, but isnt there obvious incurable terminal dieases with incapacitated patients that in the final stages suffering from intense and immense pain and suffering? Couldnt we define specific incurable stages which will look into allowing a choice of euthanasia. How is it that we live a life being told we have full control of our life, yet being deprive of the most ultimate decision in life, in the moment we want to leave with dignity?

As for ethical moral ground, doctors face death almost in every stage of their career. They are trained to be clinical about death. Many times in operating rooms they have to make a choice or ask for directions whose lives they have to save if only one could be saved. Plus, how can abortion of babies, a life full of potential makes any more sense than ending a life that has reach the end of its journey? A life that has seen its better days? No, so dont get me started  on ethical ground on doctors and they shouldnt shoulder the responsibilities of administering death. Why should terminating a life in the tummy ok for doctors but not when facing a full grown person? Because there wouldnt be possible repurcussion of a lawsuit? Or that the doctor didnt have to face the patient and explain to let them know they are sending them on their way. Plus, for anyone to argue that a 3 month fetus is not a life is even more incredulous isnt it? Tell that to a potential mother who has lost their baby. A life ultimately is a life regardless its shape and form, it doesnt matter if the life is within a body or out of a body. The line came to my head.

"When I couldnt speak but wants to speak, I couldnt be heard. When I can speak and want to speak, I wouldnt be heard." ~ A dying fetus vs a dying patient. Their only similarity? Both their choices are taken away from them.

As for murdering someone with incurable disease for money or family heirloom etc, I dunno. I asked my friend, are most of us that rich to care about people taking what is left from us? Most of us are comfortable no doubt, but that rich to have our next of kins or partners murdering us for that pitiful sum? Firstly as I explain to my friend, most of us doesnt have that miserable millions to go round the kins, and secondly if I am truly already dying, why should I still care who in the living gets what? Let them fight it out. I honestly wont give a shit anymore as to who rob me of my worldly possessions. If the person is dying, the person shouldnt really fret oneself to further depression. Let the living deal with it. It's their fight now. Plus, go make a will if you are that rich. So to deprive the 80% population who have no one to murder for wealth just to avoid some kind of lopsided conspiracy theory sound a little absurd to me. Plus has the human race really fallen so far that we must assume everyone out there is killing a dying person for money? Have we watch too much drama?

Sometimes I wonder, if the choice of prolonging a dying person;s life is more the selfish desire of the living, than the true desire of the dying. People who are alive prob find it harder to grapple with the fact that their love ones are dying before them. Humans are hopeful creature, we will grasp for anything in the air if it promises some hope. Otherwise, we think some miracles will happen. or some people just want to extend the last moments to spend time together,. Nothing wrong with all that wanting. However if the dying person is suffering in pain and there wasnt anyway to alleviate that livin torture, I find it really selfish of the living to impose their will on the dying if a choice of euthanasia was made available.

Everytime when I console someone whose close ones have died in hospital from some cancer, the most commonly heard was "At least he/she is gone now and no longer has to suffer in pain. It was heartbreaking to see them suffer.." So to tell me euthanasia devaluing life sounds like bullshit to me. Depriving one of the choice seems more like a route to devalue everything you have live for, some form of senseless depravity.

I dunno. If you ask me, would I choose to die peacefully by my own volition, if I have that option, I will most certainly take it. If you are afraid of legalising euthanasia taking a slippery road down to extend it to other form of non-incurable diseases, then go make yourself a living will that you are against euthanasia in all circumstances. Let no one rob you of that right to live, but please do not rob someone else the right to die a dignified death.

As to why my friend and I started on this topic? Honestly I have no idea. It just popped into my head and we started talking. Maybe we have reached an age where we have to start bracing ourselves emotionally for the eventuality of people we love are getting older. Or maybe like my partner often squint his eyes and say to me "You are one warp person my dear."

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A day at the NSW Art Gallery: Path to Abstraction

One of the fav pasttime I had in Sydney which I am rather deprived in HK is visiting the Art Galleries. Asia for some reason just isnt into arts in particular. Maybe they find it boring to stare at some 2 dimension artwork and canx relate to it. I really enjoyed this exhibit. It was refreshing to see a collection solely dedicated to the abstract art and seeing some work I havent come across reading before.

The Path to Abstraction in NSW Art Gallery is a paid exhibit (A$20) and worthy of every penny. Abstract art isnt one of my fav "period" but it was interestingly the founding block to all the amazing motifs artwork we see today. There are varied versions of abstract form, from 2-D to 3-D. This exhibition focuses more on the 2D aspect with famous works from Edvard Munch, Monet, Picasso, Kandinsky, Cezanne and more.

When I was "forced" to "study" the art history back then, a century full of works per academic year, it wasnt quite enjoyable honestly. Faced with all the foreign names, times and years, their personality, their background history, the influences, their thoughts, the art culture surrounding and oppression etc... it was hell of a lot to remember and digest for a teen. Looking back, while I certainly enjoyed reading those movements that had interested me, it was rather a torture to read on about periods i didnt care much about, least of all to do a critic on them. Even so, looking back, I certainly missed those days pouring over those huge gigantic heavy artbooks. perhaps if I wasnt bogged down with 8 other core subjects, I would have certainly enjoyed myself much more....

Fast forwarding to present, it's a completely different feeling visiting the museums now and looking at the original artorks. The art landscape has completely transformed to somewhat unrecognisable form from the past.  While I had survived upon then were albums and albums of "reprinted" copies and photos, it just wasnt the same looking at the real thing. If you were to look at a picture of "Sailboats on the Seine" (below) and the real thing, the impact is completely different! The depth, the vibrance, the just so darn different. I was bewitched and could just stare for half hour at the artpiece in the exhibit but I prob wont pause more than a min looking at it in the book.

I'm not trying to sound snotty nor arty farty but art galleries are really good for the soul. As you examine each art work, you get a sense of the period, and the emotional thoughts that the artist tries to convey. I will be the first to confess that not every art piece attracts me the same way, nor do I spend alot of time on every art piece. Some I simply skim through, even if it is some supposed masterpiece. Take Cezanne for example, while famous, I have never liked his works back then, right now and probably not in the future. I simply cannot "connect" to it as I can for my quirky favs such as Joan Miro, S Dali, Claes Oldenburg, Edvard Munch etc.

What is interesting about an artwork, is how it plays with the angles and lighting. It isnt just "Mona Lisa" that stares right back at you from different angles, many great pieces does that do, even with just paper and black crayon pencil.

People sees or not see different things in one same piece. Sometimes, you either see it or you dont. After strolling thru the whole paid exhibit, I was sharing with my partner how I really like paintings by Edvard Munch. Some of his works are so simple yet impactful with the whole 2 tone treatment. It isnt just the famous piece "The Scream."

That actually wasnt my favourite though it certainly was a good piece to write a 6 piece essay on. His other pieces less renowned were actually pretty amazing in invoking one's senses too such as the one below titled "Young girl on the Jetty".

My partner prefer the brighter more simplistic work of Monet. I like Monet but he doesnt comes as my top favs because his works doesnt carry the provocative edge and emotional depth that reaches out to me.

The one art piece that I have always wanted to see in person but have yet to is the artwork "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte" by George Seurat. It is one classic painstakingly colourful piece that was completed in a span of 2 years using pointillism - simply put - an art piece done by points of the brush. The first time I had read about it, I was utterly impressed by the ingeunity and patience by the artist. I have always imagined how it must look in real life.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ahhh..lovely cup of choc

I knew dad wanted chinese food, so I struck off my "fish and chip" option for lunch. We decided to go for Dim Sum at Kam Fook at Bondi. If I might share, it was a bloody expensive "lunch" since we got booked $361 for driving at 76km on a 100m stretch of 50km, just after after exiting a 80km tunnel.It was obviously a speed trap and on such an unfortunate day, we got caught.

Well, no point letting them ruin the day.

Dinner was back at Kam Fook because Dad learnt that I had originally wanted to eat Fish and Chips. So he suggested steam fish instead to "compensate" for not able to eat what I had wanted. Dinner was nothing to crow about. I mean its just chinese food, and I get plenty of that in Hong Kong. With the exception that I had realllllllly nice steamd fat juicy Oysters....yummy!

After dinner, I decided I wanted to head to Max Brenner for my steamy hot choc. Dad was amused at my delighted orgasmic face as I lovingly cupped my "Hug Mug". It's always nice to hang out with dad, or rather my father in law, since I never ever had a chance to hang out with my own dad as he was too busy raising his 3 other mistress's Malaysian bastards. Is it evil of me to say I wish the whole family of them to rot in hell since it was thanks to them that I have such a dysfunctional disruptive childhood, and a cynic outlook in relationships?

I suppose life has been kind. What I was unfairly robbed of in my earlier half life, I was given another great dad, so much so that my partner complains that he had effectively "lost" his own dad to me. My evil charm at work. Ha ha!

As the saying goes, you dont know what you missing till you try it. I have never once envied or even crave for a real father growing up. It must be abnormal not to even wish for one but I never did. Mum and brothers did well to fill in the gap that the useless man left behind. Yet when my father in law entered my life, it was only then I wondered how nice it must be to grow up with a doting dad and what it must mean t o be "Daddy's little girl". I love my mum but we had a stormy relationship when I was young. While I relish my independence, I suppose I can better understand why some girls are utterly useless because they always had someone at home to turn to, someone like Dad.

While I will fret over my father in law's health, I never once cared about my own "figure" dad, he can honestly vanish from the surface and my heart wont miss a beat. Again, is that evil of me?

Overheard during dinner

While dining at the Quay, there was a table of 3 ladies seated behind me. More precisely, a table of China women.

As if I needed more reasons to dislike desperate money grubbing women from china, the patrons seated in this table prob deserve to be pelted with rocks and stones than the white trashy Tila Tequila.

As the night wears on, not that I really want to listen except they were not the world most soft spoken people, we could hear every disgusting bit of their conversations. Esp one dressed in a boob- revealing red dress, proudly declaring that "she doesnt care if the man is married or not so long she gets what she wants (money)." In other words, fking damn china slut who doesnt mind wreaking a family or two. Sure, it takes 2 hands to clap and the guy prob deserves to have his little john fed to the wolves for cheating on the wife, but still, it would be nice to have more women with some moral grounds and leave married men alone till they are back in the market for fair play. Go for single man, divorced people or whatever. Just leave married men alone until they can sort out their family affairs before u butt in.

I turned to look at her. If she was pretty, I will wonder why she need to debase herself and throw away her own self dignity as a woman. However reality is she is meaty and round inclining towards the fat side, and unless she is darn good in bed, I cannot possibly see why any rich guys would leave their wives for her. She saw me staring down at her and she looked away. Presumably she knew I overheard her conversations, and here I am seated with my family listening to a slut going on and on unapologetically with her deplorable "ways of life". I felt nothing for her really except mild contempt. Not because I am better than her or have any cause to be on any moral high grounds, I just dun appreciate someone ruining my family time with conversations as such in a nice dining ambience. I felt like I was in some hooker street or something.

This world is a sad place really. Where women sell themselves for money. It is a sadder place when men thinks its ok for such women to exist and throw all values out of the window.

I suppose at the end of the day, some of us are just beasts. All it matters is just damn good sex and it doesnt matter who else you hurt.

Food Review: Fabulous dinner at the Quay Restaurant (again) Sydney

Dinner at the Quay Restaurant never disappoints. The level of service may vary from time to time but the food is always superb and divine. Peter Gilmore def nailed down the right way to maintain his chef hats!
Tonite, we had dinner with a view. It prob would wow a tourist better than locals like us but it was still nice.

We didnt go for the tasing menu but instead opted for the 4 course meal at A$155 a head. I had a glorious dinner. Worth every penny.

I went for the mudcrab congee for the starter, though someone should explain to caucasians that "rice in soup" is not defined as congee in chinese language. Congee is cooked rice that tastes really mashed up and you dont even see the grain. Porridge would be a more apt term but we wont get specific here. The soup was flavoursome and tasty, and it was a good nice clean start!

Next on the menu was my choice of confit of crispy skin pork belly with squid strips, combined with a healthy dose of silky tofu. The skin was crunchy and the meat melts as you bite into it. The flavour blend well together and it was a true symphony of the tastebud.

The third course I had picked was Pig Jowl. I never had tasted pig jowl which my dad explained was the jawline of the pig area. So I forgo the milk fed veal and chose another pig dish. I did not regret it. The braised meat was gorgeous!!! Forget describing it but it was just that damn good! But by time, I officially declared that I felt like I was having a fusion of chinese meal more than a western meal:) Not that I mind really.

Personally, the only less than stellar dish was the dessert. I ordered the Snow Egg which our friends had eagerly and it came highly recommended, esp after the Master Chef show that had half the nation tuned in to the programme. (online recipe with the guava version)

Unfortunately for me, it was kind of a let down. It really was more form than substance in this case. While the presentation was flawlessly beautiful, i didnt quite see what the fuss was about apart from the egg shape. It was supposed to be jackfruit ice, the egg filled with somesort of  vanilla icecream custard. The jackfruit flavour could have been stronger. I love jackfruit and the natural sweetness, yet injustice has been done to this dish. Its special "pungent essence" was mercilessly stripped, and I thought the whole dish was too sweet. Maybe they had to tamed the jackfruit flavour and tamper it down for the western palatte who isnt use to the strong taste. Then again, not everyone likes the strong taste unless u grow up in the hot tropic I suppose.

My partner had the other dessert which was some coconut creame and choc and some raspberry. I didnt like it, primarily because I dislike raspberry mixed with choc. I like my choc unadultered and non bastardised with some other flavours, esp with fruits like orange, and cherries or raspberries. I would have liked it better if it was just choc and coconut but that boils down to personal taste. Yet if we must choose, we all would have voted for the coconut choc dessert over the snow egg.

Sunday chit chat @ The rocks

Caught up with G-nie on Sun. Good to have friends who drive because I like being driven:)  Some things, some people and some taste just doesnt change. So it doesnt come up as a surprise as I see her driving up the lobby in her new Mazda. We decided to head off to the Rocks for a quick bite and dessert. She had wanted to try La Renaissance cafe for its famous dessert cakes. Food really wasnt great but the choc was sinfully rich...I think having one by ourselves were alittle ambitious. It was better for sharing...

Incidentally, if I didnt know better, one of us must have done something right, presumably me, because it was another lucky day parking! Not only did we had the perfect lot smacked right in front of where we want to, the car owner of the parking there previously even offered us the 1 hour free ticket! So we got a GREAT lot for FREE hour!! Talk about lucky!!! If I am a gambler, I would have gone pick some numbers! But since I was not, I just said my prayer and thanks like a little good catholic-schooled girl should:)

The short burst of rain stopped from the minute we met and it was another glorious day. Even the praaroket was out to play and grace us with their presence while we were having lunch. It didnt even try to peck at our food. My partner did the most "annoying chinese" thing by asking gwenie when she is gonna settle down. I almost wanted to clobber my partner to death for being such an insensitive bloke with absolutely no tact over such delicate matters. Seriously, as if that is the question to ask even for MY friends! This is one reason why I dun like men in a girls hangout session. G-nie prob was already used to being questioned by nosy people like my partner and said she hasnt met anyone and no one is rushing her. I was trying to steer the topic away by asking how was James, another common friend we had and hung out together. I think I might as well have put my foot in my mouth because the two girls looked at each other funnily and said, they have no idea about James. I laughed and said "I smell a fishy story somewhere but I shant ask till I get my partner out of the way." (and I did...:P)

It was a good afternoon session. We even had a nice stroll along the harbour and caught some nice pixs.

After chasing my partner off, we had (an even) more relaxed chit chat session for the remaining time at starbucks thereafter. We thought the lady in the Q should really lay off the sweets and caffeine since it obviously isnt doing her any favors...We were just saying....

Finally alone, we could be more up front and frank. So James the spolit child was officially out of the picture after the "thing" he had with my gf didnt work out. I suppose modern woman really dont appreciate their guy to be mummy's boy at age of 35, where mummy will come clean the house every week from melbourne, do the laundry, pack his bag when he has medical conference etc. Seriously... we like big boys, but we draw the line at liking big SPOILT mummy's boy.

Of course upon further probing, G-nie had ended a 2 year on-off thingie after moving back to Sydney and in her line of elderly health care work line of work, its virtually impossible for her to meet anyone. The only patients she ever sees are the old dying ones. It really isnt morale boosting kind of occupation really...

Then we talk about men. First love, ongoing love, broken love whatever it is to do with men.

We laughed at how at late teens, you think Love is everything. Then when you go thru' the twenties, you wisen up and if you are unlucky to go through a bad patch in love, you come to terms that Love isnt everything. Bread is. Only a fool would rate love over bread.

And when you are thirties, you tell yourself what you need is a balance of love and bread, and you could sit down with your gfs and laugh at the silly teenage you who use to think so highly of love.

One of girls recently went on an arranged blind date. Virtually unheard of in the west but socially acceptable in the east. It was a guy whom the aunt knew. While it wasnt love on first sight, things seem to be progressing well. As we sat there in starbucks sharing our views, insights and previous "lessons" in love and heartache, its interesting how we all came to a same conclusion and observation of man in general. It got really funny as we sat there swopping tips and advices.

- Never go for something who isnt of the similar family background. It's courting trouble.
- Always check out his friends, as the people he hang around with speaks volume about the sort of person he is.
- The way and frequency he talks about his folks, esp his mum is a good indicator of the sort of family man he is, not to mention if he is the good son, or the "GOOD SON".
- The way he interacts with his friends also says alot of the dude.
- Check out his pad. Not for how well he is doing but for his personal habits. No, we really dont want a messy man in our life.

If I thought I was cynical, I didnt realise my gf was more cynical than I was. She dont even believe in happy outcome in first love. That I couldnt agree because I have seen happy couple blossom in their first relationship, and have an enviable lasting marriage. G-nie and I had to disgaree citing friends and family has examples of how first love can still happy but its rare like a bloody blue moon for sure.

The eve ended in a flash and I had to leave for dinner. Short as it might be, it was still nice to catch up after a year apart.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A day packed with food and fun

Saturday is a glorious day.

My friends were to picked me up at the lobby so I thought it was a little strange that they told me to walk to harrington street. Just before I started heading off, Stan called me again saying that they are now at the reception. The strange thing was, I couldnt see them at the reception. So I called him up again and asked "WHICH reception?" Only to find out he had gone to the wrong apartment! When I had told him Quay Grand Suite, he literally presume I was I telling him I was staying in the grand suite, not realising that was the actual name of the service aprt! I was smacking him asking if I am such a snotty arse?! After the short eventful morning mixedup, the couple took me out for a nice lunch at Sopras in Surrey Hills.

It was quite a bit of a ride since alot of the roads were closed off for the construction of new bicycle lanes. The cafe was located in a delightful little warehouse kind of place with fresh produce and confectionary stores at the bottom. I think it must be some sort of kitchen school with dozen of benches packed with electrolux cooking appliances.

The food came in huge servings. I had the pan fried barramundi buried deep under a toss of apple greens while the other two had meatballs and other Italian stuff. I think we got a little over our head with this because we were supposed to have another Italian dinner in 6 hours...

After filling the pithole in us, we headed off to Bondi Junction to grab a couple of stuff which have "eluded" me in Hong Kong, such as bottles of Redkern shampoo, a kilo of raw FRESH cashews, and my Sunsational Sunblock sold in Suf Culture. I had a super deal for the shampoo. I shouldnt gloat in glee really but it wasnt my doing. It was going for A$22 a bottle and I grabbed 2. I gave the girl a $100 and she paused for the longest time. I looked at her and told her A$56 rite? She looked at me dazed and said "I am thinking how much to give u." Then she punched the calculator and gave me the change. I didnt look since I assumed she knew what she was doing. It wasnt until we were in the car and I wanted to transfer the grabbed change from the pocket to wallet that I realised she had given me $76 back. It was too late to head back to her, but seriously, it really isnt my fault that she couldnt event punch the calculator right? My guilt ran through its course after couple of mins and I was happy to head on.

We drove to Monavale. They wanted me to catch the sunset but we were alittle late after the shopping spree at the mall. It was 5.30pm and we were just in time to catch the "set-sun" and having a little tit-tac-toe with the hidden mine of dog poos littered all over. It was a dog park when the doggies can run free and wild, but would have been lovely if the owners could pick up the crap those doggies left behind. Some are really HUGE, so its kinda hard to miss....fortunately for us, the cold air must have dampen the smell because we didnt detect any offputting "fragrance" of the nature.

After grabbing a couple of shots, the happy trio sped on back to the couple's den at Pittswater. It was a lovely 2 storey standalone bungalow that was divided into two by the landlord. It was really nice the way they had doll up the pad. Stan certainly had more clothes than me, or as some gay friends had said "More clothes than 2 gay dudes put together." He blushed and alittle and gave me a proud grin. Heh. As for his chick, she certainly had more shoes than I can count. I felt like I was stepping into a mini fashion mall with the clothes, shoes, hats, bags and accessories sections. Despite all the teasing and taunting, I think its a great place they had set up.

Heading up to the living space, I really like the space. All these space for A$350 a week with utlities included. What a damn steal! As I stare at the big sony screen before me, I asked stan that I didnt rem his TV was that big at his other bachelor pad then, and he laughed saying that it was a new toy. That explains it!

After chilling for about 15mins- facebooking, setting the Tivo  and all, it was time to hit the road and heading off to Paddington for dinner at the top rated Buon Ricordo restaurant.

It must have been a lucky day. At 7.30pm on a sat night, we drove straight up to the single parking lot just in front of the restaurant. Lady luck was shining on us. The other couple and my partner was already there and while the initial start was alittle shy and awkward, a few little jokes and wine quickly broke the ice. I think it was a wonderful night with stellar company. Dinner was alright, and frankly I didnt see what the fuss was. It was ok, had a LONG wait for the main and we were just too busy chatting to pay notice. Even the semi freddo dessert  was pretty average and not as good as the one we had at Quay previously. I didnt even bother with a shot at the food, so I think it certainly wasnt that impressive for me despite the hefty price tag which we pick up. It was a pleasure with delightful friends that made the nite perfect of course. I couldnt ask for more!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Food Review: Arrival in Sydney and dining at Bilsons Restaurant Sydney

This couldnt be a better Sydney Trip than I can ask for!

Firstly I didnt get to see people I didnt want to see, and then I got to hang out with the lovely people I wanted to hang out with! It was the loveliest weekend of all the time spent in sydney!

As usual, I spent the first 2 days in Sydney waking up just in time to see the shops 4.30pm. What's new - with my sleep pattern absolutely incongruent with Sydney business hours. It isnt my fault really. I didnt get to sleep on the overnight flight, had some problems with the first noisy room and didnt get to sleep till 3pm on arrival day. And since my hours were out of whack and there was seemingly no purpose to get up at all, I just slept while my partner struggled away at work. Hoo hoo Hoo...

Friday was dinner nite with Mum and Dad at Bilson Restaurant. Maybe I have been away too long or I was too lucky the other dining time because this winter menu wasnt really that great. It wasnt bad, it just wasnt mouth-wateringly orgasmic. Presentation was still top notch but there were certainly some hit and misses. I think there was some experimentation going on with some oriental or rather indian flavour mixed in. French cusine and hint of Indian esp soup...dun really do it for me.

However, at Bilson, they had the best mushroom combination mix I ever had. I couldnt describe it and my words will only serve to do injustice to that particular course. And the accompanying salty bread that came along with it, dipped in the mushroom custard sort of dish was absolutely divine. I dont know how they did it but that was certainly brillant my man! The other scallop starter served on a bed of mushed peas or lentils was ok but since I hate mushy things esp beans and peas, I was positively glad I didnt picked that.

As for dessert, I went for chocolate affaire. I mean it's really no brainer since I never like cherry desserts, in this case Lemon-cherry mix and I dislike Souffle. Mine was pretty good. Not too rich and certainly appealing in both presentation and taste. I had a taste of the lemon cherry and it was alittle over the top for me. The blood orange Souffle was ok. I never quite know how to comment on a souffle. It rises, didnt collapse, taste bubbly. yeah that's about it. I didnt quite get the hint of blood orange but mum likes it and that's all it matters.

The main was bordering on average and frankly nothing to crow about. I had the duck slices. It was ok. The fish was rather prettily presented but I thought the combination tasted a little strange.

Bilson has gone under.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Went crazy shoe shopping today!

Had nice dinner with an ex-colleague tonight, just chatting and sharing gossips. It was off to Times Square shopping. I havent bought anything sinnce the sale started, and frankly I wasnt expecting to buy anything since the trip was more for my gf who wanted to buy something from French connection. Unfortunately during sales, stock moves fast!

As we descended to the next level, I passed Camper and next thing I knew, I went berserk. Tried on pairs and pairs of shoes and in the end, despite my loftiest desire not to spend too much, I still broke my piggy with carting away 3 pairs of shoes! There were so comfortable that I couldnt resist. As I told my gf, if you find a pair of shoes that are comforatble and fit, dont let go! This holds true for people like me with a bigger left foot by 0.5size. Shoes makers still havent wisen up to make shoes half size bigger for the left foot or right after all these years. Its a human fact that most of us have bigger foot on either side but no, shoe makers couldnt be bothered....

Anycase, as I was browsing through, it wasnt long that my gf nudged me and whispered that another lady seated next across us, was trying exactly the same shoes in the same sequence after me. It wont have mattered except that we were always eyeing the same design and unfortunately, size 38 doesnt come in many quantity. Most of the design only had one size left. So it was a matter of who gets to dig their feet in first!

I had a good 5mins headstart since I was in the shop before her. So I could hear her go "Oh that is a nice pair, can I try that?" everytime I put on a new design. It wasnt her day because I happen to like most of the shoes. Those that I let her have a try, she didnt want to buy. She kept eyeing on those that I had already decided I wanted to buy, both the red and the panda looking ones (which looks more like puppies in the grey shade that I bought). To a point she asked the sales to ask me to let her have a go at some of the pairs which I rejected.

For one, I dont see a point in lettin her put her sockless (unclean) feet into my brand new shoes. Secondly, that was the last pair and even if she tried it, she wouldnt have been able to buy it. And thirdly, because she is mainland chinese. Fourthly, because she is mainland chinese and I dont trust them, who knows if I will ever get my shoes back if I let her try it. She might decide to wear it and pay for it and I can do absolutely nothing since I havent paid for it and wont be able to force her to take it off.  So I rejected the request on the spot without hesitation. Call me a bitch watever but those are mine! Bwhahahahaha. (Evil laugh of a shoe craze woman)

After that, it wasnt enough and I ended up buying some tops from Massimo Dutti while my gf had her eyes set on Zara. Both of our wallets bled tonite. Despite the really heavy dinner with dessert, I propose to have another chinese dessert.... Christ I feel so fat now....

It poured like mad after our meal but stuff it, we are contented women and nothing could spoil my day! I just love my campers..... they are really solid walking shoes!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Complusory Musical Lessons in Hk Schools

Had lunch with my HK friend and I learnt something new about HK education trend in recent years.

Apparently, I was told that all the "top elite" schools require all their students to take up one form of musical instrument or another in their course of study. It is mandatory. It is not so for the public schools and clearly, this "rule" is enforced by these private schools.

I personally think it is STUPID to enforce and insist their students to take up musical lessons for the sake of "promoting" an (all rounder) image for the SCHOOL. Rather than recognising that each student is talented in different aspect, how could they try to fit every student into a single mould seem to border on narcissism and "face value" more than anything else.

When I first learnt about this compulsory music course, I was shocked. People like me who are terrible and non musically inclined would never have any chance of making into the top elite school as such. I mean what about students who are naturally athletic or artistic in other forms other than music? Why are students penalised and being forced to learn something they have no interest in is bizarre...

So my friend, who happens to be a piano lesson explains that is why some parents will rather force their kids to start learning piano or other musical instruments from the age of 4years old, rather than focusing on other more practical knowledge. All this because it is a requirement from the top private schools.

I raised another question, would such a practice also effectively exclude students from poor families of ever hoping to enter a top school? Surely it must be tough enough on parents to make ends meet, and to save up for education for the kids, but to include cost for leisure hobbies lessons? The lessons cost, the is a luxury that not everyone can afford. I am surprise no one ever discuss about such an elitist practice...while I have nothing against people genuinely interested in learning music, this forced practice is pretty much of a joke.

My friend asked me how does it work in Singapore. While I have no idea how the system works now, but in my days, such "extra-curriculm activities" are not part of the entry requirements. They are only there to serve a sole aim to prevent a student from only focusing on studies, and instead to encourage healthy interaction or hobby that one could not afford on their own. For example, we had a choice of either taking musical groups activities (eg: band, choir), sports (eg: tennis, swimming etc), uniform groups (eg: scouts, girl guides) , or social clubs such as chess club or debate clubs etc. While it was compulsory to take one sport and one social/uniform group, it was only for the benefit of the student to have fun and gain social skills rather than anything else. And for sure, it doesnt count towards the grades or entry to higher levels. Of course if you are a national player then it does amount to certain preferential consideration.

Sometimes educators seem to forget the purpose of an education. To educate: which is to primarily to instill values, to pass on knowledge, to broaden the horizon and widen the lateral thinking. It isnt and shouldnt be a place nor journey to make the schools look good, it should be learning and self awareness journey. Whatever happen to all that?

I had fun in school back then. I honestly dont know when had schools turned into such cold institutional bodies, where the students are the pawns to draw in money funding and publicity. Sadly, parents who agree to such practices and force their kids to do things they have no interest should really take a second look at themselves.

I am glad my mum never ever forced me to do anything beyond my interest or abilities. I rem how she thought I had potential in music and enrolled me in piano lessons. However she never faulted or grumbled at me for giving it up by Grade 3 because I knew I had no aptitude in it. Instead when she realised how well I did in my art lessons, she encouraged my passion in art, bringing me to all the art painting excursions and external lessons which I asked for. For that I am thankful because she allow me to grow as a person who loves to learn, rather than a person who was forced to do something because it was good for them.