
Thursday, December 8, 2011


Received an E-Invite today.

It reads "RSVP-ing with your attendance...blab blah"

Is there even such a word as RSVP-ing????? RSVP translates from French to mean Please reply in plain English. So how can "Please reply-ing" be anything but super WRONG??

I dont know if it was the Singapore wedding organisors or my frends who wrote that message but it really ticks me when I read it. I dont know why but it did. Just felt that people really should try to understand what they write before they write it, or stick to a language you understand or in this case, just write in good old plain English. Dont try to over think. Dont try to be smart. Dont try to be different. Why in the first place must you use RSVP if you are not sure if u need to add "-ing"? What is wrong with "please reply?" I m not living in France nor am I French, dont need to use RSVP with me if you dont want to. It is not demanded that RSVP must be used.

So my indirect reply to my friends were, I would be happy "to reply" but having "to  replying" seems so wrong at all count.

Yes. I am a bitch when it comes to bad use of language. I am not perfect in the medium but at least I try to be as much as I can.

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