
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Beauty Review: Fancl- Skin Renewal, Sebum care and lip treatment review

Had plenty of time while I was sick last week, and so I figured a little pampering wont do me much harm. So I ended up with a box of Fancl products that include a Skin Renewal Pack and a box of Sebum care (8 individual sachets).

Primarily, I had wanted to try out the Sebum care packs which promises to rid blackheads without the squeezing and polishing which was said to damage the skin texture. The fact that the items are free from presevatives and harsh chemicals were also a draw as my combination skin was increasingly getting sensitive.

The instructions I had received from the beauty advisor was specific. I had to smear a thick layer on my face for both products. It's a relatively new concept since we are used to the idea of just adequate coverage on the face. Plus, this thing isnt cheap so the item of slathering a layer of at least 2mm thick is kinda daunting.

1. Skin Renewal Pack Review.

The product is to be used before the sebum pack. The rationale isnt very clear to me.
The item made with royal jelly is mild enough to be used for the eye area but I didnt see a need to. After spreading it for 5mins, we are supposed to massage it in to stimulate further absorption into the skin before washing it off. Verdict, the skin was definitely softer and smoother instantly. It felt hydrated.

2. Sebum Care Pack
For first time user, it is highly recommended to use the product daily for 7 days. I decided to see it through since I wanted to see if it is as effective as claimed. I noticed black heads on my nose and I had refrained by using other products on it while testing this product.

The idea is to layer a THICK layer on the T-zone area, and other spotted areas suffering from outbreak. I dunno how other users claimed that there is enough cream per sachet for 2 people because for me, it was just right for the T-zone and chin and jawline area only. Not enough to cover the cheek. I suppose that is because I followed the instructions of NOT spreading a thin layer. The idea of how this works is that it is NOT suppose to dry up before you wash it. I dont get the full blown mechanics and logic but apparently the blackheads are soften by the cream and removed while the cream is still soft. A dried up cream will not dissolve the blackhead because it will only continue to block the pores.

That is the main reason why it only requires 3mins. To prevent the cream from drying up on your face and wash it off. The sponge that comes with the pack is pretty useful. It is gentle enough on the face and get the wiping done in 3 strokes.

The result is not immediately evident in the first couple of days. However by the 4th day, I am positive that the blackheads on my nose were reduced. In the first couple of days, I was kind of surprised that my nose was oiler and shinier than usual when I wake and didnt know if that was normal. However to my relief, the excessive oil symptom went away after the 4th day.

By the end of 7th day, I am happy to say that the sebum care pack works as claimed. The blackheads are really gone and it was pretty visible that my partner noted the significant difference. (he wanted to try it too now)

The recommended every 3 days after the initial work of recondition the skin. I am assuming it will work but it is rather expensive to keep using it every 3 days. I think the very important thing to remember is teh correct way to use this product or it wont as well as you hope.

I prob will stretch the interval over a longer period depending on my facial condition. Still, I am glad to say that this works. In addition, I had some new spots during the week and I smear the sebum care cream over the spot and they went down in 2 days without flaring and I completely forgotten about the new zits because they went down on its own. Didnt even need a zit cream. Heh.

3. Lip Treatment
The last thing I tried was the lip treatment that was suppose to nourish and moisturise cracked lips. I always have a dislike for balm because I find them to not work the way I want to after awhile or they have some weird taste. I did have a preference for Burt's Bee lip balm but it's not effective enough when I get really bad cracked lips.

This fancl product works great. My lips are positively soften and I dont have this weird taste or lingering layer that I hate with some other product. Overall, a 8/10 score for the product. I took some marks away for the small expensive tube. Otherwise this item is a keeper. I dont go to bed without layering it on my lips now. Esp useful if you sleep in aircon nightly like I do.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Travel: Easter Holiday @ Amanpuri Phuket

Kinda belated in posting my last phuket trip but what the hell, it's my blog. Lol

We had canceled the Japan trip and swap it to Phuket last min during the easter break. Initially we were booked in for Indigo Pearl Phuket because we had a good time there when it was newly opened in 2007. We should know better to go there first on a peak season, and secondly when it has gotten such a high ranking in Trip advisor. 

The place was jammed packed when we got there. Both the pools were fully "loaded" with all the holiday makers. I couldnt even find a single lounging chair till after 3pm. It was crazy. What made it worse was the fact that none of the in house restaurants we wanted were available due to full crowd. Seriously! We ended up having to eat at one those local eateries along the beaches but I swear I wont go back there again after their very dishonest attitude of overcharging. Sometimes, this is one of the reason why i dislike going to these developing countries, where some people lacks the integrity to run business just because they are in a tourist district, it really brings a bad name to the region.

However, what broke the camel's back and had us scurrying away was not the crowd, but a bunch of Singaporean family. We were rudely awaken at about 9.30am by this series of screaming kids running loudly up and down the long common corridor and adults talking loudly. I can understand noise but come on man, this is a resort and while you want to unwind, so do other people. Will it kill you to talk softer and stop your kids from making such a din near other people's room? This is not your house and common courtesy would be nice.

So not having the luxury to sleep in, I made the most of it and woke up to brush my teeth. During the next 10-15mins, the kids were still screaming. WTF. I really am annoyed with these ill mannered brats. I opened the main door and looked. The parents obviously saw me checking the source of disturbance but not a word of apology or taking their kids in hand. U can tell a singaporean anywhere from their accent and I couldnt be more ashamed by having to call myself a fellow citizen at this instant. Dont singaporean parents have good parenting skills when they are away? Sure this is a holiday resort but shouldnt kids be making noise at a pool or playground or open field instead of just outside someone else's door?  There are other kids in the resort. How is it that I couldnt hear any noise from the non chinese kids but once the singaporeans appeared, their noise could bring the house down? So I wasnt being anal about kids, I just had the bad luck of constantly being placed in the same confine places with irritating singapore kids.

Just when we were deciding what to do, the next room of Singapore adults started chatting and laughing. They made sooo much noise that EVERYONE resting in the pool area looked up and stared at their room. Dear god, did they think being chinese, we are part of those inconsiderate noisy bastards too? hope not. Judging by those looks, I obviously wasnt the only ones being annoyed at the having the peace and serenity destroyed by a family of selfish people.

However, it was thanks to them that I had the great fortune of moving to Amanpuri. It was US$700 more expensive than what we paid per night at Indigo but my husband didnt want to have our precious holidays ruined by a bunch of people who couldnt learn to tone down their volume. 

It was funny listening in to my hubby's conversation with the Amanpuri people. He was asking how long it will take and he couldnt believe his ears when they told him 45mins. So he spend the next few mins aruging about how it is impossible. I couldnt hold it in and asked him "Does it really matter if its 30mins ot 45mins dear? I mean, is it such a deal breaker? Plus if it is less than 45mins, then the ride will be less than 45mins, so why are u endlessly going on and on in circles about it?" Hearing that, my hubby seemed to awaken from his broken record loop and told the hotel to book in our stay. I went back to my packing. Sometimes, i really dont get how his brain

Anycase, Amanpuri was lovely. Expensive, but lovely. And prob because of the price, there were lesser kids. No let me rephrase that. There were lesser western kids but NO chinese kids. However, the western kids were very well behaved. Apart from the beach, they were very quiet and conducted themselves appropriately and I couldnt even hear them talk, least of all anything remotely resembling like scream. Why is there such a disparity in upbringing I cannot understand. Is there something wrong with some chinese parenting?

Anycase, the room here is big and spacious and I love the toiletries for a change as compared to other standard fares in other resorts. There isnt a TV in the room but u can request for it. Each unit comes with an outdoor pavilion. It was too hot to roast outside, plus I might as well roast by the beach than out amongst the garden. Still it was nice. I love their library too! They have really great decent English reads! From pop fiction to classics. U can easily find something here! The best thing was I forgotten my iphone charger and the hotel has one to loan to! Amen!!!

The changing room and main bedroom

 The outdoor pavilion that comes with each self standing villa.

 The garden view resorts

The common pool

The best thing about Amanpuri was that they had lovely private beach. The sand were white and soft and the water was so placid and welcoming. For the first time in my life, i actually enjoyed being by the beach, esp when i have wi-fi access all the way here!

 Lounging by the beach

 Inviting waters

Having a lap swim after a day of doing nothing

 View from top from the restaurant
 "YEah! After a successful sun tanning day!"

 "Enjoying my book in the shaded breeze..this is life!"

 "the biggest hermit crab I have seen to date!"

"View of the restaurant from down at the beach"

 The sea view from the gym

We snorkeled but there was nothing much to see. I saw this big beautiful pink jellyfish and was rather excited until I remembered "Oh fk, jellyfish sting is venomous isnt it?" and i have never backpedaled so fast in my life!!! I got on to shore and goggled. Ok, box jellies had been spotted before. Okie, going too far out is not a good idea then. When I water jetski and I saw so many jellies further out from the cornered off swimming area. They were lovely from the water surface though.

Food was not bad in the place. The thai food was actually pretty good and so was the Italian. Didnt try the Japanese food because the menu didnt look appetizing enough. 

At the end of the stay, we gotten a lovely Amanjunkie shirt as a gift for staying more than twice in more than two different Aman resorts. I winked an evil grin and twinkle at my partner and he rolled his eyes..."What have i turned u into" he bemoaned. Too late now darling, too late now. I can never go back to Indigo Pearl ever again! Bwhahaha.

Meeting up with Hk gfs

Decided to have some Pi Pa Gao at "Hoi Ting Tong". Havent seen Deb for a whole while now so it was a good catch up session. 

We were discussing about the other strange night where our apartments were similarly invaded by these flying ants that were attracted to the lights in our study. It was really disgusting to see them buzzing all over in a huge swarm. Debby was telling me how she was waving her vaccum madly and sucking them up. That worked too except they are flying everywhere.

I shared with her my more traditional method. My husband had wanted to spray insecticide but I was against it because it was a hassle to move the hanging clothes out and my nose was bad enuff as it was with the cold. So instead, I grabbed a tall chair, filled a translucent basin of water, and placed it as close to the light source where those bastards were flying. Then switch on a torch light and let it shine into the water, creating a false light source. Then Turn off the actual lights and close the door and leave the room for 15mins. Viola, all the stupid bastards dropped into the basin of water and drowned. Just some spare ones wandering around outside the basins but you can kill those with tissue. No fuss and fumes free. My husband was suitably impressed and asked me where I learnt that trick from. The truth was, it was a trick my dad had taught me when I was 5years old. We use to have these flying insects there were attracted to lights and I was terrified. I rem my dad doing performing the "same trick" and that got rid of my fear. For some reason, it was so effective that it stuck in my head. Sometimes in life, we just forget the easiest fuss free methods and got so used to spraying all sorts of chemicals that isnt good for our health.

On another note, during the course of our conversation about other stuff, hearing her talk always make me laugh because of the way local HK catch phrases she would use. I just love the humour and witty sarcasm used by Hong Konger. Cantonese language is definitely one of the more interesting language I have leant to appreciate over time!

I mean seriously, when I first heard this phrase “畫圖不須畫出牆” (translate: when you draw, you need not draw it so vividly till the picture jumps out at you), I didnt know what it means till they explained what it was. It simply meant one doesnt have to go into such elaborative details. How bloody interesting to word it in such an imaginative way!

Another incident when my therapist was describing her very unpleasant experience and she was very angry over bad service in a chinese-run eatery, instead of just saying she was pissed or angry, she described it “怨氣很重” I was laughing my head off. I mean you can literally imagine a very angry ghost possessing her resulting in her unexplainable anger. 

There is something about HK conversation culture. It just gets very interesting to hear them talk. Even more interesting to hear them swear. If no way tell me they are swearing, I would never have known! Lol!

I think I like the way people talk here more than back home. I may be biased but I think Sg are getting too blunt and coarse sometimes for my liking. Am I getting crazy? To actually be liking Hk more than Sg at this point in time? I must be away from Sg for too long. 

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Darling gaby

Finally uploaded more new pixs of my darling Gabby. How much he has grown.

Simply cannot believe how attached to me. Sigh...I miss "my" doggie. Bro said he looked kinda sad and listless the first week i was gone. I miss him too...sad sad... wonder if he is still playing the yellow toy that sweet auntie Eileen had bought for him. Such lucky boy, even my bff dotes on him so much!

"Playing hide and seek"

"Constantly by my side"

"Wondering if I am playing with him soon"

"Patiently letting me take his self portrait"

"Awww. u sweet doppy thing. Stop stealing my heart!"

 "Looking sad as I lock him up...awwww..sweet heart! My heart is breaking when he looks like that!"
 "Wont you play with me?" gaby says
"Yeah play with me!" Gaby brightens up!

sick sick sick

Ever since my trip back from Singapore, had been down with a serious bout of sore throat, cold followed by nasty cough. Every thing seemed so mild and harmless with the "free flowing" but otherwise non irritating runny nose. However, the cold and sorethroat refuse to go away after a week, hence had to meekly pay the doctor a visit. Considering it was time to get an estimate for my Hep A and B followup shot, I figured it was worth my time. Also was rather curious was is that funny looking keyhole op looking scar on my back.

Had my usual dose of antibiotics but doc warned against talking for a few days since I had even got my vocal chord infected. He looked up my nose (oh pray did i clear my snot this morning?!) and said it was fiercely raw and red. As a result, had to go home and sleep and to cancel the lunch date with my gf.
That was friday.

Came sat, nose postiively got worse and so did cough. WTF?! Isnt meds suppose to make me feel better? Obviously not.

Came sat nite, nothing improved. This is bad. I havent had any sleep for 2 days now. I seriously mean 2 nites straight where my eyes may be closed but you know u are not getting any rest. I tried boiling ginger water, rub tons of vicks vapor, hugged my hot water bottle to my chest etc. Tried everything possible. No help. the only time I seemed to stop coughing was when I was eating.

That nite was the worst! Literally had shivers and I was decked in winter gear wrapped under 2 blankets and still felt like shit. This aint good. Fuck, I was getting fed up with lack of sleep. My head was heavy and killing me since the meds were the drowsy kind but I wasnt getting any rest because no matter what position I took, including sitting up, my nose was completely stuffed up and couldnt breathe. I was like gasping for breath all the time unless I stand up. I was beyond frustrated.

Came sunday, I was ready to kill someone.
My partner asked if he should cancel his business trip for the week but I told him to go as planned. Coz I know there was nothing he could do for me. And with him gone, I had less thing to worry. Less laundry, less stress and mostly, I do not have to worry about his meals.

So off he he went on Monday and I spent the rest of the week tending to my pathetic sick self alone. It was kinda great really. I could cook my own porridge and my own minced pork since there wasnt much else I could eat, or cook fast. It's kinda a struggle really to try to cook with a heavy head but it beats eating those crap sold outside. Plus it sounds kinda strange, once u get into cooking everyday, you actually dont really want to eat the stuff they served out there unless it some sort of gourmet fine fare. Not being a snob, but you just feel safer with the food you prepared yourself.

The week passed uneventfully and how I managed to sleep without the aircon and sweater on the whole week was a miracle by my own standard, considering how much I detest heat. Advice flew in from all directions in facebook, with all the possible ways to get better. Alot told me to drink lemon and honey but I rem reading somewhere that lemon is not good is there is pheglm, it will cause more mucous to form. I wasnt sure but I decided better not to risk it since my nose is bad enough as it is. So I stuck to hot ginger.

By wed, I couldnt stand it so I went back to get my second dose of antibio and cough meds. The virus nowadays are vicious bastards. Canx kill them on the first round. Also got myself this nasal spray thingie from novartis. Not bad really. Help clear the air passage and stop me from wanting to scream and murder someone.

It's sat and while I finally get to sleep my first 12hours in a month, my nose is still running but hey, at least the phelgm is gone. My husband who got back on fri thought it was a little disgusting that I was pulling them out of my nose with tissue but it cannot be helped since I have yet learned the art of coughing those disgusting thing out from my mouth. Plus I didnt ask him to watch that silly bugger. You can try blowing but somehow it just doesnt get the whole thing out in one go. Once I yanked out the long stream of mucous thingie, I could feel the nose bridge area instantly clearing up and voila, came sat today, it's so much better.

I suppose it will be another week before I get better.
Till then, more shots. Canx believe the blood test for hep b cost me $300 here. Ouch.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hard to find a nice teapot in Singapore...

Believe it or not, one of the hardest thing to find or didnt find was teapot in Singapore. I mean a DECENT modern-looking one, and not one of those bloody ching-cheong-ugly-shitty-boring-cheena china looking thing.

I basically combed through the whole of Isetan, Suntec, Raffles City, Robinson and didnt find a single teapot with proper tea leaves strainer. What? Singaporean dont drink tea of tea leaves, or that they only drink the crappy tea bags? Even if I was willing to forego teapots and resigned to tea strainers, I still couldnt find any that will fit into a proper mug. I simply couldnt understand why since tea pots and tea strainers are dime and dozens in Hong Kong and even Sydney!

I spent effectively 2 whole afternoons from location to location and it was utterly in vain. I honestly couldnt believe it. if my frens were not with me on the hunt, they probably would think I am being picky or exaggerating.

The only one that was remotely nice was from WMF, but I aint gonna dish out couple of hundreds just for a teapot. I didnt have time to head to Takashimaya and the relatively nice one at Jones Grocer wasnt big enough in capacity. It really drove me nuts!

Back in Hong Kong, tea being an ingrained culture results in the splendid array of teapots. From the beautiful iron cast patterned teapots, to the refined version and the oriental chinese version. It was everywhere. I just went to Times Square today and I found one corner shop selling such a wide array my eyes were popping! My HK fren was laughing at my expression as I went berating the crappy stock piling of useless junks in Singapore "malls".

Sigh...the next time before I head back, I need to buy like a couple of teapots just to stock up at home!!! Singapore shopping really sucks, not to mention more expensive for the same things I can get in HK.

Sunday final catch up

The last Sunday in Singapore was spent with 2 other guy friends. Had to even out the gender ratio this trip back! lol.

Primarily had wanted to meet up with Stan since his recent relocation back from Sydney. He was my one and only fren back then and I was so lucky to have been able to spend the year with him there rather than lobo on my own.

Funny how life turns out. Stan and I went to the same college for first 3 months and we didnt reunite till a drinks session with a common fren after we graduated from uni.

While the common fren had drifted apart over the years, the both of us remained tight and updated with each other's life. In life, there are just some people you know whom will be your great bud for the longest time without any romantic inkling and Stan is just one of those few rare generous selfless souls!

Knowing how much I missed the raw nuts from Bondi Junction, he had specially lugged back at least 2 kg of nuts back for me! Touuuuuuccccched!

Since both of us already had our lunch, we dropped by Coffee Club for a decadent afternoon snackie, which translate into a pretty big slice of muddy mud pie. The drinks here have definitely taken a turn for the worse but the dessert was still decent.

We talked about the Political scene in Sg. I felt good ministers regardless of parties should be voted in. If people just vote randomly for the oppositions (esp the bad ones), then how different are we from PAP trying to usher their own people in via the GRC mechanism. The idea of elections is to vote credible people in. Putting good people in is important. I just had a feeling that some people have gone amok in their train of thoughts.

Anyway, as the tea time progressed, the topic moved on from our "civilian duties" to Stan and his impending wedding. I think I am such a good influence. Lol! 4 months ago when we had lunch, I talked him out of procrastinating in his proposal and had him scouting for a ring after our lunch.

As rightly predicted, I was told his gf was relieved and exclaimed its about time and she thought he would never ask! Haha!  I told him that I expect his wedding to be no later than Sep next year. He innocently asked me "Why not this year?" I stared into his eyes and asked "Do you even think its remotely possible judging by the current speed of things?!!!" He laughed his sheepish laughs.

In between the laughs and "evil" crackling, I asked him how he could stand me at times. His reply was 10% of  goofiness, 20% of vocalness, 30% of indignant, 40% of possible norm. That is what made me uniquely likeable and fun to be with. Awwwww...I was feeling all warm and fuzzy when I heard that:)

By 5pm, I had to split and head home. I think my dog is missing me to pieces.

I wasnt wrong. When I reached home, my lovable pup work himself up into a crazy bundle jumping all around my legs. I had to brush him off and trying to calm him down since I had enough scratches from his over excited pawing on my naked thighs. Even my brother's command to stop was no avail. This little fellow really misses me! The pup wont let up until I sat down, and he jumped straight into my lap and curl up like a baby, moving my hands with his paws to give him my loving scratches. It is such moments of attachment where I felt the dog is more like mine than my bro's! Lol! My mum poked her head out and exclaimed the dog was like a limp piece of vegetable when I wasnt at home and now he is bounds of energy. Both my brother and mum couldnt quite figure nor understand why the puppy is so smitten with me.

From the moment I was home, the pup refused to let me out of his sight. He rather stick around and guard me when I poo. Dont quite get why he rather smell my poo than play with his own toys. If I didnt know better, I think the pup worships the ground I walk! hahahaha!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

One of my old fren fly back from biz trip earlier than I expected, just when I thought we were gonna give each other a miss. It was a little late but better later than never I suppose.

Have I not been paying enough attention? Someone got a brand new expensive sports convertible when I wasnt looking! Darn! I m losing my mojo! Didnt he just had a different car on my last trip and that was like what, 6 months ago?!!!! Oh well...what am I going on about for? The advantage of having a fren who loves pretty and fast cars and can afford it, is that my precious butt gets to sit in it! Lol!

I have been in convertibles but not in Sg. So this is pleasantly a first time. Thankfully too that the humid and blistering hot weather had taken a nice dip after the heavy downpour and so surprisingly, it was rather nice to "breeze" thru the roads.

Took a short spin to have late night beancurd dessert and funnily, my brother's paranoia of having his "Beemer" scratched by inconsiderate drivers must have rubbed off me. I was actually more concerned about my fren leaving his in the midst of Geylang than he was! Lol!

As we chatted, my fren told me that he found it strange that I wasnt working because he couldnt imagine the workaholic that he knew then can live this way of being a bummer. Hahaha! He was a little concerned for me, rightly so but I assured him the so-call "flame of life" is still burning within and not put out. So we left it at that. This is a person who probably does understand me to a certain degree but having not met up for a while, I suppose we have this boundary lines that had risen up unknowingly.

I dont really want to go into details with him either, simply because I dont really have a strong reason. Maybe I just am sick of the corporate world and happy as things stand at this point in time. Curiously, he is prob the only person who had not once asked me if I ever planned to return. In a way I am thankful he didnt ask because it does gets pretty tiring after a while to be parroting the same uncertain answer. I mean if I am ready to come back, I will come back. I just dont know what the future stores so it's always a "I dunno, see how" answer. Then again, I am the sort of person who doesnt give advance notice. You will know it when the deed is done.

As I was slurping on my beancurd, I told my fren aint we lucky to be living in this liberal modern society,  where it's actually possible to be seen hanging out with frens of opposite gender and not be misconstrued as some clandestine love affair?!! Amen. Folks like my mum who still cling on to old traditions of "appropriate distance" will probably be shaking her head in disapproval right now. hahaha.

The nite wears on, with both parties catching up on each other's tidbits. I suppose he was getting a little tired of his job considering the amount of time he had to fly. Instead of the 40%, it seems closer to 70%. His frequent flyer got upgraded within a month since he started on this new job. So it's not surprising that he's feeling kenna low since its seriously affecting his social life. Frens just stop inviting him out because their schedule could never seem to match and people just naturally stop trying. Just facts of life. I didnt know if it was sad or funny when he said he hardly even get to sleep in his own bed nowadays because he rather crashed in the living room couch than make it up to the upper floor. If he thinks I am workaholic, I dunno what to label him as.

What was funny was his observation of his own growing gut. He was horrified when he suddenly realised that he was resting his hands comfortably on his baby waist pouch. I was laughing so hard at his expression. Yes, vanity has always been one of his virtue though working out isnt, not since he stopped his tennis. Lol!

I suppose the part about not working is that, I dont really have much angst or complaints to share. So I played the dutiful listening ear most of the time. I suppose my dear fren here just needed to unload his chest too. It's also heartening to have someone tell you that he is glad you are here and being missed since it's not easy for both of us to catch up often. So being able to play a small part in cheering his day up today is the best thing I can do I suppose:)

As I look back, I am seriously blessed. Having the great fortune of hooking upand be surrounded by some really great and sweet people who takes the time and heart to be a fren. I dunno if I measure up all the time but I think I am doing ok I suppose from the way things look. I am thankful, thankful for what life has bestowed upon me - the tribulations and the rewarding happiness. For now, I am just grateful for every moment I get to spend with the people who love me, and vice versa, the people that I love back.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Funny Friday nite out, and encounter with overfrenly cabbie

Without fail as always, went over to E's place for my usual sleep over for my trip back. We were supposed to meet some college frens on sat, so I thought it would be good to pop over on a Friday.

Since her op and with all the time on hand during her hospital leave, my BFF has picked up an immense interest in making muffins! Being a self professed terrible cook and her hubby told her not to cook....she decided she had better luck in the dessert department:) So came friday and these two bo liao women rolled up our sleeves (or rather swap to the least material outfit to combat the incredible heat wave) and got to work! 

E has a great blueberry muffins recipe and before long, we were both sweating it out in the kitchen. She didnt have a mixer so everything had to be whipped from scratch, the primitive way by hands! Okie, I have to confess it wasnt really a piece of cake considering we forgot to melt the butter since we were so engrossed in chitchatting earlier like long lost lovers... This is DEFINITELY a good way to keep your arm muscles toned, not sure about the damage on waistline though...

Since I had a prior dinner engagement with my other galfrens from work, I had to dashed off to Clarke Quay. off to Brewerkz since it has been a long while since I last set foot there for my birthday lunch with E and her hubby.

My ETA was 6.45pm but the gals were there earlier at 6.30pm and so I told them to go ahead to try grab a table since we were told that we couldnt secure a table reservations. On the phone, Doreen told me to go via exit C. I thought it was another exit but since she was already there, I figured she should know better. Upon reaching the train station, Doreen sent me another message that said "Got a table. Exit C"

At Exit C, I was welcomed by a flight of stairs, with a "warning" that this is a 5 storey steps, consisting of 90stairs. I hesitated because mathematically, I didnt know how much physical labour is involved in 90steps. Not having much time to spare, I gamely started to conquer my stairs challenge... I started to bitch to myself halfway thru as I started to realise this is a darn long flight of stairs!! Trusting Doreen that this is probably the nearest and best way to get to the restaurant, and that it would be too stupid to turn back, I finally huffed and puffed my way up to the top with satisfaction until I realised where I was! Damnit!! We are just next to Central mall and there was an escalator just next to this flight of stairs!!! Arrrrgggghhhh!!!! Getting my bearings, I headed off to Brewerkz and greeted by 2 very happy faces. 

As I sat down and asked her "Why on earth did you say exit C!!", Doreen and Elaine started to laugh as we swapped stories of our "emotional trauma" as we proceed on our"journey" up the stairs! The last sucker was Jennifer and we were laughing if we should subject her to the same ordeal! In the end, we decided we would tell her exit C and let her decide if she would also be conned into it! Meanwhile, as i commented on our luck to be able to secure a table on a busy friday nite, Doreen commented they probably reserved some tables for walk in. That was when Elaine burst out laughing stating "It sounded kinda strange, that we couldnt get a table via phone reservations because tables are reserved for walk in." Those little ironies:)

Half hour later, Jennifer arrived all cool and collected. We held our breath to see what she had to say. The min she settled down, she grabbed the ice water and gulped down before starting to  bitch about that demanding flight of stairs! 

We all burst into hearty laughs! Jennifer was describing how she realised she had a long way to go and she was dead tired mid way with her heavy bag and laptop, not to mention in heels. She confessed that she had to stop and rest in the middle of the flight because she didnt want to be caught dead huffing and puffing with a red face to be seen by the people at the ground level and the security video! "there's an image to maintain you know!" I was laughing so hard!

The standard of food has certainly dropped here. The buffalo wings and pizza were way over salty. My beer battered fish was still ok thankfully. For dessert, the lucky gals had a chance to savour my blueberry muffin though Doreen initially asked "Is it grey?!" 

We decided to adjourn to Coffee club and I honestly dont want to waste another post lamenting about china service staff who couldnt speak English and pissing me off. I think most people already know what I have to say....

Clarke Quay is seriously transformed. It was so packed and crowded. I hope this stays and has a longer shelf live than Mohammad sultan did.

While waiting for the cab, I was asking Jennifer if MOS is still around and she gave me the most horrified look and tried to hush me! It was quite funny seeing her look of panic as she explained that MOS has long gone! Hahaha! Guess I really am super out of touch with the local scene now!

Thankfully there were plenty of cabs and despite the long Q, it didnt take very long to reach us.  I jumped into the cab and told uncle the address. Since I am not familiar with the estate, I gave him the exact address. "Uncle, Upper Serangoon." The cab driver replied "Sengkang har!" Having very vague idea of where exactly Sengkang spans out, I replied "Ehhh..I dunno. It's upper serangoon" The driver repeated "That's sengkang lah! SENGKANG!" He persisted. Okie...I m not about to start a debate over if its sengkang or watever so long I get to where I am suppose to go. As he started to drive, I tried my luck again, "Uncle, not Hougang meh?" The driver insisted loudly "SENGKANG SENGKANG!" Okie okie....i get the drift that my opinion does not matter in this cab.

Just when I was about to lay my head back and relax, the cab driver who probably was trying to be friendly asked me "You are going home so early? The nite just started!" It was already 11.30pm and I wanted to head back to E's place earlier since I wanted to do more catch up with her. However not wanting to explain, I patronise the cab driver with "getting old, canx handle late nites anymore."

The cab driver leaned forward to get a good look at the rear mirror and then replied "No No, you still very young. You sure can afford to stay out later. So going home so early?" I was groaning inside. I really dont want to chat with uncle tonite. So I just gave a weak haha and tried to end it there. My frens sms me and I started to grin as I replied the series of texts. I was surprised when the uncle suddenly said "Wah who is that? So happy. Must be your boyfren lah!"

I was a little surprised since how on earth did he know I was grinning? My god? Was he staring back at me all these while? Am I being paranoid? So I replied "No lah, not boyfren." I put my mobile away and the next min, my text beep came in. I replied the text and the driver commented "So happy you sure not boyfren?"

Okie. This is seriously starting to be kinda weird.

So I answered him without thinking "Uncle, it's my Girlfren. NOT boyfren." Uncle was probably in his lala land on his own and replied "Ahh..boyfren lah." Dont asked me why but I felt the need to correct him "No uncle, it's GALFREN. You know, GIRL. NOT BOY."

Uncle went quiet. I was smirking in satisfaction until it hit me, did he think I was lesbian? Especially when he saw me kissing and hugging my goodbyes with 3 other gals earlier.. hahahaha!

In the next 5 mins, Uncle decided he should update me and said "Okie you are reaching home soon! You are reaching home safely." I thanked him and was dying to get away from this over friendly cabbie.

Just when we were about to pass through the security guardhouse, the driver still wasnt giving up. He asked me again "So not going out with yout boyfren izzit? Your boyfren waiting upstairs right?"

Wah pianz uncle! U still not giving up are you?! I honestly didnt know if I should be amused or annoyed at his persistent questioning. I dunno, maybe I am in a series of good mood being back and so I entertained uncle one more time "No uncle, i have no boyfren. My galfren is waiting upstairs." Technically I wasnt lying. I have a husband but not a boyfren and my galfren is really waiting for me, except she is married. hahaha.

I think Uncle finally gave up. He probably drove off wondering what the hell is wrong with girls nowadays...not having boyfrens but galfrens instead. Lol!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Woof Woof!

Life pretty much went back to normal after the elections. The remaining days were just purely catch up with old frens and playing with my dog. He has work himself up into a frenzy ever since I was back. I think he missed his playmate -me. My mum adores him and fed him well but she doesnt know how to play with the pup, and my brother is too much of an alpha male that scares the poor lil thing. So here comes the affectionate face and doggie just went crazy and wont leave me out of his sight.

Met up with Bunny gal and lil tod in tow in town since it was her day off. I keep forgetting how much and fast lil kids pick up from adults speech. 

I was pushing the pram and pointing out little animals to the 2year old as we passed this clothes shop. I wasnt sure if she even understood what I was saying as I rattle on with cat, caterpillar, poodle, butterfly. Assuming she wasnt paying attention and I was only talking to myself, I merely said "Woof Woof" as I pointed to the last picture of a dog. And that was then when the 2year old repeated after me "Woof Woof". Oh CRAP. What had I done!!! LOL!!!

I was half laughing and half desperately trying to correct her, pointing to the picture saying "Dog Dog". Her half amused mummy also quickly jumped in and corrected "Not woof woof but dog dog!" However, the little one just looked on at us in silence again and smiled.  I guess Woof woof will be stuck for a while...hahaha.

We popped over to Wild Honey. It was said to be a "hot fav" haunt for many. The service was good, and there was indeed a variety of food but were all too heavy for me. The food wasnt bad but honestly unless u have a huge appetite, dont bother. 

We pop back up to Jones Grocer when our respective partners came to join us girls couple of hours later. It was good chatting for a while about elections..i mean what else could be the hottest topic in town? 

By 5pm, we called it a day and went our separate ways after spending the lovely day together. More thankfully I am appreciative that despite all the hassle of bringing a kid out on her own, my galfren never once complained nor cancelled on me and that made me cherish her efforts even more. I guess this is what they meant by good frens vs frens. However the most impt thing of it all was how well behaved her daughter is. No screaming, no tantrums,  no running around. Amen. I told the couple, people like them ought to have more kids because they do not indulge and pander to the kids but are firm enough to  pull the leash on their little precious. Thank you!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Reaching ground zero...before the election

Flight back to Singapore was uneventful apart from the 45mins delay flying in circles up in the air awaiting for Changi Airport to give clearance. I was kinda impatient because my brother was waiting for me to try to catch the last nite of rally and we had wanted to avoid the jam as much as possible. Obviously as things are, I would not make it by 7pm since my flight didnt land till 6.30pm.

This was my first rally attendance, and it went to opposition. I have heard enough of PAP propaganda my whole life and so I figured I wanted to witness and hear for myself what the other side had to offer, and if they are as mighty as the social media had been painting them.

From the point of arriving at the train station to the walk towards the stadium, the swarming huge crowd was astounding. The walking lanes were bursting with people rushing to try to get a spot. Reaching ground zero, the atmosphere was electrifying. People were spilling out of the entrances. However, we manage to squeeze ourselves to the inner sanctum, where the jogging tracks were. I wouldnt believe it if I didnt see it with my own eyes and hear with my own ears. There were plenty of college students from Raffles, Tampines, Victoria. Were there so many young adults in all the previous elections? I cannot comment since I had never attended any previous rallies but I think I can safely say the tide is changing.

Several of my frens were there too but it was impossible to meet up with the increasing attendees, and the lack of mobile reception signal. The speeches were of course a summary of whatever we had heard previously. Some I was impressed, some not so much. Still it was a common theme.

As we left the scene after standing close to 3 hours, I told my brother that it would be quite impossible to imagine WP losing. Seriously. People isnt just bitching and complaining in the manner of after dinner chit chat, the anger and angst are very, very real. The sea of accumulating resentment was very very real. In fact I was a little taken back. I have my issues and takes on the inadequacies of the present party in power, but I didnt expect people to have so much built up dissatisfaction to the point that they didnt care who heard them.

I am for change, but i couldnt say it enough, some people need to understand some changes may seem good in the near future but could be detrimental in the long run. I know why I am voting the way I did, I only hope these people who voted the opposition will not have their hopes dashed because what they want is either illogical or impractical, so much so that even opposition party should not implement such wishes should they gain power...thus the importance of very good opposition team, and not vote for the sake of voting for change.

Came voting day, I know of many of my peers who took the same path as me, and also some older generation that opt to spoil their votes. Reason being that nothing will change regardless which party is in power. Partially they still feel indebted to LKY, but partially they also hated some policies. So they choose to be Switzerland.

I stayed up till 4am to watch the elections. I had truly expected all the results, with exception of Hougang. I wasnt sure how the vote will swing for that SMC but true to their spirit, they stuck their grounds and voted opposition in. I was joking with my frens we ought to create a new T-Shirt that says "The untouchables." for the Hougang people. However the bigger issue at hand, I personally was kinda shock at the overwhelming support for the alternate parties! The percentages are huge!!!

The results were expected but it's definitely a page turner for the scene of politics. It's almost like a Nicole cult following that my brother said he overheard a teenager telling her mum that she aspires to be like Nicole Seah. Seriously?! Seriously... I hope these people still have their head firmly screwed on their head. This is seriously serious matter.

My only gripe is that SM and MM positions should be scraped. Seriously. If the reasoning that SM is to ensure smooth transition between the govt, then honestly, I think 5 years is already more than enough without "raiding the national reserves" with their gastronomical pay. Plus, the oldies are muttering more rubbish than I care to know. They have been more a liability with what they been saying in public than helping to douse the flames...I can tell you that the "REPENT" speech has seriously swung many votes to the other camp. Like what an old man who was interviewed said and sum up best as to why he voted for opposition -" I didnt change. They (PAP) changed.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Singapore: About PM Mr Lee HL's apologies...

Have not anticipated a trip back to Singapore for so long now. Planning on the last min dash to attend the last night of rallies from the moment my plane lands at 6pm...

Read about the new of PM Lee apologising. There are waves of outcries as well as support. I do sympathise with that chap really. Damn if he apologise, Damn if he does not. It's hard to do the right thing, and the universal truth holds true, there is no pleasing everybody. One of my friend was very agitated and said it's all a fraud, many others decrying that move as a political ruse to win back votes. I disagree on this. I accept his apologies.

My friend "warned" me that I am being fooled, that a politician who does not stand firm by his decision is the most dangerous. However I disagree even more on this. To me, a leader who NEVER or REFUSE to apologise is the MOST dangerous. That will be dictatorship. Moreover, no matter when he does it, he will always be blamed.

When he apologised now, he gets blamed for buying sympathy votes. If he apologise after election, he will be criticized for apologising only because he lost votes to alternate parties. If he doesnt apologised at all, he and his team will be blamed for having their head buried in the sand so deep that he cannot see his mistakes.So no matter when or how he does it, it's never going to cut it with people whose opinion of him are already set in stone. yet we must always remind ourselves, when passion drives us, let reason hold the reins.

People question why then does he apologise now. Well, I like to believe that he truly didnt get the full gist of the problems till we pointed out to him how angry we are. Its not solely his fault, it's his team's fault for not giving him a good feel of the ground. I do not expect a PM to walk the grounds everyday to ask the citizens what we think, that is what his staff should be doing and either they are incompetent or covering out, but in anycase, they are not relaying the real and accurate picture to him, thus Lee's claim that he does not have complete picture. The real problem is, HOW CAN HE GET A BETTER FEEL OF THE GROUND in future is the real question since whatever system they have not is not working well.

An apology in the open is nonetheless still an apology no matter how you want to read (into) it. To me, its an acknowledgement of his parties failures, flaws, and inadequacies. However, accepting his apologies does not equate to pledging my alliance with him. Plus, snubbing or criticizes someone's apologies also shows the lost of objectivity isnt it? Only time is the best judge, to show if the sincerity is there.

Casting the idea of votes aside, I see Mr Lee first as a relatively humble person, a person who shoulder more responsibilities and pressure on his back than any other PM in other developed nation. He is not his father, and I believe to many levels, he differs from his father. He has more pressure because he has a legendary father, and he has a legacy to uphold and protect. The legacy is Singapore. Regardless how one may feel about about Senior Lee, one cannot deny that he has crafted and with a great team collectively led Singapore to success. For Mr Lee HL, there is a an insurmountable pressure to keep Singapore intact and not bring the country to her knees or worse, in ruins. He still has a father to answer to. Privately, I cannot imagine how that can be easy, esp telling your dad to mind his own business! Ha! Imagine that! We are not talking about a company. We are talking about a nation, with millions and millions of people and jobs counting on him and his team.

Secondly, no one team can be without fractions, except that they agree to disagree internally. We are all humans and while the bigger focus is on PAP vs the alternate voices, people tend to neglect that even within a party, you can have differences in views or maybe for speculation sake, different groups. However perhaps for the sake of unity and picture perfect harmony, we the humble citizens will never know who says/thinks what. I mean just look at what Mr Goh CT did, singling out his own colleagues like Mr Wong, telling voters that Mr G. Yeo is more important and a "CORE" member of the team, not Mr Wong.  (read article)What on earth is he trying to hint at? For me, it was the most stupid statement to make because I would have retorted that if you have any brains to protect your valuable asset, you would then stake him with your most secure seating like with MM Lee. However you didnt, you leave him out to hang to take the risk, or too arrogant to think its a sure win? If you want to play the game, then abide by the rules. So please, stop saying things that is detrimental to your team;s unity and needlessly reduce your credibility which is fast eroding in this election after you insulted NSParty calling them "No Substance party" (read article). Is this your own version of "clean fight" after stating it in print to the nation? (read article). Did you not write your own script and forgotten what you had said?

Hence, I am presuming here that PM Lee also has to content with a situation similar in any big organisation..So for all the problems that has been highlighted by the public and which he has apologised twice for, to be fair, it isnt his fault alone, although being the captain of the ship, he should have shown more foresight. Ironically, if he and his team with so much experience and guidance from SM and MM can still make mistakes, how does PAP then keep hitting out at the "inexperience" aspect of alternate parties and that Singapore is bound to fail with them installed? As Benjamin Franklin had once said "Certainty? In this world, there is no certainty except death and taxes."

Currently, I have two sides (PAP vs others)  that will be prone to make mistakes.  Additionally, I have to also say while there are people I like in PAP, there are also people I have lost respect in PAP. Same goes for the alternate parties. So to me, the vote swing both ways on this point. Except that for alternate parties, I can safely say most candidates are taking a bigger risk and not in for the money. People like Mr Chiam, a dedicated old  who serves for the past 27yrs for the people. He has no other apparent motives apart from ensuring Singapore progress in a humane direction and not just dollars and cents. (read: The makeshift cubicle for Mr Chiam)

What we have also learnt from the US market crisis is that we cannot make assumptions based on past data. The industry professions who does risk assessment based on past performance and stats still gets it wrong.

In Facebook, the friends who are prop alternate parties are vocal and the stream of updates comes fast and furious. In contrast, I too know EXACTLY who are the PAP supporters because they are silent, and disengaging themselves from the apparent alternate parties.

Way before election was even announced, I remember catching up with a bunch of college friends over coffee and we had a laptop logging on the FB (facebook). One of them works in GIC, and is a grassroot leader of whatever sorts. He is a good chap. Really. Not because he is my friend, but I know he is not nasty, he has humility and he has a genuine heart. Doesnt matter if he takes a 5 figure paycheck home, go travelling several times a year with his kids, or recently upgraded to a new car. He is still who he is, the same guy I know back in school. We were scrolling through facebook, and he commented about a fellow junior who had been posting articles that questions certain policies in Singapore. His comment was that "This guy is crazy. Why does he post such articles on a public platform? Asking for trouble man. Who knows who read your profile and your sentiments about the govt."

I was kinda taken back because here is a educated chap, but with a conservative thinking. I am pretty sure he doesnt approve of my outspoken (public) take on certain issues and thus I can understand his distancing and "silence". I do not blame him or take offence. Every man is entitled to support the party they prefer. However, what I do mind is is the existence of the implicit non-spoken fear that lingers in the air that has an effect on the minds and actions of our people. Is what Mr Goh said is true, that he lets us decide our own future, then why till this very day, does the govt not come out and just say it -say "It does not matter who you vote, I promise you that no citizen will be persecuted by your choice." But they have not said it. Well, maybe because I am not in sg so I have not heard it nor seen it posted on the electoral website.

Many says, there should be a difference between parties and elected govt, but how much can we untangle the two honestly? So is that why by not saying anything, becomes a cause to possibly gain an upper hand stemming from public irrational fear. I am saying irrational because I believe that any good non corrupted govt like ours has no need to play such silly games..or am I being naive here when it comes to political games?

Come 8th May, there is the statistics winners and losers. However, ultimately what I want is to see the people as winners. Not because which party won or lose, but rather if the current dominant people wins, and that these loud voices of dissent and resentment has gotten through their thick (skulls) ivory walls, then perhaps all is not lost. If the threat of opposition even if not elected, managed to set the ball in motion with the govt acting more favorably for the poorer sector, then again, all is not lost. At the end of the day, what the people really and truly want, is to be heard, and to have the people in charge doing something about the situation deemed wrong or neglected.

I leave you with one of my fav quote of the day.

A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people. And healthy discontent is the prelude to progress.
Mohandas Gandhi