
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

MIL in hospital.

My husband was telling me the other day, that his sister aka the fat bitch has not been going over to their mother's place for some time. Seemed like she was busy with something.

I had to bite my tongue to refrain from passing sarcastic remarks that now that their 2 spoilt brats are grown up and in school, and the fat lazy arse no longer requires their mum to feed and care for the kids, of course she has no more use for the old folks.  Moreover, I was secretly thinking to myself, everytime they MIA for a short while, some "bigger" request or events will bound to come later. However, owning to the fact that these are not my immediate family and she aint stepping on my tail this time, I didnt want to pass comments which may result in a super unhappy conversation on my end.

Just the other day, my mother in law called to ask for a CD compilation of all the photos I took for my father in law birthday. Previously I had asked her if she wanted a CD or developed prints. She told me prints and I had to Q and make 2 trips to get it done to send to her. Now suddenly out of the blue she wanted the CD. I know why she wanted it, its for those bitches off springs of hers that was too farking lazy to even bother to take photos for their Dad and now too farking embarrassed to ask me for a copy, which they know I would reject flat out to do anything for those lazy selfish arse. I wasnt too happy of course. I was thinking I should have farking deleted all the soft copies and be done with it. My husband commented that I looked as if I was going to murder someone. If muttering curses work, I would really enjoy Xmas.

Anycase, as to be expected of my premonition. My husband told me last nite that they he received an email that his mother had landed herself in hospital. MIND YOU, it was an EMAIL NOT A PHONE CALL. Apparently, the Fat bitch and partner took off to Sydney and left her two kids to my mother in law. She went to pick them up and stepped on a curb, slipped and fractured her ankle, leg whatever. She hobbled home and realised she couldnt move and had to be sent to hospital by ambulance.

So you see, EVERYTIME the FAT BITCH asked her mother for favors, I would be bleeding money on my end. Fat bitch takes off to have fun in the city for couple of days, land her mother in hospital and our side have to fork out money, nevermind the fact that their mother was looking after THEIR KIDS when the accident happened.

What is even more ridiculous? NO ONE, i mean NO ONE bothered to ring their brother about the incident until of course when its $$$ payment time and my mother in law moaning in pain in the public hospital, so they dropped an email, to causally mention the incident and about sending their mum to private hospital. Seriously, what kind of siblings are these? $$ Monsters from hell?

My husband of course complained to me, lamenting why his siblings couldnt even be bothered to call him, and that they are so CHEAP that they dont even want to pay that international call fee. He keep telling them it isnt very expensive. He was upset of course that no one told him about his mum.

I wanted sooooo much to pour oil into the fire about that fat bitch but decided that I really shouldnt since his mum is injured. So I told him "I told you before, your sisters are cheap and selfish. So what do you expect from them? It's not like this is the first time."

Funny how they know how to call asking for Xmas presents etc. But when it comes to family accidents, they didnt think it matters to ring their brother. Arrrrrgggghhhhh I just HATE them so much. How can such selfish people exist????

Well, I hate to say this, good thing I am not back in Australia and neither am I planning to head back this Xmas. I can only see these stupid people once a year and that is already asking alot from me.  I try to be sympathetic to my mother in law but as my friend puts it, their daughters can do no wrong so outsiders like me no matter how indignant or care for them, will never match up to the failings of those fat bitches, so no point getting myself overly involved. Just stay a cordial distance is better for my heart since I will bound to end up have a verbal fight if I continue to see the way they make use of their parents. Let my husband deal with it. It's his family.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Compliments to Siemens for such meticulous installer

Most people would bitch and blog about bad service experiences and tend to neglect and give credit to moments where we experience really good service. So for 5 mins of my time today, I decided to give a fair and deserving compliments to Siemens for the purchase of my front loader.

I decided to go with Siemens front loader WM14S496GB after many considerations. Primarily, it was the ONLY company whose customer service (BSH - Bosch/ Siemens) in both Singapore and HK had bothered to reply to my queries, that is if this model I was interested is serviceable with available parts in the event that I relocate. . . Secondly, it was made in Germany and NOT China. I have got my beef with China products. Thirdly, it has a very smooth and good finishing (from the sliding drawers to closing of the door) and had similar features to my old Electrolux except for the additional 90degrees wash.

That said, it still took me 2 weeks of deliberation before I made the plunge. That very night after I had place the order in the afternoon, Siemens's staff called to confirm delivery scheduled for the next morning between 11.30am -1pm.

This morning, the Siemens delivery guys called at 10.30am to confirm delivery at 12pm. To be expected at 12pm, the guys were not here but I was perfectly chilled since I dont expect them to be puntual given normal lunch time peak traffic especially in Causeway Bay where I am located. I was just lounging when my phone rang. Siemens called just to check if the delivery guys had arrived. I said nope but they did say 12pm. The guy on the line explained probably it was traffic delay. It really didnt bother me.

12.30pm, the delivery guys called to apologise for the delay but they will be here in 5mins. Cool. The 2 HK young chaps in their twenties came to inspect the designated placement and explained that they will first remove the old machine. They were extremely careful with all the fixtures and door frames etc. I didnt even have to say a thing.

I had thought they would be the same guys to install the machine, by that I mean unbox the machine, plug in power and water hoses. Yet to my surprise, they told me another certified technician will come to install the machine instead.

In less than 5 mins, a smiley technician came and started to do his work, unwrapping my new household baby. He told me he will be explaining the usage and inspecting the machine. I was thinking to myself, inspect?

I offered him a cold drink and sat on the floor on the other end while he worked his magic. We started chatting. Ok, I always end up chatting with people who come to fix my stuff. I dunno, I just suppose they always have interesting stories to share and it intrigues me.

Patiently, he adjusted the drainage hose to ensure it fitted nicely and it wont risk moving. That was my first observation. I told him not to worry since my previous hose works from just quick insertion. His reply to me was that he rather be careful the first time so that it wont risk leaking water and cause me more problems in the future. After that, he spent the next 10-15mins explaining the different functions and handy tips to care for the machine, answering all my questions.

The best part which I never had anyone done for me before, he set the spin to 1400rpm and waited. He then asked me to touch the machine and asked if I felt any vibration. I said no. He told me that is good because that means that my flooring is flat and in equilibrium, which means the spinning cycle will not be lopsided and the machine will not vibrate. If my flooring had been lopsided (normal for most houses to facilitate water to flow towards the drainage hole while washing the floor), he would have to adjust the machine rubber stand to equalise the height.

I was truly impressed. Seriously! This is the first time I have had anyone done such a detailed and meticulous inspection and installation. I was bowed by such professionalism in HK. At the same time, I was thanking my lucky stars that I had a good contractor who didnt give me a crooked floor! As we talked much, the technician shared more stories which I will leave for another post.

One of the reason why the whole process today impressed me so much is because in Singapore, they normally just plug in the parts and check it spins with water and leave.

On the other extreme end we have Australia, it was a FARKING NITEMARE with NO SERVICE. I still remember how shocked I was when the Ozzie delivery guys wanted to just dump the new washer outside my door and leave, fully expecting me to carry the washer into the laundry room myself. I even had to argue for 10over mins before they will move the machine to the laundry room. They dont even want to unwrap the box for me. Dam Fark. I hate the Sydney service and it still make my blood boil just thinking back even though it's 4 years ago. No service whatsoever in Australia and yet you still pay outrageous prices. Why do people want to migrate to Australia? Yeah sold by the "colors of the land"advert  and "laid back" (i call couldnt be bothered or lack of drive) attitude in job I suppose. Yeah I know we all have different priorities in our lives and some people will flame me for my negative view towards service in Australia but I stand my ground and make no apologies. My year in Sydney Australia had leave a permanent emotional scar and reversed any positive views I had for the city. That is why I left. I couldnt stomach it anymore.  

After the technician left, I was left feeling full of praise for Siemens customer. Now only time will tell if the product has a good shelf life and if the servicing will be equally impressive. I cross my fingers that I wont have to deal with them anytime soon, that is if the machine will work beautifully for the longest possible time. However for now, let me applaud and give credits to the good service I had received today leaving me super happy and high spirited. Perhaps it's just Hong Kong, and with luck I have met the good people who takes their work seriously.

What can I say, I am turning half HK. At this point, I truly wanted to shout "I Love HK!" That's a shame really, because I have never in my life felt the urge to shout "I love SIngapore." How sad.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What a money sucking year!!!

This year has absolutely been nothing but a farking money sucking year. I was expecting to bleed my bank account a little being the "taishui year" and both my husband and my birth year had the honor of clashing with the deity..Undeniably, everything seems to be wreaking havoc in our households regardless one chooses to believe in the fortune telling"hocus pocus" or not...

Right after Chinese New Year, it all started with the bloody farking ex-Korean tenant leaving my SG apartment in a mess but got away without consequences because of our farking useless property agent whom we paid quarterly to supervise the condition decided to collect the keys WITHOUT inspection. What kind of irresponsible farkwit agent do not check for damages and expect the landlord to cover all damages?

After months of holding back deposit and arguments, I held my ground and had the agent foot most of the damages bill, though I still had to fork a relatively huge sum to patch up the rest. Sg$6k. Ouch.

Then, my 1 year old Dell PC decided to go AWOL with its video card and motherboard the whole upgrade of the internal bits cost another SG$500 to fix. And since the other spare Dell PC and laptop was dying and uneconomical to fix, so got a new MAC pro 15" as a new toy. SG$4K. Of coz, there will also be no more Dell in my household after my horrid experience with their China based customer service.

After that, my HK living room aircon decided to quit on me after our holiday trip back. Great, just smacked in the middle of summer. Thankfully at least my contractor was a great guy and managed to source a suitable one to replaced it. So including all the installation and erecting of those bamboo racks and fixing up the wall and repainting...there goes another SG$4k+

Our Meridien CD player also decided to pull a quick one. Since its a top end player, and still is, we decided to get it fixed instead of getting a new one. Poof. Another SG$1k (I think). Then BOTH the speakers went mute and silent. I got fed up and decided NOT to fix those two buggers.

What came in line was my electric fan. Suddenly, the Philip fan just decided that it didnt feel like rotating anymore and would cause a huge cranking din whenever it is switched on. We had to get a new fan. Ok this one we were feeling abit luxurious and so poof another Sg$700 gone for a new Dyson fan.

This month, the latest troublemaker, my Electrolux washer decided to go on strike with its sensor board and since its birth place was Italy and I purchased it in Oz, there were no available parts in HK and so I had to source for a new frontloader. Today..shelved out another HK7600 = SG 1250++ . Taught me an important lesson, next frontloader I buy, have to goggle and check they have similar model in Singapore in case I ever relocate back. Not that I am that keen to return to Singapore since I am quite comfy and happy in HK, yet with life, one never knows....

Then recently, we realised our Simons King mattress was sinking. Again another crap bought in Australia. Is there a reason why nothing we bought in Australia last us through the normal cycle years? They are more expensive and yet they go the quickest. Yep the memory foam decided it has enough of our weight. I decided not to go for Simmons this time round priced at HK$37K and WITHOUT customisation in size. So I decided to try out King Koil Latex instead, with customisation to Oz size of 6ft by 6.8ft instead of the usual 6.6ft. There goes another HK24k. = SG4k.

You would think what else can go wrong right?  Well, my SG property agent just told me my SG master room aircon is faulty again leaking water internally and need replacement. Well, we did choose to replace it since our new tenant seemed like an honest good bloke and having experienced nasty landlord, I vowed never to be one. Estimate another SG3k down the drain. Cost yet to be in actually.

Seriously!!! Seriously!!!
How much more money need to flow out of my bank?!!!
I dont even dare to tabulate my total cost for the year that has been leaking slowly but surely out of our account.

I think need to relook at my rabbit year horror scope again!! Meanwhile, top up the vodka. I need something to numb my mathematical aspect of my brain.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A very weird HK woman during my front loader hunt @ Sogo

Some HK people are just so...I dunno how to put it, but bluntly put are a bunch of "show off hate to lose" people.

I went to Sogo yesterday, looking for front loader replacement options. There was already a HK couple aged about 50plus and there was only one sales staff serving the washer area. It didnt matter since I like to see my options first without anyone trying to lay the sales pitch on me.

However, the 3 of them were standing exactly in front of the very 2 Siemens machines I wanted to compare and they were like chatting on and on for almost 5 mins. Listening to their conversation, it wasnt even questions about the machines but more like the HK old woman asking "if she should buy the 2-in-1 washer dryer or washer." The sales gal told her she cannot advice her as it is really personal preference but the old woman was going to and fro over the same question like a donkey cow.

So I politely interrupted and excused for a chance to inspect the 2 machines up close. The sales gal moved away and doing her best to try to answer machine unrelated questions to the old HK woman.

There were only 2 models I was looking at. Siemens WM14S496GB (8kg, 60.3L, 269W)  verus vsWM12E462HK (7kg, 50L, 269W). No idea why in Singapore they market under the Bosch umbrella but in HK, they are happy to stick to Siemens branding.

I was comparing the water usage and electric usage between the 7kg and 8kg machine when the sales gal finally walked over to assist. I started to ask her some machine related questions and the super nosy HK woman walked over to keep interrupting and hijacking the salesgal with her list of questions such as "So isnt the washer+dryer going to consume more energy? So do I really need to buy the 2-in-1"

Helllo stupid, the salesgal already told you that its your personal choice and if you see a need to dry your towels and sheets. I have already heard her repeat this answer to the old woman 5 times in the span of 15mins I was there. To me, you already had the salesgal for good 15mins, comeon and be more gracious and let other customers like me have 5 mins with the sales gal ok?

I think the salesgal had enough of the old woman and focused back on me, answering my questions on machine specs such as "if there is a seperate rinse/spin function", "Can I open the door immediately or I have to wait?" "Can I pause the machine to add in clothes I had missed out." "Does this have dispensor drawer cleaning function etc." You know, all machines related questions.

The old woman was hovering behind us these whole time. I have nothing against sharing information but I do get annoyed when she keep interrupting with irrelevant statements and worse opinions. I was mulling over 7 or 8kg. I told the sales I do washing daily, twice a day sorting out coloured vs whites or by fabrics materials such as those that will shed cotton lints. Before the sales can reply, the HK woman said loudly "You should buy 7KG lah if you wash your clothes daily!" Errr...I wasnt asking you? The funniest thing was she was SOOOOOO insistent I should listen to her. I wanted to tell her "Auntie, I prob done more washer research than you ever did, and know more about washer functions than you do!"

Instead, I just ignored her and quietly think to myself. Seeing no response, the old woman asked the sales "You know I have very sensitive skin, so I need a machine with anti bac. This one must have one to solve my sensitive skin you know."

My back was facing the old lady then and I tried not to roll my eyes. Sensitive skin? Ah harlow..Go freaking CHANGE your washing detergent!! Do you even know what u are asking?

The salesgal either didnt know her stuff or was just keen to close the deal told her "Oh yes yes we have the anti bac mode here for you."

I asked the sales "How long would be a normal cycle." The sales said "1hour."
I was surprised because its much shorter than my 1.51hr for my electrolux but the Old HK woman behind me Shrieked "What?! SOOOOOOooo long?!!!"

The sales woman told the old woman, "Yes 1 hour is already considered the shortest time for front loader." I nodded my head in agreeement. I replied "some even take over 2 hours. The salesgal commented offhandedly "Yes, see this customer is used to using European brand front loader so she will know the facts. She has used Electrolux so she knows what I am saying is the truth"

The old HK woman was offended somehow and she snapped "What?! I am also Electrolux user! I have used EUROPEAN brand washer for YEeeeeears! (yes she did placed emphasis on european and years) I also have front loader and I used it ALLLLL the time. Of course I know it takes that long!"

I was trying not to roll by eyes. What is her problem? First she exclaimed such disbelief over the long washing time which obviously means she is a top loader user for years, but now she is claiming otherwise? Ok, by trying so hard not to sound stupid, she already is sounding stupid.

I just ignored her and walked over to the other Siemens8kg  machine which is made in Germany vs the 7kg made in Thailand. However, that would be HK$2000 price difference. Apart from more advanced functions and better made quality from the drawers, doors, and finishing, it's just a machine that has a better feel to it for the germany made ones.

Seeing I was looking at the 8kg, the old HK woman also followed me over. What is her problem?
She then hogged the sales again asking again "So should I buy the one with dryer?" GOD HOW MANY TIMES YOU NEED THE ASK THE SAME QUESTION REPEATEDLY OLD WOMAN?!!!!

Again the sales replied "It really depends on your needs."

There is a reason I cannot be sales person. I cannot handle repeated questioning of stupid questions.

While inspecting the machine, I was opened the front cover for the filter. I always knew there was a tube and the knob but never quite knew what the tube was for. The sales gal explained to me. I was joking that I had my electrolux for years and I never knew what the darn tube was for. The old woman interrupted our laughters and said "The tube is there for the dirt you dont know?"!

I laughed openly, at her stupidity this time. God, what is wrong with her? She keep trying to look as if she knew more than me when half the time I wasnt even competing with her. The salesgal had to explain to her the tube purpose.

When I was testing the Siemens, I realise the Cotton mode actually takes much longer than my Electolux model. I thought mine at 1.56 was long, the Siemens model takes 2.45hr for a full cycle!! OMG!!! The sales told me she will recommend to use the Quick wash function to shorten time. I told her I wont because it simply means they will reduce one rinse cycle. That is an open fact but the sales gal was trying to convince me not, except the wash cycle is shorter. I didnt want to contradict her openly.

I went on to enquire about the textile guard function and she was saying its for special clothes such as linen and silk etc. I found her explanation fishy. I went back home and checked the Siemens guide, duh woman, the function is for special garments dry clean clothes that may allow washing, or those Gotex stuff....

All in all a very "interesting" day. The HK woman was the highlight of my shopping experience. Why she wanted to pretend to use something she never had remains a mystery and why she felt compelled to "better" herself against me is even a bigger mystery.

Well, I guess there are all sort of weirdos in this world.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I really hate sensor based machines

My Electrolux Ergo Loader EWF1470 front loader finally gave way, well kind of after faithful service of 4 years. It has been a joy to have my buddy doing my washing at least twice a day. I dont know how the older model I had purchased in 2004 (which has less of these sensor gimmicks) is still running along happily despite lack of care by my tenants, but my newer model which is made in Italy ended up partially unusable now.

The problem with relocation, is that the appliances that you purchased risked having to be thrown away because of the lack of replacement parts. I dont give a shit if I have to pay for service, but in my case, even money will not solve my problem since Hong Kong do not carry the model nor the parts for this Electrolux model which I had purchased during my residency in Australia then.

I love Electrolux and have been buying stuff from them for ages. This is the first time something I had bought failed on me so quickly. From internet research though, this model seemed to fail faster than other front loaders, all citing similar problems where the sensor fail to proceed from wash cycle to rinse cycle and then it will revert back to the original starting cycle time. I should be considered lucky considering my washer has been relocated with me to 3 different locations in the last 4 years, and moved, shaken, titled in all possible ways. Others reported that they machine broke down after 2 years for this model.

The Electrolux technician came twice. They said it was a pity that it has to be replaced because the internal motor and gear worked beautifully still and very new. No funny mouldy smell, no yellowing and no DIRT or scratch on my washer. So it's a pain truly to say goodbye to my washer. The technician said since everything still work, maybe I can consider doing it the manual way. Meaning I just need to toggle it to the rinse mode myself and then the washer will hum along. It's like having it taking a lunch break or something and I am the "recess over" announcer.

Currently, while still mulling over the decision (actually more like for the cruel reality to set in), I am doing the manual way. It's always hard for me, saying goodbyes...though alittle on the melodramtic over a front loader....however...I cannot help it. Sigh.

The only thing I hated is how manufacturers are so ECO UNFRIENDLY, making different models across different countries thus rendering servicing and recycling of machines impossible. Hence in my case, because of a faulty sensor circuit board which prob only cost less than US$20 to make, I have to throw away a perfectly operational AU$1400 machine. The thought is really unbearable. Havent we generate enough waste in this world? A simple solution of less models variance, international availability of parts would really cut down alot of these unnecessary disposal.

Not ALL inventions and so call technology advancement are good. In the old days where our mothers have those knobs and buttons machines, the chances of wearing down a machine under 5 years are virtually unheard of. They tend to last at least 15years and some 20years. However with all these modern stupid sensors for LAZY users who apparently couldnt handle things such as load and detergent dispensing, companies launch all these sensory circuitry machines and have them last only 4years. If you think about it, its always the sensor that goes first. Unable to detect water load, unable to dispense water, unable to sense the buttons pushed's hardly every the motor or the gear or the real physical parts that wear down first.

Then again, if all machines last 20years, I guess these companies really will have a hard time surviving in this competitive society. Yet I find it all hypocritical with all their corporate social responsibility speech and declaration when their heart is not even into it - which is cutting down wastage by offering the possibility of repair internationally.

Friday, September 16, 2011

"Discover the hidden bright side of your child"...

While waiting for my mini bus today, an advertisement caught my eye. It was one targeted at parents on the mission for a good school for their young ones. However, the slogan had me laughing.

It goes "We help you uncover the hidden bright side of your child."

I was laughing because I didnt know if the school even realise how far out their slogan meant, or the other interpretation of their phrase.. Are they are targeting at "pessimistic parents" or "moody children". I have never seen the phrase "bright side" being used this way before before, except in Hong Kong.

Traditionally, "bright side" means something like silver lining in moments when someone feels down, such as the phrase look on the bright side. This media person in HK obviously just assumed that because "bright " means intelligent, it is ok to just link "side" with it and it meant the same thing.

I know the school was trying to communicate that they will help unearth the hidden potential or hone the brillance of one's child. Yet, I find it rather amusing when they just decide to use such unwise translation without actually consulting someone who might be more fluent in the language.

When I shared this sighting in facebook, my HK friend told me about her English teacher back in secondary school who had a PHD. She taught them to say "NO EYE SEE", which is a direct translation from cantonese "無眼看". I was totally mortified at her disclosure! Poor Hong Kong students in public schools! How appalling is it to have incompetent teachers teaching "Chinglish" crap to students!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Food Review: Epoch (Hong Kong), a totally disappointing experience.

I have had my share of not so great deli-cafes but none has invoked such a strong urge to pen my dissatisfaction down except for Epoch, located at Star Street Hong Kong.

Previously, I had read a positive review about the place in the HK magazine. I went to their website ( and it was a sophisticated, slick and happening little site that seemed to know exactly what it is. A cool chill place that serve great beverages, cakes and decent food to say the least. How sickeningly disappointing and a vast letdown reality was.

We went down to Epoch at about 2.30pm and while it wasnt crowded, there was relatively a few filled tables. We decided to go for a "Chicken Avocado" Foccacia sandwich and a "Steak and onion" Panini.

The first disappointment came when my Chicken and Avocado sandwich was stone cold. I was alittle surprised since I had assumed the sandwich to be warm but I could do with a cold sandwich since the Steak and Onion was lukewarm.

Biting into the steak and onion, all I could taste was really cheese and cheese. The steak or really beef slices were tasteless. Still, it was bearable if I remind myself this really isnt a gourmet sandwich place.

The next bone to pick was the Chicken and Avocado sandwich, that promised diced apple and obviously avocado was sorely none in existence! My husband went to the counter to ask about it, and the girl at the counter merely looked at him and replied "Oh is it." 30 seconds later, "So you want another one?" He was so put off by the lack of service that he just shook his head and came back to the seat. I told him he should have just have a new one made since he didnt have anything and we already paid good money for it.

I waved a waiter over and showed him the open sandwich with all the missing bits. He looked lost but politely replied he would check and come back.

Moments later, he returned and told me that "the avocado is already mixed into the mayo sauce." The sauce was watery and WHITE. Anyone had a WHITE avocado before? I certainly havent. If it was thicker in texture, I would have been more convinced but when it was as watery as apple juice, then it is plain insulting to my intelligence. Otherwise, Epoch will be one of those cafe that mixed 1tsp of avocado to 2 gallon of mayo to befuddle patrons like us and have us convinced what we were eating were real avocado.

The waiter must have seen my skeptical unconvinced look and quickly added that we could opt for avocado slice instead, which we did. The new sandwich was just as dry, unappetitising with 2 miserable small slices of avocado.

We tried to add a new order, a hot chocolate and was told flippantly "Sorry no hot chocolate." At 2.30pm and you ran out of hot chocolate beverage for a supposedly cool cafe joint? To me, it is balantly disgraceful, uncaring.

The staff were amany, mostly teenagers or maybe they just looked young for early twenties who acted as if they didnt give a shit about who comes and goes. I suppose that is the problem when the boss isnt around to ensure whatever vision he or she had for the cafe gets translated into reality, instead being run to a stop being manned by uncaring young inexperienced staff. They werent rude to be fair, they just didnt give a hoot or shit about the business or their customers that walk through that door.

This is significantly the worst experience I had in these few years. Granted I didnt try the cakes, but honestly if you were in my shoes, would you really? I only have so much leap of faith to spare for one joint in the same hour.

So if you are looking for a good cafe, please WALK ON AND PASS THIS BY because it certainly isnt worth your time unless u just want a quick coffee. Otherwise, you will be happier, WAY much happier at Star bucks or Prets a Manger just round the corner. Epoch has certainly lost its way if it wasnt this bad at the start.

I am a non fast food eater. Epoch made me think of a Macs hot burger, and actually thought it would have been a more satisfying lunch.. This is how bad this place is.

PS: 2012 update:
I went past the same area and seems like Epoch has folded, gone bust, kaput. See what I mean by crappy cafe can only deserve one ending?

Friday, September 9, 2011

A script in this movie is causing Adobe Flash Player 10 to run slowly...abort..yes, no

Much that I love the new Blogger interface, been experiencing Adobe Flash 10 Script error " A script in this movie is causing Adobe Flash Player 10 to run  slowly...abort..yes, no"on both my Safari and latest Chrome for Mac whenever I clicked on Setting > Customise template.

The blogger team is so fast is their response within the next day but unfortunately the problem still persists. Just replied them no good...the only change is that my browser just take shorter time to hang and for the error message to appear, plus a new additional prompting that the webpage has become unresponsive, kill or wait...

No matter that the problem is not resolved on first attempt, I still very much appreciate responsive company as such who bothers to react to feedback promptly!

If only more companies has the same response rate! Oh man that will be superb!
But at the current moment...I just want my blogger to work perfectly

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Me and my Mac, and iphone, and ipod.
Is it considered obsessed to internet?

Have not moved from this spot for the last 72hours, saved for sleep, eat, bathe.
This is seriously baaaaadddddd.

New discovery on Pixir Editor

Did I say how much I love my Mac?

However, I did love it only a little less for a couple of months when I was experiencing much angst with some websites that do not support anything else apart from I.E. Such corporate imbeciles.

Besides that, I was pretty annoyed that Mac's version of itune couldnt auto convert    .wav tracks into .mp3 as the PC's version. Throw in the fact that there isnt a proper photo editing tool since I cannot use my Photoshop here, so I just simply stopped blogging for a while since it is such a pain to move from one PC system with PS to another to update one simple blog post.

Then these few days, my love level for my mac went spiking at max again. God Bless Google !

While Google was experimenting around with Mac's version of Chrome, I held off switching my browser alliances considering all the shite remarks I read about the Beta version crashing all the time in June. However, they just launch the solid functional version and I am sooooo happily using it now. Screw Safari. U can R.I.P.'

The even more delightful thing was my discovery of Pixir editing tools! OMG! Why would I shelf out hundreds for CS photoshop again when Pixir is free and does almost as many functions as PS?! So imagine my absolute delight at this accidental realisation! Am I a geek? Does technologies as such making me happy constitutes me a bigger geek?! Yikes!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Handcrafted box back from India

Must have been super busy to have completely forgotten about my India trip last Dec. Gotto start work on that one day soon.

In any case, brought back a handcrafted (with vivid hand painted Indian theme) momento made of camel bones. It has those trays and compartments within for accessories and stationery I suppose. Another thing to hoard at home...

Handcrafted Pottery and Ornaments

Went roaming the Pacific Place Mall @ Admiralty with a girlfriend.

She had wanted to shop for "wedding" gift for her brother in law's upcoming wedding. She had originally intended to get Hermes designer plates and quite frankly for those prices, nothing really had us go "wahhhhh". So why bother right? Just because you have the budget doesnt mean you have to be stupid. Brand name may equate "Luxury" but it doesnt translate to appealing aesthetic design automatically.

Out of options, she asked me what I would have gotten, I told her how about Home Furnishing? I shared that my highschool galfriends pooled to get me a Kartell Table Lamp and flew it into Australia for my wedding and I had loved it years on.

Not that I dont appreciate the cash packets, but personally a well-meaning present is definitely more enduring and endearing. My principle to wedding is simple. If I need your money to have a wedding reception, then I jolly wont bother with one. Why go through all the stress of "$$" counting in the back scene if you can barely afford it or lament days after whether you made a profit or a loss? I dont get that Chinese aspect and attitude to wedding receptions.

That said, with Home furnishing in mind, that was why we ended up at the Land Crawford Lifestyle (Designer) boutique at PP.

I dont know if it's a Taiwanese conservative culture or just my Taiwanese galfren, she was very against getting designer bedsheets. She thought it was too "intimate".

Really? I thought "intimate" is reserved for lingerie and sleeping gowns. If it's those 3000 thread-count Egyptian sheets and with beautiful designers that I was eyeing on but never bought because of the mattress size difference, give it to me anytime man. Who cares if its initimate! I would accept it with all my pleasure with a wide grin reaching from Mars to Moon. Anycase, she's the buyer and I'm the shopper's help for the day.

She saw a couple of things there but was still sitting on the fence. Me on the other hand was going amok in the store. I saw a couple of things and my hands were like lovingly caressing them like precious babies. It was a couple of pottery and a vase. My galfren thought the teapot pottery was really "my kind of thing and style".

One week later, I bundled my partner into a cab and headed down the store to get his opinion.

There were like 3 pots. We both like the black one but while I was partial to the short stumpy beige one, he was more into the taller white one. In the end, we got the trio as a set since we couldnt decide. and plus in the words of my CFO, "they weren't too expensive anyway." and errr..that's like HK1200 each pot but who's complaining? Not me.

In fact, he threw in an additional handmade plate with a cat design. CAT? Yeah i know it's odd for dog lovers like us but it was a "cute cat in the universe" afterall. Ha! So it is, as of now, the kitty dish has been designated as a "fruit plate" instead.

New Acquisition: a-Jays Three ear piece

My 2nd Sony ear piece died on me shortly just after a year, well one side of it at least. It probably had enough of those "rapid descent and hit the floor "incidents. The first one had lasted me much longer but it had suffered a pre-matured death after my mum washed my jeans coz I had forgotten to take the ear piece out of the pocket after my flight. It was also another of those "died on one side" experience.

I didnt see the same model anymore and the available ones werent really to my liking. Dont under estimate the significance of an ear piece, it does make a difference to the listening pleasure depending on the genre. As heaven willed it, while shopping for groceries at Time Square, they were having a roadshow for headset and earphones. Cool!

I would have like a T-Jay but they dont carry it. One of my friend said he will look out for it but for now, like a sucker, I shelf out HK350 for this A-Jays earpiece that comes with a earpiece splitter, as well as an in flight earphone adaptor, for those of us who dont like to use the inflight headset that often catches my hair.


While the detangling feature works like a charm, and so does the clarity of the bass and tunes live up to its almost perfect 5 star review. The only thing that bugs me a little is the comfort fit. Is it my ear canal? I cannot seem to find the right fit for my left ear though the right side fit pretty snug. I have to resort to different sleeve size to accomodate my odd ear shape. Didnt have this happening for the last decade with Sony or Apple earpiece. Strange huh.

New Acquisition: Japan Made Cast Iron Tea Pot

I am irresistible to all things cute and functional. I spotted this in 生活館@ Times Square.

ANanbu cast iron tea pot from Japan and after sitting on it for 2 weeks, I decided to get it with another set for my mum.

It's not an impulsive decision. The very first time I had seen this years was back in The Quay restaurant in Sydney, the green version. Was already intrigued by it then. Shortly after, these heavy Japanese cast iron pots seemed to be the next trendy "tea pot" wave as I see more and more of it in fine dining spots in different countries. Years on, since my fascination with it has not dimmed, why not one for myself? Got one for mum too since it was near impossible for me to find a nice tea pot with tea strainer in Singapore my last trip back.

The pots come in 2 choices, with one that only accept hot water poured in (with or without tea strainer), and the other that allows you to boil water with it like the ways of an old pot kettle. I chose the former since I hate watching the fire and I dont trust my mum to know how to use it properly. Each set came up to about HK2000. I never said it was cheap.

The supposed properties is that the "iron" built up inside as sediments are supposed to be good for health. I am not sure how much I buy all that crap since I am more for the looks, the fact it comes with a tea strainer and it sits pretty in he dining table when not in used. Need I say more?

New Acquisition: Great Tea Leaves Mugs

Both of us loves that fresh brewed taste of tea leaves.
Having been so accustomed to tea leaves beverage, I have stopped buying tea bags for a while now.

During one of those evening while shopping for dinner groceries, my partner spotted this tea strainer in a mug in 4 lovely colors. It's about HK260 each but it was really good quality stuff. Even though we have tea pots, tonnes of it infact, but sometimes we just want different tea flavors, so this would be a perfect solution for not having to compromise! Ha! For that, these 2 babies came home with us without further thoughts!

Monday, September 5, 2011

I luuurve Steuben grape juice

I take great delight in being a foodie.
So I present to you the great Steuben Grape Juice that should be a staple in every fridge.
I wonder if it will taste even better fizzy if I mix it with soda...hmm..

It aint cheap but it's super duper yummilicious.

So imagine my inner horror during CNY when my mum emptied one whole bottle,
dishing it out to unappreciative kids of visiting guests as if its some cheap F&N grape. Oh how my heart bled that day..

Catching up in Sydney 2, June

Didnt want to do dinner with people I didnt like, so instead I went ahead with dinner with my girlfriend. I didnt care if she was on standby duty and risk the possibility of eat and run if patient calls. I will take my risk than force myself through a meal with forced conversations.

Did Jap cusine. Back to good old Azuma, stone's throw from my block.
Food was as good as usual.

The two of us probably over ordered being famished. No matter, it was a good healthy spread.
Didnt realise that Japanese food uses so much fish stock. Not recommended for people allergic to fish.

Indonesian food in Sydney. Yummy!

One of the greatest thing in life apart from family is friends. What will my life be like without all my friends is rather unthinkable!

During my last trip back to Australia for Dad's birthday in June, caught up with my galfren currently doing her medical stint in Sydney. Would have been better if she had been doing her stint while I was still living in Sydney back then! Think of all the roadtrips we could have had...sigh.

Anycase, she brought me to this yummy Indonesian Food place. Cannot rem the name of the place but its along the food street near the university of NSW. Loved the spread!

After dinner, we drove off in search of good cafe but in good typical Oz fashion, most of the shops are closed even if it was only close to 9pm. One thing I sure dont miss about this place is the hours the shop keep. We managed to find one just before the shutter comes down and grabbed a few to-go and headed off to Centennial Park for our girly chats in the car instead with Darling harbor bridge as our backdrop. Since we both are not tourists to the city, didnt bother with any scenic shot but rather, took a picture of the cake we were gonna ravished in the next 30 seconds to come. Ha!

Food for the day

For some reason, my partner really loved my minced prawn steam tofu. So made some for him this week before he flew off to Europe for his business trip.

Bought some new flavour icecream since my friend raved how nice it was.
Errrr...think I will think to my New Zealand icecream or Movenpick.
Haagen Dazs has lost its way, or have I grown too old to appreciate sickly sweet ice cream anymore?

The chocolate fondant new flavour is ok except I really didnt like the ooozing choc sauce in the middle. Thought it tasted nasty and a bit too much for the small cup. Half the load and it will probably taste better for me but nah, in current form doesnt quite do it for me. Sorry mate. Pass the bucket and hand me my good old New Zealand Choc estacsy anytime of the day.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

New Acquisition: Yeah! My Dyson Fan has finally arrived after 3 months wait!

Finally! My damn Dyson Fan finally arrived after 3 months wait!

I didnt know that Singapore didnt have to wait at all but in HK, everywhere I asked, it was like sorry there is a line of 3months.

After much deliberation, we decided to stuff it and go with it. I admit, it was the aesthetic look that did it for me since it really isnt very powerful! If you want strong gust of wind blowing at you, then you are probably better off getting one of those panasonic or TDK steel blade motor fan.

Easy Assembly in 3 pieces.
Comes with a magnetic remote. Cool.
Doesnt have a very far reach and sometimes because of the absence of blade, one can forget to turn off the fan but unless u are deaf to the sound.

All in all, a good fan for close distance wind blowing at your face that doesnt irritate!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Yummy imported Goodies from Lovely couple

My lovely friends popped over to HK for their grandmother's birthday. While i had already caught up with the lovely couple back in Singapore, but my partner hasnt. So we found a free time slot and took our favorite people and their mum out for lunch at China Club.

With them was this huge chiller box. My dear fren who manages her own F&B biz knew how much I love the Australian mango chutney and brought me bottles of it since I couldnt get any here in HK. I didnt like the spiced ones available here in supermarket which is for Indian cooking. More surprises when she brought along fresh mozzarella cheese freshly flown in from Italy. Damn I love my friends.

After lunch, it was spent walking and chatting. Ended up in this Chinese contemporary art store where their mum was looking at some expensive chinese vases. Ok, they are into this chinese art thing which is really not my scene but still it was interesting to tag along to look-see-look-see. Some ugly vases were fetching Sg$18K. I cannot wrap round my head why anyone would buy this shit except its done by "master grade A" artist in China. There was one or two pieces that i do like but Eric told me the gastronomical price and I shuddered. I think the money will be much better spent on their new house reconstruction.

So came Saturday and my partner made lovely ham and cheese sandwich for brunch with the new goodies! Yummy!!!