
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mum was pleasantly surprised that unlike some strange Singaporeans who like to linger or deliberately would not get up from tables; Hk people do NOT hog the table after finishing the meal at small dining spots. There is a level of social consideration in this country to finish the meal, pay and leave. Will Singapore ever attain such social grace?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bye Bye Gourmet...

Was just getting ready to go after paying for my groceries when I was stunned by a poster, annoucing the closure of Gourmet Supermarket at the end of 27th Feb. Located at Lee Gardens for so long, I felt a little loss to see it go since it was a handy spot to pick up my dry provisions being next to my bus stop. Not to mention they are the other supermarket that carries a decently priced Australian Baby pork ribs without burning a hole in my pocket which City Super and 360 tends to inflict on me.

I was really sorry to see them go....:( I asked the fresh meat guy where will they move to and they said he will be dispatched to TASTE located at Hopewell center at Wanchai. What a hassle....unlikely I will go there.

Out of curiousity, I asked someone what was replacing the supermarket. Perhaps another supermarket?

To my horror, I was told that the whole huge basement will be taken over by LV. Yes that French luxury brand that has less-than-exciting designs that has a lot of excited mainlanders and the richie rich going goo goo ga ga just because its a tag, a tag that says "I have more cents-than-sense". (I am not being a sour grape. I can afford LV but just choose NOT to because its ridiculously overpriced for Loud
mediocre designs. )

The reason for my horror is that they already monopolise a large store area on level 1, after recently ousting cova resturant and deli cafe out of the first floor. And now they are invading the basement as well?

I prob could "cope" better if someone tell me the shop space is taken over by Broadway or Fortress..but ANOTHER LV? Why dont LV just do what they can afford to do, buy over or build a completely NEW BUILDING complete with their bags, ready to buy, cafe, shoes etc and leave other hot spots to serve the public better? Afterall, I am pretty sure even if LV flagship store is located in Sha Tin, tons of people will still flock there simply because it is LV and no other reasons required....

First I.T has ousted starbucks and Jade restaurant out of Hysan street and then L.V has ousted supermarket out.... So what, the rest of us dont have to eat and only need to starve but decked in expensive (and sometimes ) ugly clothes/ bags/ shoes....

This only shows that Asia is boomin...really booming.... hope it doesnt get ahead of itself again and crashes and burn...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I miss my baby!!!

I miss my brother's doggy terribly!! He is such a munja king and he trods after me almost everywhere and the level of excitment he shoer on me everytime i come back is an incredible feeling. The affection and unconditional love..though I am pretty sure he adores me because I am his playmate:)

I think we must be super lucky to get a dog that barely barks. In the 9 months we had him, he had only perhaps only barked 3 times, once because I forgot that I was holding on to his toy at a height he couldnt reach, and the second time when he saw my hubby for the first time. He growled at my hubby and refused the treat from him even being a glutton baby he was. I laughed and told my brother at least there is hope that baby will "protect" the house from strangers after all :)

Most of the time, my baby just make cute noises that doesnt even sound anything like a dog but more like a baby. He loves his cleaniness as much as we do and he even fold the diaper to cover his poo poo. Initially we thought it was an accident, but we soon realise that he really deliberately cover his poo poo and push it to a far corner. And when his dloor diaper is full, he will grab the paper and bring it to the door, expecting us to change it. I have never seen such a hygience loving dog before and endears himself to me even more!!!

I dunno if he realised I have left. My mum said when I am out with my friend, he would just stay quiet but regardless how late I return, he would start banging on the door expecting me to let him out so that he can frolick all over me and have me scratch his neck. he would nestle himself comfortably on my lap and just look at me with his big adoring eyes... And when i woke in the morn, he would only give me 2 mins before he starts to whimper for my attention. My mum said he doesnt do that with her or my brother. This little fellow knows who dotes him alot:) I honestly canx wait to go home and cuddle him again.

Oh how i miss my baby!!

I must have been super exhausted from my trip. Fell asleep at 9pm and woke up at 10am this morning. Had tried staying up as late as I could to spend time with my partner but my eyes were literally hurting too much to try. I couldnt talk much even if I wanted too with my sudden husky voice from weeks of talking and laughing..

My very sweet partner of course baked a banana cake for me for valentine but ended with a burnt crust due to his full concentration on his games. Well at least he did more than me. I didnt even prepare a thing and he got me a lovely small red ruby necklace he had secretly bought in India. I told him I didnt get him anything and he gave me a proud smile, declaring that he knew he was the romantic one betwen the two of us. I grinned with an agreeing nod. However he said he had misplaced the Valentine card he bought and I laughed saying it will pop up someday....just like the birthday card that magically appeared 2 years after he had he bought it:)

The weather in HK had turned chilly again. While I miss the glorious sun and blue skies in sg, still this cool weather is definitely a welcoming change from the humidity in Singapore. I swear that I could see the drastic change and dramatic improvement in my skin condition when I got back. The weather in singapore is really a curse for oily skin like mine. So glad that HK stay has done wonders to my skin:)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Another year passed...

When one is having a ball, time seem to zoom pass at break neck speed. Before I knew it, my 3 weeks holiday in Singapore was over. Blink of an eye, I had to board the flight today and fly back home.

During the stay, some friends asked me if I missed Singpore. My honest answer simple. The country? No, not really dude. It's not the same country that I remembered. The friends and loved ones living here, well yes, damn much actually.

Each previous trip back to sg is always a mixture of joy, longing and at times a tinge of regret when I didnt get to meet up with all the beautiful people I had wanted to meet. Likewise, this trip was no different since my schedule was pretty much full and had instances of last min changes. So it was even more regrettable that I didnt see those frens that had returned shortly for Chinese New Year from abroad.

Yet, there were many highlights and happy memorable momens this trip back. Most of all, I have confirmed my hidden suspicions that I am a spectacular "Kinect and Wii" Retard.... I bombed sooo badly that I was pretty  much of an entertainment to my frens while having my first go at the games that I was surprised their neighbors didnt knock on our door for the screams and boisterious endless laughings. I thought Kinect was hard having to find your way with nothing but air, but Wii wasnt any easier! I was soooo bad that my fren said he never saw scenes in the games for Epic loser.... :) Thankfully, as we dragged more mums and dads into the game, I really didnt fare too badly though one of the daddy was marvellous! It was hilarious seeing the 2 very excited daughters cheering on separately for their own mummy and daddy! It was the absolute faith and belief that their parents are champions that is so endearing, esp from big cheeks who sees her daddy as her absolute idol!

Little Di Di was even more adorable, when he woke finally to see his daddy playing, he looked scared and whimpered everytime the on screen character fell off or got hit by the log. It was almost he thot his own daddy was in the TV. Such a cute boy and boy has he grown since our last gathering!!

Little Big Cheek is simply the most well behaved and adorable little gal. Amongst all my frens with kids, she is the singularly the only one that my partner and myself adored the most and missed. It probably had something to do with the fact she came and attended our wedding when she was just 5-6 months old and was a perfect angel without a single cry throughtout my big day! Plus it is equally endearing that she doesnt mind me carrying her and she is just so bright and cheery! Her mummy says she is a terror but in the short spate of few hours spent with her, she is Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay way more behaved compared to the tons of brats I have the ill luck of encountering in Singapore streets and dining spots. She gets excited but she doesnt screech or throw hissy fits! I simply love the way she look up to her daddy and proudly show me her accomplishment of writing her own name. I have to credit my gf and her hubby for being the kind of parents that raises great behaving kids! Then again, it is a relief that most of my gfs had such obedient genes in their kids.

As we rock the house down with our uncontrollable laughs, it was amazing to see my gf' 3 year old boy sleeping thru most of the whole din! He was soooo cute and his sleepin posture had me laughing the min I step into the house, being greeted by his fatty "pat pat":)

As I sat on the flight back and reflected on the week, the best part was catching up with people who are very dear to me, and bonding, making new memories that will last a lifetime. I shared a couple of drinks with E  and told her that life has been kind to me. I have a small handful of dear frens since Junior College but esp her, that I am thankful for in life.

As one gets older, and women who tends to form their own families and start to give less attention to their old friends, I am lucky that I have her in my life, and that our friendship has also strengthen over time for the similar beliefs, values, experiences in life we share. Life has taken us both for a long complicated ride but we both arrived at our own pace, to find our pocket of joy.

I stayed over at her place and as the 3 of us chilled out together including her hubby, we laughed about those days we used to live together from uni dorm to those days we started work, and how every little things like lights, furniture would remind us of the good old semi-single days. She was just telling me how she didnt want to throw away the broken lamp and the orange couch which was part of the whole memory.

As we stood at her backyard, looking across her neighbor's flat, we started laughing as we recalled the poor hen pecked husband living opposite who had to squat and wash his wife's panties and bra openly. It was a back yard where many heartaches, heart secrets, self doubts, confidences were spilled and taken away by the breeze that caress us nitely. It was a good spot to bring back memories of the good and sad times. My partner called me the next mornin and started laughing, asking what was I up so early at 9am. From our past historical track record, he had expected us to chat thru the nite till bright early morning. Both of us gals started to chuckle at the truth of my husband's words:)

All in all a super good trip and even a super good flight back. Cathay serves good choc cakes on their biz flight...but their laksa definitely need to improve :)