
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Kudos to Singapore food establishments that ban kids!

I dont care what the leaders of the state might say about being more "pro-family", I really dont relish a nice intimate dinner time with a bunch of ill-disciplined kids.

Some parents want to bitch about some food chain adopting such polices. Fine I get it, you feel discriminated against, but what about us who have to hunt high and low for a dining spot that can get away from kids? Just because you canx doesnt mean we have to share your plight too right?

I mean there must be hundreds of other eateries out there in Singapore that allow kids, so why must they be such insistent to assume that as parents, they have a free pass to go everywhere and anywhere with their children in tow. Just like you may like some time off from your kids (if u are a full time houseparent), so what is wrong with granting the rest of us a little breather and space? Granted that NOT all kids are bad, still, I have yet to witness a kid below 6year old that doesnt cry, whine, run around or scream at some point in time for an over hour long dinner.

Seriously, you are entitled to you chaotic all warm fuzzy children filled life, but so are we entitled to some peace and quiet. Afterall, part of my tax do go into subsidising your child tax deduction. So is it really that selfish for us to seek a quite spot without kids during meal time for those private dining moments?

I am not begrudging parents for wanting to spend more time with your kid at every available opportunity, but I do begrudge those parents who spend so much time with kids but FAIL to teach them manners esp in public places, and in turn becomes a liability and dread to others. So considering it  as such, why do you want to deprive us of a little request for "childless" space? Perhaps some parents are indignant about this post and feel that people like me are uncompassionate and selfish, however I can say the same about such parents by the same logic.

Having separate dining section? Have you realise how some kids are annoyingly loud or irritating just to get attention or trying to call the shots to hapless parents? I love those that gives a good smack to the hand but I really groan in dismay at those all cuddling "Oh My princess hush hush" parents, while the child was still screaming blue murder. . I wont be surprised if not because most parents are already immune to the loud boisterous noise. Immensed in the cloistered world of their own, most parents probably couldnt understand ( or choose not to, or too tired to) what ticks non parents off.

I would even gamely vote for one long haul flight/route without kids below 6years old. Wouldnt that be heavenly? No more crying babies to disturb those long overnight flight, no more irritating 5years kicking your seat from behind constantly (with parents ignoring that mischief). or children screaming for heavenly would that be if we get our way!

I rem having to dine out with a good friend and she brought her 6yr son along. She belongs to the set of Bohemian "do not enforce rules" modern parenting and it was horrifying, not to mention embarrassing to have her son running amok almost colliding with the serving staff several times, yelling for attention, screaming blue murder over a wrong icecream, disturbing other tables by grabbing their food or playing with their ipad. It was painful to watch and I was not in a position to yank her son in place though I did hint to his dad "that not everyone likes kids interrupting their conversation no matter how cute the parents may think it is" His defense was "oh I will see the expression of other people to see if they mind." Obviously his observation power wasnt very good since he couldnt detect my disagreement with his child raising tactics.

Even if you are my friends, it doesnt mean I have to adore your kids. Sorry, I just dont like noisy kids. However if they can quietly sit in a corner and read their book, that sits fine with me.

So there, now that I have said my peace about children, let's applaud these dining establishment on banning kids altogther! Yipeeee! The next task in hand, to get SINGAPOREANS to DRESS APPROPRIATELY and NICELY for dining spots. Stop turning up in T-shirt and sandals thinking that is being smart causal. Go refresh yourself in dressing etiquette please.

Article source

1. Gunther’s Modern French Cuisine – 36 Purvis Street, #01-03, Tel: 63388955
This restaurant states in its website that it observes a “no children under the age of 7 policy at the restaurant.”

2. Kuriya Penthouse, 181 Orchard Rd, Orchard Central 12-02, Tel: 6509 4222
This Japanese restaurant do not accept child diners under 6 years old, except on Sundays and public holidays.

3. SANTI Restaurant, 10 Bayfront Avenue #L2-03, Casino Level 2, Marina Bay Sands Singapore, Tel: 6688 8501
The Spanish restaurant requests that guests do not bring children below 10 years old to the restaurant on its website.

4. Eight Cafe and Bar, 8 Bukit Pasoh Road, Tel: 6220 4513
The restaurant will be introducing the no-child policy at the end of this month. Its owner Bill Ho, 34, tells customers that the restaurant is not suitable for young children as it does not have chairs to seat babies. However, he does make exceptions for customers who arrive at his doorstep with children. For Mr. Ho, the new policy to bar children below 10 years of age is part of the outlet’s marketing strategy: ‘Most of our customers are young executives who do not want to be disrupted by crying children. It is a haven for young adults.’

5. University Club, at the National University of Singapore

Serving modern European and Asian fare, this eatery run by the owners of Prive Group, has adopted a no-child policy as well.

Beauty: Eyes Make up remover

Ever since my eye specialist recommended this product - Novartis Lid care to me, I have not looked back since for the last 6 years. I would not go anywhere without this if I have any intention to use eye make up. I dont understand why ladies will shelf out big dole for inefficient "branded" eye make up remover when this cheap product readily available at all pharmacy/ drug store does the job better and more thoroughly!

What this product does is that it washes away all foreign particles (eg: eye liner, mascara, eye shadow colors, oily lids) that clings to the root of your eye lashes, and at times caught underneath your eyelid due to the oil secretion from our eye lids.

I tend to have a more active oil gland around my eyes than others so I went to see an eye specialist. He showed me a picture of my oil globules blown up and it's not pretty! So he recommended me to "wash" my eyes regularly with Novartis lid care till the oil clinging to my undereyelid is gone.

I was impressed at how effective it was. I will be using expensive eye makeup remover, but they could never be used to clean under the lids. So when I use the Novartis lid care, I would still find traces of eye makeup on the wipes despite having washed off "visible" eye makeup! So never again, will I not use this as the one and only step to wipe off my eye makeup!

My gf used to have eye infection frequently. Her eyes will swell or turn red like a bunny. She doesnt use much eye makeup and her doctor couldnt tell what triggers it. I told her to give lidcare a try and voila, her "infection" attack decreases significantly. Apparently, she has this nasty habbit of rubbing her eyes with her hands when she is tired, so we can only guess she prob has oily lids like me and the trapped impurities irritated her eyes when she rubbed them.

While this is a super good product to remove ALL traces of eye makeup, do note that some people may experience a little eye dryness or eye lid dryness if used everyday depending on your skin type. I would recommend to use a drop of eye drop (disposable sort) as a followup or apply a little eye cream if its the outer lid that feels dry. Otherwise most people wont feel much difference.

In Hk, you can only get the sterile wipes in Mannings or chinese drug stores but in Singapore and Australia, you can get the actual bottle size in Guardian or Watsons.

If u use eye makeup, you really must have this!


I went back to Singapore recently and they no longer sell the bottle version, just the prepacked 20piece box version as like HK.

Beauty: Skin Ceuticals - Hydrating B5 gel

I just have to blog about this beauty serum that I have been using for 3 months now.

When it comes to facial products, I find myself often skeptical about claims, thus limiting my buys to certain brands. Even so, I am constantly out to try other products that comes strongly recommended. I have absolutely no brand loyalty when it comes to beauty products unless it works consistently to the expected performance.

I have found myself a brand new best friend - Hydrating B5 Gel by Skin Ceuticals. (website)

I had seen this being sold in a GP clinic when I was waiting for my India travel jabs. So my interest was aroused when I saw this again in one of the store where I get my facial wash.

I asked the girl if it was any good and if she had tried it herself. While I generally carries a known distrust for sales (in any industry) in general, but since this girl doesnt earn commission, and neither does she represent a specific brand, so I am more inclined to take her word since she had recommended a rather good face wash for me previously. She told me Skin ceuticals is a good brand and their serums are really good, esp with my concerns about constant flaking skin around the edges of my mouth and certain parts of my face during winter.

I could use La mer which works for me but it tends to be too rich at times and it will cause minor out break if I use it over long period of time. So I thought, what the heck, I shall try this hydrating gel. The worst I can do if it doesnt work on my face, is to swap it into a leg moisturer instead.

To my surprise, upon first application, my face looks and feels hydrated. The gel was instantly absorbed in split seconds, and I couldnt feel any "extra" or sticky layer on my face. It instantly refreshes the taut feeling I have had for weeks. After application, your skin feels smooth. While it is recommended to use their own brand of moisturer, I still have my own moisturer cream which seem to absorb pretty well into my face too. I didnt have any "extra skin" barrier feeling at all. No scent, no side effects ( with my sensitive skin), and no disgusting greasy feeling. The best thing is that this product actually works as it claimed!

Ever since I started with this gel, I never have had another flaking dry skin problem on my face or corners of mouth ever again! It truly is amazing. Just a few drops per day and it work wonders. It is worth every penny of the price and I have never ever been so converted in my life! No matter what products I have had used previously, I always have something non-glowing to pick on or bitch about, but this product is practically flawless to date, if I put aside the steep price of course.

So ladies (and gentlemen), if u have dry skin problems such as taut or flaky bits, or just trying to brave the winter cold without look too shitty, go out and try this product. It will be a life saver!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Back to December

Been so busy the last few months that I wasnt in the frame of mind to blog. Went to India in Decemember and back. It wasnt as out there as I was mentally prepared for, but neither is it really that spectacular that borders on mind boogling. It was ok, seen this, experience this and time to go. It wasnt really an eye opener or anything. In fact, it was just another one of those enjoyable but tiring trip due to the super bad "rule-less" traffic congestion.

Next thing I know, its time to prepare a trip back to sg for Chinese New Year next week. Looking forward to playing with my brother's dog again.

As for what's playing in my ipod apart from Korean pop, a song by Taylor Swift,  I really like this. Back to December. It's a song, an apology song. Check it out.

[DL]: Back to Dec

I’m so glad you made time to see me
How’s life, tell me how’s your family
I haven’t seen them in a while
You’ve been good, busier than ever
Small talk, work and the weather
Your guard is up and I know why
Because the last time you saw me
Is still burning in the back of your mind
You gave me roses and I left them there to die

So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time.
It turns out freedom ain’t nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December turn around and make it all right
I go back to December all the time.

These days I haven’t been sleeping
Staying up late playing back myself leaving
When your birthday passed and I didn’t call
Then I think about summer
All the beautiful times I watched you laughing from the passenger side
And realized I loved you in the fall
And then the cold came and the dark days
When fear crept into my mind
You gave me all your love
And all I gave you was goodbye

So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you saying I’m sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time.
It turns out freedom ain’t nothing but missing you
Wishing I realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time.

I miss your texting, your sweet smiles.
So good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms that September night
The first time you ever saw me cry
Maybe this is wishful thinking
Probably mindless dreaming
If we loved again I swear I’d love you right
I’d go back in time and change it but I can’t
So if the chain is in your door I understand

But this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I'd go back to December turn around and make it all right
I'd go back to December turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time
All the time