
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Was a good day yesterday. Had a good dinner treat at Petrus@ Shangrila for our anniversary dinner. I didnt have any present ready but I suppose dolling myself up for a change is a good starter:)

The thing about not working, its soooo EASY to slip into the "comfort over looks" outfit at home. It's rather unfortunate since I have cupboardful of nice clothes but I always end up wearing the same few pieces over and over again...Everytime I tell myself it's time for a change, some "imperfect" factor like warm weather will squash the notion flat, leaving me to pick up my usual suspects.

I suppose the biggest problem contributing to my laziness in "selection" is that I only buy clothes once a year, and almost certainly, the "fashionista" side will surface only in fall/winter period, yeah like about now. Somehow the lure is so strong for the Fall/winter designs that I would unconsciously be drawn to the my wallet, and unknowingly incur the wrath of my screaming emptied "Mr Piggy". So stuck with a pile for inbetween season clothes meant for cooler season and nothing really fancy for summer weather, I really am just buying clothes that will end up being donated away. I still have pants bought from Barcelona like 5 years ago, still unworn... which of course wont really fit my compounding waistline now... Sigh. Guys are soooo damn lucky.... all they have are shirts and T to choose from..

Tossing my insignificant wardrobe worries aside, dinner at Petrus was nice. I wont say its fantastic but service was almost impeccable, attentive with great attempt to make you nite a memorable one. The main fare was competently cooked and presented. I had the spidercrab broth which was good but lacking the rich flavor of what u would expect from the usual lobster soup. My partner's starter was better. I think it was some frog leg- snail tart thingie. My partner sent me laughing when he commented "oh look! the snail is trying to get away!" of a black decorative piece that was place at the rim of the plate. The server took him seriously and frantically trying to explain that it was a snail. That set me off even more, having to reassure her my partner was only cracking a joke.

I had the lamb and it was nice. Flavor wise...i think it can be better. My partner's lobster itself was cooked rite but personally I didnt like the accompanying sauce.

The only thing I felt that could be better executed was the dessert. We had the mango mouse cake with sherbet and everything was too sickly sweet. I couldnt really handle the sugar load. The fruit juice -orange with carrot was also incredibly sour that surprises me since the fresh orange I had from supermarket were actually sweet. The apple from the fruit plate were also sour. I have no idea who supply their fruits but they ought to reconsider the vendor source or the person who picked the fruits need to go for refresher course.

It was a nice simple eve and dinner fare. The dinner wasnt the highlight, the company was.

The sweetest compliment is being told that if he had known how perfect marriage life is, he would have sweep me off my feet way sooner. A simple heartfelt thought, but the greatest gift a wife can have. It outweighs any present this world can offer.

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