
Friday, August 30, 2013

Rolling my eyes over SG visa renewal

Meanwhile, renewed my Oz PR yesterday and bloody hell another A$300 down the drain. Apparently labor party or some smart alex, in their attempt to cut down immigrants, they changed the law and now even Australian's spouse need to fulfil the 2 year stay in Oz now before I can get my annual 5 year renewal. So now I have to renew on a yearly basis. What an "innovative" way to fund more money for the Oz govt. Now prob somewhere down the road, we need to consider spending 2 years in Oz so that I can rid myself of this annual PR renewal process.

Sg immigration isnt faring any better.
I know with all the outcry against huge influx of PR etc, the govt has rightly so implemented a tighter control on approving PRs. That obviously has an impact on my man as well. What normally takes a month application became a 4 month plus and still waiting period. My SG good friend's Ozzie husband, married for 12 years, living in Singapore, is into his 6 month wait and still waiting....

You see, because we are working and residing in HK, it becomes a pure "he is my spouse" hence we need the PR thing. Same goes for my Oz PR. Considering we dont own any HDB or depriving anyone of housing or jobs or medical care or investing in anything in Sg to push up prices for my fellow citizens, I dont see what the issue is. In fact, in my humble opinion, we had the stupidest questions posed to him. (though my man doesnt realise how lowly I thought of the question posed. He was more like "Did they think we are in fraud marriage or what?? Like as if I need Sg PR to travel anywhere???)

You see, we moved out of Singapore before we got married, and after marriage, we still didnt go back to SG and moved from Hk to Oz to HK instead. That's like more than half a decade ago and his PR was already renewed once during this period.

Suddenly this time round, an "overzealous" (I really dont want to insult him in public domain) civil service staff refused to approve his application because his query was "Why isnt your SG ID sharing the same address?"

If he had asked me that in person, I would have got up, smacked his head and tell him he is a fucking moron.

However instead, I replied calmly in an Email to our civil service staff

"Dear Sir,

If you noticed, my husband was working in Singapore before I met him. He already had his SG PR ID, hence the address on his PR ID. SO if I had not met him then, he obviously will not be sharing the same address.

Then BEFORE we got married, we moved overseas for work reasons. Obviously MINE was retained as my family's address, while he has no valid sg address to update his ID with since we are dating, NOT married. You dont put your gf's address on your ID when you are dating right? Only family members right?

After we got married, we continued to LIVE OVERSEAS and hence still do not have a joint SG address. Of course, I had personally visited our DEAR NEIGHBORHOOD POLIC POST IN BEDOK and asked to update our NRIC with our overseas address, ONLY to be advised by our efficient SPF that our Singapore ID cannot have overseas address.  So we can just retain what we have. So dear sir, can u kindly explain to me again where did we go wrong?

Meanwhile, if necessary, I am happy to send you a whole A4 box full of joint bank accounts, and bill payments stating our same address starting from 2004 to present 2013, with every month to date if you are interested to verify that we have been living together, if and only if, that is where your concern is."

Obviously, what we received was 2 weeks of pure silence with NO acknowledgements.
Then out of the blue, we received a letter form immigration with 2 ID stickers with our current HK address. Oh so, NOW we are able to paste overseas address on our ID. Did the law changed or did our friendly SPF officer told me the wrong thing?

Oh well.
At least its something we can now put it behind us, for another 5 years to come.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Weight loss ramblings

For strange explainable reasons, I have been losing weight. I am not kidding.

It was amazing enough that I was down to 50kg constant for a month since my trip back from Seoul. These 2 weeks, I have gone back down to 49.5kg. A figure that hasnt appeared on my scales for the last 10years. To see my weight starts with 4 is an utter shocker, of course it felt good though disbelieving. So much so to the extent that I had to keep hassling my man to weigh himself to convince me that the weight machine is working just fine. Will I ever hit 49kg? Lol!!!

My man told me I did look thinner to him.
"I bet if you go back to Singapore, your friends will tell you that you lost weight."
I dont feel lighter and I am not skipping on meals either.
All I can say is, I felt marvelously great after my Jeju Seoul trip and been keeping up with this good mood and good breakfast diet. I basically swap bread toast for proper chinese rice breakfast instead.

Another change in my life. I basically want nothing to do with fake fairy.
Which was partially why I didnt want to go back to Singapore even when my man has his biz trip.
I didnt want to make any contact with home.
I didnt want to hear or be involved in any negative vibes from home.

I especially dont want to know what the materialistic toxic fake fairy does or say because she is toxic element in my life and I am determined to cut her out from ruining my very zen and happy mood right now. Ever since she appeared in my brother's life, she brought along toxic negative vibes which have been seeping into my body mainly through my mother's ongoing bitching. No wonder the past year has been such a dreadful time.

Ever since May their super lame and cheena wedding, I made it a point to cut her and my brother out of my life. She thought she was being soo "smart" through blocking me from her facebook with my brother's approval (which was disappointing he is so henpecked but not surprising), which is fine because I dont even read her post since before her wedding.

In the process, I too blocked my brother from my personal posts saved the public posts, because I have no intention of having my personal side leaking to fake fairy from my brother's account since I know he has no concept of privacy from women in his life. He only lies but not hide. More importantly, I didnt want him commenting my post because his FB avatar picture consists of the fake bitch which turns my tummy everytime I sees it and makes me gag. So I would rather cut both of them completely off, even if it means sacrificing my fav dog. Sorry Gabby. I love you but their toxic negativity is too much for me to shoulder and I need a break for my own good health.

I also dont want to hear my mum possibly complaining or praising her or trying to lecture me about anything, esp the grossed out term "sister in law". Pui...any social escort prob can also be my SIL at this market rate using her as yardstick.

I am on a high in my life right now and loving every moment of it. Busy with fixing up my HK place and school work but otherwise, life is good. So I didnt want to call her. She can think the worst of me. I dont care. One has to be selfish once in a while.

These 3 months have been the most peaceful period of my life.
My man continues to make me laugh every night.  He cracks me up so hard that he told me to watch that I dont pee myself. Hahahaha! I still dont get how it is possible after a decade but he just gets funnier and funnier.

My good friends and Hk relatives from my man's side asked me if I didnt miss home. I told them frankly, home is the LAST PLACE I want to be. Since my brother is so cool about his wife wanting to treat me as stranger, then, obviously I wont feel welcome in their home anymore either since we are now officially declared as "strangers" right?

Which also means at one later point in time, I'm gonna tell my mum I am not going back for CNY next year. I am not interested in seeing fake fairy and all the fuss that goes into CNY. Being their first CNy as a couple, i am sure my brother will be very "onzs" to show off his fake wife. So I dont want to be involved in all those fakeness.

Of course I will miss my other half of the family but seeing toxic fake fairy soooo sooooon  again is not my idea of "taking a year off to body cleanse" myself of any toxic element. Even my husband agrees that toxic fairy is not good for us. He can't stand her fakeness too. Not to mention that my man has to sacrifice his perfectly good holidays to go back SG every year for my sake.

After the last horrible CNY, I think both my man and I deserve to pamper ourselves and have our own getaway holiday, more for him since he is always complaining about being overworked and not enough holidays and Singapore sucks as a relaxing destination. Maybe Maldives will be a good option? Hmmm. I wonder when is the direct flight from HK to Maldives gonna start? I hate having to start SQ. I HATE SINGAPORE AIRLINES. Period. (sorry to all my SQ pilot friends. It's your company, not u;p)

Monday, August 19, 2013

How FB changed my views of some people.

I havent cut my hair since May and its growing faster than weed...however, still short enough to be bearable. Lol

Anycase, I didnt want to blog about my hair today. I just wanted to let off steam accumulated from Facebook.

The beauty or ugliness (depending on how u see it) of Facebook is that you get to read (stupid) comments from friends and strangers that you may not normally have a chance to hear in real life, or maybe you do hear them but because you dont meet up with them everyday (not like in Facebook), you dont realise the full extent of the shit that comes out of their mouth (brain) until much later, prob years to come.

In the past before social media days, there will always be some people (friends, acquaintances etc) that you will probably ditch in 5 years down the road because you would have come to realize you share different views and whatsoever in life, either from what they do or what they say each time you meet them. However, because the dosage is small and spread out, your tolerance level prob is rather high till a day comes where the friendship comes a natural death or you just split up.

However, Facebook speed that up nicely.
It prob shorten those 5 years to 5 months.
Of course, Facebook is a mirror of real life.
If you dont get along in the virtual world, you are not gonna like what u get in real life.

Now look at Facebook, because you get to read what they post and what they comments almost EVERY day for avid FB fans (i consider myself semi fan), you have a more updated and frequent insight to the person you "thought" you knew. Seriously, the SHIT that I sometimes get to read send my eyeball rolling backwards faster than a hamster on the high running on a wheel, while muttering "Oh give me a break".

Look. I'm not perfect here, and I know somethings I spill some shit too. However, mainly those are crap borne out of boredom or maybe for fun to share post. Yet some of the people I know, they are like fucking crusaders on a mission with their post with personal agendas or ego on the stake. So insistent, so "paranoid", so negative, so "oh I KNOW what is best or right", SO flipping ANNOYING.

Just to give an example of some recent observations.

I have a "friend". Let's call her S.

She is in the F&B biz and so presumably, she believes she has the right to go on a "Eat right" crusade. Yeah sure. I dont mind a few good pointers steering me to the right way of eating right and healthily though I do believe that I am doing a fine job to date. Nonetheless, always good to hear from a "professional"

Initially, she was like actively posting things like what food are bad for us etc. Things that I already know mostly really but oh well, Facebook is like "Give Face" culture where u still like a post for things u already know. It's like giving an applause after someone gives a speech right?

Then one day couple of months, or maybe close to a year ago, I cant really rem, she posted something about some food info and I kind of took a different stand from her for a change. It wasnt like I disagree with her persay, but rather, what I rem telling her was that it really boils down to the individual self determination to eat right, and find out for themselves what food suit them and what doesnt. There is a world of information out there in google and they need to read and form their own decision as to what works for them. For example, Gluten free and organic, if you ask me, its a load of crap for most people. Gluten free is not necessary for people who doesnt suffer from the actual illness and allergy that requires them to be selective. As for organic, NOT ALL organic are good for you.

Anycase, I said my peace and Ms S shot back, refuting my argument that I am WRONG and there are too many wrong info out there and in short, I didnt know better. So she posted some other post and tagged me specifically adding "Case in point" that my view was wrong (and I wonder WHERE she gets her info from to form her views if not from she access from some unknown Bible of food from Hogwart?")

I let it slide. Honestly, what's there to argue about? Different people have different dietary beliefs and I didnt want to add on the insult that I am slimmer than she is, though I candidly admit I am not a better cook than she is. However, apparently my lack of prostration to her "Oh I am so right" FB argument must have somehow or another bruise her ego or offend her. She didnt openly declare war of course but she snubbed me in FB. You know you are being snubbed. She basically stop responding to some comments I have for her, even the non food ones.

I wasnt offended really. I couldnt care less though it did amaze me what kind of person u get to see online through social media. So I stop liking her post in return, in acknowledgement that "I get the hint" but I still read her posts time to time, which is hard not to since she can post like 6-8 posts a day.

What I found amusing and slightly disconcerting is this. While she is on this mission to so call educate us in eating right blah blah blah, and show pictures of food she cook everyday, and more recently, about her Vegan diet etc, yet I find that she is sooooo FULL OF SHIT. Dont get me wrong, I'm not critising her because she snubbed me, but let me share why.

She is on this mission where she believes in Paleo Diet (Go google it if you dont know. In short its about caveman diet and about eating the way our caveman ancestors eat). She raves and rants about how Animal Fat is NOT bad for you etc. Then suddenly, she changed gear and suddenly goes on a life mission to tell us about her sudden vega diet and that she crapped 4 times a day in the loo because her diet is sooooo good now. To throw in some dazzle, then she went on full attack on anything gluten and dairy, as well as sugar. (I have nothing against the attack on sugar since I am on minimal refined sugar diet as well). Then she went on with her ANTI- rice campaign about how we are killing ourselves and that our body are not meant to eat rice because caveman fathers didnt have rice in their diet.

What takes the cake was that while she is raving and ranting all these, she took a short vacation to Thailand with her friends and posted what they ate. THE SHITTIEST, the most unhealthy stuff u can imagine from the desserts, to the deep fried fatty stuff, to alot of crap basically. So for a week, she happily went on saying how delicious they are etc etc, and then on the other hand openly reminding that she is diverging from her vegan diet.

Excuse me, isnt that bordering on a little hypocrisy here? Not practicing what you preach?
This is when my eye balls started its rolling at F1 speed.

When I say I am trying to cut sugar out of my diet, I meant it and for the past year, I kept to it. That includes cutting out cakes, chocolates and alot of icecream. However, I never said I am FULL ANTI sugar, so that means, while I stopped adding sugar to my food, I do indulge in a spoonful of icecream here and there. Unlike Ms S who can flip flop faster than I can blink.

The thing is, it wont be so annoying if she wasnt so high and mighty about it. So now, she is baking gluten free chocolate cake and she was raving about how heavenly and moist it is. Yes, it's gluten free but its LOAD of SUGAR inside the cake. HOW IS THAT GOOD FOR ANYONE Missy? U are telling me that that Refined Sugar is ok now? *Smack head* Today, she went on a spree with her spread with FULL Clotted Cream on her fruits, drizzled with syrup. Yeah...the concept of eating fruits with something dreadful like clotted cream "really" lives up to your eating healthily without the junk...

So obviously I decided to actively STOP reading her post and stay my distance for a peace of sanity. Of course that also means that the next time I head back to Singapore, I wont be eager to look her up either. What I didnt dare to tell her, in case I break her ego was that, while she blamed her F&B biz to go under due to sudden increase in rent and cost of manpower (which I do agree), yet, I dont have the heart to tell her that her food wasnt very favorablely received by alot of my friends whom I brought there...of course I never did tell her the negative reviews, which judging from her FB behavior, she prob wont take it lying down.

There are other cases of stupid people with stupid FB posts but I'm not gonna talk about them all today. Dealing with stupidity, self centered ego is actually a rather tiring thing to even talk about.