
Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Overheard in the Shangri La hotel elevator, a conversation between an American old lady and a Chinese young lady translating for her mum.

Gran: Your necklace matches my earrings. (Pointing to young lady's mother) 
Lady: Oh yes. 
Gran: They are lovely. 
Lady: Yes. 
Gran: Mine are from Israel. 
Lady: oOHh! Is Real?
Gran: Israel. 
Lady: Is Real.
Gran: No. Not real. Israel. 
Lady: ah. (Silence)

Granny stepped out of elevator. The young lady turned to her mum and asked in Mandarin. 
"Israel 是什麼?" ( what's Israel?)

Mum who doesn't speak a word of English replied "以色列". 

I tried really hard not to grin through out the rest of the elevator ride.

Friday, December 13, 2013

HK food Review: Dinner at BCN (Barcelona)@ Soho Central, peel street

Decided to try a Spanish dining spot for a change. So called up BCN ( BarCeloNa) and got ourselves a seating at 7.30pm for two. 

Unlike other restaurants, BCN will watsapp the menu to you and u are expected to decide what menu u want at least one day before the dinner. So I chose trip to Spain.

 The weirdest thing is that the whole dining party must have the SAME menu for a non table seating. So if a party of 4 comes here and u want different choices, I reckon it makes more sense to make 2 reservations request to sit side by side. It's quite hard to talk for a party beyond 3. 

When we arrived, only a party of 2 Korean gals were here. The place is empty otherwise. That doesn't bode well for a Friday peak dinner night. 

The whole place is counter seating. No tables. Considering the whole place is empty, am surprised that they sat us just next to the Korean gals with one seat apart. So we could hear each other's conversation. 

By 8.30pm, it's still only the 4 of us. By now, I'm almost 3/4 way done. 

For starters, we had iberico ham n cheese. Nothing to rave about.

The next dish is octopus with potato sitting in a pool of olive oil. If u love slurping up oil, I guess this will do it for you. Personally, was a little let down by both the presentation as well as the dish itself. While the octopus itself is cooked well n sweet, retaining its seafood flavor, yet the potato slice was rather bland n disappointing. The texture combination is a let down. I would think it needs some other pairing to give the dish more character. It may be authentic but if u have an overpriced menu, I expect something better, and a larger slice of octopus to start with would b brilliant.

Following shortly, comes croquette dish. As mentioned before, croquette is my speciality... And frankly, this is kinda hit and miss dish. Out of 3, only the middle one was any good....

By now, I wasn't wow but neither too bitterly disappointed. Just when I thought I could remain suitably neutral about the dishes, the garlic soup which followed next was frankly the first disappointment of the eve. I think this Garlic Soup is about as exciting n tasty as a can of Campbell soup...what lies within this bowl is cubes of potato n a large chunk of garlic. Seriously dude...u don't open a restaurant, charge an arm n a leg and serve me this.

Before I can recover from shaking my head, the seafood paella was squally disappointing. The flavor was acceptable but the rice was so chewy that I couldn't go beyond 5 spoonful. I had to ask the chef if paella is intended to b this chewy. The last paella I had in Spain def wasn't this chewy where I could still see the complete white within each grain despite the seafood soup browning. 

The chef initially said it's meant to b chewy, but less than risotto. I told him that his was definitely MUCH harder n chewier than risotto. I offered my plate for his tasting. He took a bite and insisted it was perfectly cooked. He said "I stayed in Spain 3 months..." And then He went on defending his dish that "he didn't want to bastardized the dish to HK style" and that ALL his other patrons love this dish. Instead of doing something about it there n then, his parting words were "u should let us know next time u want it softer"

Buddy, in the first place, how would I know your seafood paella would be so hard, 50% harder than risotto and definitely unlike wat I had in Spain Barcelona. Secondly, what makes u think I'm gonna come back???

When a chef is so defensive to a simple question, it's really no point continuing the conversation. I left it as it is, he walked off and even when he saw that we didn't touch the dish further, no offer to cook it further, no nothing. Not a simple apology on my obvious disappointment.

The next dish slow cook pork was very good though n cook to perfection. However, while the cinamon sweet sauce was good, personally I didn't like the pumpkin purée. I think it had a tad too much of something else either some oil or butter which ruins the natural sweetness of pumpkin.

The dessert Catalan Cream was again nothing great. The cream was warm at some parts and cold at some parts. Not a very good redeeming ending.

All in all will I be back? Never.
Not on my list to recommend. 

Do I think this place will last, sadly, I highly doubt it. The chef (from tonite) definitely needs to rethink about his recipes, overpricing and cooking techniques....also, too many waitress n staff for such a small place. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Travel log: Kyoto, Japan day 2. Part 1 ( 16 Nov 2013)

16 Nov 2013

There are 2 alternatives to get to Kyoto from Osaka. Either via the hankyu or the Jr train, being that we are so near JR, it only made sense for us to head to Kyoto via JR limited express train ( shin kaisoku = 新快速)

Side note: 
There are many passes options available in Japan for foreign travelers and u really need to calculate to make ur sums worthwhile. Unless u take 2 trips of Shinkansen to different prefecture, normally it isn't really worthwhile to buy the 3 day or7 day passes. 

Osaka subway
However, having the Suica train card ( bought from my previous Tokyo trip) is so useful because u don't have to look at the train chart and q to buy your ticket. There is no discount but it's the convenience that makes life easier. Unlike in Tokyo, It took me a few mins to figure out how to buy the individual subway train for my man since you must know the train line name in addition to the stop u need to make. 

The limited expres train ticket can be bought from the same ticket counter as per the normal trains, I wasn't too sure if that button that says Kyoto is the correct train, so I had the lady at the gantry to help me. I was correct but it's always safer to ensure it's the limited express (新快速) ( about under 30mins to Kyoto)  and not the standard normal train (普通) which stops at every station. 

We headed to the F&B section for breakfast. Not much that appeals to us really so we settled on fried rice. It was way too salty for mine so I couldn't finish it. I had the normal dry crab fried rice but my man had their popular egg topping crab rice. His was ok initially but after a while, he felt the thirst come on. I tried the add on (tsuika = 追加) homemade traditional almond pudding for 100 yen and that was nice.

I can't rem why it was more confusing the last time traveling from Osaka to Kyoto several years back then. Now, everything and signage is so darn clear that it's impossible to get lost I think. I could read the signs and instructions better this time round...but I'm sure they have made vast improvements with the streams of foreigners visiting Kyoto from Osaka daily. For one, I'm pretty sure there were no blue stickers on the ground in the past to differentiate the lines.

The train is jammed pack and very often u will be required to stand. I was lucky to get a seat but not my man. 

Very often, I find japan trains to be very warm inside each cabin so I have gotten smart over the years. Have a sturdy warm but light weight jacket that u can strip off and leave u with a Tshirt or loose top so that u don't have to sweat like a pig inside the warm train, and ur arms won't ache from having to lug the jacket the entire way. 

If u want a seat and are not rush for time, u can always stand in line and wait for the next train and u will be first in line. The trains depart about every 15mins apart though depending on the departure time, not all trains are limited express I think. U can check the website in advance for the train schedule. Else, grab the train schedule from the train station master before or while u buy the ticket.

Travel log: Osaka, Japan day 1. Part 2.

Osaka day 1 - part 2.

After the Yakiniku meal, the first place I simply must head to is towards my grilled crab place. Several years back when I came to Osaka, the grilled crab leg was the singular highlight of my stay. It would be a sin to pass it up! 

Before that, it took us a few turns to get to the right lane...had to find this lane that leads to the temple first...

My man was amused by all the huge cartoon like ornament depicting the food that was being sold, from cute puffer fish to octopus etc. despite the wide array of food options, I didn't stop till I hit my destination. Good thing the store remained where it was and so I could find it, though the shops opposite has a drastic change to the current tatsuya.there are also now Starbucks which was currently non existent back then.

The crab legs were as good as before, soooo freaking sweet. It is alittle tricky to eat while standing since the flesh is kinda hard to pick out with chopsticks with one hand. Took a little balancing but it was worth the hassle. Completely. I still rem taking my elder brother and sister in law here previously and we love it so much that we pack a whole lot back to my room since my hotel was nearby. Was staying in cross hotel back then. Lovely hotel by the way and though much smaller than ritz, for for a solo occupant, it worked out perfectly and a good size. Still rem they had great bathroom.

Any case back to Dotonburi, the street wasn't as packed as I last remembered, and despite filling up quickly, I bought a pack of 6 octopus balls for my man to try since he had never eaten tako balls all his life. As expected, I knew he didn't like it as it's too much of a flour dough for him. 

Next thing I knew I spotted Mizuno which is another crazy popular okonomiyaki place. Everyone seems to eat there tourists and locals alike. I didn't bother since we are stuffed. Next trip perhaps!?

After having a good look, we decided to grab the subway back. The Osaka metro subway station was a nightmare. We wanted to go to Harbs and ended up in the wrong building. Thankfully this girl knew where it was and gave me directions to the hankyu mall which was on the opposite end of where we were. My man really wanted Harbs ( I should not have got him addicted to it back in Tokyo as Harbs is my fav haunt) so off we go....

It wasn't easy to find honestly and even the aunties working there didn't know where is Harbs but a young chap overheard our conversation and volunteered the directions. Amen! 

We had our usual mix fruit cake since the other one I wanted was sold out. I'm in japan too early and so the seasonal queen of strawberry shortcake isn't available yet. Darn. I miss that...the fresh cream still lingers in my mind after all these years....

The Harbs here is either offering a smaller menu or they had taken out my fav "wedding tea" which I had in Tokyo branch. So we settled for flora herbs tea instead. Once our sweet tooth was was a long walk back to the room....but hey, it was a satisfying first night in japan. Gotto sleep early for Kyoto tomorrow! 

Travel log: Osaka,Japan day 1. Part 1 - (15 nov 2013)

Osaka day 1: 15Nov 2013

Upon reach Osaka and check in, we decided to have our first go at yakiniku. As we didn't make any prior reservations and being Friday nite, all the highly recommended places are already fully book, ESP Kobe beef. Thankfully, I did some homework before flying and asked to check ourselves in to this place, Matsusakagyu Yakiniku. Apparently it's quite a popular joint with the locals too.

We could have taken the subway but being tight for time, we took a cab to the destination and it cost about 2000yen but the driver was very nice. Chatted abit and while he hasn't been to HK, he went to Singapore for his honeymoon like 20years ago. The only description he has for our city state "clean". Hahahaha. All these years, that's about the most common if not, only adjective I have heard from foreigners about my hometown...sad if u think about it but that's for another day.

We were shown into a small private cubicle and handed the menu which has both English and japanese version. 

What I really like is that they have a menu describing all parts and ranked from fattiest to leanest. Had to take this since it's so freaking useful!

In the end, we chose the assorted platter which is the easiest and has the widest choice. When the meat arrived, I Thot it looked a little lesser than I like and so I topped it up with another order of wasabi beef rice which was rather average. The yuzu wine was really nice though.

Over here, u get to cook your own meat. The suction works very well and so there was virtually no funny stench commonly associated with BBQ places. My man was the one who cooked the meat. Meal always taste better when I don't have to lift a finger. Haaa haaaa.

Jokes aside, while the meal was ok, it wasn't spectacular. Definitely have had better Yakiniku in Tokyo before. Still, it was sooo central and close to Dotonburi, it was good place to go to if u need a quick fix. Plus the place comes with free wifi which is a rarity in japan. 

After the meal, I took my man straight to Dotonburi for snackies part 2! The nite is still young! 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Unique ice cream place in tin hau

My fren in Singapore was just lamenting the other day, about how many more "cafés", soy bean curd, ice cream joints we need to be invaded by on this small island, where everyone sells about the same thing with no innovation and creativity. 

While I have no further inputs on her observation, I am on the other hand, happy to announce that I just love HK vibrant food culture that constantly allows new shops to spring up in pockets one after another. While my beloved CWB has seen its demise for small F&B ventures, saved for expensive conglomerates that have deep pockets to pay the exorbitant rental rates, It is with much delight that apart from sheung wan, Tin hau is also turning into a nice eating spot! 

Apart from I M Teppanyaki which I had found, we too discovered a nice bread place "BlissHive" with very nice cakes and their freshly made breads are without preservatives nor margarines,  and a gourmet meat place ( love the pig trotters door handle)...while strolling the area, spotted a steamboat place too. 

From BlissHive, I tried their NY cheesecake and another banana walnut mascarpone cake. Also bought a loaf of green tea bread to try. Personally I prefer the cheesecake which isn't too sweet, the banana mascarpone has this hard crunchy top that didn't quite do it for me. However, their green tea bread was nice, esp when I paired it with butter and kaya spread.  

The whole feel is soooo Bustling with local crowd without the gweilou as often seen in central. The crowd isn't ur average joe either, since I overheard a lot of highly educated youngsters who are either ABCs or schooled internationally. 

The best was spotting this shop called lab made ice cream where they churned out ur ice cream "made to order". It isn't your everyday off the mill favors but rather a small but eclectic offering such as pandan cake or toasted bread flavor. The crowd size was amazing. U would not be faulted to think its more of a crowd befitting of a beer joint but nope, it's purely ice cream, to-go to boot. The patrons seemed to love it. One has to push past the crowd just to get close enough the board to see what were the flavors of the day. I was too full to try it that night but I promise u I will be back to give a full review.

Honestly, given the maddening crowd, I think the flavours must be something to be reckoned with since this store has been around for quite some time. However as my local fren would put in perspective, "why pay 9 times the price for 奶醬多 ice cream when u can get the real thing at 5 bucks at 茶餐廳。" lol

Hk Food Review: Gonpachi@ Lee Gardens CWB

Gonpachi has opened for several months now but I didn't bother to go try it out as I wasn't very smitten with the Tokyo main store several years back. I went to Gonpachi Tokyo twice and both times I was highly disappointed.

However, spoiling for a quick lunch in CWB on sat peak lunch hour with no prior reservations, I decided to give Gonpachi Hk a go since we were just in Lee Garden anyway. The fact that it's pricey made it a safer bet than cheap lunch prices which is bound to be packed.

There is a lunch set menu, and it isn't all skewers. Amen. I settled for a tempura don set while my man settled for the 6 skewers set. Both set are priced around Hk 250 plus /minus, before service charges etc.

The servings are a nice large size actually, complete with miso soup and 2 mini starters. My tempura don was ok. Marginally above average and not too sweet with sauce.  My man's skewer set actually is more yummy than mine. There's the standard minced chicken stick, beef stick, green pepper stick, bacon wrapped round asparagus stick, mushroom stick etc, though I wasn't too wild abt the green pepper sticks. it was actually quite good!

We both ordered extra drinks, him the ice cold yuzu lime and me the yuzu honey warm. It was quite unnecessary really since the tea was sufficient but oh well, wanted to drink something else. The drinks are ok, not spectacular.

Oh, I ordered a snow crab croquette as well and it came in 3 pieces. The servicing size was perfect and the crispy skin was very thin and light without being greasy. While the filling is indeed packed with nice mouthful of crab, can't help but feel its a little too creamy for my liking. The cream they mixed with the crab meat is also too sweet, which is at odd with savory crab meat. So as a croquette lover and critic, this isn't my fav and while it doesn't fall flat and has it merits, it isn't the best in town unless they can improve on the flavor to make it less sweet and a little more liberal with sea salt seasoning for the filling. ( and I'm someone who doesn't like excessive salty dishes)

The food is nice but I take issue with the short chairs. No kidding, it's one of the most odd chair to table height ratio I have experienced and so I had to request the staff to pass me the zabuton or the red cushion to prop up the chair height.  I'm not short, averaging 1.65m and if I think the chair is too low for a comfortable meal experience and proper digestion, I don't know how other shorter HK ladies cope?  My man on the other hand HATES the non stop drumming "music" noise that they play. So instead of a nice relaxing dining place, it sounds more like a charging field with occasional quiet or soft music interlude. Weird choice of music if u ask me but no one did.

The place is often relatively empty at early dinner and lunch. I am assuming the pricing may have something to do with it. Then again, the Viet restaurant An Nam next door is just as pricey but it's always fully book....hmmm...

After the meal, we were given several hk20 coupons to be deducted off next meal. Supposedly accumulative is fine. Would I be back, yes, but not often due to the non justifiable price.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Chun Li?! Lol

In HK, most people generally dress watever they want and will not receive much odd looks or stares as in Singapore.

In SG, just wearing boots alone will generally garner a few looks but in HK, outlandish clothes won't even have people bate their eyelids unless the woman is wearing something revealing. 

today, I spotted this China Chun Li wannabe walking around CWB and Q-ing before me in Crabtree. 

Her flora dress was super "eye catching" loud and top it with that hair style, I really wanted to laugh but that's prob the "Sg " in me. Sorry, I found it rather comical because she wasn't cute and at late 30s, she really couldn't pull it off.

Chancing upon HK celeb Karen Mok in person!

The thing about living in HK, I got to see quite a few HK and Taiwanese celebs in person over the years while going around running errands on normal days. Have seen Andy Lau, Edison, Nicholas Tse, Cecilia, Carina Lau, Donnie Yen, Gigi Leung, Charlie, Xiao Zhu (Show) , 劉青雲, 蘇永康 Etc. Today, I saw one of my fav artist!

Sometimes I bumped into them while they are shopping, sometimes they are seated across me during meal or tea time, sometimes they are out fulfilling promotional activities, or shooting movie scenes. While I couldn't be bothered with any SG Actor or actresses ( some I don't even realise they are "stars") with exception of talented Dick and Kit Chan, HK and Taiwanese celebs exudes a completely different air about them that made me take a second look. Maybe it's the industry, maybe it's their international stardom that just makes them  un-commoner.

Last week, I was about to go up the escalator to head to supermarket but a small crowd caught my eyes. Being a little inquisitive, I took a few steps forward to see which celeb was being interviewed and presto, it is my fav HK celeb Karen Mok!

Oh my god! It was jaw dropping because she looked sooooo pretty in person that
 took me a second look to confirm it was her. All these years, the mag shots and movie shows did not do her looks justice. She belongs to the category of looking better in person. And she is so cute when she laughed!

For some strange reason, I was able to stand right in front, like basically an arm's length away from her while she was being interviewed. The tv guy was standing next to me and he gave a surprised look seeing I was next to him. Haa haaaa.

Karen was being interviewed about her new shop and of coz her hubby. I was just snapping pictures of her non stop. I was just alittle excited. The last time I was this excited was bumping into Charlie young near my home and asked to take a photo with her together.

I thought about asking Karen for photo but carrying my prawn grocery, I felt too frumpy to do that. So I contented myself with just photos of her at close distance.