
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day with kid. Nite with wine.

After settling down back home, my craving for wine was insatiable after my trip back to Singapore. It was almost like the drinking monster has been awaken.

Before my date with the drinks, we took off to Bel Air to visit a good friend whose wife had just given birth to a second child. The eldest daughter was relatively shy at first but gradually warmed up with a lure of biscuits and inviting smiles and waves. According to surprised MaMa, I should feel very honored because the little one offered me a slice of her biscuits since she doesnt share her food with just anyone. We asked her if she would share a piece with Daddy dearest and she gave that horrified cute look that only a kid can make, as if we suggested a ridiculous crazy idea. Haha! So for the next hour, I was elevated to Miss Popular with the little one, creating bones and stars with play doh for her doggy and me creating impromptu songs for the hell of it. Maybe she got a bit too comfy and happy and decided that she should decorate my jeans with her white play doh before her horrified and apologetic dad. I wasnt really too concerned though it wasnt the best "look" having white faint pokka dots all over the front of my jeans. I dont think I will be winning any awards or kudos for any Project runway season that's for sure!

Just before we were leaving, we jokingly asked kathy the little one if she wants to follow us. To everyone's surprise, especially the shocked parents, Kathy nodded her head and jumped off the sofa ready to venture out with us, a pair of "strangers" since 2 years ago where she should not have remembered us. Her mummy had to hold her back and explain why she couldnt leave with us. I must have done my "play doh" and "dog and bone" song too well....maybe I should be a nursery teacher. Ha like real!

That night, I took my partner out for a Sat night of Italian pasta@ Sole Mio in Soho, and had my thirst craving nursed at the restaurant. They didnt have my dessert wine, so I made do with a chill white.

Spaghetti. Wine. Dessert.
A perfect wine to end the date with a love one.
Though the next time round, am gonna try their pizza instead which is really thin crust and lovely.

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