
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

ESPN staff fired over "Chink in the Armor" headline

I thought it was rather sad that a dude lost his ESPN job over an Idiom with origins dated back to 1600s in the Middle English days.

Source: KSBW

Apparently, this guy wrote the headline about Jeremy Lin's lost in the recent game, naming the article "A chink in the armor." A storm of furor sets in and the article was pulled offline within 30mins. The Chinese/Asian community including some American Chinese politician was contributing to the brouhaha over this episode, and ranting that it was racism etc.

hello, the guy didnt coined up this line and deliver it as an insult. This is an old idiom, a legitimate text with legitimate meaning. Just because "Chink" by itself is a derogatory slang demeaning Chinese and Asians, in this case, i think people are getting their panties in a bunch and overreacting. Must people these days be so damn sensitive over words and things. I know China power is changing the tide and perception of the chinese economic prowess across the globe, thus resulting in such panic handling of the "crisis" by firing the chap. Why must everything be so politically correct these days, with growing fear of saying one wrong thing and setting yourself ablaze from the surmounting condemnation from all corners of the world.

On hindsight, it was probably a regrettable choice of idiom usage (not a good time to show your great command of English) but definitely do not warrant such a severe punishment. Perhaps he should be suspended or something for not thinking with his head over the possible sensitivity issue, but I certainly do not see the need to fire him. Afterall, no one cry foul when the very same line was used during Obama's campaign when it was written "she (Hilary) was a chink in Obama's armor". So then it didnt matter but now just because the Asian latched on the unfortunate word "chink", "a molehill turned into a fiery mountain" so to speak...such double standards isnt it? When you go after someone, please at least verify that the said questionable line was used in context. Dont just read one word and scream blue murder. 

I think it's sad. It's sad that people hasnt learnt to respect different races, and some people are so quick to take offence at everything. Do we Chinese have such a BIG chip on our shoulder that we must make a fuss about everything we think its wrong? I cannot pass judgement on other cases but i think the brouhaha over this incident is really unwarranted. I am sure it is an honest mistake and no racism was in mind when he used the headline. 

Of course, there will always be naysayers in this world. I hope I am not "ruffling some feathers" with this article.

I certainly hope no one thinks that with the use of "ruffling the feathers", I am implying that anyone who support the firing is a "dodo bird" (stupid person).

There are calls for the retirement of this old phrase "chink in the armor" because it is outdated and obsolete.
If that does happens, I will rue the day when that happens. For there it will imply we will be stepping backwards instead of progressing forward.
If everything that sounds rude should be obliterated from our English books, then I think we have a lot to phase out such as to give a few examples...

- "Barking up the wrong tree"
- "As sick as dog"
- "Underdog"
-"Every dog has its day"
- "Call the dogs off"

Least anyone should have their imagination run amok and think I am calling them a dog....

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